CDZ Are the beheadings by ISIS real?


Active Member
Apr 8, 2015
People compose legends about the cruelty of IS militants. I've seen enough video shots of beheadings by radical Muslims but those videoclips that were made by ISIS look less and less truly for me as I watch it again and again. Do you believe these beheadings are true? Have you seen some real videos of IS beheadings where the process of cutting is filmed?
People compose legends about the cruelty of IS militants. I've seen enough video shots of beheadings by radical Muslims but those videoclips that were made by ISIS look less and less truly for me as I watch it again and again. Do you believe these beheadings are true? Have you seen some real videos of IS beheadings where the process of cutting is filmed?

"The first casualty in war is the truth."

I haven't seen them and don't care to, but since beheading is a thing in that culture I have no reason to doubt it. Would question the method depicted though. A small knife can't cut off someone's head without prolonged sawing and ripping. I'd run and invite being shot instead of kneel there passively letting someone tear my neck apart with a tiny blade.
"The first casualty in war is the truth."

I haven't seen them and don't care to, but since beheading is a thing in that culture I have no reason to doubt it. Would question the method depicted though. A small knife can't cut off someone's head without prolonged sawing and ripping. I'd run and invite being shot instead of kneel there passively letting someone tear my neck apart with a tiny blade.
When I see the video where a terrorist grabs the victim and starts to cut its head and then camera turns off, and then the last frame is just a head apart from a body, I have reason to doubt it. No action filmed, no blood splashed.
People compose legends about the cruelty of IS militants. I've seen enough video shots of beheadings by radical Muslims but those videoclips that were made by ISIS look less and less truly for me as I watch it again and again. Do you believe these beheadings are true? Have you seen some real videos of IS beheadings where the process of cutting is filmed?

"The first casualty in war is the truth."

I haven't seen them and don't care to, but since beheading is a thing in that culture I have no reason to doubt it. Would question the method depicted though. A small knife can't cut off someone's head without prolonged sawing and ripping. I'd run and invite being shot instead of kneel there passively letting someone tear my neck apart with a tiny blade.
The French continued to use the guilotine up into the 1970s. Beheading is not a 'thing' in Islamic culture any more than any culture. It is something terrorists use to terrorize.
People compose legends about the cruelty of IS militants. I've seen enough video shots of beheadings by radical Muslims but those videoclips that were made by ISIS look less and less truly for me as I watch it again and again. Do you believe these beheadings are true? Have you seen some real videos of IS beheadings where the process of cutting is filmed?

"The first casualty in war is the truth."

I haven't seen them and don't care to, but since beheading is a thing in that culture I have no reason to doubt it. Would question the method depicted though. A small knife can't cut off someone's head without prolonged sawing and ripping. I'd run and invite being shot instead of kneel there passively letting someone tear my neck apart with a tiny blade.
The French continued to use the guilotine up into the 1970s. Beheading is not a 'thing' in Islamic culture any more than any culture. It is something terrorists use to terrorize.

KSA has public executions by sword. It's a thing in that culture.

"The use of capital punishment in Saudi Arabia is based on Shari'ah (or Islamic law) and is condemned internationally because of the wide range of crimes which can result in the death penalty and because it is usually carried out by public beheading."
Capital punishment in Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Call for execution by sword is in Judaism too. Among other methods, depends on the crime.

"Punishment and Restitution

285. That the Court shall pass sentence of death by decapitation with the sword (Ex. 21:20; Lev. 26:25) (affirmative).
286. That the Court shall pass sentence of death by strangulation (Lev. 20:10) (affirmative).
287. That the Court shall pass sentence of death by burning with fire (Lev. 20:14) (affirmative).
288. That the Court shall pass sentence of death by stoning (Deut. 22:24) (affirmative). "
Judaism 101 A List of the 613 Mitzvot Commandments
Repeat: France used the guillotine until the mid 1970s. That Saudi uses it today is not any more significant.
Repeat: France used the guillotine until the mid 1970s. That Saudi uses it today is not any more significant.

Difference being France quit a long time ago and the Arab world is still doing it. Can try polishing a turd if you wish, but my statement was correct, and your attempt to make it otherwise false. Arabs execute by decapitation, ergo it's a thing to that culture.

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