Are "Open Borders" actually the democrat's "Great Replacement Theory" in action?

Is Biden's "open borders" policy "Great Replacement Theory" in action?

  • Yes, obviously

    Votes: 28 87.5%
  • No, I'll explain why in my post

    Votes: 4 12.5%

  • Total voters
Catch 22.
Democrats openly admit their goal is to dilute our voting power by "demographic changes" but if you call them on it you're a racist.
Damned handy way to make an argument ain't it?
What democrats are "diluting" is the meaning of "racist". From a "pejorative" to an "acceptable"..
To stupid. Go mule make the big bucks if you think so dumb duck. Put your freedom on the line but you won't because you know your full of shit.
The border is open. Paying a mule is stupid. Just cross the Rio Grand and turn yourself in.
I can't answer it, because you have missed my point.
Establishment folks that support the GOP, see the strategy of the DNC as using voter fraud methods, of using illegals to come across the border to vote. .. .
This is something different than white supremacists and white nationalists, which define the "Great Replacement Theory," in action, as a method to subvert "WASP," western culture, w/e that is. White nationalists and White supremacists actually have a belief, that different ethnicities are like different species, when, in reality, different skin tones are more like hair color and eye color. Worrying about the disappearance of white people or black people or Asians, is like worrying about climate change. Nature is going to do what it is going to do.
These are two distinct fears.
However, the establishment left media, would like to conflate the two, and make all conservatives guilty of both.
The point of open borders is to provide cheap labor for global cap., and to keep global cap. in power, while not let the populists regain power.
We agree, open borders are a key component of globalism.
But the folks at the WEF want to demonize those who see through this ruse, as some sort of bigots for wanting to have law and order.
1. The dem's new boogeymen are "white supremacists". In reality, there aren't very many of them. White supremacists are a democrat talking point the way Putin calls Ukrainians "Nazis". Your trying to paint "white-supremacists" as uber racists "biologically" is also bullshit. There are very few differences, like average IQ for example. The issue is political power not biological cleansing or some such bullshit, if that's your "species point".

2. The following line of yours, that I added "GRS" is a FACT, full stop. Your tap-dancing is total bullshit.
Establishment folks that support the GOP, see the "Great Replacement Strategy" of the DNC as using voter fraud methods, of using illegals to come across the border to vote. .. .

3. The MSM does what it does. Fewer and fewer are being watched. FXN are the real "truth tellers", and are gaining viewers.

4. The WEF can "demonize" whoever they want, the term "racist" is now meaningless, its like Putin calling Ukrainians "Nazis". They know they aren't Nazis like we know we aren't racists or bigots.

5. I had no clue wtf the white supremacists' chant meant, until now...

6. Look at the poll results above its nearly unanimous.
1. The dem's new boogeymen are "white supremacists". In reality, there aren't very many of them. White supremacists are a democrat talking point the way Putin calls Ukrainians "Nazis". Your trying to paint "white-supremacists" as uber racists "biologically" is also bullshit. There are very few differences, like average IQ for example. The issue is political power not biological cleansing or some such bullshit, if that's your "species point".

2. The following line of yours, that I added "GRS" is a FACT, full stop. Your tap-dancing is total bullshit.
Establishment folks that support the GOP, see the "Great Replacement Strategy" of the DNC as using voter fraud methods, of using illegals to come across the border to vote. .. .

3. The MSM does what it does. Fewer and fewer are being watched. FXN are the real "truth tellers", and are gaining viewers.

4. The WEF can "demonize" whoever they want, the term "racist" is now meaningless, its like Putin calling Ukrainians "Nazis". They know they aren't Nazis like we know we aren't racists or bigots.

5. I had no clue wtf the white supremacists' chant meant, until now...

6. Look at the poll results above its nearly unanimous.

since authorities see white supremacy as the top terror threat, it should not be underestimated.

especially considering how certain media outlets fan the flames. Case in point is right here, how "FXN is the real truth tellers".
Most of us would have been blissfully unaware of this silly obscure "theory", were it not for the deranged hysterics of the moonbat left over the last several days.

Methinks they dost protesteth too much.
You are blaming democrats for a white supremacist massacre?
Put your money where your mouth is. Let's see you do it if you're so confident.
The irony here is that a maj of latino citizens who usually vote dem, don't want open borders. I'm not calling kyzr a racist in any way, but his thread fell for a common racist dupe.
The irony here is that a maj of latino citizens who usually vote dem, don't want open borders. I'm not calling kyzr a racist in any way, but his thread fell for a common racist dupe.
Yep he just full of it. The border is not open it is heavily patrolled. Even between Canada and the US. In July I will fish the US Canadian border area quite a bit. I see many coast guard and border patrol boats per day. The open border thing is a myth to heat up idiots. Do people make it across illegal well yes but it is not easy. No matter what you do some will always make it. You have no better chance of eliminating it than you do murder.
Yep he just full of it. The border is not open it is heavily patrolled. Even between Canada and the US. In July I will fish the US Canadian border area quite a bit. I see many coast guard and border patrol boats per day. The open border thing is a myth to heat up idiots. Do people make it across illegal well yes but it is not easy. No matter what you do some will always make it. You have no better chance of eliminating it than you do murder.
I simply disagree with Biden and others who believe that a person who claims to be eligible for amnesty has a legal right to reside here until his claim is ultimately granted or denied. But Biden is not about open borders just to add to democrats votes. And in fact, he's well on his way to a dramatic loss in 24 in large part because open borders are hugely unpopular in areas with large illegal immigrant populations. IF he was really about politicizing immigration, he'd acually not let amnesty seekers into the country and at the same time increase legal immigration to allow latino (and other immigrant populations) to bring in family members and support them without resorting to public assistance.

So the whole thread is simply bs. And I hope Biden retires.
Why are the borders open? Give me one good reason, one other than the democrat's "Great Replacement Theory"...

I always knew it was to get more democrat voters, but now I know that it has a formal name, and is a strategic plot to marginalize Republicans and "white voters".

Schumer and the democrats can scream and whine about it, but their plot has been exposed and confirmed.

Lets take a poll on why the democrats have open borders.
Is it "Great Replacement Theory" in action, or something else?
Hispanics generally are Conservative on social issue, so this will backfire on them ( Democrats ) as it should and watch how quickly they change course to close the border if it isn’t giving them future voter’s…
Open borders are just one of the democrats replacement theories. Although our founding fathers were white, mostly from the British Isles ethinics, it isn't the white race that the democrats want to replace. It is the idea of liberty that was brought to the western hemisphere that has to be replaced.

A few may reject the open borders because of race, but most of the rejection is because of many people coming through are used to totalitarian rulers who reign by cruelty and they themselves lived on scraps they were given or what they can steal.
Why are the borders open? Give me one good reason, one other than the democrat's "Great Replacement Theory"...

I always knew it was to get more democrat voters, but now I know that it has a formal name, and is a strategic plot to marginalize Republicans and "white voters".

Schumer and the democrats can scream and whine about it, but their plot has been exposed and confirmed.

Lets take a poll on why the democrats have open borders.
Is it "Great Replacement Theory" in action, or something else?
There are no open borders.

No one advocates for open borders, the notion is a rightwing lie.
Do you ever feel like you've been groomed?

The groomed point from the Neo-GOP Groomsmen is that when they say Democrats support an open border, to the well groomed moroonie it means no border security at all.

In reality we've had an open but controlled border for years.

Replacement theory is up there with The Protocols of the Elders of Zion shit.
Why are the borders open? Give me one good reason, one other than the democrat's "Great Replacement Theory"...

I always knew it was to get more democrat voters, but now I know that it has a formal name, and is a strategic plot to marginalize Republicans and "white voters".

Schumer and the democrats can scream and whine about it, but their plot has been exposed and confirmed.

Lets take a poll on why the democrats have open borders.
Is it "Great Replacement Theory" in action, or something else?
We do not have open borders. Stop lying based on you being groomed.
Why are the borders open? Give me one good reason, one other than the democrat's "Great Replacement Theory"...

I always knew it was to get more democrat voters, but now I know that it has a formal name, and is a strategic plot to marginalize Republicans and "white voters".

Schumer and the democrats can scream and whine about it, but their plot has been exposed and confirmed.

Lets take a poll on why the democrats have open borders.
Is it "Great Replacement Theory" in action, or something else?

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