Are Democrats In Washington Smarter Than Their Gop Opposition?


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Peter Thiel Talks Politics, Living Forever And The Need For The GOP To Get Smarter Reps
7:28 PM 09/24/2014

Jamie Weinstein
Senior Editor
Libertarian tech mogul Peter Thiel says the GOP needs to bolster its ranks with smarter people in Congress.

During an extensive interview with The Daily Caller, the PayPal founder and author of the new book ”Zero To One: Notes On Startups, Or How To Build The Future” discussed his 2012 financial support for then-Senate candidate Ted Cruz.

“Well, I think he’s very smart,” Thiel said of Cruz, who is now the junior senator from Texas. “I think one of the challenges we have in the Republican Party is … our representatives, our senators, are somewhat lower IQ than the people on the other side. So I think there is something to be said for getting some really smart people in there.”

Besides his support for Cruz, Thiel was also a major donor to Ron Paul’s 2012 presidential super PAC. Asked whom he would be more likely to support in the 2016 presidential race, Cruz or Paul’s son Sen. Rand Paul, Thiel said “they both would be strong candidates.”

In this segment of TheDC’s interview, Thiel also gives his view of the IRS scandal, the minimum wage, immigration reform and much more.

Thiel Explains Why He Supported Ted Cruz The Daily Caller

Jamie Weinstein
Jamie Weinstein is Senior Editor of The Daily Caller. His work has appeared in The Weekly Standard, the New York Daily News and The Washington Examiner, among many other publications. He also worked as the Collegiate Network Journalism Fellow at Roll Call Newspaper and is the winner of the 2011 "Funniest Celebrity in Washington" contest. A regular on Fox News and other cable news outlets, Weinstein received a master’s degree in the history of international relations from the London School of Economics in 2009 and a bachelor's degree in history and government from Cornell University in 2006. He is the author of the political satire, "The Lizard King: The Shocking Inside Account of Obama's True Intergalactic Ambitions by an Anonymous White House Staffer."
This is the closest thing I know to racism. Assuming that one party is smarter than the other. I don't know if there is a name for this kind of mind-set. Someone who feels that simply being a member of a particular party makes you smarter.
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Liberals are most certainly usually better politicians...they have to be, as they are activists pushing an agenda.

Conservatives are generally not better at politicking, but they generally are better stewards of the tax payers coffers.
Elitism. But you think you're smarter than liberals anyway, don't ya mud?

Don't ya?

If so, thread fail.
If not, worldview fail.

Independents will win the Country one day. Can hardly wait. They ARE, in fact, smarter in that one way.
Y'know, my expectations of professional politicians have deteriorated to the point where their intelligence is almost irrelevant to me.

Too many of them are narcissistic liars who are far more concerned with appeasing their donors and/or setting up their after-politics careers than anything else. Literally.

That alone is doing so much damage that their intelligence is essentially secondary.

In fact, come to think of it, if they're more intelligent, that might make them even better at implementing their dishonest, narcissistic thuggery.

Nothing improves until and unless the system under which these people operate is changed.

Y'know, my expectations of professional politicians have deteriorated to the point where their intelligence is almost irrelevant to me.

Too many of them are narcissistic liars who are far more concerned with appeasing their donors and/or setting up their after-politics careers than anything else. Literally.

That alone is doing so much damage that their intelligence is essentially secondary.

In fact, come to think of it, if they're more intelligent, that might make them even better at implementing their dishonest, narcissistic thuggery.

Nothing improves until and unless the system under which these people operate is changed.

I always assumed that problem-solvers were more intelligent than trouble-makers.
Being able to cause turmoil doesn't make you smarter than someone who's trying to fix things.
Anyone can be a critic. Not everyone can be beyond criticism.
It depends on what he considers to be smart. If it is all about smartly lying and misinforming to effectively deceive, which most pols are good at, then obviously this is not a good thing.

People claim the Clintons are really smart. I would agree. They are very smart liars.
Making decisions based purely on political cause and effect is smart politically, but very dumb in reality. Especially when it involves military operations.

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