Are there any sane republicans left

FWIW, I don't give a dang how many times an adult decides to be "reassigned," and I'll call them whatever pronoun they please, cause I'm neighborly that way. Just as long as y'all leave the kids out of it.

Allowing a boy in a skirt to enter a girls bathroom in a public high school where girls are forced to attend, so that boy in a skirt has an opportunity to forcibly sodimize one of them?

That's pretty much the opposite of leaving the kids out of it. That's forcing kids into it.

Translation: BULLDOG is afraid to answer.

You know that shop teacher that put on huge fake boobs and the administration lets him do it? Anyone with more brain cells than a public school administrator (which doesn't seem to be many), knows he's trolling them. Do you know that?

But they have no way to explain why he is not allowed to do that, since they have a trans-friendly policy, so he does it.

When some trolling kid claims they are a cat and demand a cat usable bathroom, those administrators will not be any more able than you are to explain why they shouldn't get the litter box.
You know that's bullshit, right? Schools aren't using litterboxes, and they will not use them in the future. You're an idiot if you think they will.
You know that's bullshit, right? Schools aren't using litterboxes, and they will not use them in the future. You're an idiot if you think they will.

You don't know what they will do in the future. IF I went back even 10 years, and said that in 2022, you people would be preforming gender reassignments on children against their parents wishes,

I would have been laughed at. Because it would not be believable that you people would be so crazy and evil so fast.
You know that's bullshit, right? Schools aren't using litterboxes, and they will not use them in the future. You're an idiot if you think they will.
Why won't they, if students demand it because they identify as cats?

Explain the logic in a way that it would not also apply to boys in the girls bathroom.
You don't know what they will do in the future. IF I went back even 10 years, and said that in 2022, you people would be preforming gender reassignments on children against their parents wishes,

I would have been laughed at. Because it would not be believable that you people would be so crazy and evil so fast.
I'm not aware of gender reassignment for young children without parental consent. Credible link?
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Why won't they, if students demand it because they identify as cats?

Explain the logic in a way that it would not also apply to boys in the girls bathroom.
Experts in psychology haven't recognized children wearing animal costumes as an issue needing any action. Children have played pretend since the earliest times. Only a hystrionic idiot would consider it a problem in any way. In other words, you're making goofy shit up.
Not that this post deserves an actual serious read, but yes, there are furries in school allowed to wear their tails and ears or whatever. Litter boxes are an open question.
Dems are in attack mode. They're really going after Darren Bailey in Illinois.
Experts in psychology haven't recognized children wearing animal costumes as an issue needing any action. Children have played pretend since the earliest times. Only a hystrionic idiot would consider it a problem in any way. In other words, you're making goofy shit up.
I'm not talking about children wearing animal costumes.

Transpecies people need not wear a costume at all. Transgenders don't have to wear a costume, neither do cats. All a transgender must do is claim or imply that they are a gender other than their biological gender and they can use the bathroom of their identified gender.

Why are transcats going to be discriminated against?

You are hateful and bigotted.
Kids have always done silly things. There is an entire rack of headbands with cat ears on them at Walmart, and little girls love them. That is not the same as claiming the schools have supplied litter boxes in the bathrooms for little girls to pee in. That woman is nuts, and she is who republicans chose to be their candidate for governor of her state. . Nothing you can say will change that
Why should that be in schools? Especially with 5 year olds?
You just said it is no school's policy, and. no thinking rational adult would believe it is. The crazy republican candidate recently said it was real, and it would be one of her first priorities when elected. That is batshit crazy. If you can't admit that, you are either batshit crazy too or willing to elect a batshit crazy candidate. It's pretty nuts that she won her primary.
Yes or no? Are you for children being to make the decision to try to change their gender?
Dems are in attack mode. They're really going after Darren Bailey in Illinois.

Less than 2 1/2 hours after a mass shooting that killed 6 people and injured more than 2 dozen others, Bailey said "lets move on and celebrate the freedom of our country." The man is a heartless pig. It’s a lot easier to understand awful comments like Bailey's saying "move on" when you realize republicans are all just really bad people.
I'm not talking about children wearing animal costumes.

Transpecies people need not wear a costume at all. Transgenders don't have to wear a costume, neither do cats. All a transgender must do is claim or imply that they are a gender other than their biological gender and they can use the bathroom of their identified gender.

Why are transcats going to be discriminated against?

You are hateful and bigotted.
You are goofy pushing your absurd line of reasoning. I don't usually join crazies in discussions about their altered persception of reality.
You are goofy pushing your absurd line of reasoning. I don't usually join crazies in discussions about their altered persception of reality.
Too busy with your anti-transspecies bigots club?

Your OP was reasonable and intelligent. You sure stuck it to those krazy Repubs!

I didn't think that a simple challenge like:

Explain why transcats should not be allowed to use a litter box at school in a way that is different from the argument by the non-woke that transgirls (or just any guy in a skirt) should not be allowed to use the girl's bathroom at school.

would send you into such a tizzy. It would seem a great opportunity to demonstrate your logic prowess.

BTW: When a boy believes that he is a girl - and truly believes it, not just to sneak some peeks . . .

That is an altered perception of reality.
If you are too dumb to understand that some people are just not able to function as the gender they were born as, and will do much better after reassignment, then you are just not regular people.

Beyond that, the litter box thing isn't happening anyway.
Agreed. Some people have mental issues. That doesn't change science.

A dude can't become a woman just because he feels like a woman.

And yet your lunatic party supports a dude competing in women's college athletics simply because HE claims HE is a woman.

Your party is a science denying lunatic party.
Mods, this is a real story about the real Republican candidate for governor, and the absolutely crazy things she is saying.

Heidi Ganal, the republican candidate for governor is repeating the Qanon conspiracy theory that Children in public schools are identifying as animals, and the schools have supplied litter boxes in the bathrooms to accomodate them. She didn't mistakenly say something that might have sounded like that. That is one of her main points to convince the voters to support her so she can end the practice that she seems to honestly believe is real. Republicans support these obviously absurd candidates, and then complain when their lack of qualifications are expose. Ganal, Hershal Walker, of course crazy Louie Gohmert, and even Mellissa Carone that crazy lady that was so funny when she appeared with rudy in Michigan, and poped her gum while asking her questoner if he had done something funny with the ballots are all on the republican ticket. This is what the republican party has become.

Agreed. Some people have mental issues. That doesn't change science.

A dude can't become a woman just because he feels like a woman.

And yet your lunatic party supports a dude competing in women's college athletics simply because HE claims HE is a woman.

Your party is a science denying lunatic party.
Where's your science publication on the subject?

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