Are right wingers are using the Boston Marathon Bombing for political points?

Are right wingers are using the Boston Marathon Bombing for political points?


Liberals use issues of equality to grow Washington and win elections

Republicans use national security to grow Washington and win elections.

(Don't try to explain this to Republicans because they trust the Federal Government so much that they would never suspect it of using Terrorism politically)

Look at the Cold War. Washington used the Soviet threat as a context to intervene in Asia, Central-&-Latin America and the Middle East. All of these regions had extremely cheap labor and abundant natural resources - therefore: the Cold War became a context for setting up the global market system. Now, as a result, American corporations get ultra-cheap labor and raw material from the very assets we accumulated during the Cold War.

All great nations, when they are creating favorable global arrangements, claim to be saving or civilizing the world. They always claim to be fighting terrorists or evil doers - and very often this is a component of it. Even the Nazis claimed to be protecting Germany from evil Jews. Reagan initiated the war on terrorism long before Bush 43. Fighting terrorism was Reagan's context for re-designing the political landscape of the middle east and Central America so that these regions benefited America's economic and geopolitical needs. [Don't try to explain any of this to Republicans because they cannot imagine Big Government misrepresenting the facts, even if it is strategically necessary. FYI: I happen to agree with this strategy in some instances. Nations are in a global war for resources; they have no interest in stating their geopolitical strategies. They're not going to say, "we're using the IMF to put nations of the global south in debt for the purpose of putting them in technical receivership so that Washington can shape their policies and open their economies and labor markets to foreign investment"]

When the Cold War unwound, the USA needed another context to intervene in key regions. The War on Terrorism became the new context. Fighting evil is simply a better rationale than "controlling your resources". This doesn't mean that we made up the terrorist threat. We didn't. The threats to our national security are MASSIVE, however, a successful superpower knows how to use those threats strategically, to advance global and domestic interests. Since our economy requires more oil than any other - and since our financial health is dependent upon oil being priced in dollars not euros - we require more control over the world's remaining oil reserves. This is simply a fact of survival. Therefore, using the real threat of Terrorism is the best context for intervening in these very important regions.

But there is also a domestic component to terrorism. Bush won the 2004 election by making national security the primary issue. The most direct route to a voter's emotion is fear of death. BUT - and here is why the issue of exploiting fear is so pathetic - less people die each year from Terrorism than lightening strikes. By inflating the threat, the Bush administration successfully kept millions of people on high alert and in constant fear - and it earned a 2nd term. [This would not have worked so well if the Republicans didn't trust big government so much - but they trusted Washington's assessment, and never questioned it no matter how statistically insane it was]

Just over 32,000 people each year die in traffic accidents. There are an average of just over 9,000 gun deaths.

Outside of 2001, more Americans drowned in toilets or died from bee stings than terrorism.

But this does not matter. If you make elections about national security, the Republicans have a better chance. This stems from the sixties when the Libs became the blame-America-first anti-war party.

Therefore, the Republicans benefit electorally from terrorism.

God help us.
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You don't remember how conservatives used 9/11 for a good five or six years as a major political point to push their crazy bullshit until we all got sick of it? Also several posters including the worst poster on this website bigrebnc1775 used the murder of those in Boston and those children in Newton to create threads and push their cocksucking political fears before the bodies were even cold. This is an impossible allegation for conservatives to deny and I find it odd this thread has gone on for so long.
I don't think the accusation against Republicans sticks, because we're all Americans and just want to know the truth. It's a little difficult after the Benghazi shifting narrative(s).

This entire thread is one huge smokescreen to cover other fictitious accounts of the Obama administration's sales pitch du jour. :rolleyes:
You don't remember how conservatives used 9/11 for a good five or six years as a major political point to push their crazy bullshit until we all got sick of it? Also several posters including the worst poster on this website bigrebnc1775 used the murder of those in Boston and those children in Newton to create threads and push their cocksucking political fears before the bodies were even cold. This is an impossible allegation for conservatives to deny and I find it odd this thread has gone on for so long.

Oh yeah! The color coded security warnings every time the GOP needed a boost:eek:
I don't think the accusation against Republicans sticks, because we're all Americans and just want to know the truth. It's a little difficult after the Benghazi shifting narrative(s).

This entire thread is one huge smokescreen to cover other fictitious accounts of the Obama administration's sales pitch du jour. :rolleyes:

Ben Ghazzi's brothers, Ben Dover and Ben Gay want to meet with you
Are right wingers are using the Boston Marathon Bombing for political points?


What political agenda is the Right pushing on the bodies of dead Americans in Newtow.... I mean Boston? :cuckoo:
Read the title Dainty gave this thread and tell me he's not on the sauce:

Are right wingers are using the Boston Marathon Bombing for political points?

How many times do you count the word 'are?'
You don't remember how conservatives used 9/11 for a good five or six years as a major political point to push their crazy bullshit until we all got sick of it? Also several posters including the worst poster on this website bigrebnc1775 used the murder of those in Boston and those children in Newton to create threads and push their cocksucking political fears before the bodies were even cold. This is an impossible allegation for conservatives to deny and I find it odd this thread has gone on for so long.

Son of a bitch when have I used any children. If anyone is the worst poster on this web site that would be you. Go fuck yourself you lying god damn son of a bitch. Your god damn lies better stop now.

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