Are the anti-science zealots accepting anthropogenic climate change yet?

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Coincidence? I think not.
Your impotence in contriving a credible refutation of science may well induce you to lash out in ad hominem desperation.

I cite the consensus of reputable folks, and that upsets you.
Given the title of YOUR thread it's ironic that you are accusing me of an ad hominem attack.

Your whole thread is an ad hominem attack.
The remnant of hardcore ideologue in denial of science can pleasure themselves with their dogma, but, as a practical matter, the reality of anthropogenic clime change is being confronted by responsible people:

The regulatory review, which will be done by theFinancial Stability Oversight Council, will examine whether banks and other lending institutions are properly assessing the risks to financial stability. [Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen] chairs the committee, which includes Treasury, the Federal Reserve, the Securities and Exchange Commission and other financial regulators.
The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) is a federal program to coordinate federal research and investments in understanding the forces shaping the global environment, both human and natural, and their impacts on society. USGCRP facilitates collaboration and cooperation across its 13 federal member agencies to advance understanding of the changing Earth system and maximize efficiencies in federal global change research.
The US is a hotbed of climate science denial when compared with other countries, with international polling finding a significant number of Americans do not believe human-driven climate change is occurring.
A total of 13% of Americans polled in a 23-country survey conducted by the YouGov-Cambridge Globalism Project agreed with the statement that the climate is changing “but human activity is not responsible at all”. A further 5% said the climate was not changing.
Only Saudi Arabia (16%) and Indonesia (18%) had a higher proportion of people doubtful of manmade climate change.

Ha ha ha, no science visible, but a lot of government funded organizations and programs to enhance governmental power over sheep's like you.

The copy and paste master you are!


Other countries buy into the cradle to grave crap too.

Your appeal to that simply says that the U.S. is the one thing keeping us from making some seriously stupid decisions.
The United Sates, along with Saudi Arabia and Indonesia, are the hotbeds of science denialism, but that does not mean that the fringe element of dogmatic ideologues, impervious to the ever-mounting evidence, is anything more than that.

Whether all the world's scientific institutions, academies, and societies are corrupt or are all ignorant regarding the science, - either way duping virtually all the nations on earth who have ratified the Paris Agreement - is a comprehensive paranoia, indeed.

What science is being denied, this means YOU have to post the science research YOU claim are being denied.

Let's see if you can do it......

Inevitably, ineluctably, the taboo is being vanquished and the science accepted.

... Now, many in the Republican Party are coming to terms with what polls have been saying for years: independents, suburban voters and especially young Republicans are worried about climate change and want the government to take action.
Expect to see Republicans increasingly respecting the science, recognizing the crisis, and joining in measure to mitigate the consequences.

The U.S. Senate recently passed the bipartisan Growing Climate Solutions Act by a 92-8 margin. This measure to provide access to carbon markets so that farmers can be rewarded for climate-smart farming methods has now also been introduced into the House with 15 Republican and 19 Democratic cosponsors...
As ranking minority member of the Agriculture Committee, Thompson (R) wrote an op-ed in the Washington Examiner in April promoting the role of agriculture in addressing climate change: “To mitigate climate change and bolster rural economies, we must engage and empower the original stewards of our land and give them the tools to expand upon the work they are already carrying out day to day. This means greater access to affordable technologies and proven land management practices to harness the carbon-reducing potential of our farms and ranches while increasing their bottom lines and economic competitiveness.”
Enhanced agricultural techniques and better forest management are welcome. But we cannot stop climate change by increasing carbon sinks alone. We must reduce emissions by doing many different things at the same time and quickly. The measures Republicans are taking in the agricultural sector nonetheless give hope because they indicate a recognition of the issue and a growing spirit of cooperation in addressing this difficult problem.
Inevitably, ineluctably, the taboo is being vanquished and the science accepted.

... Now, many in the Republican Party are coming to terms with what polls have been saying for years: independents, suburban voters and especially young Republicans are worried about climate change and want the government to take action.
Expect to see Republicans increasingly respecting the science, recognizing the crisis, and joining in measure to mitigate the consequences.

The U.S. Senate recently passed the bipartisan Growing Climate Solutions Act by a 92-8 margin. This measure to provide access to carbon markets so that farmers can be rewarded for climate-smart farming methods has now also been introduced into the House with 15 Republican and 19 Democratic cosponsors...
As ranking minority member of the Agriculture Committee, Thompson (R) wrote an op-ed in the Washington Examiner in April promoting the role of agriculture in addressing climate change: “To mitigate climate change and bolster rural economies, we must engage and empower the original stewards of our land and give them the tools to expand upon the work they are already carrying out day to day. This means greater access to affordable technologies and proven land management practices to harness the carbon-reducing potential of our farms and ranches while increasing their bottom lines and economic competitiveness.”
Enhanced agricultural techniques and better forest management are welcome. But we cannot stop climate change by increasing carbon sinks alone. We must reduce emissions by doing many different things at the same time and quickly. The measures Republicans are taking in the agricultural sector nonetheless give hope because they indicate a recognition of the issue and a growing spirit of cooperation in addressing this difficult problem.
CO2 is not causing climate change, dummy.
Inevitably, ineluctably, the taboo is being vanquished and the science accepted.

... Now, many in the Republican Party are coming to terms with what polls have been saying for years: independents, suburban voters and especially young Republicans are worried about climate change and want the government to take action.
Expect to see Republicans increasingly respecting the science, recognizing the crisis, and joining in measure to mitigate the consequences.

The U.S. Senate recently passed the bipartisan Growing Climate Solutions Act by a 92-8 margin. This measure to provide access to carbon markets so that farmers can be rewarded for climate-smart farming methods has now also been introduced into the House with 15 Republican and 19 Democratic cosponsors...
As ranking minority member of the Agriculture Committee, Thompson (R) wrote an op-ed in the Washington Examiner in April promoting the role of agriculture in addressing climate change: “To mitigate climate change and bolster rural economies, we must engage and empower the original stewards of our land and give them the tools to expand upon the work they are already carrying out day to day. This means greater access to affordable technologies and proven land management practices to harness the carbon-reducing potential of our farms and ranches while increasing their bottom lines and economic competitiveness.”
Enhanced agricultural techniques and better forest management are welcome. But we cannot stop climate change by increasing carbon sinks alone. We must reduce emissions by doing many different things at the same time and quickly. The measures Republicans are taking in the agricultural sector nonetheless give hope because they indicate a recognition of the issue and a growing spirit of cooperation in addressing this difficult problem.

This is POLITICS, has no science in it, you are easily suckered by government power moves over you.

Another copy and paste post.

You must have a nice singing voice, Baa baa.... baaaaaah
I see that Schmidlap has ignored my request:

What science is being denied, this means YOU have to post the science research YOU claim are being denied.

Let's see if you can do it......

He will neeeevr do it because he is a "believer" without knowing what the heck AGW conjecture is about. He ignored these three questions several times now that I have asked this galoot:

What is the AGW conjecture?

What is the NULL Hypothesis?

What is the Scientific Method?

This is a low IQ human being who keeps ignoring many questions and evidence, and fails to realize he is a copy and paste parrot, can't make a science based comments in his own words.

He is on my list of the worst warmist/alarmists science illiterates I have met over the years, he is now on my ignore list.

Other countries buy into the cradle to grave crap too.

Your appeal to that simply says that the U.S. is the one thing keeping us from making some seriously stupid decisions.
The United Sates, along with Saudi Arabia and Indonesia, are the hotbeds of science denialism, but that does not mean that the fringe element of dogmatic ideologues, impervious to the ever-mounting evidence, is anything more than that.

Whether all the world's scientific institutions, academies, and societies are corrupt or are all ignorant regarding the science, - either way duping virtually all the nations on earth who have ratified the Paris Agreement - is a comprehensive paranoia, indeed.

You are asking if they are corrupt ?

Certainly, they are quick to cancel anyone who disagrees with them.

So your consensus is a joke.
Inevitably, ineluctably, the taboo is being vanquished and the science accepted.

When Representative John Curtis quietly approached fellow Republicans to invite them to discuss climate change at a clandestine meeting in his home state of Utah, he hoped a half dozen members might attend.

Soon the guest list blew past expectations as lawmakers heard about the gathering and asked to be included. For two days in February, 24 Republicans gathered in a ballroom of the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City where they brainstormed ways to get their party to engage on a planetary problem it has ignored for decades.
“Some came with the promise of being anonymous. It’s terrible that Republicans can’t even go talk about it without being embarrassed,” Mr. Curtis said in an interview.
"The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese
in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive."

For four years underTrump, even uttering the phrase “climate change” was verboten for many Republicans. His administration scrubbed the words from federal websites, tried to censor testimony to Congress and mocked the science linking rising fossil fuel emissions to a warming planet.
Now, many in the Republican Party are coming to terms with what polls have been saying for years: independents, suburban voters and especially young Republicans are worried about climate change and want the government to take action.
“There is a recognition within the G.O.P. that if the party is going to be competitive in national elections, in purple states and purple districts, there needs to be some type of credible position on climate change” said George David Banks, a former adviser to Trump...

We can discuss climate change all day long.

It is this silly concept of AGW that the GOP isn't willing to buy into.

This is POLITICS, has no science
Yes, indeed. Politicians are increasingly deferring to science over ideology as the understanding of anthropogenic climate change increases. For elected officials to persist in ignoring the science would be disastrous.

A significant majority of the public, 61%, now grasp that “the world’s climate is changing as a result of human activity,” and education must continue.

Meanwhile, the compilation of data needed to better assess it advances. Increasingly accurate and timely data analysis is essential.

NASA, ESA Partner in New Effort to Address Global Climate Change

July 13, 2021
NASA and ESA (European Space Agency) have formed a first-of-its-kind strategic partnership to observe Earth and its changing environment. The global climate is rapidly changing and the demand for accurate, timely, and actionable knowledge is more pressing than ever. Recognizing that climate change is an urgent global challenge, the timing is right for NASA and ESA, as partners in space, to join forces to lead and support a global response to climate change. The partnership is an effort to help address and mitigate climate change through monitoring Earth with combined efforts of both agencies in Earth science observations, research, and applications.
“Climate change is an all-hands-on deck, global challenge that requires action – now,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “NASA and ESA are leading the way in space, building an unprecedented strategic partnership in Earth science. This agreement will set the standard for future international collaboration, providing the information that is so essential for tackling the challenges posed by climate change and helping to answer and address the most pressing questions in Earth science for the benefit of the United States, Europe, and the world.”...
“Together, NASA and ESA provide most of the world’s Earth science coverage through our Earth-observing satellites,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA associate administrator for science. “This transformative agreement will build on that capability, forging a critical international climate science partnership to tackle the most challenging climate questions in an integrated and strategic way. Not only will NASA and ESA work together to deliver unparalleled Earth science observations, research, and applications, but all of our findings will also be free and open for the benefit of the entire world as we work together to combat and mitigate climate change.”
NASA and ESA have a long and successful history working together to understand climate change. In 2020, NASA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and European partners, including ESA, launched the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite, which is collecting the most accurate data yet on global sea level and how oceans are rising in response to climate change. The mission also is collecting data of atmospheric temperature and humidity that will help improve climate models and weather forecasts.
“Without doubt, space is the best vantage point to measure and monitor climate change, but joining forces is also key to tackling this global issue,” said Josef Aschbacher, ESA director general...
In May, NASA announced its Earth System Observatory, which will design a new set of Earth-focused missions to provide key information to guide efforts related to climate change, disaster mitigation, fighting forest fires, and improving real-time agricultural processes.
Climate adaptation and mitigation efforts cannot succeed without robust climate observations and research. NASA has more than two dozen satellites and instruments observing how the planet is changing and measuring key climate indicators, such as the height of oceans and inland waters, clouds and precipitation, and carbon dioxide.
Who have done zero experiments to measure back radiation of CO2, right?
Your ideology seems to compel you to rage against the scientific consensus regarding anthropogenic clime change.

Is it your conviction that you know more about climate than the world's climatologists, or that they are all complicit in a vast conspiracy to deceive you for mysterious reasons? If the latter, why do you imagine they all want to fool you?

Do you trust self-interested dirty fuel interests like the American Petroleum Institute, the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers, or the American Chemistry Council to tell you the truth? If so, why?
Who have done zero experiments to measure back radiation of CO2, right?
Your ideology seems to compel you to.
Your ideology seems to compel you to....

More projection.
Is it your conviction that you know more about climate than the world's climatologists, or that they are all complicit in a vast conspiracy to deceive you for mysterious reasons? If the latter, why do you imagine they all want to fool you?
More eppeal to authority, with no scientific backup.

Do you trust self-interested dirty fuel interests like the American Petroleum Institute, the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers, or the American Chemistry Council to tell you the truth? If so, why?
Begging the question and ad hominem.

You really suck at this thing known as "debate", Schmendrick.
More eppeal to authority, with no scientific backup.
If you need to pretend that you are an authority concerning anthropogenic climate change, please provide your credentials, and list all the legitimate scientific academies, societies, and other scientific organizations that recognize and support you.

I have provided my extensive list of those that confirm the reality.
Who have done zero experiments to measure back radiation of CO2, right?
Your ideology seems to compel you to rage against the scientific consensus regarding anthropogenic clime change.

Is it your conviction that you know more about climate than the world's climatologists, or that they are all complicit in a vast conspiracy to deceive you for mysterious reasons? If the latter, why do you imagine they all want to fool you?

Do you trust self-interested dirty fuel interests like the American Petroleum Institute, the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers, or the American Chemistry Council to tell you the truth? If so, why?
I'm surprised you didn't implode from the irony of you calling me an ideologue. My ideology is truth. Yours is politics.

Man very well may be affecting the climate of the planet but it is NOT due to CO2 emissions. There is literally zero evidence to support that assertion.

My conviction is that I studied the earth's climate and climatologists study computer models which are not calibrated and ignore the self compensating effect of water vapor and clouds and pile on positive feedbacks which do not exist.

You know absolutely nothing about any of this and think you are in a position to call others ideologues and make ad hominen attacks because they do not conform to your ideology.

My conviction is the truth. The conviction of climatologists is money. They only get paid for a certain answer.

I don't rely on API, AFPM or the ACC. I studied paleontology and geology. I understand what drive the climate of the earth. You don't. You know nothing about any of this and condescend to those that do.
More eppeal to authority, with no scientific backup.
If you need to pretend that you are an authority concerning anthropogenic climate change, please provide your credentials, and list all the legitimate scientific academies, societies, and other scientific organizations that recognize and support you.

I have provided my extensive list of those that confirm the reality.
Compared to you any of us are world renowned experts on climate.
Compared to you any of us are world renowned experts on climate.
You do not seem to be able to cite a single recognized climatological institution to sustain your ideological denial.

If you can, please do so. If you can't, you can just persist in mewling, of course.
Compared to you any of us are world renowned experts on climate.
You do not seem to be able to cite a single recognized climatological institution to sustain your ideological denial.

If you can, please do so. If you can't, you can just persist in mewling, of course.
More eppeal to authority, with no scientific backup.
If you need to pretend that you are an authority concerning anthropogenic climate change, please provide your credentials, and list all the legitimate scientific academies, societies, and other scientific organizations that recognize and support you.

I have provided my extensive list of those that confirm the reality.
What you provided is a cabal of mutually masurbating political hacks, not scientific authorities.

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