Are Liberals responsible for 9/11?


Silver Member
Nov 6, 2015
I was reading the book "Enemy at Home" by Dinesh D'Souza

In it, he claims that liberals are responsible for 9/11 by perpetuating disgusting and immoral behaviours that propogate modern American society and offend other societies around the world including Islam.

"D’Souza contends that the cultural left is responsible for 9/11 in two ways: by fostering a decadent and depraved American culture that angers and repulses other societies—especially traditional and religious ones— and by promoting, at home and abroad, an anti-American attitude that blames America for all the problems of the world.

Islamic anti-Americanism is not merely a reaction to U.S. foreign policy but is also rooted in a revulsion against what Muslims perceive to be the atheism and moral depravity of American popular culture. Muslims and other traditional people around the world allege that secular American values are being imposed on their societies and that these values undermine religious belief, weaken the traditional family, and corrupt the innocence of children. But it is not “America” that is doing this to them, it is the American cultural left. What traditional societies consider repulsive and immoral, the cultural left considers progressive and liberating."

I agree to an extent. Abortion, Homosexuality... It is horrible that so many have to die because of the stupidity of the left. Even Christians, though more peaceful than muslims, are angered and upset by that. as are even non-religious people with any scent of morality.

"We are accustomed to thinking of the war on terror and the culture war as two distinct and separate struggles. D’Souza shows that they are really one and the same. Conservatives must recognize that the left is now allied with the Islamic radicals in a combined effort to defeat Bush’s war on terror. A whole new strategy is therefore needed to fight both wars. “In order to defeat the Islamic radicals abroad,” D’Souza writes, “we must defeat the enemy at home.”

The Election of Trump is merely the first step in the defeat of the 'enemy at home'.
Libturds aren't even responsible for taking care of their kids, or for the meat puppet faggot's malaise.

Don't you dare accuse them of undermining the nation's morality or promoting a globalist agenda that oppresses economic growth in the turd world.


Conservative Islamis are...

Liberals are of course why they're lashing out as they don't like our liberal society of women walking around without wearing shit.
Dinesh D'Souza would write about how whenever you burnt your toast it was a liberals fault if he thought you'd give money for it.

Oh kinda like liberals do with racism, exist and the like. Hell you guys still blame Bush, why because your President sucked.

Conservative Islamis are...

Liberals are of course why they're lashing out as they don't like our liberal society of women walking around without wearing shit.
Dinesh D'Souza would write about how whenever you burnt your toast it was a liberals fault if he thought you'd give money for it.

Oh kinda like liberals do with racism, exist and the like. Hell you guys still blame Bush, why because your President sucked.
Obama is leaving Trump a great economy and our troops home safe. Dubya was a fucking embarrassment who oversaw disaster in this country. There's a reason he's vanished into exile and Trump was able to win the primary by attacking him. Don't play dumb.
I was reading the book "Enemy at Home" by Dinesh D'Souza

In it, he claims that liberals are responsible for 9/11 by perpetuating disgusting and immoral behaviours that propogate modern American society and offend other societies around the world including Islam.

"D’Souza contends that the cultural left is responsible for 9/11 in two ways: by fostering a decadent and depraved American culture that angers and repulses other societies—especially traditional and religious ones— and by promoting, at home and abroad, an anti-American attitude that blames America for all the problems of the world.

Islamic anti-Americanism is not merely a reaction to U.S. foreign policy but is also rooted in a revulsion against what Muslims perceive to be the atheism and moral depravity of American popular culture. Muslims and other traditional people around the world allege that secular American values are being imposed on their societies and that these values undermine religious belief, weaken the traditional family, and corrupt the innocence of children. But it is not “America” that is doing this to them, it is the American cultural left. What traditional societies consider repulsive and immoral, the cultural left considers progressive and liberating."

I agree to an extent. Abortion, Homosexuality... It is horrible that so many have to die because of the stupidity of the left. Even Christians, though more peaceful than muslims, are angered and upset by that. as are even non-religious people with any scent of morality.

"We are accustomed to thinking of the war on terror and the culture war as two distinct and separate struggles. D’Souza shows that they are really one and the same. Conservatives must recognize that the left is now allied with the Islamic radicals in a combined effort to defeat Bush’s war on terror. A whole new strategy is therefore needed to fight both wars. “In order to defeat the Islamic radicals abroad,” D’Souza writes, “we must defeat the enemy at home.”

The Election of Trump is merely the first step in the defeat of the 'enemy at home'.
Nope. 9/11 was a CIA/Mossad false flag op. Google Dancing Israelis.
No and neither is Bush or the Republicans the people responsible were Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda. There is justification or rational reason for such an attack don't try and find one.
I was reading the book "Enemy at Home" by Dinesh D'Souza

In it, he claims that liberals are responsible for 9/11 by perpetuating disgusting and immoral behaviours that propogate modern American society and offend other societies around the world including Islam.

"D’Souza contends that the cultural left is responsible for 9/11 in two ways: by fostering a decadent and depraved American culture that angers and repulses other societies—especially traditional and religious ones— and by promoting, at home and abroad, an anti-American attitude that blames America for all the problems of the world.

Islamic anti-Americanism is not merely a reaction to U.S. foreign policy but is also rooted in a revulsion against what Muslims perceive to be the atheism and moral depravity of American popular culture. Muslims and other traditional people around the world allege that secular American values are being imposed on their societies and that these values undermine religious belief, weaken the traditional family, and corrupt the innocence of children. But it is not “America” that is doing this to them, it is the American cultural left. What traditional societies consider repulsive and immoral, the cultural left considers progressive and liberating."

I agree to an extent. Abortion, Homosexuality... It is horrible that so many have to die because of the stupidity of the left. Even Christians, though more peaceful than muslims, are angered and upset by that. as are even non-religious people with any scent of morality.

"We are accustomed to thinking of the war on terror and the culture war as two distinct and separate struggles. D’Souza shows that they are really one and the same. Conservatives must recognize that the left is now allied with the Islamic radicals in a combined effort to defeat Bush’s war on terror. A whole new strategy is therefore needed to fight both wars. “In order to defeat the Islamic radicals abroad,” D’Souza writes, “we must defeat the enemy at home.”

The Election of Trump is merely the first step in the defeat of the 'enemy at home'.
Ah yes, fisting ala D'Souza...and you guys eat it up and love the smell........
I was reading the book "Enemy at Home" by Dinesh D'Souza

In it, he claims that liberals are responsible for 9/11 by perpetuating disgusting and immoral behaviours that propogate modern American society and offend other societies around the world including Islam.

"D’Souza contends that the cultural left is responsible for 9/11 in two ways: by fostering a decadent and depraved American culture that angers and repulses other societies—.

So you think that the United States should let other countries dictate our 'culture'?
I was reading the book "Enemy at Home" by Dinesh D'Souza

In it, he claims that liberals are responsible for 9/11 by perpetuating disgusting and immoral behaviours that propogate modern American society and offend other societies around the world including Islam.

"D’Souza contends that the cultural left is responsible for 9/11 in two ways: by fostering a decadent and depraved American culture that angers and repulses other societies—.

So you think that the United States should let other countries dictate our 'culture'?

If our culture is not sufficiently moral, yes.
Libturds aren't even responsible for taking care of their kids, or for the meat puppet faggot's malaise.

Don't you dare accuse them of undermining the nation's morality or promoting a globalist agenda that oppresses economic growth in the turd world.
Everyone loves us for our freedom and good economy, when Dems are in. D'Souza is ANOTHER RW scam artist. Like taking money from babies. IDIOT. Thanks for the world Depression, dupes. I thought they gave our jobs to the 3rd world. GD, you're stupid.

Conservative Islamis are...

Liberals are of course why they're lashing out as they don't like our liberal society of women walking around without wearing shit.
Dinesh D'Souza would write about how whenever you burnt your toast it was a liberals fault if he thought you'd give money for it.

Oh kinda like liberals do with racism, exist and the like. Hell you guys still blame Bush, why because your President sucked.
Obstructed, moron. Only 90 straight months of growth ANYWAY.

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