After "Great Replacement Theory" Shooter in Buffalo kills 10 - Tucker "Great Replacement" Carlson BACKTRACKS

We will not tolerate "hate." Hey look! Peaceful protest!

The problem is Market Insider is quoting something from the Washington most likely it's just made up by some 23 year old BA student Democrat who's one step from carrying out another mass-shooting.

If you want to know why our kids are so screwed up watch this video:

No, fucking way, a teacher made that student act it out, let alone read it in the classroom.
The lying parent, never went to the school to report the teacher, then she shows up at a school board meeting?

Kids are screwed up because their fucked up parents, like this lying bitch.
No, fucking way, a teacher made that student act it out, let alone read it in the classroom.
The lying parent, never went to the school to report the teacher, then she shows up at a school board meeting?

Kids are screwed up because their fucked up parents, like this lying bitch.
And you can prove this?

Of course not.
You're just pulling that crap out of our butt and totally disregarding the truth.
And you can prove this?

Of course not.
You're just pulling that crap out of our butt and totally disregarding the truth.
Can the woman?
Or anyone else corroborate her BS?
She is FOS.
Shows up at a school board meeting, then claims an assignment was from a local high school, no name, no teacher, her own daughter wasn't even there.

Fucking morons believe anything.

She may as well have stated, she was kidnapped by aliens.
You crazies really believe that, don't you?

You Nazis really do that.

Name ANY black conservative, ANY, and you fascists have savagely defamed them with the most vile racism possible.

Candice Owens
Larry Elder
Dr. Ben Carson
Hershel Walker
Tim Scott
et al.

You hate America, you hate whites, hate is the foundation of your Reich - but you have a special rage for black people who dare leave the plantation. Look at the way you slandered one of the most accomplished men in America, Dr. Carson. You lie and defame BECAUSE he happens to be black, and you demand he is property of your filthy Reich. Look at how you racist goons put on a gorilla masks and physically assaulted Larry Elder. Can you imagine if an American had done that to a black Nazi candidate? But hey, Elder deserves it, he left the plantation.

You Nazis really do that.

Name ANY black conservative, ANY, and you fascists have savagely defamed them with the most vile racism possible.

Candice Owens
Larry Elder
Dr. Ben Carson
Hershel Walker
Tim Scott
et al.

You hate America, you hate whites, hate is the foundation of your Reich - but you have a special rage for black people who dare leave the plantation. Look at the way you slandered one of the most accomplished men in America, Dr. Carson. You lie and defame BECAUSE he happens to be black, and you demand he is property of your filthy Reich. Look at how you racist goons put on a gorilla masks and physically assaulted Larry Elder. Can you imagine if an American had done that to a black Nazi candidate? But hey, Elder deserves it, he left the plantation.

You claim I hate America, the only country I have ever really known, and I hate white people---I am white. You're pretty dumb, aren't you?
You crazies really believe that, don't you?
I know a lot of white people who vote Prog Communist who left their neighborhoods when black Prog voters started to move in. A lot can be extrapolated from just that for many other issues.
My dad voted for Joe Biden.

He would have NEVER done so when he was alive.
NOT like this Trumptard?

October 21 2021
Donald Kirk Hartle, a 55-year-old Republican voter who publicly protested a 2020 ballot being cast in his dead wife's name, has been charged with voter fraud.

The Nevada Republican Party and other conservative groups cited Hartle's claim as proof of "widespread" voter fraud hyped by then-President Donald Trump. However, Nevada prosecutors now say that Hartle himself submitted the fraudulent ballot under his dead wife's name.

In November 2020, Hartle told KLAS-TV that he discovered that a ballot had been submitted into the 2020 election under the name of his deceased wife, Rosemarie Hartle, who died in 2017 at age 52 from breast cancer.
I know a lot of white people who vote Prog Communist who left their neighborhoods when black Prog voters started to move in. A lot can be extrapolated from just that for many other issues.
Not my fault if you hang with racists.
I think going from 88% of the population in 1940 to 57.8% in 2020 is a pretty good sign of this theory being true. Our immigration policies after the 1965 immigration act have been 85-90% non-white and since 2000 we've been bringing in a million per year. Before 1965 it was 80% white of people from British, Irish, Italian and other white backgrounds making up the vast majority. Today it is indian, chinese, mexican, etc,. In fact you have to go down to number 11 to find a white country. The democrats are now flooding our nation with illegals in number of millions per year...

Every one of the top 10 biggest cities in this country from New york, Chicago, Philly, Miami, Houston, La, San fransico, are now all minority white cities because of this policy! Do you know that in 1940 New york, Chicago and even Detroit was 90% white??? Today they're vastly different.
You claim I hate America, the only country I have ever really known, and I hate white people---I am white. You're pretty dumb, aren't you?

You are what you post.

You hate white people and America.

I'd say that makes YOU pretty dumb. You think you're going to the camps last, or something?

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