Are right wingers are using the Boston Marathon Bombing for political points?

Uh, yes, there have absolutely been some on the right trying to politicize this.

I've mostly avoided the punditry on all channels because there's nothing worthwhile to be gained from any of it. So while I'm sure there were some idiots on the left who said some idiot things about who the bombers might be, I stuck more to stories about the heroes and the spirit of Bostonians and largely avoided the bullshit political blather.

However, unfortunately, I did manage to catch a little bit of it, and in both instances it was right wing, and in both instances it was blatantly political.

The first was at the gym, which had Hannity on for god knows what reason since I'm in San Francisco. Made me realize why I'd been avoided that crap in the first place, though the rage certainly inspired me to run harder. Hannity, of course, pulled the smarmy "I hate how those jerks on the left are politicizing this, which I would never do, but here's how I'm going to politicize this." Typical Hannity bullshit. Plus, there was his "terrorism expert" with that bogus deportation claim and the standard bitching and moaning about Obama. It was pretty stomach turning to watch Hannity pretend to give a damn about the godless liberals in Boston. Newsflash bro, showing some sympathy this week doesn't change the fact that you hate on us the other 51 weeks of the year.

The second was this morning. I was switching through AM stations to try to find reporting on the current situation as I was driving to work and flipped past a station talking about Michelle Obama meeting with "Saudis with terror ties" in a Boston hospital and then there was some bullshit about gun control. I changed the channel immediately. Couldn't begin to tell you what channel or show that one was, but CLEARLY right wing.

So yeah, there are people on the right politicizing this. And there are people on the left politicizing this. And both sides can suck my Boston bred balls because I'm too busy being in awe of how beautifully strong and kind and loving and amazing my city has been through this all.
Only Dante would be stupid enough to make this claim in light of the real evidence over who was using this terrible Tragedy for Political points.

SUCK IT LIBS! You OWN This. IT WAS YOUR SIDE that tried to use the dead and dying as a political prop to smear your political enemies. Too late to pretend otherwise. The evidence is too overwhelming for you to lie your way out of it!


Chris Matthews: 'Normally' Domestic Terrorists 'Tend to Be on the Far Right' | NewsBusters

CNN Analyst Suggests 'Right-Wing Extremists' Could Be Behind Boston Bombing | NewsBusters

Shameful: New York Times Columnist Nicholas Kristof Links Boston Explosion to GOP, Others Pile On | NewsBusters

Al Sharpton's Radio Producer Tweets Speculation That 'Anti-Gov' Group Behind Boston Marathon Bombings | NewsBusters

Chris Matthews: Did Boston Bombing Have Anything To Do With Tax Day? | NewsBusters

ABC Speculates: Was Boston 'Homegrown Terror?' Features Mark Potok on 'Extreme Right' | NewsBusters

CNN Won't Call Out Barney Frank for Politicizing Boston Bombing, But MSNBC Did | NewsBusters

Randi Rhodes Explodes: Rush, Sean, Glenn, Michele Bachmann, Peter King! They're All Terrorists! | NewsBusters

Actual Salon Headline: 'Let?s Hope the Boston Marathon Bomber Is a White American' | NewsBusters

MSNBC Brings On Harvard Professor to Speculate ?Far Right? May Be Responsible For Boston Attack | NewsBusters

MSNBC Brings on Guest To Wonder About Bomber's Message: 'Abortion?' 'Taxes?' 'Tea Party?' | NewsBusters
Dainty is no more than a childish troll.

Dainty is no more than a childish troll.

He isn't the only one. The left are whining like spoiled children who didn't get a toy at K-Mart because the terrorists didn't turn out to be White, Tea Party, NRA members they could use to further Obama's agenda.

They are just really furious that. So NOW they want to claim, it was WE that jumped on this and claimed it had to be _________ (fill in the blank) when it was liberals and it's too late for them to pretend otherwise.

Dante seems to simply not want to face the fact that this was Jihad.....
I haven't seen any "political points". Maybe the left is angry that they can't blame terrorism on Bush? What's the difference between Tim McVeigh and Bill Ayers? McVeigh was executed.
There are people on both sides using the Boston Marathon bombing for political points.

A simple glance through the first few pages of New Posts will show that very clearly.

For each liberal "White people did it" thread, there's a conservative "Let's kick out all the Muslims" thread.

sure, but theres usually, only one side held to account ion the very same media that has helped perpetuate the idiocy.....ala Paul Krugman?

You could fill a small library with what this little doofus doesn't understand.

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