Are There Grounds To Impeach Obama?

Gerald Ford said:
"An impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history."

Ford is correct. If the majority of the House is willing to impeach over an issue, it is an impeachable offense. That's how the Constitution works, and that's how impeachment plays out.

Now, if the GOP goes for Impeachment, they'd probably guarantee an Obama second term and a Biden 2 terms. It'd be seen as a VERY politically motivated turn after the Clinton fiasco (which the public at the time did not support) and it would be a major setback for the GOP.

Clinton fiasco? He broke the law. He actually committed crimes.
I think both parties are always trying to circumvent the Constitution unfortunately. I think the Democrats have taken that mentality to all new lows but it's probably not grounds for impeaching the President. We need to start electing politicians who actually still care about the Constitution. It really is that simple in the end. If you're still waiting for the Socialists/Progressives and Neocons to suddenly start caring about out Constitution,all i can say is don't hold your breath. It is what it is in the end.

while i dont agree much with libolypse's politics much, i agree that this is an issue of democracy. the idea of impeachment and the ungrounded constitutional challenges from the minority at the moment are trampling the constitution's major weapon of dissent...the vote.
Gerald Ford said:
"An impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history."

Ford is correct. If the majority of the House is willing to impeach over an issue, it is an impeachable offense. That's how the Constitution works, and that's how impeachment plays out.

Now, if the GOP goes for Impeachment, they'd probably guarantee an Obama second term and a Biden 2 terms. It'd be seen as a VERY politically motivated turn after the Clinton fiasco (which the public at the time did not support) and it would be a major setback for the GOP.

Clinton fiasco? He broke the law. He actually committed crimes.

Not enough to be kicked out of office. This is coming from a person that did not vote for him once.

I was more upset with his choice of "companionship" He was president of the US freakin A. At a minimum he should have tapped someone like Alyssa Milano or Natasha Henstridge.
Clinton fiasco? He broke the law. He actually committed crimes.

It took a whole lot of money, a whole lot of hunting, and a whole lot of investigating to get to..... perjury?

A lot of folks in and out of the States saw the whole investigation, starting from Whitewater forward as being highly politically motivated. It isn't surprising they found something, as after all with enough money and enough motivation you can find dirty laundry on anyone in politics today.

If the GOP went that route with Obama, they'd probably slide into third party status for good. Back to back Democrat Presidents facing impeachment from a GOP congress would be the final straw for the GOP unless the case were absolutely rock solid and represented something worse than Watergate.
Zero grounds for impeachment.

The only modern impeachment was of Clinton (HOR imeachment, not final sentate trial impeachment) and for that they had to catch him lying under oath.

It was determined by the senate that the charge did not reach "high crimes and misdemeanors" and was not carried out.

You need a hard concrete law violation for impeachment. Anything else is totally political

(yes i know the Clinton Impeachment was political too)

as for clinton...lying to a grand jury...sexual harrasment of a federal employee or sodomy is neither a high crime or misdemeanor....

as for obama...he has done nothing worth of being impeached....

Except that the harassment suit was thrown out without merit and the lying under oath was only civil contempt.

Talking about impeaching Obama is conservative masturbation fantasy.
The way congress screws things up lately? An impeachment proceeding will likely end up with President Obama being allowed unlimited terms.
Zero grounds for impeachment.

The only modern impeachment was of Clinton (HOR imeachment, not final sentate trial impeachment) and for that they had to catch him lying under oath.

It was determined by the senate that the charge did not reach "high crimes and misdemeanors" and was not carried out.

You need a hard concrete law violation for impeachment. Anything else is totally political

(yes i know the Clinton Impeachment was political too)

as for clinton...lying to a grand jury...sexual harrasment of a federal employee or sodomy is neither a high crime or misdemeanor....

as for obama...he has done nothing worth of being impeached....

Except that the harassment suit was thrown out without merit and the lying under oath was only civil contempt.

Talking about impeaching Obama is conservative masturbation fantasy.

didn't scooty libby lie under oath.....
Constitutional Grounds for Impeachment

Obama has sworn to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States” I do not believe he has. I think...


and therein lies your problem. don't think.


note Clinton: this road worked well for the Right Wing Lunacy, the first time, didn't it?

Yep. No point thinking cause that might mean you disagee with Dante. Can't have that.
Zero grounds for impeachment.

The only modern impeachment was of Clinton (HOR imeachment, not final sentate trial impeachment) and for that they had to catch him lying under oath.

It was determined by the senate that the charge did not reach "high crimes and misdemeanors" and was not carried out.

You need a hard concrete law violation for impeachment. Anything else is totally political

(yes i know the Clinton Impeachment was political too)

as for clinton...lying to a grand jury...sexual harrasment of a federal employee or sodomy is neither a high crime or misdemeanor....

as for obama...he has done nothing worth of being impeached....

Except that the harassment suit was thrown out without merit and the lying under oath was only civil contempt.

Talking about impeaching Obama is conservative masturbation fantasy.

Really? Because Im conservative and I oppose impeaching Obama. Funny how that doesnt work so well when you actually have real people's opinions.
what this country needs is to forbid lawyers from entering politics. Let people who have some common sense and a sense of the common good serve. They cannot possibly fuck it up any more than the lawyers have done. Hope and Change might take on meaning then.. and no.. the obamalama should not be impeached. you cannot impeach for stupid. can you?
as for clinton...lying to a grand jury...sexual harrasment of a federal employee or sodomy is neither a high crime or misdemeanor....

as for obama...he has done nothing worth of being impeached....

Except that the harassment suit was thrown out without merit and the lying under oath was only civil contempt.

Talking about impeaching Obama is conservative masturbation fantasy.

Really? Because Im conservative and I oppose impeaching Obama. Funny how that doesnt work so well when you actually have real people's opinions.

all this proves is you didn't get the memo about the circle jerk.

There have been numerous lunacies about possibly impeaching Obama. All (99.99999%) are form the conservative wing of American Lunacy.
Except that the harassment suit was thrown out without merit and the lying under oath was only civil contempt.

Talking about impeaching Obama is conservative masturbation fantasy.

Really? Because Im conservative and I oppose impeaching Obama. Funny how that doesnt work so well when you actually have real people's opinions.

all this proves is you didn't get the memo about the circle jerk.

There have been numerous lunacies about possibly impeaching Obama. All (99.99999%) are form the conservative wing of American Lunacy.

Ive seen about 3 or 4 people actually clamoring for impeachment and those are complete partisan hacks. They are outliers. They dont represent conservatism. And pretending they do is intellectually dishonest.
Constitutional Grounds for Impeachment

Obama has sworn to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States” I do not believe he has. I think...


and therein lies your problem. don't think.


note Clinton: this road worked well for the Right Wing Lunacy, the first time, didn't it?

Yep. No point thinking cause that might mean you disagee with Dante. Can't have that.

a wee bit sensitive are we?


please, the moronic OP can only be explained because a chimp tried to think.

or maybe...just maybe, it is a conservative talking point?
Really? Because Im conservative and I oppose impeaching Obama. Funny how that doesnt work so well when you actually have real people's opinions.

all this proves is you didn't get the memo about the circle jerk.

There have been numerous lunacies about possibly impeaching Obama. All (99.99999%) are form the conservative wing of American Lunacy.

Ive seen about 3 or 4 people actually clamoring for impeachment and those are complete partisan hacks. They are outliers. They dont represent conservatism. And pretending they do is intellectually dishonest.

I didn't say they represent conservatism, but they do represent a branch of the Tea Party and American conservatism.
and therein lies your problem. don't think.


note Clinton: this road worked well for the Right Wing Lunacy, the first time, didn't it?

Yep. No point thinking cause that might mean you disagee with Dante. Can't have that.

a wee bit sensitive are we?


please, the moronic OP can only be explained because a chimp tried to think.

or maybe...just maybe, it is a conservative talking point?

A conservative talking point tha conservatives are actively opposing. that makes so much sense.
The way congress screws things up lately? An impeachment proceeding will likely end up with President Obama being allowed unlimited terms.

and that's why impeachment is a stupid idea. impeachment is an act of congress administered by congress, so by encouraging impeachment you'd just be encouraging the type of side show bs that already dominates congress. and then you're softening up the concept of impeachment for any congressional party to use it as a weapon any time they don't like the sitting president.
IMO he is a traitor, but aside of the technical issues, democrats control the congress for the rest of this year, so it's impossible for at least the rest of this year.

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