Are The Founding Fathers Still Dear to the Right?

You know what I have always found interesting? The painting Donald Trump had placed in the Oval Office was of Andrew Jackson, the founder of the Democratic Party!

I know, Jackson wasn't a Founding Father, but I found that choice curious.

President Donald Trump held an event honoring Navajo veterans while standing in front of an image of Andrew Jackson – the President who signed legislation that eventually led to the “Trail of Tears.”

If the insurrection had turned truly violent, the Capitol would be littered with hundreds of dead bodies in red ballcaps.
Yeah, uh huh. Out entire national guard cannot put an end to one antifa riot and you think a force of 60,000 could be stopped. Many of whom were active police and military. Yeppers sunshine, any day now.
Yeah, uh huh. Out entire national guard cannot put an end to one antifa riot and you think a force of 60,000 could be stopped. Many of whom were active police and military. Yeppers sunshine, any day now.
It's no doubt true that with Trump the rioters would have been able to selective or en mass murder congressmen and women. Now what the aftermath would have been is not necessarily what we're seeing play out in the courts today.
G5000, would you change your mind about the founding fathers if Amendment XXX, socialism?
interesting. He obviously believed all white men had the right to go out and acquire property on the frontier. Madison suggested we "civilize" native americans even though he may not have really thought it possible. And yeah he was against a concentration of wealth. I doubt he'd have supported the notion that the East India Co had First Amend rights. But I question whether any of that has any application to specific issues today. Not that you do so, but others fashion support for their political opinions "X founder would never agree with ....."
Putting aside that the East India Company was British... :lol:

Jefferson did not trust corporations at all, and despised their influence on the organs of government. It took me a minute, but I found a letter he wrote: Founders Online: Thomas Jefferson to George Logan, 12 November 1816

The letter begins with Jefferson talking about the corruption and dishonesty of the aristocracy in England which was in direct contrast to the probity of the people themselves. And that corruption and defiance against the will of the people was going to lead to England's ruin.

He then took this lesson and applied it to the United States. "I hope we shall take warning from the example and crush in it’s birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength, and to bid defiance to the laws of their country."
Who cares about the founding fathers. We need to listen to the left and just abolish the constitution, or at least just rewrite it for modern times and it should be the left and only the left who has any input in it. Just shut the repubs out and enact your total control. I can't think of anything that would make you all any happier!
Credentials? Well, I have read the Constitution, the Federalist Papers, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, Common Sense, The Rights of Man, the Age of Reason, Agrarian Justice, letters written by Jefferson and Madison, Miracle at Philadelphia, Founding Brothers, and many other books on the Constitution.

How's that for starters?

So who is your favorite FF?
I've read them all as well. So, again and for the last time, I'll ask you.

What makes YOUR opinion any better than anyone else?

Disagreeing with your interpretation does NOT make anyone less than you.
I've read them all as well. So, again and for the last time, I'll ask you.

What makes YOUR opinion any better than anyone else?

Disagreeing with your interpretation does NOT make anyone less than you.
Where did I say my opinion was better than anyone else? I merely asked who your favorite Founding Father is.

You still haven't answered, so what the fuck are you doing in this topic?

What a load of shit. The closest this country has ever been to Marxism is when trump attacked the capitol.

Grow up you.paranoid brain dead fool.
You clearly don't have a working grasp of English or the meaning of words you brain dead fuck.
So what are your thoughts on Thomas Jefferson (author of the Declaration of Independence), Thomas Paine (author of Common Sense), James Madison (father of the Constitution), et. al.?
They meant for us to possess and carry our own weapons of war.
Please try to avoid speaking of them as a group and discuss your thoughts on specific men.
Who is alleged to have written what is somewhat beside the point. Many of the founding documents and writings are anonymous or pseudonymous, and it is best to discuss the ideas contained in those writings rather than engaging in ad hominem attacks.
Where did I say my opinion was better than anyone else? I merely asked who your favorite Founding Father is.

You still haven't answered, so what the fuck are you doing in this topic?

In the OP you moron.

When you say, "I have often found those who claim to love the Constitution have an amazing lack of knowledge about it. Some have clearly never even read it." you are making a statement that not only are the people who disagree with you stupid and unread but that they are inferior [implied] to your understanding of the document.

Or don't you even know how you sound to others? Not that you care, because I am certain that you don't.

As for My favorite, you tell Me how I am to pick a favorite out of some 56 who signed the Constitution?

Each and EVERY ONE OF THEM contributed and I honor every one of them.
You clearly don't have a working grasp of English or the meaning of words you brain dead fuck.

Perhaps you mind like to give us all some lessons in grammar considering you swallowed a dictionary when young.

Alternatively, you could admit my statement is correct and you hate being told the truth.
I can always tell when a brain dead Republican is out if ammo. They attack the grammar, speech and the bio. Happens all the time. Just like you have.

Can you please check my use of the English language? I was born in communist China and don't want to make it obvious.

There were more than 60,000 people protesting the stolen election. Had there been any serious intent to attack the capitol, the capitol would be toothpicks today. The insurrection was an FBI construct that caught up a few innocent people. One was murdered.

As a Republican you want to play it down because of embarrassment. It showed the world exactly which is the party of fascists and dictatorship.

Call it what you want but it was an I surrection in the eyes of the world, supported by a fascist boneheaded idiot and millions of fools of equal intelligence cheering him.on.

What a disgusting lot of idiots you belong to. You call yourselves patriots. You say democrats hate America but you attacked to capitol attempting to kill democracy.
Then lie and fight the election was stolen when it wasnt and STILL call Yourself a patriot. Youre nothing but a disgrace and blight on America. You should be ashamed.

Every time you reply I get another whack at you. It's about now you wish you hadn't opened your mouth.
I have often found those who claim to love the Constitution have an amazing lack of knowledge about it. Some have clearly never even read it.

I also hear adoration of the "Founding Fathers" and are spoken of as if they had a monolithic belief system, which they most assuredly did not.

For instance, Hamilton disagreed strongly with Jefferson and Madison on the amount of power the central government should have. Jefferson and Madison believed in a decentralized agrarian economy while Hamilton believed in a strong central government with a central bank and the assumption of all the states' debts from the Revolutionary War.

So I am wondering if the Right still worships Thomas Jefferson, for example. He used to be often cited by the Right, but I hardly ever hear his name mentioned any more.

My personal favorite Founding Father was James Madison. His clarity of thinking in the letters he wrote for the Federalist Papers demonstrates a clarity of thinking which reminds me of Paul in the New Testament.

So what are your thoughts on Thomas Jefferson (author of the Declaration of Independence), Thomas Paine (author of Common Sense), James Madison (father of the Constitution), et. al.?

Please try to avoid speaking of them as a group and discuss your thoughts on specific men.

Thank you.
Hahaha…cool, so you’ve found a way, a spin to self-manipulate and forge the Constitution and our framers intent into something that fits your twisted fucked in the head Leftist ideologies..Isn’t that what you’re really trying to say?
As a Republican you want to play it down because of embarrassment. It showed the world exactly which is the party of fascists and dictatorship.

Call it what you want but it was an I surrection in the eyes of the world, supported by a fascist boneheaded idiot and millions of fools of equal intelligence cheering him.on.

What a disgusting lot of idiots you belong to. You call yourselves patriots. You say democrats hate America but you attacked to capitol attempting to kill democracy.
Then lie and fight the election was stolen when it wasnt and STILL call Yourself a patriot. Youre nothing but a disgrace and blight on America. You should be ashamed.

Every time you reply I get another whack at you. It's about now you wish you hadn't opened your mouth.
Actually, no one cares what you think or what your opinions are.
Actually, no one cares what you think or what your opinions are.

It's not as if the planet hangs on every word you utter.

You belong to a party of fascist dictators who are paranoid about destroying the country to have complete control.
Yet you talk about Biden hating America.
You're a compete control freak. You hate with bile and venom and a nasty POS with it.

What do you think think of that?

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