Are there 4 SCOTUS Votes to even hear the Stolen Election Evidence?

Thomas and Alito will definitely vote yes to hear the case, but who else, need 2 more?

Roberts will join the Anti-American CCP Stevens, Kagan and Sotomayor, who's left, Amy? Gorsuch? Kavanaugh?

I think it's only 50/50 to ever get a day in Court
Dude wake up!! The whole world has moved on, and know Trump lost! I hope your trolling, because you can't be that dumb
There was massive fraud. Speaking of moving, why don't you?
You move snowflake! This is not your country bud! That's some of you jackasses problem, you think it's your birthright and yours alone to be here. Well since you got a problem with people being in America that don't think like you or look like you, Then you move.
You guys are truly stupid! Literally stuck in la la land. Sixty cases, mostly Trump appointed judges and the Supreme Court says no widespread fraud!

HEY IDIOT: Show me where the Supreme Court ever said there was no widespread fraud. You're such a flaming idiot, you have no idea why those courts mostly rejected those cases!

If you even had half a brain, I'd invite you to go over the evidence piece by piece, all documented, and dare you to try to disprove a single instance of fraud!
I'm not going to go back and forth with a delusional moron. Obviously you're slow if you think Trump lost because of massive fraud but Mitch and Lindsey won. I hope you burned your Trump/Pence flag.. dummy
I'm not going to go back and forth with a delusional moron.

EXCUSE #43! No, you WON'T go back and forth because all you A-Holes know you'd LOSE.

Biden won NOTHING. The election was STOLEN and I can absolutely prove it.

And not one of you gutless wonders will even dare try to disprove it! :21:
Considering the equal treatment/protection clause as in Bush And Gore applies I think the cases will be taken. Alito and Thomas have remarked that they do see that being violated.
I'm not going to go back and forth with a delusional moron.

View attachment 458780 EXCUSE #43! No, you WON'T go back and forth because all you A-Holes know you'd LOSE.

Biden won NOTHING. The election was STOLEN and I can absolutely prove it.

And not one of you gutless wonders will even dare try to disprove it! :21:
You're a brainless trumptard. I guess you really did inject the cleaners..
I'm not going to go back and forth with a delusional moron.

View attachment 458780 EXCUSE #43! No, you WON'T go back and forth because all you A-Holes know you'd LOSE.

Biden won NOTHING. The election was STOLEN and I can absolutely prove it.

And not one of you gutless wonders will even dare try to disprove it! :21:
You're a brainless trumptard. I guess you really did inject the cleaners..
You perpetuate lies. You are a brainless idiot playing monkey see monkey do.
I'm not going to go back and forth with a delusional moron.

View attachment 458780 EXCUSE #43! No, you WON'T go back and forth because all you A-Holes know you'd LOSE.

Biden won NOTHING. The election was STOLEN and I can absolutely prove it.

And not one of you gutless wonders will even dare try to disprove it! :21:
You're a brainless trumptard. I guess you really did inject the cleaners..
You perpetuate lies. You are a brainless idiot playing monkey see monkey do.
No. You are a gullible idiot. Getting conned by your former Beloved Wanna be Dictator. Like the saying goes "Its easier to fool someone, then to convince them that they're getting fooled" Definition of Trumptards
I'm not going to go back and forth with a delusional moron.

View attachment 458780 EXCUSE #43! No, you WON'T go back and forth because all you A-Holes know you'd LOSE.

Biden won NOTHING. The election was STOLEN and I can absolutely prove it.

And not one of you gutless wonders will even dare try to disprove it! :21:
You're a brainless trumptard. I guess you really did inject the cleaners..
You perpetuate lies. You are a brainless idiot playing monkey see monkey do.
No. You are a gullible idiot. Getting conned by your former Beloved Wanna be Dictator. Like the saying goes "Its easier to fool someone, then to convince them that they're getting fooled" Definition of Trumptards
What did Trump do that was dictatorial? What policies were dictatorial? Be specific. I do not expect an answer.
Thomas and Alito will definitely vote yes to hear the case, but who else, need 2 more?

Roberts will join the Anti-American CCP Stevens, Kagan and Sotomayor, who's left, Amy? Gorsuch? Kavanaugh?

I think it's only 50/50 to ever get a day in Court

No court is going to agree to hear ‘evidence’ that doesn’t exist.
Thomas and Alito will definitely vote yes to hear the case, but who else, need 2 more?

Roberts will join the Anti-American CCP Stevens, Kagan and Sotomayor, who's left, Amy? Gorsuch? Kavanaugh?

I think it's only 50/50 to ever get a day in Court
Dude wake up!! The whole world has moved on, and know Trump lost! I hope your trolling, because you can't be that dumb
So in 2022, when the Democrats lose in a land slide and it looks like the voting machines were tampered with, you will be okay that there isnt any investigation about that?
What voting machines? Which States? Oh, yeah all the states Trump loss. Right?
No, not all the states that President Trump loss, you being a fucking dumbass have no clue. But those states that had President Trump winning at 1am, when everyone is supposed to go home, then wonder of all wonders, at 5am, a sudden swing in a tally that proved all the Democrat voters are racist fucks because they voted for a guy who called blacks super predators. You must be one of those racist pricks, am i right?
Thomas and Alito will definitely vote yes to hear the case, but who else, need 2 more?

Roberts will join the Anti-American CCP Stevens, Kagan and Sotomayor, who's left, Amy? Gorsuch? Kavanaugh?

I think it's only 50/50 to ever get a day in Court

Due to the laws of "Existence", there are zero SCOTUS judges able to hear evidence which does not exist.

You might say the same number of judges as there is evidence.
Thomas and Alito will definitely vote yes to hear the case, but who else, need 2 more?

Roberts will join the Anti-American CCP Stevens, Kagan and Sotomayor, who's left, Amy? Gorsuch? Kavanaugh?

I think it's only 50/50 to ever get a day in Court
Dude wake up!! The whole world has moved on, and know Trump lost! I hope your trolling, because you can't be that dumb
So in 2022, when the Democrats lose in a land slide and it looks like the voting machines were tampered with, you will be okay that there isnt any investigation about that?
What voting machines? Which States? Oh, yeah all the states Trump loss. Right?
No, not all the states that President Trump loss, you being a fucking dumbass have no clue. But those states that had President Trump winning at 1am, when everyone is supposed to go home, then wonder of all wonders, at 5am, a sudden swing in a tally that proved all the Democrat voters are racist fucks because they voted for a guy who called blacks super predators. You must be one of those racist pricks, am i right?

"1am when everyone is supposed to go home"??? :laugh2:

Sure you wanna plant your flag on that?
Thomas and Alito will definitely vote yes to hear the case, but who else, need 2 more?

Roberts will join the Anti-American CCP Stevens, Kagan and Sotomayor, who's left, Amy? Gorsuch? Kavanaugh?

I think it's only 50/50 to ever get a day in Court
Dude wake up!! The whole world has moved on, and know Trump lost! I hope your trolling, because you can't be that dumb
So in 2022, when the Democrats lose in a land slide and it looks like the voting machines were tampered with, you will be okay that there isnt any investigation about that?
What voting machines? Which States? Oh, yeah all the states Trump loss. Right?
No, not all the states that President Trump loss, you being a fucking dumbass have no clue. But those states that had President Trump winning at 1am, when everyone is supposed to go home, then wonder of all wonders, at 5am, a sudden swing in a tally that proved all the Democrat voters are racist fucks because they voted for a guy who called blacks super predators. You must be one of those racist pricks, am i right?
No, I voted against a Moron that emboldened turds like you to think you was super when you put on your maga hats and flew your Trump flags...
Trump discriminated against minorities for years, and its documented. He also said racist, sexist and disparaging things about soldiers and the disabled. As far as the voting swing goes it was known the mail in votes in minority areas would be counted last, so dumbass I can't change your warped brain. You can think Trump was cheated until the end of Time. It won't change that Mitch said he lied to you dummies, his appointed judges threw his bullshit cases out, and you still don't believe it...
I'm not going to go back and forth with a delusional moron.

View attachment 458780 EXCUSE #43! No, you WON'T go back and forth because all you A-Holes know you'd LOSE.

Biden won NOTHING. The election was STOLEN and I can absolutely prove it.

And not one of you gutless wonders will even dare try to disprove it! :21:
You're a brainless trumptard. I guess you really did inject the cleaners..
You perpetuate lies. You are a brainless idiot playing monkey see monkey do.
No. You are a gullible idiot. Getting conned by your former Beloved Wanna be Dictator. Like the saying goes "Its easier to fool someone, then to convince them that they're getting fooled" Definition of Trumptards
What did Trump do that was dictatorial? What policies were dictatorial? Be specific. I do not expect an answer.
Sending a horde to overturn a election he lost..
Thomas and Alito will definitely vote yes to hear the case, but who else, need 2 more?

Roberts will join the Anti-American CCP Stevens, Kagan and Sotomayor, who's left, Amy? Gorsuch? Kavanaugh?

I think it's only 50/50 to ever get a day in Court
Dude wake up!! The whole world has moved on, and know Trump lost! I hope your trolling, because you can't be that dumb
So in 2022, when the Democrats lose in a land slide and it looks like the voting machines were tampered with, you will be okay that there isnt any investigation about that?
What voting machines? Which States? Oh, yeah all the states Trump loss. Right?
No, not all the states that President Trump loss, you being a fucking dumbass have no clue. But those states that had President Trump winning at 1am, when everyone is supposed to go home, then wonder of all wonders, at 5am, a sudden swing in a tally that proved all the Democrat voters are racist fucks because they voted for a guy who called blacks super predators. You must be one of those racist pricks, am i right?
No, I voted against a Moron that emboldened turds like you to think you was super when you put on your maga hats and flew your Trump flags...
Trump discriminated against minorities for years, and its documented. He also said racist, sexist and disparaging things about soldiers and the disabled. As far as the voting swing goes it was known the mail in votes in minority areas would be counted last, so dumbass I can't change your warped brain. You can think Trump was cheated until the end of Time. It won't change that Mitch said he lied to you dummies, his appointed judges threw his bullshit cases out, and you still don't believe it...
You mean all the lame Stream Media Lies that were told, and you actually believed them? Here let me play again you wonderful Mike from MSNBC. You really are that stupid, to vote for a guy who called blacks super predators, and the VP put blacks away for smoking dope, while she was smoking dope.

Mika: 'Our job is to control what people think' - YouTube
I'm not going to go back and forth with a delusional moron.

View attachment 458780 EXCUSE #43! No, you WON'T go back and forth because all you A-Holes know you'd LOSE.

Biden won NOTHING. The election was STOLEN and I can absolutely prove it.

And not one of you gutless wonders will even dare try to disprove it! :21:
You're a brainless trumptard. I guess you really did inject the cleaners..
You perpetuate lies. You are a brainless idiot playing monkey see monkey do.
No. You are a gullible idiot. Getting conned by your former Beloved Wanna be Dictator. Like the saying goes "Its easier to fool someone, then to convince them that they're getting fooled" Definition of Trumptards
What did Trump do that was dictatorial? What policies were dictatorial? Be specific. I do not expect an answer.
Sending a horde to overturn a election he lost..
How was it that the Capitol was being broken into, while President Trump was still speaking? Oh yeah, it was a prog assault to infiltrate the gathering to make it look bad for President Trump. Fascists will use this tactic to gain power.
Thomas and Alito will definitely vote yes to hear the case, but who else, need 2 more?

Roberts will join the Anti-American CCP Stevens, Kagan and Sotomayor, who's left, Amy? Gorsuch? Kavanaugh?

I think it's only 50/50 to ever get a day in Court
Dude wake up!! The whole world has moved on, and know Trump lost! I hope your trolling, because you can't be that dumb
So in 2022, when the Democrats lose in a land slide and it looks like the voting machines were tampered with, you will be okay that there isnt any investigation about that?
What voting machines? Which States? Oh, yeah all the states Trump loss. Right?
No, not all the states that President Trump loss, you being a fucking dumbass have no clue. But those states that had President Trump winning at 1am, when everyone is supposed to go home, then wonder of all wonders, at 5am, a sudden swing in a tally that proved all the Democrat voters are racist fucks because they voted for a guy who called blacks super predators. You must be one of those racist pricks, am i right?
No, I voted against a Moron that emboldened turds like you to think you was super when you put on your maga hats and flew your Trump flags...
Trump discriminated against minorities for years, and its documented. He also said racist, sexist and disparaging things about soldiers and the disabled. As far as the voting swing goes it was known the mail in votes in minority areas would be counted last, so dumbass I can't change your warped brain. You can think Trump was cheated until the end of Time. It won't change that Mitch said he lied to you dummies, his appointed judges threw his bullshit cases out, and you still don't believe it...
You mean all the lame Stream Media Lies that were told, and you actually believed them? Here let me play again you wonderful Mike from MSNBC. You really are that stupid, to vote for a guy who called blacks super predators, and the VP put blacks away for smoking dope, while she was smoking dope.

Mika: 'Our job is to control what people think' - YouTube
Yet you believe everything Faux Opinion news, Parler, Qanon and all them other bullshit sites say..Plus, since when were you racist concerned with Black people feelings. All of the sudden whats this new concern about What Biden said or Kamala Did? You or people like you don't give a shit about that. Its just one of your talking points to try to disparage those two. If a Political party currently supports and allows assholes that hate anything and everything that is non-white to be in their ranks, They can kiss my ass and I hope all other minorities feel and continue to feel that way.

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