Are Republicans all set to cave on “gun control”?

They won't cave....They'll collaborate.

The lifer GOP swamp things are as terified of the kulaks being armed as are the commicrats.
The way to control those corrupt assholes, is to make them more afraid of losing their lives than losing their jobs.

That much is becoming quite clear. We have a bunch of cowards representing us.
The way to control those corrupt assholes, is to make them more afraid of losing their lives than losing their jobs.

That much is becoming quite clear. We have a bunch of cowards representing us.
That would be regarded as a threat.

I'm sure most of them realize however that their ability to continue their standard of living relies on the ability of those in office to remain in office. These offices only exist because the public tolerates it.

It's something you come to grips with if you've ever been a corrections officer. The inmates actually control the institution. They tolerate the existence of the CO's. Once the CO's cross certain lines, shit falls apart. The inmates understand that they're likely to die if they go full blown Attica, but imagine every prison in the country going Attica at once, plus the ghettoes burning, and all the police taking their weapons and cars home.

Bye Bye Wardens....

Will they raise the age limit of the military where they can actually get Assault Weapons and tanks, and bombs, and flame throwers?

As you well know, soldiers do not own the weapons they are assigned, trained and use under close supervision. Other than the type of weapons used, this is no different than what underage persons are allowed to do.
As you well know, soldiers do not own the weapons they are assigned, trained and use under close supervision. Other than the type of weapons used, this is no different than what underage persons are allowed to do.
That's why most soldiers will take everything they can get their hands on home.
I've thought about this as well. I was seventeen when I went into the Army—eighteen when I reached my first duty station and eighteen during the length of my entire first deployment. Back then, in the early 90's, we could own private firearms but had to store them in our battalion armory and could check them out on the weekends. Oddly enough, we could keep ammunition in our wall lockers in the barracks, as long as it wasn't 5.56. At the time I owned a 10mm Glock and an old surplus SKS. As for alcohol, technically we (the under 21 crowd) weren't supposed to buy it but no one said anything if a six pack ended up in our mini fridge in the barracks. What a dire insult to 17-20 year-old combat vets everywhere—sure, son go to war for us but you can't own private firearms, not just yet. It's bullshit.
So you owned a Glock when you were seventeen? I guess letting you in the Army was better than letting you live near a school.
Go ahead an get on the train....It's the "common sense" thing to do.
"Stand by to repel Drama Queens, starboard..."


Nobody's tryin' to put you on a train to Auschwitz, nor is anybody (worth taking seriously) trying to take away your guns...

Nationwide standards for background checks, licensing, registration (and maybe even training) are merely a sane response to an insane situation...

Now... once you're vetted and licensed and trained and your firearms are registered... if anybody tries to take 'em, I'll repel boarders alongside you...

Until then...


"Stand by to repel Drama Queens, starboard..."


Nobody's tryin' to put you on a train to Auschwitz, nor is anybody (worth taking seriously) trying to take away your guns...

Nationwide standards for background checks, licensing, registration (and maybe even training) are merely a sane response to an insane situation...

Now... once you're vetted and licensed and trained and your firearms are registered... if anybody tries to take 'em, I'll repel boarders alongside you...

Until then...

Actually, I entirely understand the verbiage...

And, strictly speak, I entirely agree that "shall not be infringed" means just that...

Hell, son, I have a FOID card myself, although, with kids, and then grandkids, in the house, I've never actually had one on my premises...

However, given vast differences in society, when comparing 1791 (the year the Bill of Right was adopted) and 2022...

It has long-since become necessary to play the "Intepretation" game in order to maintain some safety and sanity in our present age...

Sucks... but that's what one gets when Urban Ghetto Neanderthals and Trailer Trash are allowed to have guns just like sane, intelligent, respectable folk...

So, unless you can find a way to roll-back each and every control on firearms nationwide...

No FOID cards... no background checks... no registration... no licensure... no prohibitions on sales or transfers... and no related criminal statutes...

A positively orgasmic Nirvana for Gun Nuts everywhere, of course, where everybody can own a Ma Deuce and a trunk-full of ammo belts...

The country is never, ever going back to a time when none of that existed...

But for Sane Folk...

Some considerable degree of effective firearms-control is necessary...

None of that bars law-abiding, sane folk from possessing firearms...

It may be argued that increased controls lead to ever-increasing restrictions on the types and numbers of firearms and ammunition...

Outside the realm of automatic weapons and grenade launchers and mortars and the like, that would not be a good thing; worth resisting...

But in an insane world where any pi$$ant 18-year-old sociopath or 20-year-old Ghetto Hood Rat with a death wish can get his hands on one...

And when in that insane world innocent little school children are routinely being slaughtered by the bushel-basketful every other week...

It's time to find a Middle Ground... with a tip-of-the-hat to the Founders... but with the acknowledgement that their purist verbiage is no longer sustainable...

It's that or repeal or modify the Second, the next time Dem-Lib-Progs have a majority in both Congress and enough State legislatures...

I don't know about you, but I genuinely and truthfully do NOT want to see that... I want to preserve as much of the Second as possible for the future...

What you clowns don't understand is that if you don't provide a reasonable way forward, something far worse could be forced upon you one day...

And... given the way things are going nowadays with school shootings... that "one day" is probably closer than you could possibly imagine...

Why do that to yourselves? Negotiate from a position of strength... while there's still time... and find a middle ground that you can live with.

Or stupidly dig in your heels and risk losing it all when the inevitable tsunami of public opinion forces the hand of the government in the future?

But it is the Fate of Man that some element or another can never see beyond the end of their noses, and fails to act while there is still time.

Consequently, I weep for the future, knowing that many of you lack either the intelligence or foresight, or both, to pull that off effectively.
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Actually, I entirely understand the verbiage...

And, strictly speak, I entirely agree that "shall not be infringed" means just that...

Hell, son, I have a FOID card myself, although, with kids, and then grandkids, in the house, I've never actually had one on my premises...

However, given vast differences in society, when comparing 1791 (the year the Bill of Right was adopted) and 2022...

It has long-since become necessary to play the "Intepretation" game in order to maintain some safety and sanity in our present age...

Sucks... but that's what one gets when Urban Ghetto Neanderthals are allowed to have guns just like sane, intelligent, respectable folk...

So, unless you can find a way to roll-back each and every control on firearms nationwide...

No FOID cards... no background checks... no registration... no licensure... no prohibitions on sales or transfers... and no related criminal statutes...

A positively orgasmic Nirvana for Gun Nuts everywhere, of course, where everybody can own a Ma Deuce and a trunk-full of ammo belts...

The country is never, ever going back to a time when none of that existed...

But for Sane Folk...

Some considerable degree of effective firearms-control is necessary...

None of that bars law-abiding, sane folk from possessing firearms...

It may be argued that increased controls lead to ever-increasing restrictions on the types and numbers of firearms and ammunition...

Outside the realm of automatic weapons and grenade launchers and mortars and the like, that would not be a good thing; worth resisting...

But in an insane world where any pi$$ant 18-year-old sociopath or 20-year-old Ghetto Hood Rate with a death wish can get his hands on one...

And when in that insane world innocent little school children are routinely being slaughtered by the bushel-basketful every other week...

It's time to find a Middle Ground... with a tip-of-the-hat to the Founders... but with the acknowledgement that their purist verbiage is no longer sustainable...

It's that or repeal the Second altogether, the next time Dem-Lib-Progs have a majority in both Congress and enough State legislatures...

I don't know about you, but I genuinely and truthfully do NOT want to see that... I want to preserve as much of the Second as possible for the future...

What you clowns don't understand is that if you don't provide a reasonable way forward, something far worse could be forced upon you one day...

And... given the way things are going nowadays with school shootings... that "one day" is probably closer than you could possibly imagine...

Why do that to yourselves? Negotiation from a position of strength... while there's still time... and find a middle ground that you can live with.

Or stupidly dig in your heels and risk losing it all when the inevitable tidal wave of public opinion forces the hand of the government in the future?
To summarize…you believe good law abiding core Americans should embrace the idea of foregoing their rights and conceding ground to degenerate lowlife pieces of filthy shit?
To summarize…you believe good law abiding core Americans should embrace the idea of foregoing their rights and conceding ground to degenerate lowlife pieces of filthy shit?
To summarize, I believe it is better to preserve the Right to Bear Arms by ensuring that it is done in a safe manner consistent with modern society.

Your 'No Negotiation' position is, no doubt, of comfort to you-and-yours, but it is doomed to failure in the long run, unless you recover your sanity in that regard.
Gosh darn those mass inconvenient for you.
Not particularly. Where I live people all own guns but are civilized enough not to go killing everything that moves over a pair of shoes or because someone dissed someone else's ho, or whatever motivates the urban trash to kill each other daily.
It won't happen. Abortion over took guns in the media and made people forget. Eventually it will fade away. People care more about the price of gas than controlling guns.

Democrats run shit into the ground and beat dead horses so much that they burn everyone out on their topics after not too long. Even their race cards don't carry much weight anymore because they over played it.
Whenever the filthy Democrats do something to fuck up this country nine times out of ten they were helped along the way by weak minded RINOs.

This gun control bill is terrible. Absolutely worthless to stop any future crime and an attack on our Constitutional rights. The Republicans should have just told the goddamn Moon Bat Democrats to shove it where the sun don't shine.

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