Are the confusing double talking hypocritical libs supporting troop withdrawal?

Given the nature of Trump's various behavioral proclivities, there is no way to know if this decision was based on any level of thoughtful reasoning or careful, studied intellectual effort whatsoever.

I'd always side with the generals over Trump.
Have they decided this is a good thing Trump is doing?

I personally think it is ridiculously stupid to go against the military.

How about our libs, who cheered when their skinny negro marxist did it when he withdrew from Iraq and isis was created?

Do they have their instructions on how they are supposed to think yet?

I think the President did the right thing getting us out of Syria. It was a mistake to go into Syria in the first place.

Many other people of all political stripes have said as much. You're simply not paying attention.
Going against military advice is dumb. It is usually about logistics and Trump is dumb for going against their advice.

There is not now, never was, and never will be a reason to spill a drop of American blood in Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Oman, Yemen, Israel, Lebanon, or almost any other Middle East nation.
I like seeing troops being brought home no matter who calls the shots.

Everybody likes seeing troops coming home, but it should be done in a way that doesn't cause more harm than good. It should be done after careful consideration, planning, and coordinating. Doing it on a whim is just dumb.
Oh shut the hell up you dang TDS drone.........according to CENTCOM only about 2000 ISIS are left in Syria..........if the Kurds, Syria, and Russia can't finish them off they deserve to be beaten,...........

What's funny is the War Hawks like Graham are bitching giving INFLATED numbers of ISIS...........because they want the War machine to continue............Those smart missiles we are firing every day cost a lot of dang money...............perhaps their GOLDEN NEST EGG is about to go away.

General Mattis resigned as Defence Secretary over Trump's childish whim.

I'm sure Mattis is correct from a military standpoint. My disagreement to our nations' involvement in Syria is this; They export little to nothing that is crucial to the American way of life; if the entire nation disappeared, there would be zero change to our lifestyle and our companies and industries would lose a very small amount of business. While the human costs of what has happened over there is great; sometimes in the world; shit just happens. No amount of military might is going to prevent nor compensate for acts of evil.

Taking care of bad guys is a uniformed warrior's role. Mattis, the consummate professional found a bad guy he can whip and wants to do it. Can't fault him for that. I just disagree with the General.
It is mainly about logistics. Very difficult to get into detail.

Logistics related to Iran?
To the whole region.

Let me put it this way.

>The war on terror is never going to end.

>Rapid troop deployment is essential.

>Our presence there does present a problem for our enemies and protection for our ally (Israel.)

>Trump is acting like a political fool. He is desperately trying to appease the left or democrats. He cannot do that for scumbags who do not stand for a thing.

Again, the same group that cheered when clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds and bombed Baghdad but condemned the republicans for enforcing that Act.

The same group that cheered when their negro withdrew troops, cheered when he droned American citizens (received the Nobel Peace Prize from the globalists.)

They condemned Trump for sending troops to Syria. They condemn Trump for stirring the pot with North Korea and say he was a threat to start WWIII. Then they condemn him for peace talks with him.

He is being a political idiot. Same type of shit when Reagan granted amnesty. Thinking the left would praise him.

Stupid. The best policies are the ones that piss off the left. That is the general rule of thumb.
It is mainly about logistics. Very difficult to get into detail.

Logistics related to Iran?
To the whole region.

Let me put it this way.

>The war on terror is never going to end.

>Rapid troop deployment is essential.

>Our presence there does present a problem for our enemies and protection for our ally (Israel.)

>Trump is acting like a political fool. He is desperately trying to appease the left or democrats. He cannot do that for scumbags who do not stand for a thing.

Again, the same group that cheered when clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds and bombed Baghdad but condemned the republicans for enforcing that Act.

The same group that cheered when their negro withdrew troops, cheered when he droned American citizens (received the Nobel Peace Prize from the globalists.)

They condemned Trump for sending troops to Syria. They condemn Trump for stirring the pot with North Korea and say he was a threat to start WWIII. Then they condemn him for peace talks with him.

He is being a political idiot. Same type of shit when Reagan granted amnesty. Thinking the left would praise him.

Stupid. The best policies are the ones that piss off the left. That is the general rule of thumb.

LOL, The group most pissed off at Trump's actions is the right. The far left is in sync with what Trump's actions. I'm more conservative than you on our military strategy.
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I like seeing troops being brought home no matter who calls the shots.

Everybody likes seeing troops coming home, but it should be done in a way that doesn't cause more harm than good. It should be done after careful consideration, planning, and coordinating. Doing it on a whim is just dumb.
Oh shut the hell up you dang TDS drone.........according to CENTCOM only about 2000 ISIS are left in Syria..........if the Kurds, Syria, and Russia can't finish them off they deserve to be beaten,...........

What's funny is the War Hawks like Graham are bitching giving INFLATED numbers of ISIS...........because they want the War machine to continue............Those smart missiles we are firing every day cost a lot of dang money...............perhaps their GOLDEN NEST EGG is about to go away.

General Mattis resigned as Defence Secretary over Trump's childish whim.

Everyone has opinions.
I like seeing troops being brought home no matter who calls the shots.

Everybody likes seeing troops coming home, but it should be done in a way that doesn't cause more harm than good. It should be done after careful consideration, planning, and coordinating. Doing it on a whim is just dumb.
Oh shut the hell up you dang TDS drone.........according to CENTCOM only about 2000 ISIS are left in Syria..........if the Kurds, Syria, and Russia can't finish them off they deserve to be beaten,...........

What's funny is the War Hawks like Graham are bitching giving INFLATED numbers of ISIS...........because they want the War machine to continue............Those smart missiles we are firing every day cost a lot of dang money...............perhaps their GOLDEN NEST EGG is about to go away.

General Mattis resigned as Defence Secretary over Trump's childish whim.

I'm sure Mattis is correct from a military standpoint. My disagreement to our nations' involvement in Syria is this; They export little to nothing that is crucial to the American way of life; if the entire nation disappeared, there would be zero change to our lifestyle and our companies and industries would lose a very small amount of business. While the human costs of what has happened over there is great; sometimes in the world; shit just happens. No amount of military might is going to prevent nor compensate for acts of evil.

Taking care of bad guys is a uniformed warrior's role. Mattis, the consummate professional found a bad guy he can whip and wants to do it. Can't fault him for that. I just disagree with the General.

I'm no fan of war, but sudden withdrawal does a great service to Russia and the Islamic state while putting unnecessary pressures on most of our major allies. I am not opposed to withdrawal, but this ain't the way to do it.
I like seeing troops being brought home no matter who calls the shots.

Everybody likes seeing troops coming home, but it should be done in a way that doesn't cause more harm than good. It should be done after careful consideration, planning, and coordinating. Doing it on a whim is just dumb.
Oh shut the hell up you dang TDS drone.........according to CENTCOM only about 2000 ISIS are left in Syria..........if the Kurds, Syria, and Russia can't finish them off they deserve to be beaten,...........

What's funny is the War Hawks like Graham are bitching giving INFLATED numbers of ISIS...........because they want the War machine to continue............Those smart missiles we are firing every day cost a lot of dang money...............perhaps their GOLDEN NEST EGG is about to go away.

General Mattis resigned as Defence Secretary over Trump's childish whim.

Everyone has opinions.

True, but some are more informed than others, and some are just dumb.
I like seeing troops being brought home no matter who calls the shots.

Everybody likes seeing troops coming home, but it should be done in a way that doesn't cause more harm than good. It should be done after careful consideration, planning, and coordinating. Doing it on a whim is just dumb.
Oh shut the hell up you dang TDS drone.........according to CENTCOM only about 2000 ISIS are left in Syria..........if the Kurds, Syria, and Russia can't finish them off they deserve to be beaten,...........

What's funny is the War Hawks like Graham are bitching giving INFLATED numbers of ISIS...........because they want the War machine to continue............Those smart missiles we are firing every day cost a lot of dang money...............perhaps their GOLDEN NEST EGG is about to go away.

General Mattis resigned as Defence Secretary over Trump's childish whim.

Everyone has opinions.

True, but some are more informed than others, and some are just dumb.
Like the politicians lying their asses off about the numbers..........including the GOP people like McDonald Duck inflating the numbers the other day.......

Why the hell doesn't his numbers match the CENTCOM and DOD estimates...........LOL

Bunch of lying politicians..........go figure LOL.

In Syria the end of ISIS isn't really the question...........the main issue is idlib region and the issue between them and Turkey and the U.S. have supported many of those there to overthrow Assad in the last administrations policies...............which has ended.........those people are caught in NO MAN'S LAND and no side wants what is left of them.
I like seeing troops being brought home no matter who calls the shots.

Everybody likes seeing troops coming home, but it should be done in a way that doesn't cause more harm than good. It should be done after careful consideration, planning, and coordinating. Doing it on a whim is just dumb.
Trump is smarter than Obama. Libya and Iraq blunders included

Have they decided this is a good thing Trump is doing?

I personally think it is ridiculously stupid to go against the military.

How about our libs, who cheered when their skinny negro marxist did it when he withdrew from Iraq and isis was created?

Do they have their instructions on how they are supposed to think yet?
Two "Wrongs" don't make a "Right", eh?


It was wrong to go into Iraq in the first place.

Once there, we should have been in-and-out within a year or so.

When we withdrew, we did so incorrectly, and we left more death and destruction in the wake of withdrawal than should have unfolded.


It was wrong to go into Syria in the first place.

Once there, we should have been in-and-out within a year or so.

When we withdraw, we do so incorrectly, and we will leave more death and destruction in the wake of withdrawal than should unfold.


The Creature is repeating the mistakes of The Magic Negro.

As to those opposing The Creature, being told 'what to think'...

There are a great many Sheeple being 'handled' and 'herded' along both sides of the aisle...

The retards on the Right are every bit as myopic and dull and unimaginative as the retards on the Left; it just manifests in different ways.
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I like seeing troops being brought home no matter who calls the shots.

Everybody likes seeing troops coming home, but it should be done in a way that doesn't cause more harm than good. It should be done after careful consideration, planning, and coordinating. Doing it on a whim is just dumb.
Oh shut the hell up you dang TDS drone.........according to CENTCOM only about 2000 ISIS are left in Syria..........if the Kurds, Syria, and Russia can't finish them off they deserve to be beaten,...........

What's funny is the War Hawks like Graham are bitching giving INFLATED numbers of ISIS...........because they want the War machine to continue............Those smart missiles we are firing every day cost a lot of dang money...............perhaps their GOLDEN NEST EGG is about to go away.

General Mattis resigned as Defence Secretary over Trump's childish whim.

I'm sure Mattis is correct from a military standpoint. My disagreement to our nations' involvement in Syria is this; They export little to nothing that is crucial to the American way of life; if the entire nation disappeared, there would be zero change to our lifestyle and our companies and industries would lose a very small amount of business. While the human costs of what has happened over there is great; sometimes in the world; shit just happens. No amount of military might is going to prevent nor compensate for acts of evil.

Taking care of bad guys is a uniformed warrior's role. Mattis, the consummate professional found a bad guy he can whip and wants to do it. Can't fault him for that. I just disagree with the General.

I'm no fan of war, but sudden withdrawal does a great service to Russia and the Islamic state while putting unnecessary pressures on most of our major allies. I am not opposed to withdrawal, but this ain't the way to do it.

Agreed. But bottom line, fewer Americans in harms way. Well Done Mr. President.

Of course, this has nothing to do with the Mueller investigation, his personal attorney singing like a canary, the budget stalemate, etc... right? I mean, Donald The Blob wouldn't dream of trying to change the subject would he? There has been no decisive victory that allowed us to do this today instead of two months ago. I'm sure there is an ulterior motive somewhere be it domestic or foreign....

Anyway, again, bottom line; fewer Americans in harm's way. I'll take it.
Have they decided this is a good thing Trump is doing?

I personally think it is ridiculously stupid to go against the military.

How about our libs, who cheered when their skinny negro marxist did it when he withdrew from Iraq and isis was created?

Do they have their instructions on how they are supposed to think yet?
Let's see if I get your OP right. You think the DEMOCRATS are double talking, confusing and hypocritical, because the REPUBLICAN president, who against what the pentagon, every pundit and apparently you want withdraws troops from Syria? Do you have ANY idea how confusing, hypocritical and double talking that is?
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I like seeing troops being brought home no matter who calls the shots.

Everybody likes seeing troops coming home, but it should be done in a way that doesn't cause more harm than good. It should be done after careful consideration, planning, and coordinating. Doing it on a whim is just dumb.
Can you detect the double talk from this frucking typical self unaware puppet?

He thinks his negro messiah did "careful consideration" when withdrawing our troops from Iraq.

Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq - Wikipedia
in 2008 George W. Bush signed the U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement. It included a deadline of 31 December 2011, before which "all the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory".[11][12][13] The last U.S. troops left Iraq on 18 December 2011, in accordance with this agreement.
Lol all he had to do was renegotite. Give me a break man
So again, we see how pathetic liberals are. At least candycorn is consistent.

We see their double talk, which means their pies and hypocrisy.

We know if Trump had sent more troops, they would be calling him a war monger.

However, like I have said. Trump is being dumb right now for going against what the generals etc want.

He is totally wrong.
I like seeing troops being brought home no matter who calls the shots.

Everybody likes seeing troops coming home, but it should be done in a way that doesn't cause more harm than good. It should be done after careful consideration, planning, and coordinating. Doing it on a whim is just dumb.
Can you detect the double talk from this frucking typical self unaware puppet?

He thinks his negro messiah did "careful consideration" when withdrawing our troops from Iraq.

Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq - Wikipedia
in 2008 George W. Bush signed the U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement. It included a deadline of 31 December 2011, before which "all the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory".[11][12][13] The last U.S. troops left Iraq on 18 December 2011, in accordance with this agreement.
Lol all he had to do was renegotite. Give me a break man

What a childish remark. They didn't want us there.
How often have the Generals been right in all these conflicts? They want mission requirements for a number of reasons, many self serving.
Have they decided this is a good thing Trump is doing?

I personally think it is ridiculously stupid to go against the military.

How about our libs, who cheered when their skinny negro marxist did it when he withdrew from Iraq and isis was created?

Do they have their instructions on how they are supposed to think yet?

I think the President did the right thing getting us out of Syria. It was a mistake to go into Syria in the first place.

Many other people of all political stripes have said as much. You're simply not paying attention.

While I agree we never should have gone into Syria, once there we can’t just abandon the commitments we made there because Russia wants to pull in its markers on Trump or whatever.
I like seeing troops being brought home no matter who calls the shots.

Everybody likes seeing troops coming home, but it should be done in a way that doesn't cause more harm than good. It should be done after careful consideration, planning, and coordinating. Doing it on a whim is just dumb.
Can you detect the double talk from this frucking typical self unaware puppet?

He thinks his negro messiah did "careful consideration" when withdrawing our troops from Iraq.

Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq - Wikipedia
in 2008 George W. Bush signed the U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement. It included a deadline of 31 December 2011, before which "all the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory".[11][12][13] The last U.S. troops left Iraq on 18 December 2011, in accordance with this agreement.
Lol all he had to do was renegotite. Give me a break man

What a childish remark. They didn't want us there.
They wanted us to quit raping their women

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