Are there same-sex marriages in the United States?

Allow local options on whether to allow it in each jurisdiction.

Outlawing Gay Divorce- if libs really believe that Almighty God has put 2 guys together, let no man put them asunder.

Renaming the event to"Civil unions" and calling the participants "bum buddies" so that Gay and normal marriage can be legally distinguished
Why should anyone agree to have lesser rights?
Why should Government get involved in who you love?

How do you handle the situation when married gays move between states?
Allow local options on whether to allow it in each jurisdiction.
To do this, need to change the federal law. Federal law applies in all states, unless an explicit exception is provided.

But the decisions of the Courts are de facto illegal, because they were engaged in fraud, pretending that there is a legal concept of "same-sex marriage" in the United States
To do this, need to change the federal law. Federal law applies in all states, unless an explicit exception is provided.

But the decisions of the Courts are de facto illegal, because they were engaged in fraud, pretending that there is a legal concept of "same-sex marriage" in the United States
We don’t have same sex marriages in the US

When you apply for a license, it just says Marriage
Where is the legal concept of "same-sex marriage" written, which they tried to manipulate when making their "verdicts"?
When you apply for a license, it just says Marriage
This is also illegal: marriage in the United States is defined as the union of a man and a woman. They did not have the right to issue a document on the marriage union
This is also illegal: marriage in the United States is defined as the union of a man and a woman. They did not have the right to issue a document on the marriage union

You need to check your calendar

Mine says 2022
No, because there is no definition of "same-sex marriage" in US Law
Constitutional case law as per Obergefell v. Hodges defines marriage as a union between consenting adults in accordance with state law and without regaed to their respective genders. SO WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU BLATHERING ABOUT?
Constitutional case law as per Obergefell v. Hodges defines marriage as a union between consenting adults in accordance with state law and without regaed to their respective genders. SO WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU BLATHERING ABOUT?
show me the law that says the courts have the right to make laws. Precedent is not the law, you fucking idiot, it does not exempt judges from breaking the law.
Allow local options on whether to allow it in each jurisdiction.

Outlawing Gay Divorce- if libs really believe that Almighty God has put 2 guys together, let no man put them asunder.

Renaming the event to"Civil unions" and calling the participants "bum buddies" so that Gay and normal marriage can be legally distinguished

Odd. You don’t want to outlaw all divorce. Just Gay. Why? Are you admitting that God hasn’t put the man and woman together?
show me the law that says the courts have the right to make laws. Precedent is not the law, you fucking idiot, it does not exempt judges from breaking the law.
Google Marbury V Madison on the issue of Judicial Review. The court is not "making laws" They are interpreting laws, and in the case of marriage invalidated laws against same sex marriage based on the 14th amendment

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