Are the Chinese about to 'deal a devastating blow' to America? 290,000 Chinese students in the United States but just 900 American students in China?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I mean. MSS knows what they are doing. They have rewritten the book on espionage and we in the West blindly believed. Anyone who mocks faith in G-d but openly had faith in Communist China needs to be mocked themselves.

Notice how much more boldly Xi is talking about "unification" with Taiwan as "inevitable"? This isn't a unification, over 85% of Taiwanese identify as being such, only 3-4% state they are Chinese. This would be an invasion and global theft of critical advanced chip production.

The head of the FBI is publicly warning Americans but most in media pretend "everything is fine, pass the champagne will you Martha"?

This might sound like a plot for a thriller — and I am the author of "The Year of the Dragon" — but the director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, recently said, at Vanderbilt University’s "Summit on Modern Conflict and Emerging Threats," that Chinese-government-linked hackers have "burrowed into critical U.S. infrastructure" and are waiting for "just the right moment to deal a devastating blow" to America.

Could such a moment come if China attacks Taiwan? Just imagine the mayhem in the U.S. if the national power grid was taken down for days.

The U.S., along with Taiwan, run war games scenarios on worries like these annually. But why is the director of the FBI worrying about them publicly?
The time has come when peaceful relations with China is far more productive than any attempts to escalate tensions.
That which worked well in the past concerning relations with both China and Russia, doesn't work well anymore!
For one thing Chinese students tend to be smarter than video game educated American kids who only learned how to put a condom on a banana in 12 years of federal education but that doesn't justify the number of non-Americans in American colleges.
I mean. MSS knows what they are doing. They have rewritten the book on espionage and we in the West blindly believed. Anyone who mocks faith in G-d but openly had faith in Communist China needs to be mocked themselves.

Notice how much more boldly Xi is talking about "unification" with Taiwan as "inevitable"? This isn't a unification, over 85% of Taiwanese identify as being such, only 3-4% state they are Chinese. This would be an invasion and global theft of critical advanced chip production.

The head of the FBI is publicly warning Americans but most in media pretend "everything is fine, pass the champagne will you Martha"?

This might sound like a plot for a thriller — and I am the author of "The Year of the Dragon" — but the director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, recently said, at Vanderbilt University’s "Summit on Modern Conflict and Emerging Threats," that Chinese-government-linked hackers have "burrowed into critical U.S. infrastructure" and are waiting for "just the right moment to deal a devastating blow" to America.

Could such a moment come if China attacks Taiwan? Just imagine the mayhem in the U.S. if the national power grid was taken down for days.

The U.S., along with Taiwan, run war games scenarios on worries like these annually. But why is the director of the FBI worrying about them publicly?
You are likely familiar with the Chinese strategy of playing the long game rather than opting for expedient, short-term actions. Now, consider the current events unfolding on the world stage.

The Chinese have long desired Taiwan's return to their control and have actively worked towards this goal for at least the past decade. They have intensified military exercises and drills around Taiwan, including live-fire exercises and the deployment of warplanes into Taiwan's air defense identification zone. Following Nancy Pelosi’s visit in August 2022, they conducted large-scale military drills simulating an invasion of Taiwan and fired missiles into the waters around the island.

Politically, they have pressured countries to sever ties with Taiwan, imposed economic sanctions and restrictions, and limited Taiwan's international space. They oppose any participation of Taiwan in international organizations and threaten force against any steps Taiwan takes towards formal independence. These hardline positions persist, and only the threat of US intervention has prevented them from crossing many lines.

With 290,000 students from China in the USA, many of fighting age, if even 10% respond to a call to arms, coupled with the 15,000 to 30,000 Chinese citizens who have crossed the border due to open border policies, this could equate to four infantry divisions of men loyal to the Chinese government currently inside US borders.

On the world stage, China's alliance with Russia in the conflict in Ukraine is significant—not for the Russians, but for the Chinese. The longer Russia can prolong the war in Ukraine, the more the United States will deplete its assets and military hardware resources, as it continues to send increasingly modern equipment due to Ukraine losing ground in the war.

Currently, the United States is $34 trillion in debt, spending a trillion dollars a year just to service that debt. The infrastructure of our economy is already straining under increasing inflation and weakening economic output.

Demands for providing or even developing an endgame for the war in Ukraine are met with cries of, “Until Ukraine is sovereign.” But what does that look like? Meanwhile, political leaders cater to American Marxist demands from universities and media, a presidential administration infiltrated by them, and a president and his family beholden to the Chinese. Is it any wonder what the Chinese are after?

They are already at war with us, have positioned the necessary assets to conquer us, and we have people increasingly calling to deplete our country.

The hammer has already begun its descent toward us.

With 290,000 students from China in the USA, many of fighting age, if even 10% respond to a call to arms, coupled with the 15,000 to 30,000 Chinese citizens who have crossed the border due to open border policies, this could equate to four infantry divisions of men loyal to the Chinese government currently inside US borders....

.... :lmao:
Inside 'what' borders?
You are likely familiar with the Chinese strategy of playing the long game rather than opting for expedient, short-term actions. Now, consider the current events unfolding on the world stage.

The Chinese have long desired Taiwan's return to their control and have actively worked towards this goal for at least the past decade. They have intensified military exercises and drills around Taiwan, including live-fire exercises and the deployment of warplanes into Taiwan's air defense identification zone. Following Nancy Pelosi’s visit in August 2022, they conducted large-scale military drills simulating an invasion of Taiwan and fired missiles into the waters around the island.

Politically, they have pressured countries to sever ties with Taiwan, imposed economic sanctions and restrictions, and limited Taiwan's international space. They oppose any participation of Taiwan in international organizations and threaten force against any steps Taiwan takes towards formal independence. These hardline positions persist, and only the threat of US intervention has prevented them from crossing many lines.

With 290,000 students from China in the USA, many of fighting age, if even 10% respond to a call to arms, coupled with the 15,000 to 30,000 Chinese citizens who have crossed the border due to open border policies, this could equate to four infantry divisions of men loyal to the Chinese government currently inside US borders.

On the world stage, China's alliance with Russia in the conflict in Ukraine is significant—not for the Russians, but for the Chinese. The longer Russia can prolong the war in Ukraine, the more the United States will deplete its assets and military hardware resources, as it continues to send increasingly modern equipment due to Ukraine losing ground in the war.

Currently, the United States is $34 trillion in debt, spending a trillion dollars a year just to service that debt. The infrastructure of our economy is already straining under increasing inflation and weakening economic output.

Demands for providing or even developing an endgame for the war in Ukraine are met with cries of, “Until Ukraine is sovereign.” But what does that look like? Meanwhile, political leaders cater to American Marxist demands from universities and media, a presidential administration infiltrated by them, and a president and his family beholden to the Chinese. Is it any wonder what the Chinese are after?

They are already at war with us, have positioned the necessary assets to conquer us, and we have people increasingly calling to deplete our country.

The hammer has already begun its descent toward us.
They are employing what they deem "the three wars strategy". This is the theory that China wants America bogged down in three external wars so that their resources are spread thin. At such point, at the time of their choosing; China will strike with fury upon Taiwan.

Consider there is now two active. Where will the third occur? Africa perhaps? South America? Who knows...
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You are likely familiar with the Chinese strategy of playing the long game rather than opting for expedient, short-term actions. Now, consider the current events unfolding on the world stage.

The Chinese have long desired Taiwan's return to their control and have actively worked towards this goal for at least the past decade. They have intensified military exercises and drills around Taiwan, including live-fire exercises and the deployment of warplanes into Taiwan's air defense identification zone. Following Nancy Pelosi’s visit in August 2022, they conducted large-scale military drills simulating an invasion of Taiwan and fired missiles into the waters around the island.

Politically, they have pressured countries to sever ties with Taiwan, imposed economic sanctions and restrictions, and limited Taiwan's international space. They oppose any participation of Taiwan in international organizations and threaten force against any steps Taiwan takes towards formal independence. These hardline positions persist, and only the threat of US intervention has prevented them from crossing many lines.

With 290,000 students from China in the USA, many of fighting age, if even 10% respond to a call to arms, coupled with the 15,000 to 30,000 Chinese citizens who have crossed the border due to open border policies, this could equate to four infantry divisions of men loyal to the Chinese government currently inside US borders.

On the world stage, China's alliance with Russia in the conflict in Ukraine is significant—not for the Russians, but for the Chinese. The longer Russia can prolong the war in Ukraine, the more the United States will deplete its assets and military hardware resources, as it continues to send increasingly modern equipment due to Ukraine losing ground in the war.

Currently, the United States is $34 trillion in debt, spending a trillion dollars a year just to service that debt. The infrastructure of our economy is already straining under increasing inflation and weakening economic output.

Demands for providing or even developing an endgame for the war in Ukraine are met with cries of, “Until Ukraine is sovereign.” But what does that look like? Meanwhile, political leaders cater to American Marxist demands from universities and media, a presidential administration infiltrated by them, and a president and his family beholden to the Chinese. Is it any wonder what the Chinese are after?

They are already at war with us, have positioned the necessary assets to conquer us, and we have people increasingly calling to deplete our country.

The hammer has already begun its descent toward us.

"A rifle behind every blade of grass"
"A rifle behind every blade of grass"
Sure, that was valid when military weapons, surveillance and the like were not as advanced. A man with a rifle had a chance to cause havok.

We are entering the day when human beings aren't even as needed much when it comes to many military missions. You could use 1000 drones to control how many hundreds of thousands of citizens? These drones are only going to become more advanced, accurate and lethal.

If CHina takes over the world, it is game over for G-ds greatest creation. Us.
290,000 Chinese doing what they need to do to escape China ...........

900 USA students in China playing a risky game ...........

Are the Chinese about to 'deal a devastating blow' to America?

With a presidential election looming and the polls not looking so good for President Biden, his administration is suddenly saying some very tough things about China.

Trump's think tank argued that as a result of President Biden's incompetent leadership, the security of the United States and the world has fallen into a dire situation. The withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan showed the "weakness of the United States" to hostile forces, and since then Russia has invaded Ukraine, China has coerced Taiwan, and North Korea has accelerated its nuclear and missile development. "The world is undoubtedly more unstable and dangerous than it was when Trump left office," it claimed. Because of Biden's weak stance against China, it emerged as a menacing threat. American voters will do the right thing in November by choosing a strong leader who can actually tame and contain China.
For one thing Chinese students tend to be smarter than video game educated American kids who only learned how to put a condom on a banana in 12 years of federal education but that doesn't justify the number of non-Americans in American colleges.

Fifty years ago, they would have returned to China better educated and with the American perspective on Freedom and Self-reliance.

Now, they'll go back as wokester pro-Hamas protester, and will likely need years in re-education camps, starting with learning correct English.

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