Are the Biden's above the Law?

No, you must have confused the Bidens with the Trump family of grifters.

The OP article and the thread is about the Biden's and not the Trump's. Please attempt to keep your Extreme Trump Derangement Syndrome under some control.
It is all about hypocrisy. Going after Biden on lies then ignoring the truth about Trump’s corruption is beyond sad.
Trump and his family are working for free
Obammy's husband had a staff of 23 servants
Yeah...That is why Trump has charged the treasury in excess of 100 million dollars for staying at his near bankrupt resorts.
Obammy was is a loser.
He doesn't have any resorts.
But if he did you would approve of him staying there.
Trump and his family are working for free
Obammy's husband had a staff of 23 servants
Yeah...That is why Trump has charged the treasury in excess of 100 million dollars for staying at his near bankrupt resorts.
Obammy was is a loser.
He doesn't have any resorts.
But if he did you would approve of him staying there.
I would not have approved Obama raping the Treasury like you do with Trump. Obama was never the grifter and thief that Trump was and is.
Trump and his family are working for free
Obammy's husband had a staff of 23 servants
Yeah...That is why Trump has charged the treasury in excess of 100 million dollars for staying at his near bankrupt resorts.
Obammy was is a loser.
He doesn't have any resorts.
But if he did you would approve of him staying there.
I would not have approved Obama raping the Treasury like you do with Trump. Obama was never the grifter and thief that Trump was and is.
ok nothing
Trump and his family are working for free
Obammy's husband had a staff of 23 servants
Yeah...That is why Trump has charged the treasury in excess of 100 million dollars for staying at his near bankrupt resorts.
Obammy was is a loser.
He doesn't have any resorts.
But if he did you would approve of him staying there.
I would not have approved Obama raping the Treasury like you do with Trump. Obama was never the grifter and thief that Trump was and is.
ok nothing
Seriously, if any future Democratic president acts like Trump the SOB should be impeached. If Bloomberg or Steyer are elected, for example, and they dishing out hundreds of millions to their enterprises, I’d want them out of office. Trump set the precedent for it and that is exactly what they will say.
100 pages of footnotes....real journalism. Dirt on all the dems running as I understand.....dirt on Bernie bro is delicious....
Oh, yes, the Bidens are above the law.

They have always had a sense of entitlement in that little state of Delaware, which they have considered their personal fiefdom.

Since Mr. Joe was the vice president under a very historic president, no one wants to bring civil/criminal charges against any of the Biden family, lest it tarnish the reputation of the 44th president.

We are not children. We all know that some prominent people are untouchable. That's how the cookie crumbles.
It looks to me like all these politicians and bureaucrats are above the law. They're the only class of criminal that never gets arrested.
Remains to be seen....I do think most Americans would like to see them thoroughly investigated and then hanged......nauseating --all 5 of them.

Schweizer to Levin: ‘Profiles in Corruption’ Is About Whether the Bidens ‘Are Above the Law’

I'll believe we're a nation of laws when the Coup plotters and actors are either serving multiple life sentences or facing a firing squad.

Until then they're all still guilty as sin and free as birds

“We should forgive our enemies,...

..... but not before they are hanged”― Heinrich Heine

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