After "Great Replacement Theory" Shooter in Buffalo kills 10 - Tucker "Great Replacement" Carlson BACKTRACKS

Nah....just call him the CNN shooter.
We all know that Tucker was just reporting what CNN or Time Mag has been doing for years.

It's hilarious how the left constantly tries to blame us for all of their screwups.

And you nimrods repeat it like a fucking parrot.
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I don't know if there's an actual plan already in place, but you would have to be stupid to NOT believe that the Dimocrat party, and the left in general wants this to happen.
Just wait until the supporters of the Ds finally twig to the fact that THEY are also being replaced as quickly as possible.

We all remember a few weeks ago how Tucker Carlson was talking about Great Replacement and how Democrats were out to make Whites a minority in America. Today he came on and talked about how we should judge each-other as human beings and treat everyone equally. What are your thoughts on this backpedal?

Is there a lawsuit against Tucker/Fox News coming for his hateful rhetoric?

Tucker talking about it: Video of Tucker Carlson promoting ‘Great Replacement’ theory surfaces again

"If you suggest the Democratic party is trying to replace the current electorate - the voters casting ballot - with new people, more obedient voters from the third world."

We're talking about the shooter who referred to himself as "authoritarian left", correct?
So we can finally blame Mad Maxine and Biden for instigating killings by blacks?

They way those assholes have been instigating violence against's not a surprise that some idiot would try to commit violence against blacks.
SOMEONE is pushing for violence at the national level. That much has become painfully obvious. I've started going armed all the time these days. Like I heard in a Richard Pryor comedy bit once,

"If somebody gonna get hurt, I ain't gone be the only one" ;)
How in the world can a sane person connect Tucker Carlson to the Buffalo NY shooter? It's no secret that Tucker was talking about abortion and the insanity of allowing millions of illegal aliens into the Country. Only the Chicago mayor seems comfortable with murder as an outlet for black angst. Why don't they call for her resignation? The left's insane never ending ignorance and hatred causes them to lash out at people they disagree with with unfair and unfounded accusations. Sadly it's not unlike the kind of hatred that warped the mind of the 18 year old shooter.
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SOMEONE is pushing for violence at the national level. That much has become painfully obvious. I've started going armed all the time these days. Like I heard in a Richard Pryor comedy bit once,

"If somebody gonna get hurt, I ain't gone be the only one" ;)
That should go without saying.

Obviously "genius" she's referring to down the road when they become citizens. Once these people get here it won't be long before they realize which political party are the ones who will be working to provide them with the government handouts. Once they are eligible to vote, it should be of no surprise to anyone that they'll almost assuredly be voting for the Dims.

Do you know how that's going presently with the Hispanics and Dems??
Superbad isn't a racist at all. I'm white, conservative and Southern. I know racists. My family has had friends like Superbad for decades. Respect and affection .. trust .. is a two way street. Cherish the good guys regardless of color.

you are NOT a conservative.

You don't have the chops. Not because of Trump, deranged-syndrome afflicted one. Because you spout patently WRONG information fed for you by the Overlords

Conservatives DO NOT TRUST the Overlords

You're disqualified
Nah....just call him the CNN shooter.
We all know that Tucker was just reporting what CNN or Time Mag has been doing for years.

It's hilarious how the left constantly tries to blame us for all of their screwups.

And you nimrods repeat it like a fucking parrot.

Right so Tucker said the same thing THEY have been saying but he's....racist.

you are NOT a conservative.

You don't have the chops. Not because of Trump, deranged-syndrome afflicted one. Because you spout patently WRONG information fed for you by the Overlords

Conservatives DO NOT TRUST the Overlords

You're disqualified
You're not a 'conservative' either. More like a politically radicalized populist. A magaturd, if you will.
Superbad isn't a racist at all. I'm white, conservative and Southern. I know racists. My family has had friends like Superbad for decades. Respect and affection .. trust .. is a two way street. Cherish the good guys regardless of color.
Conservative? Superbad is a racist motherfucker. That's a fact. He hates people because of the color of their skin. That's racist.

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