Are libertarians left, right or neither?


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
What do you think?
I think they are more "middle" than anything.
They tend to support open borders, not much govt at all(the right has a tendency to be a tad fascist), pro choice, no drug laws, they don't want to be the worlds policeman, free markets etc
I did this thread because someone(Carla_Danger ) said they were "far-right" which I think is completely false and ignorant.
Since they want to cut the shit out of everything they're RIGHT WING.

Sure, socially you could say they have some left wing ideas...That is very true.

That is why I call your kind loserterians as you're against government funding but you're also social conservative on social issues. So pretty much the asshole of both worlds.
Since they want to cut the shit out of everything they're RIGHT WING.

Sure, socially you could say they have some left wing ideas...That is very true.

That is why I call your kind loserterians as you're against government funding but you're also social conservative on social issues. So pretty much the asshole of both worlds.
I am no libertarian.
RW likes to regulate, so I don't see where you are going with that...
This is why people make fun of you, Mathew. Would you like to delete that post and try again?
Thinking in terms of left and right, Liberal or Conservative, is doing oneself a disservice because a substantial percentage of Americans hover somewhere between the two designated extremes. Those who think of themselves as being either left or right are submissive by nature and tend to adhere to ideas or principles on the basis of Ieft/right positioning rather than respective substance.

Simply stated, such individuals are incapable of thinking for themselves and drawing their own conclusions. So they adhere rather than to analyze, contemplate and decide.
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What do you think?
I think they are more "middle" than anything.
They tend to support open borders, not much govt at all(the right has a tendency to be a tad fascist), pro choice, no drug laws, they don't want to be the worlds policeman, free markets etc
I did this thread because someone(Carla_Danger ) said they were "far-right" which I think is completely false and ignorant.

They are much more right than left. Why? Because they eschew government interference, which is the primary staple of the left. Let us be real......Libertarians main mantra is.......leave me alone! No way is that statement tied together with leftist, government, control!
What do you think?
I think they are more "middle" than anything.
They tend to support open borders, not much govt at all(the right has a tendency to be a tad fascist), pro choice, no drug laws, they don't want to be the worlds policeman, free markets etc
I did this thread because someone(Carla_Danger ) said they were "far-right" which I think is completely false and ignorant.




Since they want to cut the shit out of everything they're RIGHT WING.

Sure, socially you could say they have some left wing ideas...That is very true.

That is why I call your kind loserterians as you're against government funding but you're also social conservative on social issues. So pretty much the asshole of both worlds.

You also call blacks ******* and the left on these boards have taken you in with open arms.

You don't know anything about Libertarians, in fact all you know is you were a hard core conservative that just happened to shift hard core socialist.... One might look at that and come to the conclusion that you get things wrongs, often.
They are DUMB! Idealistic,immature view of the world is just silly.

Being a Nazi is your idea of "maturity."
Well. 1. I am NOT a National Socialist 2. Yes National Socialists were MEN and WOMEN not idealistic children or hippies.

So mass murder is what makes you "mature?"
You do ANYTHING to defend your people,nation and bloodline. :) Anymore questions?

ROFL! I thought you claimed you weren't a Nazi.
They are DUMB! Idealistic,immature view of the world is just silly.

Being a Nazi is your idea of "maturity."
Well. 1. I am NOT a National Socialist 2. Yes National Socialists were MEN and WOMEN not idealistic children or hippies.

So mass murder is what makes you "mature?"
You do ANYTHING to defend your people,nation and bloodline. :) Anymore questions?

ROFL! I thought you claimed you weren't a Nazi.
What about my statement makes me a "nazi"? I am a racial socialist. Look it up. Hell ANY society should defend their people,nation and bloodline.

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