Are people born with their beliefs or does environment and culture shape one's views?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
I am a child of the 2000s. I was a daily reader of GamePolitics. I had a front row seat to all the crazy culture war stuff.

Why were cultural conservatives so crazy in the 2000s?

I remember listening to this and they had this old guy on who called gamers "voyeurs".

I also went to church every Sunday but only to make my family happy. I never cared about anything they said there. I remember hearing the priest saying sex is a sin but I didn't care. Must have been premarital sex.

Yet I was spiritual. I believed in ghosts, monsters, and UFOs. My spiritual side seemed to die out as I got older. Science and technology interests me more now.

In HS I only cared about becoming rich and I was a typical CoD brodude. I never cared about any issues back then that I care about now such as environmentalism, science, and sexual freedom. I only said I supported gay marriage to make my friends happy and annoy my parents. It was only until after a few of my friends came out of the closet shortly before the 2015 ruling on gay marriage that I became fully supportive of LGBT rights.

Despite being exposed to porn during my middle school years I never got fully comfortable with sexuality in media until I played Mass Effect 1 and watched a few episodes of Game of Thrones during my college years. And I loved seeing two hot chicks kiss each other in Sims 4.

I am no fan of the SJWs but I never got sucked into the alt right. I had "SJW" teachers but I never really got into social justice.

After I got out of HS I found liberalism to be exciting and refreshing.

My liberalism dealt with science and sexual freedom. I think a future full of spaceships, aliens, freedom, science that makes life more fun would be more awesome than a future decided by an ancient religious text that demands slavery to an "antichrist" and an apocalyptic final battle.

Is my liberalism shallow and superficial?

Does culture or genetics influence a person's worldview?
How you are raised is a big part of it. I can already tell you're going to be big pain in the ass here by the way you cling to leftist policies. Oh, you're so modern and hip, well I don't give a fuck, how 'bout dat?
How you are raised is a big part of it. I can already tell you're going to be big pain in the ass here by the way you cling to leftist policies. Oh, you're so modern and hip, well I don't give a fuck, how 'bout dat?

That only explains a part of it.
There's loads of people who are politically different than their parents.
Also many kids grow up to be different than they were in youth.
How you are raised is a big part of it. I can already tell you're going to be big pain in the ass here by the way you cling to leftist policies. Oh, you're so modern and hip, well I don't give a fuck, how 'bout dat?

I don't want to be associated with the other liberals. I support gun ownership and a strong military.
Many people would argue that there aren't any genetic differences in politics.

We know the Amygdala plays a big role in politics, as does the Right vs Left hemispheres in the brain.
All which are heavily genetically determined.

There definitely seems to be a South-East - North-West genetic tendency towards Conservative values in Europe stemming from the Near-East, up into North-West Europe.

Eastern Europe is more Conservative because?

If we include Armenia in Europe, it would be the most-South-Eastern, and also Conservative nation in Europe.

On the inverse, towards the North-West Liberal values dominate, especially around Scandinavia, the Netherlands, and the British Isles.

I don't possibly see how this couldn't be a general genetically disposition.
How you are raised is a big part of it. I can already tell you're going to be big pain in the ass here by the way you cling to leftist policies. Oh, you're so modern and hip, well I don't give a fuck, how 'bout dat?

I don't want to be associated with the other liberals. I support gun ownership and a strong military.

There's nothing wrong with liberals, but they're rarer than white supremacists. There is something wrong with Social Marxists and Commies. That's some Anti-American shit right there. IMO, they need rode out on a rail and tarred and feathered.
How you are raised is a big part of it. I can already tell you're going to be big pain in the ass here by the way you cling to leftist policies. Oh, you're so modern and hip, well I don't give a fuck, how 'bout dat?

I don't want to be associated with the other liberals. I support gun ownership and a strong military.

There's nothing wrong with liberals, but they're rarer than white supremacists. There is something wrong with Social Marxists and Commies. That's some Anti-American shit right there. IMO, they need rode out on a rail and tarred and feathered.

How did acceptance of homosexuality increased so much in the 2000s and 2010s? Did people like Ellen DeGeneres play a part of this. The vast majority of my Republican friends have no problem with gays.
How you are raised is a big part of it. I can already tell you're going to be big pain in the ass here by the way you cling to leftist policies. Oh, you're so modern and hip, well I don't give a fuck, how 'bout dat?

I don't want to be associated with the other liberals. I support gun ownership and a strong military.

There's nothing wrong with liberals, but they're rarer than white supremacists. There is something wrong with Social Marxists and Commies. That's some Anti-American shit right there. IMO, they need rode out on a rail and tarred and feathered.

How did acceptance of homosexuality increased so much in the 2000s and 2010s? Did people like Ellen DeGeneres play a part of this. The vast majority of my Republican friends have no problem with gays.

Yes, societal acceptable is a big part of it.

But, that doesn't mean biology plays no role.

We're probably becoming more Individualist, a trait linked likely to Serotonin (Although perhaps not fully proven yet)

But, as society becomes softer, Serotonin tends to increase, which might explain why people are becoming more Individualist, in judging the masses as just individuals.

The Gay is just a bunch of individuals to most Western Europeans / Americans, rather than a Collective.

That's not really true in most of the World , outside of Western European societies.
How you are raised is a big part of it. I can already tell you're going to be big pain in the ass here by the way you cling to leftist policies. Oh, you're so modern and hip, well I don't give a fuck, how 'bout dat?

I don't want to be associated with the other liberals. I support gun ownership and a strong military.

There's nothing wrong with liberals, but they're rarer than white supremacists. There is something wrong with Social Marxists and Commies. That's some Anti-American shit right there. IMO, they need rode out on a rail and tarred and feathered.

How did acceptance of homosexuality increased so much in the 2000s and 2010s? Did people like Ellen DeGeneres play a part of this. The vast majority of my Republican friends have no problem with gays.

I don't have any problem with them, unless they start pushing it on kids, which Obama started. That makes me start to think maybe it was wrong to stop hanging them like Jefferson advocated against, he was just for castration.
How you are raised is a big part of it. I can already tell you're going to be big pain in the ass here by the way you cling to leftist policies. Oh, you're so modern and hip, well I don't give a fuck, how 'bout dat?

I don't want to be associated with the other liberals. I support gun ownership and a strong military.

There's nothing wrong with liberals, but they're rarer than white supremacists. There is something wrong with Social Marxists and Commies. That's some Anti-American shit right there. IMO, they need rode out on a rail and tarred and feathered.

How did acceptance of homosexuality increased so much in the 2000s and 2010s? Did people like Ellen DeGeneres play a part of this. The vast majority of my Republican friends have no problem with gays.

I don't have any problem with them, unless they start pushing it on kids, which Obama started. That makes me start to think maybe it was wrong to stop hanging them like Jefferson advocated against, he was just for castration.

The seems like an extreme progressive thing. I don't think the gay community as a whole supports that.

Your thoughts on video games? Particularly Mass Effect. How liberal is Mass Effect? How liberal is it for humans to work with aliens?
How you are raised is a big part of it. I can already tell you're going to be big pain in the ass here by the way you cling to leftist policies. Oh, you're so modern and hip, well I don't give a fuck, how 'bout dat?

I don't want to be associated with the other liberals. I support gun ownership and a strong military.

There's nothing wrong with liberals, but they're rarer than white supremacists. There is something wrong with Social Marxists and Commies. That's some Anti-American shit right there. IMO, they need rode out on a rail and tarred and feathered.

How did acceptance of homosexuality increased so much in the 2000s and 2010s? Did people like Ellen DeGeneres play a part of this. The vast majority of my Republican friends have no problem with gays.

I don't have any problem with them, unless they start pushing it on kids, which Obama started. That makes me start to think maybe it was wrong to stop hanging them like Jefferson advocated against, he was just for castration.

The seems like an extreme progressive thing. I don't think the gay community as a whole supports that.

Your thoughts on video games? Particularly Mass Effect. How liberal is Mass Effect? How liberal is it for humans to work with aliens?

I don't either, but Obama does. What the fuck does "Mass Effect" have to do with anything? I know what it is, but wtf?! Asaris have nice titties, are blue, and whatever sex you want them to be. Yeah, that's kind of a fucked up thing about Mass Effect. Personally, I don't want no Futanari Asari around me. I'm not into faggotry.
I don't want to be associated with the other liberals. I support gun ownership and a strong military.

There's nothing wrong with liberals, but they're rarer than white supremacists. There is something wrong with Social Marxists and Commies. That's some Anti-American shit right there. IMO, they need rode out on a rail and tarred and feathered.

How did acceptance of homosexuality increased so much in the 2000s and 2010s? Did people like Ellen DeGeneres play a part of this. The vast majority of my Republican friends have no problem with gays.

I don't have any problem with them, unless they start pushing it on kids, which Obama started. That makes me start to think maybe it was wrong to stop hanging them like Jefferson advocated against, he was just for castration.

The seems like an extreme progressive thing. I don't think the gay community as a whole supports that.

Your thoughts on video games? Particularly Mass Effect. How liberal is Mass Effect? How liberal is it for humans to work with aliens?

I don't either, but Obama does. What the fuck does "Mass Effect" have to do with anything? I know what it is, but wtf?! Asaris have nice titties, are blue, and whatever sex you want them to be. Yeah, that's kind of a fucked up thing about Mass Effect. Personally, I don't want no Futanari Asari around me. I'm not into faggotry.

I remember you mentioning video games in another thread a while back. I wanted to see if you were actually a game player.

Also you won't believe Andromeda. The dialogue is so forced!

"We're all pathfinders" What kind of participation trophy shit is that?
obvious both culture and genetics can influence one's prospective

Race, religion, family, and how much money does daddy have

If your born with birth defects, height, sex, blind, etc

I like to thing of it as a stick

Everybody is born with a stick up their butt

Some people remove that stick

Others keep it there

yet some will try to remove that stick and it breaks, well at least they tried
I think your upbringing exposes you to certain beliefs, but ultimately you either accept them or reject them when you mature.

For example, I was raised Catholic and still go to church every Sunday. But I know people who were also raised Catholic and don't go to church anymore.
How you are raised is a big part of it. I can already tell you're going to be big pain in the ass here by the way you cling to leftist policies. Oh, you're so modern and hip, well I don't give a fuck, how 'bout dat?

I don't want to be associated with the other liberals. I support gun ownership and a strong military.

I'm a liberal, and I support the right of every sane, sober and law abiding citizen to own a gun; and I enlisted in the Navy in 1967, and also support a strong military.

However, I also support a Strong State Dept (T.R. said, speak softly and carry a big stick). I support every citizen to have the same rights and equal opportunity as every other citizen. And as a Catholic I the believe in the Sermon on the Mount, and not the bullshit from the twitter from the White House.
I was born in the 50's , grew up with this sort of thing in the 60's>

I'm more a byproduct than a product of it

I am a child of the 2000s. I was a daily reader of GamePolitics. I had a front row seat to all the crazy culture war stuff.

Why were cultural conservatives so crazy in the 2000s?

I remember listening to this and they had this old guy on who called gamers "voyeurs".

I also went to church every Sunday but only to make my family happy. I never cared about anything they said there. I remember hearing the priest saying sex is a sin but I didn't care. Must have been premarital sex.

Yet I was spiritual. I believed in ghosts, monsters, and UFOs. My spiritual side seemed to die out as I got older. Science and technology interests me more now.

In HS I only cared about becoming rich and I was a typical CoD brodude. I never cared about any issues back then that I care about now such as environmentalism, science, and sexual freedom. I only said I supported gay marriage to make my friends happy and annoy my parents. It was only until after a few of my friends came out of the closet shortly before the 2015 ruling on gay marriage that I became fully supportive of LGBT rights.

Despite being exposed to porn during my middle school years I never got fully comfortable with sexuality in media until I played Mass Effect 1 and watched a few episodes of Game of Thrones during my college years. And I loved seeing two hot chicks kiss each other in Sims 4.

I am no fan of the SJWs but I never got sucked into the alt right. I had "SJW" teachers but I never really got into social justice.

After I got out of HS I found liberalism to be exciting and refreshing.

My liberalism dealt with science and sexual freedom. I think a future full of spaceships, aliens, freedom, science that makes life more fun would be more awesome than a future decided by an ancient religious text that demands slavery to an "antichrist" and an apocalyptic final battle.

Is my liberalism shallow and superficial?

Does culture or genetics influence a person's worldview?
A person is the sum total of their life experiences.

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