Are Japanese People OK To Be Friends With Muslim?

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Yes, there are Muslims in Japan. Not many, but there are. And yes, it's ok to be friends with them.

The prophet Muhammad instructed his followers not to make friends with the non believer. It's in no one's interest to be friends with people supporting such an evil ideology. Unless you're an idiot.

You've never had a conversation with a Muslim person for longer than 5 minutes, have you?

Yeah you wish. I've spoken to over a hundred Moslems and for extended periods of time

Then one way or another you are lying.
Yeah you wish. I've spoken to over a hundred Moslems and for extended periods of time
Then one way or another you are lying.

Of course. This is why Lefties like you are assholes. When all else fails - just tell them they're liars.

You're pathetic.

I'm anything but a "lefty," you idiot. Clumsy, dimwitted liars like you are very easy to spot. You're much more obvious than you want to realize.
Here you dumb christ stain

Islam in Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to,[21] 'There are currently between 30 and 40 single-story mosques in Japan, plus another 100 or more apartment rooms set aside, in the absence of more suitable facilities, for prayers.
From your link, assboil:
"The history of Islam in Japan is relatively brief in relation to the religion's longstanding presence in other nearby countries. Islam is one of the smallest minority faiths in Japan, having more adherents in the country than the Bahá'í faith, but fewer than Christianity. Japan's Muslim population consists mainly of Indonesians and other small expatriate communities, which represent less than 0.08% of the total population, while the estimated Japanese Muslims consist of less than 0.008% of the total population."
100,000 in a country of 127 Million, 0.08% of the population. Congrats to japan for keeping the muslim savages at bay
You think it's somehow brave to associate with slime?

you have to understand our resident dipshit unkotare, he thinks his juvenile point of view is 'brave', and he thinks that he gets some sort of traction. he has the mentality of a child
Stupid to befriend any muslim [sic].

How fortunate for you to have no friends at all.

I have friends.....

No one believes that, coward.

You think it's somehow brave to associate with slime?

It is simply normal to take individuals as individuals rather than pissing yourself in fear at the near-complete total of 1.6 billion people you will never meet and who couldn't give less of a shit about weak cowards like you while they live their lives, care for their families, and never have anything to do with terrorism.

You live your life a willing slave to your fear. That's about as ridiculously pathetic as it gets.
Stupid to befriend any muslim [sic].

How fortunate for you to have no friends at all.

I have friends.....

No one believes that, coward.

You think it's somehow brave to associate with slime?

It is simply normal to take individuals as individuals rather than pissing yourself in fear at the near-complete total of 1.6 billion people you will never meet and who couldn't give less of a shit about weak cowards like you while they live their lives, care for their families, and never have anything to do with terrorism.

You live your life a willing slave to your fear. That's about as ridiculously pathetic as it gets.

Bravery is not pleasing you asshole, bravery is living life as we want to live it.
How fortunate for you to have no friends at all.

I have friends.....

No one believes that, coward.

You think it's somehow brave to associate with slime?

It is simply normal to take individuals as individuals rather than pissing yourself in fear at the near-complete total of 1.6 billion people you will never meet and who couldn't give less of a shit about weak cowards like you while they live their lives, care for their families, and never have anything to do with terrorism.

You live your life a willing slave to your fear. That's about as ridiculously pathetic as it gets.

Bravery is not pleasing you asshole, bravery is living life as we want to live it.

Simply not being a ridiculous coward is not "bravery," fool.
I have friends.....

No one believes that, coward.

You think it's somehow brave to associate with slime?

It is simply normal to take individuals as individuals rather than pissing yourself in fear at the near-complete total of 1.6 billion people you will never meet and who couldn't give less of a shit about weak cowards like you while they live their lives, care for their families, and never have anything to do with terrorism.

You live your life a willing slave to your fear. That's about as ridiculously pathetic as it gets.

Bravery is not pleasing you asshole, bravery is living life as we want to live it.

Simply not being a ridiculous coward is not "bravery," fool.

being a fool would be living my life according to your dictates when you just another internet mental case. fuck off wanker, who do think you are pretending your way is the 'brave' way?

Muslim people are in Japan, so it seems. And some Japanese people are being asked how they feel on Japanese people dating Muslim people.

I thought the Muslim faith, Islam, restricted the dating of the Islamic family with other cultures. I may be wrong but that is what I thought.

Muslim male may marry non-Muslim women, however, Muslim women may not marry non-Muslim men. This is supposed to ensure that as the males in Islam are the head of household, the children will be Muslim. The Islamic belief is that if a Muslim woman marries a non-Muslim man, there is a good chance the children will be raised as infidels.
Oh, and there are Muslims in Japan, they're just not all that popular.
Yeah you wish. I've spoken to over a hundred Moslems and for extended periods of time
Then one way or another you are lying.

Of course. This is why Lefties like you are assholes. When all else fails - just tell them they're liars.

You're pathetic.

I'm anything but a "lefty," you idiot. Clumsy, dimwitted liars like you are very easy to spot. You're much more obvious than you want to realize.

Ooooh... another... extensive insult. LOL

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