Are "Open Borders" actually the democrat's "Great Replacement Theory" in action?

Is Biden's "open borders" policy "Great Replacement Theory" in action?

  • Yes, obviously

    Votes: 28 87.5%
  • No, I'll explain why in my post

    Votes: 4 12.5%

  • Total voters
Since the beginning of 2022, more folks have died in mass shootings from Hispanics, Arabs or blacks.

The CFR media has only made a big deal of the white incidents though.
WTF is the relavancy of your post? Oddball was suggesting blacks were the cause of the white supremacist shooting up Buffalo
WTF is the relavancy of your post? Oddball was suggesting blacks were the cause of the white supremacist shooting up Buffalo

Black people are not the cause, Democratic ideology is. It divides because that is the only way it succeeds.
Why are the borders open? Give me one good reason, one other than the democrat's "Great Replacement Theory"...

I always knew it was to get more democrat voters, but now I know that it has a formal name, and is a strategic plot to marginalize Republicans and "white voters".

Schumer and the democrats can scream and whine about it, but their plot has been exposed and confirmed.

Lets take a poll on why the democrats have open borders.
Is it "Great Replacement Theory" in action, or something else?

Just because your Republican masters tell you that there are 'Open Borders' doesn't mean it's true dumbass!

I agree with you. . . I have no idea why you are getting so triggered. I am only trying to inform you on the subtleties on this issue, which, IMO, you are not seeing. But, no, it is NOT bullshit, that white supremacists believe they are biologically superior. IMO, I just don't think you read that manifesto, or pay attention to what they write and believe. I agree, there are few differences. And yes, the ISSUE IS POLITICAL POWER. It is not MY point.

No, there is no such thing as GRS, other than to ship in immigrants, have them illegally vote, or to use them in the census to apportion new representatives to democrat leaning districts. . . and the DNC and Biden have admitted this. I have no idea why you are want to argue this with me, we are in agreement on this point.

Fox news is a purveyor of propaganda, it spreads fear and paranoia, and hatred of the other, just like the other channels do. It is not just straight news. As such, it is a form of "truth," but it is not really, THE TRUTH. It is someone's truth. But it is not good for the nation as a whole.

Ukraine is infested with Nazis. Anyone that doesn't know this? Is watching too much Fox News.

This is because, there are too many Fox news watchers on this site.

This whole thing, is about importing illegals to skew voting, and representation in DNC leaning districts.

I have no idea why you are in denial about this, or why we are even arguing. It is fact.

Biden Orders Census Bureau to Include Illegal Immigrants in Apportionment​

"President Joe Biden in his first day in office issued an executive order mandating the Census Bureau include illegal immigrants in its apportionment.

Former President Donald Trump sought to exclude aliens.

The secretary of commerce “shall report the tabulation of total population by State that reflects the whole number of persons whose usual residence was in each State as of the designated census date in section 141(a) of title 13, United States Code, without regard to immigration status,” the order states.

“In addition, the Secretary shall use tabulations of population reflecting the whole number of persons whose usual residence was in each State as of the census date, without regard to immigration status, in reports provided to the Governor and officers or public bodies having responsibility for legislative apportionment or districting of each State,” it added. . . . . "

IOW? The more illegals the DNC imports to their districts and areas? The more reps. and illegal cheap labor they get.

. . . . and you? You are like a dupe that pays attention to MSM media and Fox News, you can't think outside of that.
1. Do I believe or care about what white-supremacists believe? NO
2. If you say there is no such thing as GRS then we disagree, open borders proves it.
3. FXN is the most "fair & balanced" news channel. not per me, but by HARVARD.
4. Ukraine elected a JEW, in a landslide, duh. NAZIs your ass.
5. FXN is the most unbiased news, period.
6. Denial about what? GRS?
7. Biden needs to be impeached. The Constitution says who to count in a census.
8. IOW?? You post nonsense, post facts so we can debate. I do pay attention to FXN news, but not CNN or MSDNC.
Just because your Republican masters tell you that there are 'Open Borders' doesn't mean it's true dumbass!
I believe the Border Patrol. You post lies, duh.
Black people are not the cause, Democratic ideology is. It divides because that is the only way it succeeds.
So you are saying dem policy CAUSED a white supremacist to massacre blacks in a mall. Are you sure you want to stick with this position? Seriously. It's a racist smear.
So you are saying dem policy CAUSED a white supremacist to massacre blacks in a mall. Are you sure you want to stick with this position? Seriously. It's a racist smear.

Caused is not the word. I would say their ideology promotes such lunacy as their policies are actually meant to divide us. Those that are vulnerable and unstable can be easily influenced by their constant race-baiting.

No sure how what I said is a racist smear...a smear to Democrats and their party, yes.
Caused is not the word. I would say their ideology promotes such lunacy as their policies are actually meant to divide us. Those that are vulnerable and unstable can be easily influenced by their constant race-baiting.

No sure how what I said is a racist smear...a smear to Democrats and their party, yes.
Ah, but this is about "replacement theory." Are you attempting to "broaden" the thread. And how are the dems more divisive than false narratives about stolen elections and the dems replacing whites with non-whites?
WTF is the relavancy of your post? Oddball was suggesting blacks were the cause of the white supremacist shooting up Buffalo
Oddball was never suggesting any such thing. He suggested that the establishment, i.e., a fascist alliance of corporate and government interests, were pushing a false narrative, i. e. that there is some grand "white supremacist," domestic threat, which is being inflamed by right-wing echo chambers.

To that point, e.g.

1) the narrative itself is bullshit &

2) the "relevancy," which you question? Is that the mass shooting statistics do not bear out the narrative which is currently being pushed by the establishment.
1. Do I believe or care about what white-supremacists believe? NO
2. If you say there is no such thing as GRS then we disagree, open borders proves it.
3. FXN is the most "fair & balanced" news channel. not per me, but by HARVARD.
4. Ukraine elected a JEW, in a landslide, duh. NAZIs your ass.
5. FXN is the most unbiased news, period.
6. Denial about what? GRS?
7. Biden needs to be impeached. The Constitution says who to count in a census.
8. IOW?? You post nonsense, post facts so we can debate. I do pay attention to FXN news, but not CNN or MSDNC.

How Zelensky Made Peace With Neo-Nazis​

I simply disagree with Biden and others who believe that a person who claims to be eligible for amnesty has a legal right to reside here until his claim is ultimately granted or denied. But Biden is not about open borders just to add to democrats votes. And in fact, he's well on his way to a dramatic loss in 24 in large part because open borders are hugely unpopular in areas with large illegal immigrant populations. IF he was really about politicizing immigration, he'd acually not let amnesty seekers into the country and at the same time increase legal immigration to allow latino (and other immigrant populations) to bring in family members and support them without resorting to public assistance.

So the whole thread is simply bs. And I hope Biden retires.
I believe getting here the right way is important. I break the law here I suffer the consequences. As far as an open border it does not exist. It is patrolled. Just because you beet the system for a while does not mean you should get amnesty. Laws should work the same for everyone. Not just in the realms of immigration but also tired of rich and powerful
Do what? Sneak migrants in? I'm opposed to open borders, duh.
All kinds of things to mule dumb duck. If we had open borders coyotes would not be needed. You are an idiot
Why are the borders open? Give me one good reason, one other than the democrat's "Great Replacement Theory"...

I always knew it was to get more democrat voters, but now I know that it has a formal name, and is a strategic plot to marginalize Republicans and "white voters".

Schumer and the democrats can scream and whine about it, but their plot has been exposed and confirmed.

Lets take a poll on why the democrats have open borders.
Is it "Great Replacement Theory" in action, or something else?
The anti-immigrant bigots of the past wanted only White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs) to be allowed into the US.

Now the descendants of the non-WASP immigrants want to keep out other immigrants.

This editorial cartoon was entitled, "The Last Yankee". A man is surrounded by non-Anglo Saxon, non-Protestant immigrants.

You tards are parroting the same bullshit, different century.

Anglo-Saxon Protestant Replacement Theory: we should never have allowed all those Catholics, Micks, Eyetalians, Pollocks, Frogs, Ruskies, Krauts, and other scum come here. YUGE mistake. They totally destroyed our culture and history!

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

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"They aren't sending their best. They're rapists. They bring crime."



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