Are right wingers are using the Boston Marathon Bombing for political points?

sure, but theres usually, only one side held to account ion the very same media that has helped perpetuate the idiocy.....ala Paul Krugman?

Sorry, man - I'm having a little trouble parsing this. :razz:

But here's my shot:

Each side "holds to account" the other.

Sean Hannity will talk about how all liberals were trying to blame white people. Chris Matthews will talk about how conservatives are salivating for more reasons to hate Muslims. David Sirota will write blogs about how he wishes it's a white guy, and Pamela Gellar will blog about how evil Muslims are.

The shrillest and loudest and most annoying on either side will be shrill and annoying at each other for a while.

Then we'll find something new to be shrill and annoying about, and repeat the whole process.

I'm not sure I understand your reference to Paul Krugman though.

hannity is a gorilla, he browbeats his guests etc. and practices in the main, guerrilla propaganda......

My reference to Krugman was his right out of the box piece on how the right motivated Loughner etc etc etc ....

and please doc, lets not pretend that the throw wight of the msm is not huge and dwarfs anything around it, still shapes opinions widely. In the end it is extremely dishonest and probably responsible more than any one thing, any piece of legislation etc. for the polarization we live in today.

I think Krugman is a blowhard, so I feel no need to defend him.

But I would argue that the so-called "MSM" doesn't really drive the narrative anymore.

For people who actually care, even 24-hour news shows can't keep up with the internet - and every day, more and more people are getting their news (and being told what to think) from the internet, not the TV or the Newspaper.
I wish more people got their News from more than ABC,NBC and CBS.

Sorry, man - I'm having a little trouble parsing this. :razz:

But here's my shot:

Each side "holds to account" the other.

Sean Hannity will talk about how all liberals were trying to blame white people. Chris Matthews will talk about how conservatives are salivating for more reasons to hate Muslims. David Sirota will write blogs about how he wishes it's a white guy, and Pamela Gellar will blog about how evil Muslims are.

The shrillest and loudest and most annoying on either side will be shrill and annoying at each other for a while.

Then we'll find something new to be shrill and annoying about, and repeat the whole process.

I'm not sure I understand your reference to Paul Krugman though.

hannity is a gorilla, he browbeats his guests etc. and practices in the main, guerrilla propaganda......

My reference to Krugman was his right out of the box piece on how the right motivated Loughner etc etc etc ....

and please doc, lets not pretend that the throw wight of the msm is not huge and dwarfs anything around it, still shapes opinions widely. In the end it is extremely dishonest and probably responsible more than any one thing, any piece of legislation etc. for the polarization we live in today.

I think Krugman is a blowhard, so I feel no need to defend him.

But I would argue that the so-called "MSM" doesn't really drive the narrative anymore.

For people who actually care, even 24-hour news shows can't keep up with the internet - and every day, more and more people are getting their news (and being told what to think) from the internet, not the TV or the Newspaper.
Ya know Bill Clinton authorized warrantless physical searches.
Do we need to go there again?
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Jihad smeehad....who gives a flying fuck.

These two punks do not equal an attack on America,

jesus, I know it's too much to ask 'when will the right wing stop shitting their pants' but when will the right wingers stop spreading fear and loathing?

Apparently, Dante has this hands in front of his eyes, saying, "I don't see no Jihad!"



See what I mean. And I've seen this arrogant delusion from libs before. It's the "It can't exist or be valid, unless **I** acknowledge it's valid."

So, because Dante can't deal with the fact it IS Islamic terrorism, he's going to play that game.

It's akin to a two year old who puts his hands over his eyes and thinks you disappear because he can't see you.

And it's about as intelligent.

There are people on both sides using the Boston Marathon bombing for political points.

A simple glance through the first few pages of New Posts will show that very clearly.

For each liberal "White people did it" thread, there's a conservative "Let's kick out all the Muslims" thread.

sure, but theres usually, only one side held to account ion the very same media that has helped perpetuate the idiocy.....ala Paul Krugman?

Sorry, man - I'm having a little trouble parsing this. :razz:

But here's my shot:

Each side "holds to account" the other.

Sean Hannity will talk about how all liberals were trying to blame white people. Chris Matthews will talk about how conservatives are salivating for more reasons to hate Muslims. David Sirota will write blogs about how he wishes it's a white guy, and Pamela Gellar will blog about how evil Muslims are.

The shrillest and loudest and most annoying on either side will be shrill and annoying at each other for a while.

Then we'll find something new to be shrill and annoying about, and repeat the whole process.

I'm not sure I understand your reference to Paul Krugman though.

Yeah, Bullshit.

You show me the quotes of Sean Hannity MAKING ASSUMPTIONS OVER WHO DID THIS.

Conservatives didn't do that, LIBERALS DID!


Chris Matthews: 'Normally' Domestic Terrorists 'Tend to Be on the Far Right' | NewsBusters

CNN Analyst Suggests 'Right-Wing Extremists' Could Be Behind Boston Bombing | NewsBusters

Shameful: New York Times Columnist Nicholas Kristof Links Boston Explosion to GOP, Others Pile On | NewsBusters

Al Sharpton's Radio Producer Tweets Speculation That 'Anti-Gov' Group Behind Boston Marathon Bombings | NewsBusters

Chris Matthews: Did Boston Bombing Have Anything To Do With Tax Day? | NewsBusters

ABC Speculates: Was Boston 'Homegrown Terror?' Features Mark Potok on 'Extreme Right' | NewsBusters

CNN Won't Call Out Barney Frank for Politicizing Boston Bombing, But MSNBC Did | NewsBusters

Randi Rhodes Explodes: Rush, Sean, Glenn, Michele Bachmann, Peter King! They're All Terrorists! | NewsBusters

Actual Salon Headline: 'Let?s Hope the Boston Marathon Bomber Is a White American' | NewsBusters

MSNBC Brings On Harvard Professor to Speculate ?Far Right? May Be Responsible For Boston Attack | NewsBusters

MSNBC Brings on Guest To Wonder About Bomber's Message: 'Abortion?' 'Taxes?' 'Tea Party?' | NewsBusters
(cont. from above)

And for those who don't actually care that much, they generally watch the local 10 o'clock news - which is a whole different animal than what people are usually referring to when they say "MSM".
sure, but theres usually, only one side held to account ion the very same media that has helped perpetuate the idiocy.....ala Paul Krugman?

Sorry, man - I'm having a little trouble parsing this. :razz:

But here's my shot:

Each side "holds to account" the other.

Sean Hannity will talk about how all liberals were trying to blame white people. Chris Matthews will talk about how conservatives are salivating for more reasons to hate Muslims. David Sirota will write blogs about how he wishes it's a white guy, and Pamela Gellar will blog about how evil Muslims are.

The shrillest and loudest and most annoying on either side will be shrill and annoying at each other for a while.

Then we'll find something new to be shrill and annoying about, and repeat the whole process.

I'm not sure I understand your reference to Paul Krugman though.

Yeah, Bullshit.

You show me the quotes of Sean Hannity MAKING ASSUMPTIONS OVER WHO DID THIS.

Conservatives didn't do that, LIBERALS DID!


Chris Matthews: 'Normally' Domestic Terrorists 'Tend to Be on the Far Right' | NewsBusters

CNN Analyst Suggests 'Right-Wing Extremists' Could Be Behind Boston Bombing | NewsBusters

Shameful: New York Times Columnist Nicholas Kristof Links Boston Explosion to GOP, Others Pile On | NewsBusters

Al Sharpton's Radio Producer Tweets Speculation That 'Anti-Gov' Group Behind Boston Marathon Bombings | NewsBusters

Chris Matthews: Did Boston Bombing Have Anything To Do With Tax Day? | NewsBusters

ABC Speculates: Was Boston 'Homegrown Terror?' Features Mark Potok on 'Extreme Right' | NewsBusters

CNN Won't Call Out Barney Frank for Politicizing Boston Bombing, But MSNBC Did | NewsBusters

Randi Rhodes Explodes: Rush, Sean, Glenn, Michele Bachmann, Peter King! They're All Terrorists! | NewsBusters

Actual Salon Headline: 'Let?s Hope the Boston Marathon Bomber Is a White American' | NewsBusters

MSNBC Brings On Harvard Professor to Speculate ?Far Right? May Be Responsible For Boston Attack | NewsBusters

MSNBC Brings on Guest To Wonder About Bomber's Message: 'Abortion?' 'Taxes?' 'Tea Party?' | NewsBusters

Way to miss the point. Perhaps you should re-read what I said.
Apparently, Dante has this hands in front of his eyes, saying, "I don't see no Jihad!"



See what I mean. And I've seen this arrogant delusion from libs before. It's the "It can't exist or be valid, unless **I** acknowledge it's valid."

So, because Dante can't deal with the fact it IS Islamic terrorism, he's going to play that game.

It's akin to a two year old who puts his hands over his eyes and thinks you disappear because he can't see you.

And it's about as intelligent.


Nobody cares what you think....we get mixed messages from your tag line.
ummm..... you left out Fox :eusa_eh:

I wish more people got their News from more than ABC,NBC and CBS.

hannity is a gorilla, he browbeats his guests etc. and practices in the main, guerrilla propaganda......

My reference to Krugman was his right out of the box piece on how the right motivated Loughner etc etc etc ....

and please doc, lets not pretend that the throw wight of the msm is not huge and dwarfs anything around it, still shapes opinions widely. In the end it is extremely dishonest and probably responsible more than any one thing, any piece of legislation etc. for the polarization we live in today.

I think Krugman is a blowhard, so I feel no need to defend him.

But I would argue that the so-called "MSM" doesn't really drive the narrative anymore.

For people who actually care, even 24-hour news shows can't keep up with the internet - and every day, more and more people are getting their news (and being told what to think) from the internet, not the TV or the Newspaper.
Please stop spamming that post.

We saw it. You don't need to post in 4 times in a row.
ummm..... you left out Fox :eusa_eh:

I wish more people got their News from more than ABC,NBC and CBS.

I think Krugman is a blowhard, so I feel no need to defend him.

But I would argue that the so-called "MSM" doesn't really drive the narrative anymore.

For people who actually care, even 24-hour news shows can't keep up with the internet - and every day, more and more people are getting their news (and being told what to think) from the internet, not the TV or the Newspaper.

Fox didn't start hoping the bombers were whites, blacks, muslims or anyone else.

That was the lib media who did that.
spam post? kg is that you? :lol:

spam post is spam. Who put that post together for you? Drudge?
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Maybe one day they'll finally get their right winger, but not in the last 50 years. or so.
Lefties have it back-assward as usual. They think the right wing is making political points because it isn't being attacked by left wing bigots.
The right is always hypersensitive to truth.

Truth has a way of pushing wingnuts into fits of lunacy and imbecility

Yeah....and the truth is it was a couple of muslim wack jobs.
Seems to me you have the problem with the truth. And wish it were different.
(cont. from above)

And for those who don't actually care that much, they generally watch the local 10 o'clock news - which is a whole different animal than what people are usually referring to when they say "MSM".

thats true , the local affiliates take theirs cues Usually, from the area they serve.....but -the major stories, whats more, whats not covered is just as harmful and dishonest.
Where are the threads by liberals seeking justice, wanting these morons who did this to suffer? Why is it always political consequences and legislation that libtards worry about?

Seeking justice for what? One moron is dead and the other is soon to be dead or captured.

A group of young misfits placed a few bombs at a marathon. They are more common criminals than terrorists.

good gawd, you people play into the hands of misfits with every post you make

My God you're pathetic. Next thing you'll be telling us they're just misguided youth.
Did you have wet dreams about it being a white American Conservative?
Are right wingers are using the Boston Marathon Bombing for political points?


Apparently Dante forgot all about the many "theories" from the Lamestream Media on how the perps were White Christian anti-govt Right Wingers.

Getting old, are we Dante?

Maybe someone should post the links to remind him.
Are right wingers are using the Boston Marathon Bombing for political points?


Apparently Dante forgot all about the many "theories" from the Lamestream Media on how the perps were White Christian anti-govt Right Wingers.

Getting old, are we Dante?

Maybe someone should post the links to remind him.

Why do you think the lib cowards in this thread are trying to stop me from posting all the links of those liberals who did that.

They can't keep lying about this if I keep posting the facts.


Chris Matthews: 'Normally' Domestic Terrorists 'Tend to Be on the Far Right' | NewsBusters

CNN Analyst Suggests 'Right-Wing Extremists' Could Be Behind Boston Bombing | NewsBusters

Shameful: New York Times Columnist Nicholas Kristof Links Boston Explosion to GOP, Others Pile On | NewsBusters

Al Sharpton's Radio Producer Tweets Speculation That 'Anti-Gov' Group Behind Boston Marathon Bombings | NewsBusters

Chris Matthews: Did Boston Bombing Have Anything To Do With Tax Day? | NewsBusters

ABC Speculates: Was Boston 'Homegrown Terror?' Features Mark Potok on 'Extreme Right' | NewsBusters

CNN Won't Call Out Barney Frank for Politicizing Boston Bombing, But MSNBC Did | NewsBusters

Randi Rhodes Explodes: Rush, Sean, Glenn, Michele Bachmann, Peter King! They're All Terrorists! | NewsBusters

Actual Salon Headline: 'Let?s Hope the Boston Marathon Bomber Is a White American' | NewsBusters

MSNBC Brings On Harvard Professor to Speculate ?Far Right? May Be Responsible For Boston Attack | NewsBusters

MSNBC Brings on Guest To Wonder About Bomber's Message: 'Abortion?' 'Taxes?' 'Tea Party?' | NewsBusters __________________

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