Are Democrats throwing away Black and legal immigrant support?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
In a world of Identity Politics which the left love so much and base their strategies on, it would seem to me these would be the two demographics who have the most resentment to not having a border all.

Are they going to rely on illegal immigrants to vote for them? I can't see how either demographic would think, "yeah everything is cool, keep doing what your doing, we don't need a wall. I'm gonna go out and vote for Democrats to support my plight".
They will do what they have been; rigging their primaries and representing the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class.
In a world of Identity Politics which the left love so much and base their strategies on, it would seem to me these would be the two demographics who have the most resentment to not having a border all.

Are they going to rely on illegal immigrants to vote for them? I can't see how either demographic would think, "yeah everything is cool, keep doing what your doing, we don't need a wall. I'm gonna go out and vote for Democrats to support my plight".

That appears to be the case but it is probably more complicated than that.
It's amazing how self-destructing intellectually lazy people can be when motivated by hate.
Democrats have lost their damn minds. THE LAST thing Dem's should be doing is having a public fight with Trump on the issue of illegal alien crime and dead Americans. They are going to force Americans to pay attention to this issue and LOSE HUGE. Idiot Dem's should have just quietly given Trump the $5 billion.
The answer is no because the republicans are not interested in pleasing anyone except old white guys.
It's amazing how self-destructing intellectually lazy people can be when motivated by hate.

Hatred from me or hatred from those subjecting their most vulnerable citizens to uncontrolled, illegal immigration? It isn't the wealthy living in their gated communities that are being impacted.

Legal immigrants resent the fact others are jumping the line. The Black community are angry about jobs being taken and about their communities facing "three strikes you're out" while others are released on bail and head back to Mexico after they commit a serious crime.

MSNBC and CNN aren't reporting from outside the Bubbles, some network even had CNN cancel on them once they found out the story was pro-barrier.
In a world of Identity Politics which the left love so much and base their strategies on, it would seem to me these would be the two demographics who have the most resentment to not having a border all.

Are they going to rely on illegal immigrants to vote for them? I can't see how either demographic would think, "yeah everything is cool, keep doing what your doing, we don't need a wall. I'm gonna go out and vote for Democrats to support my plight".
Polls show that blacks and Hispanics (legal registered voters) oppose a wall.
Don't make threads about what a group of people think unless you have seen polls about the issue in question.
In a world of Identity Politics which the left love so much and base their strategies on, it would seem to me these would be the two demographics who have the most resentment to not having a border all.

Are they going to rely on illegal immigrants to vote for them? I can't see how either demographic would think, "yeah everything is cool, keep doing what your doing, we don't need a wall. I'm gonna go out and vote for Democrats to support my plight".
all they get from the right wing is bigotry and nothing but repeal.
In a world of Identity Politics which the left love so much and base their strategies on, it would seem to me these would be the two demographics who have the most resentment to not having a border all.

Are they going to rely on illegal immigrants to vote for them? I can't see how either demographic would think, "yeah everything is cool, keep doing what your doing, we don't need a wall. I'm gonna go out and vote for Democrats to support my plight".
Polls show that blacks and Hispanics (legal registered voters) oppose a wall.
Don't make threads about what a group of people think unless you have seen polls about the issue in question.

I didn't see a poll that suggests that Blacks or working class Americans are happy with shipping jobs to China either. Or that Blacks supported Justice Reform. I assume both from the feedback I hear online. I'm not talking about shills and race pimps like Al Sharpton either.

I've seen enough posted on twitter to know that many Blacks have resentment for Sanctuary Cities and funds going to illegal immigrants, via healthcare and otherwise; to know that they want changes. Someone posted a poll that suggested Black Americans want even less immigration of ALL forms.

I won't believe that there is support against the wall. Maybe some manufactured support against Trump, and they use this to pick at the wall issue, but I highly doubt there is widespread dislike for the wall I think the Democrats have a belief that, "it doesn't matter what is good for average Americans, we have the courts behind us to prevent the wall and keep the illegal immigration, and future of the Democratic party, flowing".

I say Trump should build it, fight it in court while he builds it. By the time it works it's way through the Supreem Court it will be finished with a bow on top.
In a world of Identity Politics which the left love so much and base their strategies on, it would seem to me these would be the two demographics who have the most resentment to not having a border all.

Are they going to rely on illegal immigrants to vote for them? I can't see how either demographic would think, "yeah everything is cool, keep doing what your doing, we don't need a wall. I'm gonna go out and vote for Democrats to support my plight".
According to the midterms a couple months ago, Dems are racking up the votes impressively
In a world of Identity Politics which the left love so much and base their strategies on, it would seem to me these would be the two demographics who have the most resentment to not having a border all.

Are they going to rely on illegal immigrants to vote for them? I can't see how either demographic would think, "yeah everything is cool, keep doing what your doing, we don't need a wall. I'm gonna go out and vote for Democrats to support my plight".
According to the midterms a couple months ago, Dems are racking up the votes impressively

It's a Mid-Term, of course they did.

In 2020, as long as Trump keeps his promises, they will be crushed. You better hope they are or socialism is in your future comrade.
In a world of Identity Politics which the left love so much and base their strategies on, it would seem to me these would be the two demographics who have the most resentment to not having a border all.

Are they going to rely on illegal immigrants to vote for them? I can't see how either demographic would think, "yeah everything is cool, keep doing what your doing, we don't need a wall. I'm gonna go out and vote for Democrats to support my plight".
Polls show that blacks and Hispanics (legal registered voters) oppose a wall.
Don't make threads about what a group of people think unless you have seen polls about the issue in question.

I didn't see a poll that suggests that Blacks or working class Americans are happy with shipping jobs to China either. Or that Blacks supported Justice Reform. I assume both from the feedback I hear online. I'm not talking about shills and race pimps like Al Sharpton either.

I've seen enough posted on twitter to know that many Blacks have resentment for Sanctuary Cities and funds going to illegal immigrants, via healthcare and otherwise; to know that they want changes. Someone posted a poll that suggested Black Americans want even less immigration of ALL forms.

I won't believe that there is support against the wall. Maybe some manufactured support against Trump, and they use this to pick at the wall issue, but I highly doubt there is widespread dislike for the wall I think the Democrats have a belief that, "it doesn't matter what is good for average Americans, we have the courts behind us to prevent the wall and keep the illegal immigration, and future of the Democratic party, flowing".

I say Trump should build it, fight it in court while he builds it. By the time it works it's way through the Supreem Court it will be finished with a bow on top.
No, what you claim to have heard on Twitter from blacks and Hispanics (Who told you their legal status, you claim) isn't a scientific poll.
You may be lying about hearing these things or using 3 people as a sample. You're just a nickname in a message board making claims.
It’s true. The GOP is really the open tent party. They love black people and Hispanic people. Everyone knows this. If you believe that the Democrat party really wants black Americans and Hispanic Americans to be equal and should vote in elections, you are a moron.

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