Are the liberal cries of "RACISM" in every conversation cover for not being able to discuss issues?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Why do so many liberals cry "RACISM"!!!!!!? In every conversation, this seems to come up.

Job creation, terrorism, infrastructure, tax code, monetary policy....try to have a rational policy discussion with a liberal without them crying about RACISM and MISOGYNY.

It's the lazy go to for the ignorant.

Funny that Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania actually VOTED FOR that they vote for TRUMP, they are RACIST?!

That is some stupid shit.
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Why do so many liberal cry "RACISM"!!!!!! In every conversation, this seems to come up.

Job creation, terrorism, infrastructure, tax code, monetary policy....try to have a rational policy discussion with a liberal without them crying about RACISM and MISOGYNY.

It's the lazy go to for the ignorant.

Funny that Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania actually VOTED FOR that they vote for TRUMP, they are RACIST?!

That is some stupid shit.
PC = Strategic Hypersensitivity deployed specifically to put your target on the defensive and avoid an honest conversation.

It's also been fabulously successful as a political device. This is why they use it at every opportunity, no matter how absurd the situation.

There are some cracks in the wall, though. We'll see how much longer this works.
Why do so many liberal cry "RACISM"!!!!!! In every conversation, this seems to come up.

Job creation, terrorism, infrastructure, tax code, monetary policy....try to have a rational policy discussion with a liberal without them crying about RACISM and MISOGYNY.

It's the lazy go to for the ignorant.

Funny that Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania actually VOTED FOR that they vote for TRUMP, they are RACIST?!

That is some stupid shit.
PC = Strategic Hypersensitivity deployed specifically to put your target on the defensive and avoid an honest conversation.

It's also been fabulously successful as a political device. This is why they use it at every opportunity, no matter how absurd the situation.

There are some cracks in the wall, though. We'll see how much longer this works.

Our current status can be summed up as so:

"All opinions are Equal, but some Opinions are more Equal than others"
We need a new term for these identity politics authoritarians.

Liberal they are not. They are really closer to fascist in at least one regard - the inability to entertain any idea that does not march in lock step with their extremely rigid orthodoxy. It'a all about group identity and the fear of anything that smacks of original thought.

Safety in numbers, you know.
There are some cracks in the wall, though. We'll see how much longer this works.

By your user name, I'm assuming you are just 4 years younger than I am, and if so, we are both old enough to have witnessed the birth of political correctness and watched it as it developed beyond the mere consideration for others and into an all-encompassing system of intolerance for anything that smacked of heresy.

Goodness, the need for utter control over others has become so sever that people are actually conducting a witch hunt for MICRO aggressions in their ever increasing need to feel outraged.

Those too much younger than us might not have the same perspective because they never understood what liberalism entailed to begin with and only see politics in terms of utter conformity.
We need a new term for these identity politics authoritarians.

Liberal they are not. They are really closer to fascist in at least one regard - the inability to entertain any idea that does not march in lock step with their extremely rigid orthodoxy. It'a all about group identity and the fear of anything that smacks of original thought.

Safety in numbers, you know.
Honest, traditional liberal (and hottie) Kirsten Powers refers to them as "illiberal", and that's certainly true.

They've badly distorted the ideology.
We need a new term for these identity politics authoritarians.

Liberal they are not. They are really closer to fascist in at least one regard - the inability to entertain any idea that does not march in lock step with their extremely rigid orthodoxy. It'a all about group identity and the fear of anything that smacks of original thought.

Safety in numbers, you know.
Honest, traditional liberal (and hottie) Kirsten Powers refers to them as "illiberal", and that's certainly true.

They've badly distorted the ideology.

Perhaps she has been reading my posts over the last couple of decades.

I should introduce myself!
There are some cracks in the wall, though. We'll see how much longer this works.

By your user name, I'm assuming you are just 4 years younger than I am, and if so, we are both old enough to have witnessed the birth of political correctness and watched it as it developed beyond the mere consideration for others and into an all-encompassing system of intolerance for anything that smacked of heresy.

Goodness, the need for utter control over others has become so sever that people are actually conducting a witch hunt for MICRO aggressions in their ever increasing need to feel outraged.

Those too much younger than us might not have the same perspective because they never understood what liberalism entailed to begin with and only see politics in terms of utter conformity.
Yep. I can pretty much trace the growth of this madness. Remember back when "midget" became "dwarf", when "secretary" become "receptionist", when "stewardess" become "flight attendant". Meh. I just met that stuff with a roll of the eyes and an "okay, whatever".

But then, after seeing that they could essentially force people to change their words, these people realized that they could literally control speech in general, and that's when they become so authoritarian. Now, many of them have "grown up" under this regime and it's in their DNA.
We need a new term for these identity politics authoritarians.

Liberal they are not. They are really closer to fascist in at least one regard - the inability to entertain any idea that does not march in lock step with their extremely rigid orthodoxy. It'a all about group identity and the fear of anything that smacks of original thought.

Safety in numbers, you know.
Honest, traditional liberal (and hottie) Kirsten Powers refers to them as "illiberal", and that's certainly true.

They've badly distorted the ideology.

(and hottie)

mysoginistKarmaPointsForMac++ :D
Why do so many liberal cry "RACISM"!!!!!! In every conversation, this seems to come up.

Conversations with your type go like this:

Liberal: Nice weather today, eh?


LIberal: Huh?


We do know why you act like that. You're incapable of debating a liberal, so you auto-deflect by crying about being called a racist.

Job creation, terrorism, infrastructure, tax code, monetary policy....try to have a rational policy discussion with a liberal without them crying about RACISM and MISOGYNY.

Clearly we can't, because so many conservatives instantly start crying about being called racists, as this thread demonstrates.

Conservatives, stop being such PC snowflakes. Quit trying to shut down discussions by having meltdowns about how offended you are.
everything is racist, or it's a phobic something or other or some other slight designed to attack the opposition.

the shaming language is losing its effectiveness. If it weren't Trump would've gotten obliterated and it's likely part of the reason the left is so blindsided by the result of the election, as they bought their own bullshit and can't believe others stopped swallowing it.....
We need a new term for these identity politics authoritarians.

Liberal they are not. They are really closer to fascist in at least one regard - the inability to entertain any idea that does not march in lock step with their extremely rigid orthodoxy. It'a all about group identity and the fear of anything that smacks of original thought.

Safety in numbers, you know.

It's like they literally believe EVERY SINGLE THING the media tells them, and they do not do any research or thinking for themselves.

Seriously, the next time you are in a discussion with a "SNOWFLAKE", and they cry "RACISM", ask them what they think is the best way to spur job growth and what specific policies should be implemented to get the GDP to grow at a pace above 3%.

See how that goes...
We need a new term for these identity politics authoritarians.

Liberal they are not. They are really closer to fascist in at least one regard - the inability to entertain any idea that does not march in lock step with their extremely rigid orthodoxy. It'a all about group identity and the fear of anything that smacks of original thought.

Safety in numbers, you know.
Honest, traditional liberal (and hottie) Kirsten Powers refers to them as "illiberal", and that's certainly true.

They've badly distorted the ideology.

The same as ISIS!
We need a new term for these identity politics authoritarians.

Liberal they are not. They are really closer to fascist in at least one regard - the inability to entertain any idea that does not march in lock step with their extremely rigid orthodoxy. It'a all about group identity and the fear of anything that smacks of original thought.

Safety in numbers, you know.
Honest, traditional liberal (and hottie) Kirsten Powers refers to them as "illiberal", and that's certainly true.

They've badly distorted the ideology.

(and hottie)

mysoginistKarmaPointsForMac++ :D
Hey, what better place for the term than a thread about PC!

That didn't happen by accident!


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