Are serial killers atheists?

Kay Griggs, wife of US Marine Corps Colonel George Griggs, unedited 8-hour interview (on 4 DVDs) with Pastor Rick Strawcutter.

Kay Griggs speaks freely about the unimagined corruption and extent of the oppressive systems of deception within the leadership nexus of military intelligence with secret society internationalism.

The American Chronicle: The Murder of Admiral Jeremy Boorda
Griggs also stated that her husband George was an assassin for the Marine Corps though it always operated under Army command. Thus her husband was involved in countless assassinations of Americans.
Boorda made the “mistake” of firing or easing into retirement too many of the individuals involved in the Tailhook operation, earning numerous powerful enemies such as General Jim Joy, General Al Gray, General Victor Krulak, General Carl Steiner, and many more senior military officers who sponsored and participated in the rituals.
Boorda hit a raw nerve in attempting to clean up the scandal and debauchery but did not know the extent of the animosity and power behind the cabal of officers committed to these practices.
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I think they must be atheist because their actions are what speak - even if a serial killer like Jeffery Dahmer "said" they were a Christian for example, the fact that they murder without remorse disproves their words. So I don't see how one could be a serial killer, rapist, etc and be a religious individual; it seems to me the only conclusion is that they are atheists by default, if they were not then they never would have committed those acts to begin with.

Whelp --- since serial killing isn't a religious act, the question is inoperative.
Is Satanism / the Occult a religion? Do they perform rituals? All of the serial killers in these videos appear to have something in common and it isn't Christianity or atheism, Pogo.

Have a look:

Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 6 (Ted Bundy & Fred West)
This is an entire series based on the research of an author who wrote a book about it.

Those are all examples of religious thinking gone bad. If you think you are the devil you believe in god.
Wow the right wing nuttery just comes alive in this thread.
I notice whenever I explain how utterly ridiculous christianity and creation stories are the Christians shut up. They never reply back. Like, "how did every bird, fish, snake, mammal & amphibian get here?" If you don't believe we all came from a common ancestor, if you don't believe we all originally crawled out of the water, then you MUST believe that God put 2 or more adults of every animal on this planet in the beginning and then from that point those animals mated.

But a true Christian is forced to believe that god poofed into existence the first adam and eve frogs, birds, cats, dogs, etc. That is the creation story. Or, anyone who calls themselves a christian and says they believe in evolution is confused and needs to realize they are cherry picking.
I think they must be atheist because their actions are what speak - even if a serial killer like Jeffery Dahmer "said" they were a Christian for example, the fact that they murder without remorse disproves their words. So I don't see how one could be a serial killer, rapist, etc and be a religious individual; it seems to me the only conclusion is that they are atheists by default, if they were not then they never would have committed those acts to begin with.

Whelp --- since serial killing isn't a religious act, the question is inoperative.
Is Satanism / the Occult a religion? Do they perform rituals? All of the serial killers in these videos appear to have something in common and it isn't Christianity or atheism, Pogo.

Have a look:

Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 6 (Ted Bundy & Fred West)
This is an entire series based on the research of an author who wrote a book about it.

Those are all examples of religious thinking gone bad. If you think you are the devil you believe in god.

Their god is Lucifer. Kay Griggs was the wife of US Marine Corps Colonel George Griggs, he was the Head of Special Operations under Admiral Kelso NATO.
Your looking at pure evil here.

Frank Kelso - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Commands held
Kay Griggs husband Col. George Griggs was the head of special operations under Admiral Kelso NATO.

Kay Griggs was the head of the hospitality committee and was a member of the executive board of Nato's Wives Club.

She certainly appears to know exactly what she is talking about. She was an insider for 11 years at the highest echelons. Her husband's education includes NATO Defense College in Rome. This Christian woman's testimony is iron clad and continues to be confirmed again and again as more stories come forth which include the very same names of top military Generals & others which were mentioned in her husband's diary. NATO and Rome - Vatican military arm is Jesuits - about 2% are priests, the rest infiltrated our military,schools, Universities -such as Jesuit Georgetown University-, political leaders, US Churches (all denominations) Seminary Schools, Media, NATO, UN, etc - are marching forward in their NWO agenda. Your unbelief does not negate the truth of her testimony.
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I think they must be atheist because their actions are what speak - even if a serial killer like Jeffery Dahmer "said" they were a Christian for example, the fact that they murder without remorse disproves their words. So I don't see how one could be a serial killer, rapist, etc and be a religious individual; it seems to me the only conclusion is that they are atheists by default, if they were not then they never would have committed those acts to begin with.

Whelp --- since serial killing isn't a religious act, the question is inoperative.
Is Satanism / the Occult a religion? Do they perform rituals? All of the serial killers in these videos appear to have something in common and it isn't Christianity or atheism, Pogo.

Have a look:

Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 6 (Ted Bundy & Fred West)
This is an entire series based on the research of an author who wrote a book about it.

Those are all examples of religious thinking gone bad. If you think you are the devil you believe in god.

Their god is Lucifer. Kay Griggs was the wife of US Marine Corps Colonel George Griggs, he was the Head of Special Operations under Admiral Kelso NATO.
Your looking at pure evil here.

Frank Kelso - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Commands held
Kay Griggs husband Col. George Griggs was the head of special operations under Admiral Kelso NATO.

Kay Griggs was the head of the hospitality committee and was a member of the executive board of Nato's Wives Club.

She certainly appears to know exactly what she is talking about. She was an insider for 11 years at the highest echelons. Her husband's education includes NATO Defense College in Rome. This Christian woman's testimony is iron clad and continues to be confirmed again and again as more stories come forth which include the very same names of top military Generals & others which were mentioned in her husband's diary. NATO and Rome - Vatican military arm is Jesuits - about 2% are priests, the rest infiltrated our military,schools, Universities -such as Jesuit Georgetown University-, political leaders, US Churches (all denominations) Seminary Schools, Media, NATO, UN, etc - are marching forward in their NWO agenda. Your unbelief does not negate the truth of her testimony.

“Isn’t it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?” – Douglas Adams

“The total amount of suffering per year in the natural world is beyond all decent contemplation. During the minute that it takes me to compose this sentence, thousands of animals are being eaten alive, many others are running for their lives, whimpering with fear, others are slowly being devoured from within by rasping parasites, thousands of all species are dying of starvation, thirst, and disease. The universe that we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but pitiless indifference.” – Richard Dawkins
“Isn’t it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?” – Douglas Adams

“The total amount of suffering per year in the natural world is beyond all decent contemplation. During the minute that it takes me to compose this sentence, thousands of animals are being eaten alive, many others are running for their lives, whimpering with fear, others are slowly being devoured from within by rasping parasites, thousands of all species are dying of starvation, thirst, and disease. The universe that we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but pitiless indifference.” – Richard Dawkins
There is no such thing as decency where there is no morality, and there can be no morality where right and wrong do not exist, and right and wrong need GOD to be consistent.
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I think they must be atheist because their actions are what speak - even if a serial killer like Jeffery Dahmer "said" they were a Christian for example, the fact that they murder without remorse disproves their words. So I don't see how one could be a serial killer, rapist, etc and be a religious individual; it seems to me the only conclusion is that they are atheists by default, if they were not then they never would have committed those acts to begin with.
As an atheist I kind of agree. No way you could really do that and actually believe.

Just the same way I don't think most people are really Christians. Think about how many so called Christians masturbate while thinking adulterous thoughts about their neighbors wife. Could they masturbate in front of their father? No. Yes so many do.
While that is true, not every Christian does such things. I don't. I won't allow myself to think on such things. It's called discipline and the disciples of Christ are called to discipline their own minds and cast down every imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ. To think on such things is to commit adultery in one's heart. Read Matthew Chapter 5. The word of God tells us that the pure in heart shall see God. Can one who commits adultery in their heart have a pure heart? No. So such a person will go to hell for doing that. We cannot be thinking on things that are sin. That is not the way of the Christian. I hope that you will not think so much about what some Christians are doing (sinful things) and focus on Jesus Christ and His Word.
I think they must be atheist because their actions are what speak - even if a serial killer like Jeffery Dahmer "said" they were a Christian for example, the fact that they murder without remorse disproves their words. So I don't see how one could be a serial killer, rapist, etc and be a religious individual; it seems to me the only conclusion is that they are atheists by default, if they were not then they never would have committed those acts to begin with.
As an atheist I kind of agree. No way you could really do that and actually believe.

Just the same way I don't think most people are really Christians. Think about how many so called Christians masturbate while thinking adulterous thoughts about their neighbors wife. Could they masturbate in front of their father? No. Yes so many do.
While that is true, not every Christian does such things. I don't. I won't allow myself to think on such things. It's called discipline and the disciples of Christ are called to discipline their own minds and cast down every imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ. To think on such things is to commit adultery in one's heart. Read Matthew Chapter 5. The word of God tells us that the pure in heart shall see God. Can one who commits adultery in their heart have a pure heart? No. So such a person will go to hell for doing that. We cannot be thinking on things that are sin. That is not the way of the Christian. I hope that you will not think so much about what some Christians are doing (sinful things) and focus on Jesus Christ and His Word.
I'm just making a point. Lots of people who believe in God are adulterers and serial killers. But I agree how could they really believe that a God is watching and cares yet still commit the sin.
“Isn’t it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?” – Douglas Adams

“The total amount of suffering per year in the natural world is beyond all decent contemplation. During the minute that it takes me to compose this sentence, thousands of animals are being eaten alive, many others are running for their lives, whimpering with fear, others are slowly being devoured from within by rasping parasites, thousands of all species are dying of starvation, thirst, and disease. The universe that we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but pitiless indifference.” – Richard Dawkins
There is no such thing as decency where there is no morality, and there can be no morality where right and wrong do not exist, and right and wrong need GOD to be consistent.
God is not necessary. But if you need strict rules that don't change let's go with the old testament or Koran. Right? I mean the things said in those two books are consistent with what's in the new testament, right?
I think they must be atheist because their actions are what speak - even if a serial killer like Jeffery Dahmer "said" they were a Christian for example, the fact that they murder without remorse disproves their words. So I don't see how one could be a serial killer, rapist, etc and be a religious individual; it seems to me the only conclusion is that they are atheists by default, if they were not then they never would have committed those acts to begin with.
As an atheist I kind of agree. No way you could really do that and actually believe.

Just the same way I don't think most people are really Christians. Think about how many so called Christians masturbate while thinking adulterous thoughts about their neighbors wife. Could they masturbate in front of their father? No. Yes so many do.
While that is true, not every Christian does such things. I don't. I won't allow myself to think on such things. It's called discipline and the disciples of Christ are called to discipline their own minds and cast down every imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ. To think on such things is to commit adultery in one's heart. Read Matthew Chapter 5. The word of God tells us that the pure in heart shall see God. Can one who commits adultery in their heart have a pure heart? No. So such a person will go to hell for doing that. We cannot be thinking on things that are sin. That is not the way of the Christian. I hope that you will not think so much about what some Christians are doing (sinful things) and focus on Jesus Christ and His Word.
I'm just making a point. Lots of people who believe in God are adulterers and serial killers. But I agree how could they really believe that a God is watching and cares yet still commit the sin.

This is what I believe about you. I believe that when the the LORD reveals himself to you, if you would say yes to the call he has on your life...... Jesus Christ would shine so pure and holy through you, Sealy, that many a Christian would hide their face in shame.

I wonder why it is that you, who do not profess Christ to be your Savior, have more understanding of what God requires of the Believer than most professed Believers have. That is a mystery to me but I will leave it with God as it is His business and not mine.
I think they must be atheist because their actions are what speak - even if a serial killer like Jeffery Dahmer "said" they were a Christian for example, the fact that they murder without remorse disproves their words. So I don't see how one could be a serial killer, rapist, etc and be a religious individual; it seems to me the only conclusion is that they are atheists by default, if they were not then they never would have committed those acts to begin with.
God Killed plenty of people so why wouldn't those made in his image do the same?
I think they must be atheist because their actions are what speak - even if a serial killer like Jeffery Dahmer "said" they were a Christian for example, the fact that they murder without remorse disproves their words. So I don't see how one could be a serial killer, rapist, etc and be a religious individual; it seems to me the only conclusion is that they are atheists by default, if they were not then they never would have committed those acts to begin with.
As an atheist I kind of agree. No way you could really do that and actually believe.

Just the same way I don't think most people are really Christians. Think about how many so called Christians masturbate while thinking adulterous thoughts about their neighbors wife. Could they masturbate in front of their father? No. Yes so many do.
While that is true, not every Christian does such things. I don't. I won't allow myself to think on such things. It's called discipline and the disciples of Christ are called to discipline their own minds and cast down every imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ. To think on such things is to commit adultery in one's heart. Read Matthew Chapter 5. The word of God tells us that the pure in heart shall see God. Can one who commits adultery in their heart have a pure heart? No. So such a person will go to hell for doing that. We cannot be thinking on things that are sin. That is not the way of the Christian. I hope that you will not think so much about what some Christians are doing (sinful things) and focus on Jesus Christ and His Word.
I'm just making a point. Lots of people who believe in God are adulterers and serial killers. But I agree how could they really believe that a God is watching and cares yet still commit the sin.

This is what I believe about you. I believe that when the the LORD reveals himself to you, if you would say yes to the call he has on your life...... Jesus Christ would shine so pure and holy through you, Sealy, that many a Christian would hide their face in shame.

I wonder why it is that you, who do not profess Christ to be your Savior, have more understanding of what God requires of the Believer than most professed Believers have. That is a mystery to me but I will leave it with God as it is His business and not mine.
I had a great relationship with the Lord before I stopped believing there was one. And long before I stopped believing in god(s), I stopped believing any organized religions including Christianity. So while I don’t buy the concept that you have to accept Jesus as your lord and savior, I do buy the concept of being a good person. You don’t have to believe in gods to know you should heal the sick and feed the poor and we all knew the golden rule long before Christianity or even the Old Testament was written.

But a cult can’t attract as many loyal members with a message of “just be good”. In fact, Christianity says no one is good. We are all flawed. And the only way to get into heaven is to believe in this Christ character and if you do you are in and if you don’t you burn in hell for all eternity. Very effective.

I know good atheists and good Christians. I know bad Christians. I think if there is a heaven, which I don’t, a good atheist goes before a bad Christian. And I certainly don’t think all Muslims, Jews, Mormons, Atheists, Buddhists and Hindu go to hell. You need to realize your religion is just one of many. Yea I know you think yours is special but they think the same thing.

P.S. I love to see you fighting with Catholics. It’s a hoot. Usually you guys are cool with each other when you are arguing with atheists and Muslims but on here you guys really go at it. Interesting.
I think they must be atheist because their actions are what speak - even if a serial killer like Jeffery Dahmer "said" they were a Christian for example, the fact that they murder without remorse disproves their words. So I don't see how one could be a serial killer, rapist, etc and be a religious individual; it seems to me the only conclusion is that they are atheists by default, if they were not then they never would have committed those acts to begin with.
As an atheist I kind of agree. No way you could really do that and actually believe.

Just the same way I don't think most people are really Christians. Think about how many so called Christians masturbate while thinking adulterous thoughts about their neighbors wife. Could they masturbate in front of their father? No. Yes so many do.
While that is true, not every Christian does such things. I don't. I won't allow myself to think on such things. It's called discipline and the disciples of Christ are called to discipline their own minds and cast down every imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ. To think on such things is to commit adultery in one's heart. Read Matthew Chapter 5. The word of God tells us that the pure in heart shall see God. Can one who commits adultery in their heart have a pure heart? No. So such a person will go to hell for doing that. We cannot be thinking on things that are sin. That is not the way of the Christian. I hope that you will not think so much about what some Christians are doing (sinful things) and focus on Jesus Christ and His Word.
I'm just making a point. Lots of people who believe in God are adulterers and serial killers. But I agree how could they really believe that a God is watching and cares yet still commit the sin.

This is what I believe about you. I believe that when the the LORD reveals himself to you, if you would say yes to the call he has on your life...... Jesus Christ would shine so pure and holy through you, Sealy, that many a Christian would hide their face in shame.

I wonder why it is that you, who do not profess Christ to be your Savior, have more understanding of what God requires of the Believer than most professed Believers have. That is a mystery to me but I will leave it with God as it is His business and not mine.
I had a great relationship with the Lord before I stopped believing there was one. And long before I stopped believing in god(s), I stopped believing any organized religions including Christianity. So while I don’t buy the concept that you have to accept Jesus as your lord and savior, I do buy the concept of being a good person. You don’t have to believe in gods to know you should heal the sick and feed the poor and we all knew the golden rule long before Christianity or even the Old Testament was written.

But a cult can’t attract as many loyal members with a message of “just be good”. In fact, Christianity says no one is good. We are all flawed. And the only way to get into heaven is to believe in this Christ character and if you do you are in and if you don’t you burn in hell for all eternity. Very effective.

I know good atheists and good Christians. I know bad Christians. I think if there is a heaven, which I don’t, a good atheist goes before a bad Christian. And I certainly don’t think all Muslims, Jews, Mormons, Atheists, Buddhists and Hindu go to hell. You need to realize your religion is just one of many. Yea I know you think yours is special but they think the same thing.

P.S. I love to see you fighting with Catholics. It’s a hoot. Usually you guys are cool with each other when you are arguing with atheists and Muslims but on here you guys really go at it. Interesting.

You say you had a great relationship with the Lord before you stopped believing there was one, sealybobo. How can you know that you had a great relationship with the Lord if not for the fact that you once knew him as Lord? In this you contradict yourself. What happened? You listened to the lies of the enemy and allowed yourself to doubt the Lord. You must repent and return to the Lord, Sealy.

The Catholics you mention are not fighting me, Sealy. They are fighting the Word of God (KJV Holy Bible) which I quote in order to expose the false teachings of Catholicism. I love the Catholic people and my prayer is that like you, they will be delivered from the lies of Satan and seek the Lord Jesus Christ for their salvation.

Sealy, your story reminds me of John Bunyan, the author of Pilgrim's Progress. John Bunyan met a man who was a servant of Satan. With clever arguments he caused others to doubt their faith. It is the age old lie that Satan spoke to Eve, "Hath God said?"

John Bunyan made the awful mistake of listening to this man and considering his arguments against the Written Word of God. This led to great despair and after some time had passed it eventually led to John Bunyan attempting to take his own life. Had it not been for the intervention of a holy angel sent by God he would have succeeded.

By the grace of God, he was given visions of heaven and hell and therein he realized the fate of those who turn away others faith from Jesus Christ. What is more, the holy angel of the Lord showed John Bunyan the same man who had been used by Satan to disturb his faith. The man had died and was now suffering the eternal torments of hell. John Bunyan then realized the fate of those who not only reject Jesus Christ but attempt to destroy the faith of others. After having experienced such divine grace and mercy, John Bunyan's faith was restored and he became a great minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I would strongly advise all people to put on ignore those who devise clever arguments against God and bring wicked accusations against Him and His Word. Do not listen to them. Do not read their posts. Only when the Lord leads me to, will I respond to these evil men with the Word of God in order to expose the lies they are attempting to deceive others with. It is imperative that we guard our hearts and our minds with all diligence. These are not men we should keep company with. Have nothing to do with them.

It is written:
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
1 Peter 5:8
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