Are libertarians left, right or neither?

Being a Nazi is your idea of "maturity."
Well. 1. I am NOT a National Socialist 2. Yes National Socialists were MEN and WOMEN not idealistic children or hippies.

So mass murder is what makes you "mature?"
You do ANYTHING to defend your people,nation and bloodline. :) Anymore questions?

ROFL! I thought you claimed you weren't a Nazi.
What about my statement makes me a "nazi"? I am a racial socialist. Look it up. Hell ANY society should defend their people,nation and bloodline.
"Racial Socialist" is a pretty accurate description of what Nazis believe. You also just admitted you would support genocide. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then . . . . . .
Well. 1. I am NOT a National Socialist 2. Yes National Socialists were MEN and WOMEN not idealistic children or hippies.

So mass murder is what makes you "mature?"
You do ANYTHING to defend your people,nation and bloodline. :) Anymore questions?

ROFL! I thought you claimed you weren't a Nazi.
What about my statement makes me a "nazi"? I am a racial socialist. Look it up. Hell ANY society should defend their people,nation and bloodline.
"Racial Socialist" is a pretty accurate description of what Nazis believe. You also just admitted you would support genocide. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then . . . . . .
No actually its not. Racial Socialism is just that Racial Socialism. NATIONAL socialism is for one people one nation whatever...Racial Socialism encompasses THE ENTIRE WHITE RACE not just Germans or Americans or Brits or whatever. Hell yes I support "genocide" if my people,country,bloodline is put in danger which is why Hitler did what he did. Unfortunately he didn't finish the damn job!
Being a Nazi is your idea of "maturity."
Well. 1. I am NOT a National Socialist 2. Yes National Socialists were MEN and WOMEN not idealistic children or hippies.

So mass murder is what makes you "mature?"
You do ANYTHING to defend your people,nation and bloodline. :) Anymore questions?

ROFL! I thought you claimed you weren't a Nazi.
What about my statement makes me a "nazi"? I am a racial socialist. Look it up. Hell ANY society should defend their people,nation and bloodline.
You may not be a 'Nazi' but you are a racist – as can be seen in your posting history, which indicates someone ignorant, frightened, and hateful, typical of racists and bigots.
Since they want to cut the shit out of everything they're RIGHT WING.

Sure, socially you could say they have some left wing ideas...That is very true.

That is why I call your kind loserterians as you're against government funding but you're also social conservative on social issues. So pretty much the asshole of both worlds.

You also call blacks ******* and the left on these boards have taken you in with open arms.

You don't know anything about Libertarians, in fact all you know is you were a hard core conservative that just happened to shift hard core socialist.... One might look at that and come to the conclusion that you get things wrongs, often.
I hope you're joking. Back when all Matty did was start black bashing threads the left were the only ones shouting him down. Go look at any Steve_McGarrett, Tank, or Shootspeeders thread if you want proof. Or look up some of Matty's old threads.
In my observation, most message board "libertarians" will, first of all, tell you that "the Libertarian Party does not reflect my views or those of anyone else I know."

When you ask them what their views are, they can go on for hours about the Second Amendment, but then they diverge, and no two "libertarians" will agree on even the most basic definition of what the term means.

In my observation.
Well. 1. I am NOT a National Socialist 2. Yes National Socialists were MEN and WOMEN not idealistic children or hippies.

So mass murder is what makes you "mature?"
You do ANYTHING to defend your people,nation and bloodline. :) Anymore questions?

ROFL! I thought you claimed you weren't a Nazi.
What about my statement makes me a "nazi"? I am a racial socialist. Look it up. Hell ANY society should defend their people,nation and bloodline.
You may not be a 'Nazi' but you are a racist – as can be seen in your posting history, which indicates someone ignorant, frightened, and hateful, typical of racists and bigots.
I don't think he's any of those things and is actually just an idiot. He could never hold his own in any discussion about socialism, Nazi-ism, or racialism.
Well. 1. I am NOT a National Socialist 2. Yes National Socialists were MEN and WOMEN not idealistic children or hippies.

So mass murder is what makes you "mature?"
You do ANYTHING to defend your people,nation and bloodline. :) Anymore questions?

ROFL! I thought you claimed you weren't a Nazi.
What about my statement makes me a "nazi"? I am a racial socialist. Look it up. Hell ANY society should defend their people,nation and bloodline.
You may not be a 'Nazi' but you are a racist – as can be seen in your posting history, which indicates someone ignorant, frightened, and hateful, typical of racists and bigots.
Oh quit your whining child. Talk about scared. I call them like they are. YOU and those like you are SCARED of being called waccisss so you turn against your own race and people to bend over backwards for those that will kill you if given the chance to. Your silly words don't bother me. 16 years and counting I have dealt with swine traitors like you.

Libertarianism is far from black and white, like Arian said.
Look at socialism.
They are DUMB! Idealistic,immature view of the world is just silly.

Let's see

the demopublicans have created a gargantuan BANKRUPT welfare/warfare police state wherein the government spies on the people , wants to disarm us, has placed WE THE PEOPLE in harms way ahd where a SOCIALIST is about to be elected. And where the socialist in power wants to start WWIII in order to give Israhell a chunk of Syrian real state.

So who is DUMB! Idealistic,immature and silly?

They are DUMB! Idealistic,immature view of the world is just silly.

Let's see

the demopublicans have created a gargantuan BANKRUPT welfare/warfare police state wherein the government spies on the people , wants to disarm us, has placed WE THE PEOPLE in harms way ahd where a SOCIALIST is about to be elected. And where the socialist in power wants to start WWIII in order to give Israhell a chunk of Syrian real state.

So who is DUMB! Idealistic,immature and silly?

I will put it bluntly. NOTHING will work except Racial Socialism in a state ruled on Creativity commandments and ideals. Plain and simple. Democracy is a joke and ANYTHING that tries to work within a democracy is doomed to fail to fix the right problems.
In my observation, most message board "libertarians" will, first of all, tell you that "the Libertarian Party does not reflect my views or those of anyone else I know."

When you ask them what their views are, they can go on for hours about the Second Amendment, but then they diverge, and no two "libertarians" will agree on even the most basic definition of what the term means.

In my observation.
Or they'll go on for hours about Commerce Clause jurisprudence, whining about how it's 'wrong,' that Marbury was 'wrong,' that the Supreme Court 'usurped' its authority, and like similar rot.

Then they'll move on to Takings Clause jurisprudence, how it's also 'wrong,' whine some more about the Commerce Clause, and end by exhibiting their comprehensive ignorance of the Kelo ruling.

Most libertarians are as ridiculous as they are pathetic.
They are DUMB! Idealistic,immature view of the world is just silly.

Let's see

the demopublicans have created a gargantuan BANKRUPT welfare/warfare police state wherein the government spies on the people , wants to disarm us, has placed WE THE PEOPLE in harms way ahd where a SOCIALIST is about to be elected. And where the socialist in power wants to start WWIII in order to give Israhell a chunk of Syrian real state.

So who is DUMB! Idealistic,immature and silly?

That would be most libertarians.

This post is evidence of that.
They are DUMB! Idealistic,immature view of the world is just silly.

Let's see

the demopublicans have created a gargantuan BANKRUPT welfare/warfare police state wherein the government spies on the people , wants to disarm us, has placed WE THE PEOPLE in harms way ahd where a SOCIALIST is about to be elected. And where the socialist in power wants to start WWIII in order to give Israhell a chunk of Syrian real state.

So who is DUMB! Idealistic,immature and silly?


don't see what if anything you are blaming on saintly Republicans??
"Are libertarians left, right or neither?"

Whatever they are, they're for the most part naïve, reactionary, and wrong.


Let's see

the demopublicans have created a gargantuan BANKRUPT welfare/warfare police state wherein the government spies on the people , wants to disarm us, has placed WE THE PEOPLE in harms way and where a SOCIALIST is about to be elected. president. And where the president in power wants to start WWIII in order to give Israhell a chunk of Syrian real state.

So who is naïve, reactionary, and wrong?
"Are libertarians left, right or neither?"

Whatever they are, they're for the most part naïve, reactionary, and wrong.


Let's see

the demopublicans have created a gargantuan BANKRUPT welfare/warfare police state wherein the government spies on the people , wants to disarm us, has placed WE THE PEOPLE in harms way and where a SOCIALIST is about to be elected. president. And where the president in power wants to start WWIII in order to give Israhell a chunk of Syrian real state.

So who is naïve, reactionary, and wrong?
don't see what if anything you are blaming on saintly Republicans??
In my observation, most message board "libertarians" will, first of all, tell you that "the Libertarian Party does not reflect my views or those of anyone else I know."

When you ask them what their views are, they can go on for hours about the Second Amendment, but then they diverge, and no two "libertarians" will agree on even the most basic definition of what the term means.

In my observation.



In my observation, most message board "libertarians" will, first of all, tell you that "the Libertarian Party does not reflect my views or those of anyone else I know."

When you ask them what their views are, they can go on for hours about the Second Amendment, but then they diverge, and no two "libertarians" will agree on even the most basic definition of what the term means.

In my observation.

That's pure horseshit. There are differences among libertarians, but on most of the major issues they all agree. They all agree that the drug war should end. They all agree that the income tax should be abolished. They all agree that there should be no censorship of any kind. They all agree that almost all government regulatory agencies and government regulations should be abolished. Some libertarians support abortion, and some don't.

You claim they view diverge widely, so why don't you explain which they differ on?

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