Are people seriously ignorant of the consequences of communism/socialism?

Do they teach history in the US School system anymore?
And the teachers that teach must be certified as appropriately Liberal in mind, attitude, and training before they are turned loose on the kiddies.

So the entire media industry is Leftist/Communist in belief and orientation, as is the entire systrem of higher education. Conservatives thought they had a reason to be upset when Jimmy Carter came out with his pronouncement that it was time America "Got over its inordinate fear of Communism"?

If you've had the misfortune of being forced to watch what passes as entertainment on network television over the past week, cut off from Fox, you'd have seen what this nation is up against.
It was Charlie Sheen in one show talking about someone's mother calling the president a "Commie and an Arab" and trying to teach him how to "Chew tobacco and burn crosses!" Then there was the "Big Bang" right after. Where does someone in their life experience encounter anything remotely similar? The TV writers have to all be on crack.
Once, a long time ago, after a hot, humid, summer day at Disneyworld I wondered to myself how the Second World War would have turned out had Disney been working for Adolph instead of for Franklin.
Well, today, Disney is working for the enemy.
consequences of socialism?

police force
fire fighters
shared cleaned streets
school systems
cheaper groceries
street parades
national defense

OK I give up. What are the consequences of these things? Safer neighborhoods and smarter people? What am I missing?

This is one of the dumber quotes I've seen lately. Street parades? Really? Look, the United States flourished as a capitalistic society. We became who we are because of the competitive drive that a free market economy encouraged. We were able to afford the best police, fire, and national defense in the world because of the monies that free market economy provided. We had clean streets...we had the best colleges on the planet and we had grocery stores that were the envy of the rest of the world. NONE of that was due to socialism.

All of that was due to the regulated market, which is social democracy. Unregulated capitalism will lead America to looking like East Germany in the 1970s. You Hard Rights are either ignorant, mentally feeble, or mentally malignant.

None of you are honest.
Do they teach history in the US School system anymore?
And the teachers that teach must be certified as appropriately Liberal in mind, attitude, and training before they are turned loose on the kiddies.

So the entire media industry is Leftist/Communist in belief and orientation, as is the entire systrem of higher education. Conservatives thought they had a reason to be upset when Jimmy Carter came out with his pronouncement that it was time America "Got over its inordinate fear of Communism"?

If you've had the misfortune of being forced to watch what passes as entertainment on network television over the past week, cut off from Fox, you'd have seen what this nation is up against.
It was Charlie Sheen in one show talking about someone's mother calling the president a "Commie and an Arab" and trying to teach him how to "Chew tobacco and burn crosses!" Then there was the "Big Bang" right after. Where does someone in their life experience encounter anything remotely similar? The TV writers have to all be on crack.
Once, a long time ago, after a hot, humid, summer day at Disneyworld I wondered to myself how the Second World War would have turned out had Disney been working for Adolph instead of for Franklin.
Well, today, Disney is working for the enemy.

What a silliness you write, bitterly. No, the old days were not better, not ever. Get over that Hard Right lie.
consequences of socialism?

police force
fire fighters
shared cleaned streets
school systems
cheaper groceries
street parades
national defense

OK I give up. What are the consequences of these things? Safer neighborhoods and smarter people? What am I missing?

This is one of the dumber quotes I've seen lately. Street parades? Really? Look, the United States flourished as a capitalistic society. We became who we are because of the competitive drive that a free market economy encouraged. We were able to afford the best police, fire, and national defense in the world because of the monies that free market economy provided. We had clean streets...we had the best colleges on the planet and we had grocery stores that were the envy of the rest of the world. NONE of that was due to socialism.

Actually if one looks at historical facts, the US flourished as a capitalistic society when our financial industry was more regulated and we had a booming Middle Class whose income grew at a faster rate than inflation. The wealthy paid much, much higher taxes than they do today and business and the wealthy still flourished and at the same time, so did everyone else. And during those times, the US didn't have an over-whelming National Debt.
Since the deregulation of the financial sector, since the Middle Class started seeing flat wages, since the wealthy have seen their taxes drop like a rock, we have seen the US economy stagger and our National Debt has sky-rocketed.

Oh and by the way, you folks screaming about communism, socialism and Marxism have been sucked in by the extreme fear mongers. If you're this afraid of these ideologies as defined by your masters, I'd hate to see your reactions if you ever ran into a real communist, socialist or Marxist.

Half truths are not your friend
Even during the Cold War, when our main superpower rival was a Communist country so that the "menace of Communism" actually had SOME credibility, it was always true that ANTI-Communism was a bigger threat to American liberty than Communism.

After all, what did Communism ever actually do to Americans? In concrete, actual harm, not maybes? On the other hand, anti-Communism got us McCarthyism and blacklists, ruined many perfectly fine people's livelihoods, justified decades of bloated defense budgets, and got us into two major hot shooting wars (Korea and Vietnam) as well as nearly blowing the world up once (had Kennedy listened to the hard-core anti-Communists among his advisers in 1962, nuclear war and the end of the world would have resulted).

That's the really hard-core harm; on top of that, it's been used to fallaciously insinuate things wrong with economic liberalism and social democracy, which don't share any of the unpleasant characteristics of Communism (anti-democracy, gulags, dictatorship, etc.), and so deprived the nation of much in the way of positive good over the years.

Communism is already gone. It's time we got rid of anti-Communism as well. At this point, there isn't even a bad reason for it.
How much death has to be caused by these systems before people understand they dont work?

Just like guns don't kill people, people kill people.

Political and economic systems don't kill people, people kill people.

Communism in theory isn't bad, the way Stalin used it is.
Facsism in theory isn't bad, the way Hitler used it it was.
Capitalism isn't bad, the way Enron used it it was.
Democracy isn't bad, the way Nixon used it is was.

Do you see where this is going?
Two of the fastest growing economies in the world are China and Sweden.

One is communist and one is socialist.
Socialism/Communism never ends well for the people. Don't trade your freedom & liberty away for some Government freebies. That's a very bad trade-off.


It's countries that spend huge amounts of their GDP on the military and occupying other countries for years at a time that have problems.

Like the Soviet Union and the United States.
How much death has to be caused by these systems before people understand they dont work?

All they have to do is find the nearest history book...(That is...err...uhmm...if it hasn't been rewritten by revisionist elitists in thier quest to hide the truth):eusa_shhh:
Just like guns don't kill people, people kill people.

Political and economic systems don't kill people, people kill people.

More to the point, political and economic systems aren't identical unless they're identical. And if they share one-tenth of their characteristics in common but not the other 90%, they're not identical. And if that one-tenth that they share are the GOOD qualities of one of them, then for purposes of demonization they are NOTHING alike.

Social democracy is not Communism.

Liberalism is not Communism.
Just like guns don't kill people, people kill people.

Political and economic systems don't kill people, people kill people.

More to the point, political and economic systems aren't identical unless they're identical. And if they share one-tenth of their characteristics in common but not the other 90%, they're not identical. And if that one-tenth that they share are the GOOD qualities of one of them, then for purposes of demonization they are NOTHING alike.

Social democracy is not Communism.

Liberalism is not Communism.
But both are totalitarian and Mental DISEASES.
But both are totalitarian

No. Completely false, and betraying utter ignorance of what the word "totalitarian" even means.

Under a totalitarian government, there is no free speech. There is no public oversight of the government. There is no right of the people to assemble and protest, no democracy, no right of dissent. That's what totalitarianism is about.

Communism was totalitarian. So was Nazism. Social democracy and liberalism not only aren't totalitarian, they are its antithesis.

and Mental DISEASES.

And this is beyond completely false to the point of being absurd. Not even Communism is a "mental disease," let alone liberalism or social democracy.

Now, raging delusional paranoia, on the other hand . . .
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Just like guns don't kill people, people kill people.

Political and economic systems don't kill people, people kill people.

More to the point, political and economic systems aren't identical unless they're identical. And if they share one-tenth of their characteristics in common but not the other 90%, they're not identical. And if that one-tenth that they share are the GOOD qualities of one of them, then for purposes of demonization they are NOTHING alike.

Social democracy is not Communism. Liberalism is not Communism.
But both are totalitarian and Mental DISEASES.

Those who follow Michael Savage and the Hard Right wacks and libertarians are the flip side of communists. Communism and libertarianism are easily refuted as oppressive systems.
Two of the fastest growing economies in the world are China and Sweden.

One is communist and one is socialist.
Neither are OVER regulated

It was the lack of regulation that destroyed the world economy.

This lack of regulation during the Bush administration allowed Wall Street to run a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme.
Gaze upon the horrible face of universal healthcare and Swedish socialism....


OMG, look what socialism has done to those poor things.

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