Are the Democrats STUPID Enough To Make The Same Mistake 3 (THREE) Times?

Or we will run an insane clown promising change through lies. It worked for you.
It Got Obama elected...that and his skin color.

So why didn't another black person get elected?
Hmmmm, since the candidates was a WHITE guy and a WHITE woman....YOU tell ME, Snowflake. :p

(Here's a hint: After Obama, the 1st black President, even blacks didn't want anymore black Presidents for a while. The DNC also f*ed them by RIGGING the Primary to push their old white female dinosaur who believed, 'It's MY turn'. The DNC never offered blacks another Black candidate. They pushed the white woman who called backs 'Super Predators' as their only choice.)
Or we will run an insane clown promising change through lies. It worked for you.
It Got Obama elected...that and his skin color.

So why didn't another black person get elected?
Hmmmm, since the candidates was a WHITE guy and a WHITE woman....YOU tell ME, Snowflake. :p

Primaries, PRIMARIES.... god help me. You have a thread about how stupid democrats are, and it's just....
Primaries, PRIMARIES.... god help me. You have a thread about how stupid democrats are, and it's just....
Agreed, the DNC rigging their Primary to force THIS candidate on their voters as their only choice was STUPID.
Hillary Clinton was a bad candidate. She was the essence of Wall Street establishmentarianism in a populist climate.
Not any more than Trump:
Donald Trump Recruits Corporate Lobbyists to Select His Future Administration

Vexation gives way to pragmatism as Wall Street girds for Trump

However, I think Hillary will be too old to go for it again in four years. Trump is even older, but this election has had some of the oldest candidates:

How the age of 2016 candidates stack up to past U.S. presidents; Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders would all be in their 70s
The way the Democrats are currently conducting themselves, it'll probably be an easier win for Trump next time around. All the rioting, death threats, recounts, and so on. They're embarrassing themselves. They're angering a lot of Americans. Their ugly behavior after their loss won't be forgotten.

For the past eight years, the right acted like,,,well like the way say Democrats are acting now. The Dems had their "messiah", now look at the right, they have their own "messiah."
This all shows, "what goes around, comes around". This is entertainment, not great entertainment,,,but it is some entertainment.
The way the Democrats are currently conducting themselves, it'll probably be an easier win for Trump next time around. All the rioting, death threats, recounts, and so on. They're embarrassing themselves. They're angering a lot of Americans. Their ugly behavior after their loss won't be forgotten.

For the past eight years, the right acted like,,,well like the way say Democrats are acting now. The Dems had their "messiah", now look at the right, they have their own "messiah."
This all shows, "what goes around, comes around". This is entertainment, not great entertainment,,,but it is some entertainment.

I don't know, Republicans were certainly angry, but they didn't riot and demand recounts, and so on. They accepted their losses for the most part. Democrats are exhibiting some very ugly behavior. Their numerous daily death threats on social media has been especially shocking. But like i said, their behavior will not be forgotten. So don't be surprised if Trump wins even easier next time.
For the past eight years, the right acted like,,,well like the way say Democrats are acting now.

You are either a LIAR or are completely delusional.

Conservatives did not take to the streets to burn American flags, did not call for the racist murder of whites, did not call for the overthrow of the US govt, did not publicly - in large numbers (and top-level CEOs) call for Obama's assassination...

The GOP did not go out and HIRE thugs to engage in political terrorism as the Libs / Hillary / Soros has done. The GOP did not FIREBOMB the DNC HQs like the Liberals did the GOP HQ in NC.

Over and over and over on this board libtards have REPEATEDLY engaged in the same tactic - accusing Conservatives of the things they themselves got exposed / busted doing. It's pathetic - they can't even be original!

Stupid Snowflakes!

No, Hillary is out from now on. First being beaten by an unqualified community organizer, then by Trump was the last nail in her political coffin. She has no momentum, no "It's my turn" left.

Of course, you'd have to also cast a critical eye at all the Republicans who couldn't figure out until it was too late that Trump was beating them too.
Nah, we need Bernie. Bernie will take all the money, split it equally and it's all euphoric.
Aside from her age I'd say yes.

The Dems en masse, not all, but a large portion, are responding in such an obtuse fashion to the outcome, thinking it had nothing to do with her (and some of the expert level morons claiming she actually won) that I do think they'd seriously consider running her again.

if the crazy hag makes a bid for any sort of office to keep her mug in view, you'll know she's up for it. and from her end it wouldn't surprise me either. she was soooo convinced she'd be the first woman president, complete with statues, stamps and national holidays to celebrate the glory of her that I would not be one bit surprised if she tried again.
No. She will be lucky if she is still alive then with her health.

But i wouldn't be shocked of she is floating that in hopes to get donations coming back to the Clinton foundation. Funny how losing the election stopped the flow of money.

A smarter move by them would be to buy Chelsea some office she can use for a 2020 run. Not as much corruption history.

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