Biden blames Tucker Carlson for the Buffalo attack

What "Black lives matter" violence is that? Not one member of BLM has been arrested for violence in any demonstration. Most of the violent protestors who were arrested at the BLM protests, were RIGHT WING AGITATORS, and opportunistic looter gangs from 4chan.

hahah well there was the BLM guy that got a rifle and started murdering cops

Then there are the ones that looted, firebombed businesses, attempted to murder. kid in wisconsin etc
hahah well there was the BLM guy that got a rifle and started murdering cops

Then there are the ones that looted, firebombed businesses, attempted to murder. kid in wisconsin etc

Do you have a link to that? If you're referring to that shooter in Texas, he as NOT a member of BLM.
hahah well there was the BLM guy that got a rifle and started murdering cops

Then there are the ones that looted, firebombed businesses, attempted to murder. kid in wisconsin etc

Not one link to support your drivel - as ususal.
If it was a racial hate crime blame Obama who worked tirelessly to sew division between blacks and whites during his 8 years in office

Obama brought peace and prosperity

The alt-right “sowed” racial division that led to Trump
Obama got us out of Iraq and negotiated peace with Iran

Trump fucked it up
hahah got us out only to turn around and go back

what peace with iran? hahaha in 2016 Iran took one of our nancy boats and held 10 solders hostage…what sort of peace is that?
If it was a racial hate crime blame Obama who worked tirelessly to sew division between blacks and whites during his 8 years in office

Obama did NOTHING of the kind. The racists in the Republican Party threw a shit fit when Obama was elected, and anything he said that involved race made them batshit crazy.

You're a prime example of the kind of racist I'm talking about.

He divided the races

Obama brought the racists out of the woodwork when he got elected

Trump used their outrage to tell them he would make America Great again…

Back before we elected Negroes
Obama did NOTHING of the kind. The racists in the Republican Party threw a shit fit when Obama was elected, and anything he said that involved race made them batshit crazy.

You're a prime example of the kind of racist I'm talking about.
You are still a foreigner and this is still none of your business
Obama brought the racists out of the woodwork when he got elected
Whites were doing nothing other than minding their own business till obama started with the white privilege lie

As president he went out of his way to stir the pot of racial division

He was and is the racist that he accuses whites of being
Obama brought the racists out of the woodwork when he got elected

Trump used their outrage to tell them he would make America Great again…

Back before we elected Negroes
1) no doubt obama brought out racist with his divisive rhetoric
2) no doubt trump ran for office trying to make america great…and did
3! “negros?”. wow you’ve been listening to joey “racial jungle” xiden and his racist remarks too much

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