Are people seriously ignorant of the consequences of communism/socialism?

When you understand what conservatism is, every argument they make leads to the same end.

Q: What is conservatism?
A: Conservatism is the domination of society by an aristocracy.

Q: What is Bfgrn?
A: An idiot who doesn't have a fucking clue what he is talking about.
But both are totalitarian and Mental DISEASES.

Those who follow Michael Savage and the Hard Right wacks and libertarians are the flip side of communists. Communism and libertarianism are easily refuted as oppressive systems.

There you go again running your cowardly mouth.

Have you grown the stones to post those links yet?

I am picking up stones the righties through earlier and throwing them back.

When they say something worthwile refuting with evidence, then I will refute with evidence.

So talk to your fellow fracks to evidence their opinions. If not, then we continue on this way.
Those who follow Michael Savage and the Hard Right wacks and libertarians are the flip side of communists. Communism and libertarianism are easily refuted as oppressive systems.

There you go again running your cowardly mouth.

Have you grown the stones to post those links yet?

I am picking up stones the righties through earlier and throwing them back.

When they say something worthwile refuting with evidence, then I will refute with evidence.

So talk to your fellow fracks to evidence their opinions. If not, then we continue on this way.

Finally an ADMISSION from Jokey/Fakey...

Yes many are. Not all but many. Many love the idea of their Nanny State but in the end they're only creating an oppressive Police State. We're already moving in that direction. It's sad.

As someone who spent a career in law enforcement, recruited, hired, trained and disciplined LEO's I must say you're full of shit.
What the fuck does your career path have to do with anything?
There you go again running your cowardly mouth.

Have you grown the stones to post those links yet?

I am picking up stones the righties through earlier and throwing them back.

When they say something worthwile refuting with evidence, then I will refute with evidence.

So talk to your fellow fracks to evidence their opinions. If not, then we continue on this way.

Finally an ADMISSION from Jokey/Fakey...


Yep, the far righties (the hard right). You guys are not conservatives, not mainstream Republicans. You are fakes and posers, and you just hung yourself and your silly crew.

Thanks, T :lol:
How is that relavent. Communism over the last 90 years has been a system defined by incompetence and mass murder. The question is, how many people have to die to show it won't work. Religion is not part of the question.

It can be a different question, but it is not relavent to this discussion.

You confuse (or obfuscate) an economic theory with a politcal system.
Let's discuss obfuscation for a moment. What was your reasoning behind bringing in religious fanaticism?
Yes many are. Not all but many. Many love the idea of their Nanny State but in the end they're only creating an oppressive Police State. We're already moving in that direction. It's sad.

As someone who spent a career in law enforcement, recruited, hired, trained and disciplined LEO's I must say you're full of shit.
What the fuck does your career path have to do with anything?

That means he has insight others do not.

Do you think many, implied majority want a police state?

Of course not. Which was his point.
American Progressives have been thoroughly trained to ignore the economic failings of their ideology and mass murders of their heroes: Chairman Mao, Uncle Joe and Adolph.

Chairman Mao agrees with you Frank.


"We stand for active ideological struggle because it is the weapon for ensuring unity within the Party and the revolutionary organizations in the interest of our fight. Every Communist and revolutionary should take up this weapon.

But liberalism rejects ideological struggle and stands for unprincipled peace, thus giving rise to a decadent, Philistine attitude and bringing about political degeneration in certain units and individuals in the Party and the revolutionary organizations.

Liberalism is extremely harmful in a revolutionary collective. It is a corrosive which eats away unity, undermines cohesion, causes apathy and creates dissension. It robs the revolutionary ranks of compact organization and strict discipline, prevents policies from being carried through and alienates the Party organizations from the masses which the Party leads."
COMBAT LIBERALISM - Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung

Have you taken up your weapons, Komrade?
How much death has to be caused by these systems before people understand they dont work?

Taking care of the old and the sick is not "communism."

Spending government money on education, healthcare, research, and infrastructure is what drives an economy.
To your second point..BULLSHIT.
Federal government has NO BUSINESS in local affairs such as education. Unfortunately, local officials saw the carrot of federal aid on the stick and grabbed it. And of course all the strings attached to the stick. Now local educators are stuck with federal money because they have learned to overspend while counting on the flow of federal dollars. And the interference.
The federal government has NO BUSINESS in the health insurance area. Another gigantic and expensive bureaucracy has been created with absolutely zero positive results.
The reason why programs such as medicare exist is because the federal government decided to meddle in how insurance policies are written.
Insurance became expensive because government involved itself. The govt took away all forms of choice and eliminated competition between insurers by creating protected markets. Imagine how expensive homeowners and auto insurance would be if the insurers did not have to compete for business across state lines?
Senior citizens who require financial and health matters assistance should receive benefits. They worked all their lives. They paid taxes and funded the system. They are richly deserving.
The disabled should also receive assistance.
Here's the rub. Social safety nets are being crushed by waste, fraud and those who game the system. We must draw the line somewhere. We must draw the line before politicians of a certain jersey turn us into Greece.
You sit there in your easy chair wagging your finger at those of us who are sick of government waste, fraud and bureaucracy. You people believe we should be duty bound to fork over our earnings without question.
Ya know what.....If government didn't feed itself, didn't throw our money down a rat hole while demanding we owe them more, few would ever balk at paying their taxes.
Government is over stuffed and far too comfortable. Workers are arrogant and believe they are untouchable. That breeds mediocrity among the employees. They do just enough while putting in their time waiting for the day when they can start drawing a pension.
If you think this is productive, you're living in a parallel universe.
Communism and Socialism are WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!! Are YOU just too ignorant to see the glorious examples of these left wing ideologies that have been attempted in the past? I give you many examples of utopian, heavenly places that these ideals have been adopted:

The old USSR
Modern Russia
North Korea
Nat'l Socialist Party of Germany (NAZI)

Among others.

But it's also been tried in some form in modern Germany, Greece, Norway, Sweden, France, England, Canada, etc, etc.

So whats the point? Socialism and Communism are kinda like cancer. Sometimes it's malignant (1st list). Others it's benign (2nd list.)

Me? I'd just prefer not to have cancer!!!!!!!!!!

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