Are Democrats Trying To Run Out The clock On Wasserman-Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring ?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The DNC Chairwoman hires Pakistani IT 'professionals' who have criminal records and are connected to terrorists...

Gives them access to classified House e-mails, records, and files without having the security clearances to do include House Intel and Foreign Affairs files

Pays members of their family who don't even work there...

Allows these Pakistani spies to download TERA BYTES of information from the House classified server...

Immediately rehires Awan after all of this is discovered and the Pakistanis are booted and banned from the House while an ESPIONAGE investigation is conducted...

Gives him access to the House server again despite still not having the security clearance to have such access...

Gives him access to all personal e-mail accounts, to include their usernames / passwords...

"The employees appeared to be accessing congressional servers without authorization, an indication that they “could be reading and/or removing information,” according to documents distributed at the previously unreported private briefings.

For some who listened to the findings, the fact that the employees were born in Pakistan set off alarms about national security, according to two participants who spoke on the condition of anonymity."

Pakistanis flee to Pakistan and are now protected by the Pakistani govt...

Stolen govt property, money sent back to Pakistan, Awan has been arrested

The last real story about any of this was back in August, as the media continues to refuse to cover it or provide an update on what is going on. Instead, they be like...


Much like with the news that just broke about how Muller, Holder, and Obama hid the Russian Bribery scandal until the Uranium 1 deal went through, Democrats / the media is remaining silent on this HNC-facilitated espionage...

Exclusive: Wasserman Schultz IT Staffer Banned From House Network Months Ago Still Has Active Account
Liberals have no problem with Democratic corruption. That's the bottom line.
What else would the party of criminal supporting scum bags do?

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