Are there any positives at all to attribute to Capitalism?

A number of systems have existed in the last 10k years. Get a history book.

Like which one wasn't based on a free market that we "couldn't afford to exist?"

YOU said History has proven it, but you cannot prove it.


QED: JB is full of shit.
Why do you think we don't have a free market? Why do you think we have regulations in place?

There's a damned good reason for it.

Again... read a history book.

Again, you cannot answer the question?

You're really not very good at making unsupportable assertations.

It seems you are the one that needs to read a little about human history.
Humanity cannot afford to allow a free market to exist. History has proven that.

History has proven it?

So WHAT market system has predominated for the past 10,000 years of human history?

Either put up or shut up and stop embarassing yourself with your obvious ignorance.
Humanity cannot afford to allow a free market to exist. History has proven that.

History has proven it?

So WHAT market system has predominated for the past 10,000 years of human history?

Either put up or shut up and stop embarassing yourself with your obvious ignorance.
None. I already explained this to you. Scroll up and learn to read.
It's pretty funny to watch somebody try to make the case that Capitism is EVUL while he communicates via technology that is only available to him because of Capitalism.
Feel free to cite any post anywhere on this forum where I have ever at any time rejected the capitalist mode of production.

Your posts here in favor of perverting the Free Markets via the heavy hand of regulation are proof enough that you do not grok Capitalism.

And your romanticizing of twee little co-ops is further evidence.
It's pretty funny to watch somebody try to make the case that Capitism is EVUL while he communicates via technology that is only available to him because of Capitalism.
Feel free to cite any post anywhere on this forum where I have ever at any time rejected the capitalist mode of production.

Your posts here in favor of perverting the Free Markets via the heavy hand of regulation are proof enough that you do not grok Capitalism.

And your romanticizing of twee little co-ops is further evidence.

What 'heavy hand of regulation' are you babbling about?

Maybe you're talking about this? Or this? This?

Or maybe you mean the Clean Air and Water acts?

It's pretty funny to watch somebody try to make the case that Capitism is EVUL while he communicates via technology that is only available to him because of Capitalism.
Feel free to cite any post anywhere on this forum where I have ever at any time rejected the capitalist mode of production.

Right here;

"Humanity cannot afford to allow a free market to exist. History has proven that. "

That seems farily cut and dry that you want capitalism done away with.

Your full on support of communism and socialism, is another indicator.
Feel free to cite any post anywhere on this forum where I have ever at any time rejected the capitalist mode of production.

Your posts here in favor of perverting the Free Markets via the heavy hand of regulation are proof enough that you do not grok Capitalism.

And your romanticizing of twee little co-ops is further evidence.

What 'heavy hand of regulation' are you babbling about?

Maybe you're talking about this? Or this? This?

Or maybe you mean the Clean Air and Water acts?


More evidence that you are an ignoramus.

Only countries RICH ENOUGH DUE TO CAPITALISM can afford to worry about investing in a clean environment.

The countries with the worst environmental records are ones with high rates of poverty and totalitarian systems.
Learn what communism is before you make an even bigger idiot of yourself.

You are a complete an utter ignoramus. On a large scale, your Utopian Ideal of Communism will ALWAYS end up turning into brutal totalitarianism.

And the twee little cooperatives you cry up can only exist when they feed off the cost effective resources provided by free markets.
It's like you're trying to prove how stupid you are.

1)There's no such thing as large-scale communism

2)link to any posts anywhere on this forum where I have ever at any time advocated communism


You will never advocate for communism. You refer to yourself as a "liberal" a progressive", etc.

The mere fact that you and Karl Marx want to :

" use the "liberals" political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state…" is purely a mere coinkidink.

It's pretty funny to watch somebody try to make the case that Capitism is EVUL while he communicates via technology that is only available to him because of Capitalism.
Feel free to cite any post anywhere on this forum where I have ever at any time rejected the capitalist mode of production.

Right here;

"Humanity cannot afford to allow a free market to exist. History has proven that. "

That seems farily cut and dry that you want capitalism done away with.


I said we cannot allow market anarchy.

I said nothing of the capitalist mode of production.

They are not the same thing, you idiot.

Your full on support of communism and socialism, is another indicator.

You are a complete an utter ignoramus. On a large scale, your Utopian Ideal of Communism will ALWAYS end up turning into brutal totalitarianism.

And the twee little cooperatives you cry up can only exist when they feed off the cost effective resources provided by free markets.
It's like you're trying to prove how stupid you are.

1)There's no such thing as large-scale communism

2)link to any posts anywhere on this forum where I have ever at any time advocated communism


You will never advocate for communism. You refer to yourself as a "liberal" a progressive", etc.

Let me google that for you
The mere fact that you and Karl Marx want to :

" use the "liberals" political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state…" is purely a mere coinkidink.

O rly?
You are a complete an utter ignoramus. On a large scale, your Utopian Ideal of Communism will ALWAYS end up turning into brutal totalitarianism.

And the twee little cooperatives you cry up can only exist when they feed off the cost effective resources provided by free markets.
It's like you're trying to prove how stupid you are.

1)There's no such thing as large-scale communism

2)link to any posts anywhere on this forum where I have ever at any time advocated communism


You will never advocate for communism. You refer to yourself as a "liberal" a progressive", etc.

Let me google that for you
The mere fact that you and Karl Marx want to :

" use the "liberals" political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state…" is purely a mere coinkidink.
O rly?
Mandatory public education began in the 1880s.

Henry Ford introduced the Mode-T in 1908.

Adam Smith wrote about enlightened self interest in 1776 and most of the capitalist sycophants blather about Wealth of Nations.

But they don't say double-entry accounting should be mandatory in the schools even though it is SEVEN HUNDRED YEARS OLD. Capitalism has been obsolete since 1908. We have Corporate Consumerism and we don't want people with credit cards to understand accounting. They might not be dumb enough to go so far into debt.

Mandatory public education began in the 1880s.

Henry Ford introduced the Mode-T in 1908.

Adam Smith wrote about enlightened self interest in 1776 and most of the capitalist sycophants blather about Wealth of Nations.

But they don't say double-entry accounting should be mandatory in the schools even though it is SEVEN HUNDRED YEARS OLD. Capitalism has been obsolete since 1908. We have Corporate Consumerism and we don't want people with credit cards to understand accounting. They might not be dumb enough to go so far into debt.


What other courses would you require?

I'd like to see algerbra become inter-changable with bookkeeping and accounting, myself.

I would also like to see an end of forced attendance of school.
Humanity cannot afford to allow a free market to exist. History has proven that.

History has proven it?

So WHAT market system has predominated for the past 10,000 years of human history?

Either put up or shut up and stop embarassing yourself with your obvious ignorance.
None. I already explained this to you. Scroll up and learn to read.

JB the problem is the entire argument rests on a presumption that simply isn't so.

What I mean is you might have a point about the flaws of capitalism IF the reason there were haves and have nots had nothing to do with the individuals in the system. Unfortunately that is something liberals always assume. 'Your' problems are NEVER 'your' fault, in the world of a liberal.

That isn't reality. Reality is people don't take responsibility when it comes to weath accumulation. It is not someone elses job to provide for your standard of living. Figuring out how to do that is YOUR job. Reality is that while most people would like more money, most have not made it a goal and actively pursued it and yet they have the balls to wonder why they are a have not.
Feel free to cite any post anywhere on this forum where I have ever at any time rejected the capitalist mode of production.

Right here;

"Humanity cannot afford to allow a free market to exist. History has proven that. "

That seems farily cut and dry that you want capitalism done away with.


I said we cannot allow market anarchy.

I said nothing of the capitalist mode of production.

They are not the same thing, you idiot.

Your full on support of communism and socialism, is another indicator.


No, you said, and I'm quoting you here;
"Humanity cannot afford to allow a free market to exist. History has proven that. "

It doesn't take an idiot to make the short leap that you want to do away with capitalism.

Cite? Are you serious.. Read your own post, You sound like a Karl marx fanboy.

Maybe that wasn't your intention, but that is how you have come across.

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