Are Democrats for The Middle Class?

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
Never mind that the effect of Democrat policies over the last 6+ years has been the decimation of the middle class. We wont go there.
But Dems are supposed to be the party of the lower class. Yet they constantly pander to the "middle class", as we see with Obama's new giveaways for community college and the like. Hillary is pro middle class. Kerry ran on a middle class tax cut. Now of course they cant do that since most middle class voters pay no income tax so they have to go for giveaways like student debt forgiveness. But I digress.
The issue is that about 98% of Americans see themselves as middle class. So Dems have to craft their rhetoric, if not their polciies, to supporting the middle class,e ven though more traditionally they were the party of the working class.
But in reality they are the party of the special interests. They are the party of the race pimps, gays, trial lawyers, barking-mad eco-nazis, peaceniks, ivory tower eggheads and the like. Certainly nothing fo rth emiddle class, whom they regularly despise and jeer. Recall Obama's "bitterly clinging" rhetoric.
There's no middle class for the Democrats, it's the poor (us) and the rich (them). No in between.
Exactly my point. There is the upper 1%, some mythical group somewhere that is putting it over on the rest of us, and "Us".
Never mind that the effect of Democrat policies over the last 6+ years has been the decimation of the middle class. We wont go there.
But Dems are supposed to be the party of the lower class. Yet they constantly pander to the "middle class", as we see with Obama's new giveaways for community college and the like. Hillary is pro middle class. Kerry ran on a middle class tax cut. Now of course they cant do that since most middle class voters pay no income tax so they have to go for giveaways like student debt forgiveness. But I digress.
The issue is that about 98% of Americans see themselves as middle class. So Dems have to craft their rhetoric, if not their polciies, to supporting the middle class,e ven though more traditionally they were the party of the working class.
But in reality they are the party of the special interests. They are the party of the race pimps, gays, trial lawyers, barking-mad eco-nazis, peaceniks, ivory tower eggheads and the like. Certainly nothing fo rth emiddle class, whom they regularly despise and jeer. Recall Obama's "bitterly clinging" rhetoric.
All professional politicians pander to someone, whether it's a "class", an industry, or movement. They all have their "causes", "agendas", and "favorites". But, saying that, what they appear to be for, is not always how they vote on the floors of Congress. Remember, they're all on the take, controlled by Lobbyists, and engage in self-service.

Also, if anyone in government, whether Democrat or Republican, is attempting to help the Middle Class, they're dropping the ball big time. There are less families considered to be Middle Class now than there were 30 or 40 years ago. How many times have we heard or read the words "shrinking Middle Class"? When we have a movement in class, it's usually more of the Middle Class dropping to the lower class than rising to the upper class.

In addition, professional politicians will say anything. It's what they actually do that counts. Democrats haven't raised the Middle Class any more than Republicans have. As of right now, the Middle Class is on shaky ground. Democrats and Republicans alike, are in Washington pandering to special interests, and engaging in self-service. If anyone in the Middle Class is helped, it's purely by accident.
The issue is that about 98% of Americans see themselves as middle class.

Silly fucking rabbit. Prove it. Beside's that. You are a rabbit and have no class. So where does that put you? The final 2% LMAO. Silly fucking rabbit.
There's no middle class for the Democrats, it's the poor (us) and the rich (them). No in between.

You seem as stupid as your rabbit buddy.

In case you missed some of the posts on here claiming how bad things are. Those are ALWAYS written by right winger lazy fucks.

So there is a middle class and Dems populate it. There is an ultra rich class and the plutocrats of both parties populate it and there is the low or no class and thats where the Republicans will be found. Poor and unemployed and crying about it. Instead of getting off your asses and getting a job.
seems like they are more interested in taking money from those that work and giving it to those that don't

blue print for change = wealth re-distribution
The median household income in the US is about 50,000. That would be the middle of the middle class. How many are in the middle class would depend on how far above and below that number you want to set the limits at.
There's no middle class for the Democrats, it's the poor (us) and the rich (them). No in between.
Exactly my point. There is the upper 1%, some mythical group somewhere that is putting it over on the rest of us, and "Us".
FYI - The upper 1% is not a myth, they exist, are very much real, and in control. And, by the way, it has nothing to do with either Democrats or Republicans. The upper 1% consist of a mixture of all political persuasions. All socioeconomic "classes" consist of a mixture of political persuasions.
Does it matter?
Wouldn't a better question be - Are ANY Politicians for the middle class?
The middle class has been getting their asses kicked for the past 30 years. Thirty years.
And you bet we have been getting particularly hosed since 2008.
Again I find myself having t say:
Since 2008 -
Top 7% wage earners have lavished in a record 33% earnings increase.
The rest of the WORKING 93% have suffered a 5% loss. Note - WORKING, unemployed are not in this figure.
So you tell me - is there ANYONE in Washington that represents the American family over corporate lobbyist and the financial sector?
Where is that fucking rabbit to prove that 98% of Americans think they are "middle class"?

We've got plutocrats. And the rest of us. The plutocrats call some of us Democrats and some of us Republicans and even some of us Independents.

But no matter what the plutocrats call US, they are still the one calling the shots.
So you tell me - is there ANYONE in Washington that represents the American family over corporate lobbyist and the financial sector?

I actually think that Bernie Sanders would represent the middle class. But by himself there isn't much he can do.
We need a large group of populists in Washington.
So you tell me - is there ANYONE in Washington that represents the American family over corporate lobbyist and the financial sector?

I actually think that Bernie Sanders would represent the middle class. But by himself there isn't much he can do.
We need a large group of populists in Washington.

They would never get a nomination by the parties. Let alone get elected.
Our election system is thoroughly corrupt. It takes $millions to run for a national elections. And the only way to get that money is to make promises to lobbyist and special interest groups. Take their money and not do what they want? - you will face a lonely-short career.
You were right to say plutocracy. Only it is more like a kleptocracy. We are no longer a representative republic.
We only think we are.
They would never get a nomination by the parties. Let alone get elected.
Our election system is thoroughly corrupt. It takes $millions to run for a national elections. And the only way to get that money is to make promises to lobbyist and special interest groups.

Well I do agree that if the middle class gives up without even trying something different, then you are correct.

However there is a way to run a campaign and not have to go through all the normal "channels".

The Internet. Social media. Fund raising on the "Net.

Remember crazy Howard Dean? He might have been a little crazy, but he scared the shit out of the main stream politician because of the way he organized his campaign and how he raised funds.

If there was the will of the middle class to find a better representative for us there would be a way to fund and make competitive a good candidate for the middle class.

Bernie is to old. Warren??
I don't see either party working for the middle class.

Look at the way health care has gone, the primary burden is on the middle class. Before that we had Fanny and Freddy, who has paid for that? The middle class.

Who gets laws to help them, the rich and the poor, not the middle class.
There's no middle class for the Democrats, it's the poor (us) and the rich (them). No in between.

You seem as stupid as your rabbit buddy.

In case you missed some of the posts on here claiming how bad things are. Those are ALWAYS written by right winger lazy fucks.

So there is a middle class and Dems populate it. There is an ultra rich class and the plutocrats of both parties populate it and there is the low or no class and thats where the Republicans will be found. Poor and unemployed and crying about it. Instead of getting off your asses and getting a job.
could't have said it better myself

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