Are Republicans just plain stupid?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it

'He that increseth his knowledge doth also increseth his sorrow.' :)
Is Trump just playing you guys for suckers?

He strings you on with birther claims for four years and then says he would pick a Canadian as his running mate

Honestly, you can't make this shit up
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it
You support Obama and you call others stupid? Lol
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it

Bullshit. You're the typical leftwing asshole. You do nothing but provoke and aren't man enough to admit it.
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it
You support Obama and you call others stupid? Lol

Stay on topic

Do you honestly support Trump claiming someone born outside the US can't be President and then picking someone born in Canada as VP?
Let me tell you who is responsible for Trump.. The establishment GOP and Barack Obama.

Obama because he ushers in the age of the populist with no experience... the rock star president. No longer does a resume matter. No longer does experience matter. You elected, then re-elected a one-term junior senator with no executive experience whatsoever. So the precedent has now been set.

The Establishment GOP because they have been tone deaf for 8 years and failed to listen to their base. Instead of trying to stop Obama's agenda, they took advantage of the political power the Tea Party gave them to HELP Obama get most of his key agenda passed.

Now you are both going to have to suffer the consequences. The GOP base is pissed and they are showing you how pissed they are by nominating a caustic asshole.

Trump isn't my #1 pick but there is a part of me who really does hope that he wins and then trounces Hillary the Crook. I want to see the liberals dance while Trump fires his six shooter at their feet. I want him dishing out as much of his caustic assholiness as he can muster on a daily basis and watch the liberals try and deal with it.
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it

Bullshit. You're the typical leftwing asshole. You do nothing but provoke and aren't man enough to admit it.

Address the topic

Hypocricy on the part of Trump?

"Thank you, Obama and Hillary! We <3 u!!"
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it
You support Obama and you call others stupid? Lol

Stay on topic

Do you honestly support Trump claiming someone born outside the US can't be President and then picking someone born in Canada as VP?
After Obama the bar has been set low for future presidents. Your best candidate now his hillary. You have no credibility left.
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it
You support Obama and you call others stupid? Lol

Stay on topic

Do you honestly support Trump claiming someone born outside the US can't be President and then picking someone born in Canada as VP?

Cruz can be president. You are grasping at straws that you'll never reach. The guidelines have been challenged repeatedly and the SCOTUS has repeatedly ruled in favor of the will of the electorate. They simply cannot disqualify someone who legitimately won the nomination, thereby, disenfranchising half the country... that's never going to happen in a bazillion years.
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it

Bullshit. You're the typical leftwing asshole. You do nothing but provoke and aren't man enough to admit it.

Address the topic

Hypocricy on the part of Trump?

I addressed the lie you told that was part of the topic.
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it

Bullshit. You're the typical leftwing asshole. You do nothing but provoke and aren't man enough to admit it.

Address the topic

Hypocricy on the part of Trump?
Cruz was born by an American citizen. How is it even a question?
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it
You support Obama and you call others stupid? Lol

Stay on topic

Do you honestly support Trump claiming someone born outside the US can't be President and then picking someone born in Canada as VP?

Cruz can be president. You are grasping at straws that you'll never reach. The guidelines have been challenged repeatedly and the SCOTUS has repeatedly ruled in favor of the will of the electorate. They simply cannot disqualify someone who legitimately won the nomination, thereby, disenfranchising half the country... that's never going to happen in a bazillion years.

If Cruz can be President

Why did Trump spend four years and millions of dollars trying to convince us otherwise? Is he just playing this country for suckers and Republicans are too stupid to realize it?
When Republicans change positions they are called flip floppers..
When Dems do it they say they have become enlightened.
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it
You support Obama and you call others stupid? Lol

Stay on topic

Do you honestly support Trump claiming someone born outside the US can't be President and then picking someone born in Canada as VP?

Actually, I doubt Drumpf gets the connection any more than the brain dead RWNJs.

Whatever the nutter right tells them to believe - they just believe it, without question.

Every day here, we read more and more lies about Obama. Why is that? Why do RWNJs hate their own country so much that they lie about what their military has done and is doing?

More than 7000 strikes against ISIL.
More than 60 other countries following Obama's lead.
BUT, Pooting finally says he is going to also follow Obama's lead and the RWNJ traitors all celebrate while continuing to lie about their own country.

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