Zone1 Are There Prophets Around Today?

Observant, "not fortune tellers" in following a law?
Sounds like the Westernized Muslim salad of words
to appear smart in university Dawhah in front of
goofy drunk teenagers.

Why does Islam oppose the return of prophecy?

And don't give me your bit about some caricature priests.
Observant as in keen observers of the political in the state of the communities.
True. Jesus did prophesy that there would be false prophets upon the earth in the last days. But this doesn't preclude God from also having true prophets upon the earth.
There were always false teachers and preachers.
"In the quote that I posted Jesus made it clear that he didn't think of himself as a king" #167

Jesus said to Pilate, "King is your word. My task is to bear witness to the truth." John 18:37

then you disagreed by agreeing. :auiqs.jpg:If you don't believe me read your own words.

Actually John 18:37 is about why Jesus was born into this world which was to testify to the truth.

I heard that lack of sleep results in decreased neural function. Maybe you should take a nap.
No, I did not agree with you that that was the purpose of that statement. I already explained what I believe.
There is only one God whose existence is absolute. He has no visible shape or material form.

He has no equal and there is no other God in existence either above or below him.

try the true religion ...

Then God said, “Let us make life in our image, in our likeness, the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky the livestock and all the wild animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground.”

sure, then came self determination to be fully equal with those in the heavens, the goal for all beings so desiring admission to the everlasting.

the triumph of good vs evil ... leads if accomplished to purity --- all in the heavens are equal as purity is inviolable when accomplished and the same.
the self righteous bigot - needs someone to scream at.

is there ...

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a difference.

does the uzi give them away. and who would claim the above is not suicidal. or as some would claim - xxxx like you except not as a one sided, self righteous bigot. and doubly so if for the sake of their phony religion.
Is there a bomb strapped to his chest?


Yep, there's a difference.
Thread like this remind me to never discuss religion with religious people. Democrat-run government is our number one problem

case in point ^^^^

"There are dead people everywhere. Walking around like regular people. They can't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know that they're dead."

so they vote for Trump because they really really believe that fascism will save democracy. Derp.
case in point ^^^^

"There are dead people everywhere. Walking around like regular people. They can't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know that they're dead."

so they vote for Trump because they really really believe that fascism will save democracy. Derp.
Was that supposed to make sense? If so, you failed.
Was that supposed to make sense? If so, you failed.
It never ceases to amaze me when so many obviously confused and irrational people claim that clear and rational language "makes no sense" instead of simply saying "I don't understand."

Like I said, "They see only what they want to see. They don't know that they're dead"

thanks for proving my point.... :eusa_clap:
try the true religion ...
religion is for sissies.

all in the heavens are equal as purity is inviolable when accomplished and the same.

As Jesus said, "In my Father's house (family) there are many mansions." meaning there are many higher forms of life not to mention classes of bodies whether high or low, just like there are many cars on the road, some are just basic transportation and others are fully loaded luxury vehicles.

What you do here on earth determines what type of abode awaits you when you die, if any....
Kingdom come, not Kingdom to come.
The difference? None. The word "come" is used as a verb in this passage to mean MOVEMENT FORWARD, to reach a certain destination by moving forward, with the expectation of moving with the expectation of an arrival. What happens when "to" is added to the word Come? Nothing. "to" is simply a "preposition" pointing out a direction from one place to the next.

Another thing that must be considered..........What translation is being used? Even through the words my vary in spelling......example; such as Thy is used in the King James translation.....while the same message of truth is presented when the ESV (English Standard Version) translates THY to "YOUR". There is nothing lost, the truth is maintained.

Consider the NLT (New living Translation)..........the Passage is quoted as,"May Your (God's) Kingdom come soon............". Personally I do not consider the NLT to be a completely valid translation as it takes to many liberties with paraphrased editing by adding words (that can change the truth), words that are not actually found in the original Koine Context based upon the subject being addressed. But this is simply to make a point.

There are several modern translations that lose nothing in translation of the truth...........such as, "King James" which has a few errors of copy/transfer but are easily corrected by the content and context. "New King James", "New American Standard", English Standard Version", "American Standard Version".

Simply look at the original Koine Greek. The term Kingdom Come transliterates in the Greek Alphabet to mean an Observation, a Prediction.

To confirm that one cannot pray today for a future kingdom/empire (as per the Koine Greek Transliteration).....the scriptures prove that the Kingdom that Jesus "predicted" existed after His death in the 1st century. People were being "transferred" into the Kingdom in the 1st century. One cannot enter a Kingdom that has not yet "COME".

"He (Jesus) has delivered us (those of the Christian faith), from the domain of darkness (this world belongs to Satan -- 2 Cor. 4:4, and is represented as darkness, while Jesus is the light (truth) of the world -- John 8:12-30) AND HAS TRANSFERRED US INTO THE KINGDOM OF HIS (God's) BELOVED SON." -- Col. 1:1

WHEN THERE IS ANY DOUBT OF A SCRIPTURE BEING CORRECTLY PRESENTED, ALLOW THE SCRIPTURES TO SELF INTERPRET THEMSELVES AS commanded by the Apostle Peter, who stated the obvious........private interpretation is forbidden because the scriptures were interpreted by the prophets who declared them as truth. (1 Peter 1:20)

The scriptures should be read as they are intended to be read.......just like you would read any other piece of historical literature, You add nothing, you take away nothing, the scriptures self interpret, just as does any other work of literature.

To prove the point, to paraphrase a of the last passages in the Holy Bible concludes that "nothing should be taken away, nor added to this book.........under the penalty of God's wrath at judgment." -- Rev. 22:18-21
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"There are dead people everywhere. Walking around like regular people. They can't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know that they're dead."

so they vote for Trump because they really really believe that fascism will save democracy. Derp.
I always assumed you were a political animal with a political agenda. But putting that aside what you have referred to in the past as dead people walking around or already being in hell seems like an over exaggeration for people don't always see reality or the bigger picture. People may see life as a struggle not worth living for but that just isn't the case. It's not even close to reality.
The difference? None. The word "come" is used as verb in this passage to mean MOVEMENT FORWARD, to reach a certain destination by moving forward, with the expectation of moving with the expectation of an arrival. What happens when "to" is added to the word Come? Nothing. "to" is simply a "preposition" pointing out a direction from one place to the next.

Another thing that must be considered..........What translation is being used? Even through the words my vary in spelling......example; such as Thy is used in the King James translation.....while the same message of truth is presented when the ESV (English Strandard Version) translates THY to "YOUR". There is nothing lost, the truth is maintained.

Consider the NLT (New International Translation)..........the Passage is quoted as,"May Your (God's) Kingdom come soon............". Personally I do not consider the NLT to be a completely valid translations as it take to many liberties in adding words (that change came the truth) that are not actually found in the original Koine Context. But this is simply to make a point

Simply look at the original Koine Greek. The term Kingdom Come transliterates in the Greek Alphabet to mean an Observation, a Prediction.

To confirm that one cannot pray today for a future kingdom/empire (as per the Koine Greek Transliteration).....the scriptures prove that the Kingdom that Jesus "predicted" existed after His death in the 1st century. People were being "transferred" into the Kingdom in the 1st century. One cannot enter a Kingdom that has not yet "COME".

"He (Jesus) has delivered us (those of the Christian faith), from the domain of darkness (this world belongs to Satan -- 2 Cor. 4:4, and is represented as darkness, while Jesus is the light (truth) of the world -- John 8:12-30) AND HAS TRANSFERRED US TO THE KINGDOM OF HIS (God's) BELOVED SON." -- Col. 1:13

WHEN THERE IS ANY DOUBT OF A SCRIPTURE BEING CORRECTLY PRESENTED, ALLOW THE SCRIPTURES TO SELF INTERPRET THEMSELVES AS commanded by the Apostle Peter, who stated the obvious........private interpretation if forbidden because the scriptures were interpreted by the prophets who declared them as truth. (1 Peter 1:20)
I'm not fluent in Koine Greek. Are you?
what you have referred to in the past as dead people walking around or already being in hell seems like an over exaggeration for people don't always see reality or the bigger picture

If scripture is true then anyone who worships Jesus as an edible triune god who diddled a virgin to become human only to be despised rejected, tortured and crucified as a "perfect sacrifice" for your sins, so you won't pay the price, lol, is already dead and in hell, reality providing the flames.

If it is an exaggeration then so is your own churches teaching on the subject, eternal torture and such. If you never repented for the rest of your life, hell will only be as terrible as your life has always been ever since you first set aside the divine commands decades ago and got down on your knees to worship a lifeless matzo made by human hands for spiritual life, even though it cannot see, speak, hear or walk, has no spiritual life to give, and most importantly IS NOT GOD.

See? God isn't such a meanie. So go to church, defy the law of God, celebrate the death and desecrate the teachings of Christ, and sing maudlin songs about baby Jesus every holy day...

You won't notice being dead and in hell at all or that life goes on without you.

What better metaphor, other than dead, can you provide that perfectly describes your inability to see your own sin even though it is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field?
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I'm not fluent in Koine Greek. Are you?
One does not have to be "fluent" in Greek (that's why the Bible is translated into 3500 different languages) its required to comprehend the historical truth that the Holy Scriptures were by majority written in Koine Greek.

I am smart enough to allow my software to translate Koine into Roman Latin, into Modern English......etc. Anyone that has to brag about their self professed intelligence........., well, you know the story.

Technology can be your friend. Everything is at your fingertips.
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If scripture is true then anyone who worships Jesus as God is dead and in hell, already, reality providing the flames.

If it is an exaggeration then so is your own churches teaching on the subject. If you never repent for the rest of your life in hell will only be as terrible as your life has always been ever since you set aside the divine commands and got down on your knees to worship and eat a lifeless matzo made by human hands for spiritual life, even though it cannot see, speak, hear or walk...
I don't need for you to tell me what scripture means. You have an agenda; a bias. Your belief that there is a hidden meaning or wisdom contained in the NT and your belief that the NT is fiction made up by the HRCC are mutually exclusive beliefs. Therefore, anything you have to say about the NT is suspect in my eye.

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