Are there superior intelligences out there?

Sure. It would explain why they haven't contacted us.

"Yeah, we'll be back when you get your shit together".
I sure as fuck hope so...

Humans seem to have too many backwards dick heads that hate scientific progress and exploration.
there are billions and billions of star systems in our own galaxy, and billions and billions of gallixies.

And we're so special! Sure we are, just like winning the lottery AND powerball twice in a row is special.
there are billions and billions of star systems in our own galaxy, and billions and billions of gallixies.

And we're so special! Sure we are, just like winning the lottery AND powerball twice in a row is special.

Looking at all the habitable planets I'd bet we're not special at all.
There is no superior intelligence beyond usmb. And usmb can be questionable.
that are we to frogs?
I was watching a YouTube about if dinosaurs never went extinct. Most of the diverse mammals wouldn't exist and we would have never developed the way we have now. We'd probably be just monkeys. Smart monkeys but we may have never had the security that we have now being top of the food chain so no electricity, cars, plumbing, space travel. Dinosaurs would rule. Imagine if we never developed and lived out in Africa with lions and tigers. It would be like that. We would have Spears but not guns.

So since life probably develops similarly elsewhere, chances are intelligence is rare.

I do believe there are smarter creatures out there but none has mastered the universe yet. No aliens have visited. But I'm completely open to the idea. Its just that we are so far from other stars. But I also believe anything is possible. We may one day learn how to travel in wormholes. And if they exist then that smarter than us species have visited. I'm really torn on it.
Superior to us? Kind of a low bar there, huh? But yeah, the number of planets in the goldilocks zone is just too large. When you consider how many stars there are in just our galaxy and then how many galaxies there are, there's no way evolution hasn't worked elsewhere.
Superior to us? Kind of a low bar there, huh? But yeah, the number of planets in the goldilocks zone is just too large. When you consider how many stars there are in just our galaxy and then how many galaxies there are, there's no way evolution hasn't worked elsewhere.
That's the thing. Had the meteor not hit wiping out dinosaurs, us humans wouldn't be what we are today. That lucky event wiped out the fittest and allowed us to take over.

Consider this. The dolphin brain has been evolving for millions of years longer than ours. So we might be very rare. Are there smarter? God I hope so.
Superior to us? Kind of a low bar there, huh? But yeah, the number of planets in the goldilocks zone is just too large. When you consider how many stars there are in just our galaxy and then how many galaxies there are, there's no way evolution hasn't worked elsewhere.
That's the thing. Had the meteor not hit wiping out dinosaurs, us humans wouldn't be what we are today. That lucky event wiped out the fittest and allowed us to take over.

Consider this. The dolphin brain has been evolving for millions of years longer than ours. So we might be very rare. Are there smarter? God I hope so.

Rare indeed, but how rare? First, superior intelligence does not have to mean the development of interstellar travel. Second, the fact that we don't know how to do it doesn't mean others haven't. Maybe they've been here before and we don't know it, maybe they even seeded life on this planet. Far fetched? Absolutely. Impossible? No. Do you know how many reports there have been since Roswell of UFOs, and by reputable people too. Cops, airline pilots, military, etc. We ain't talking about wingnuts here.
Superior to us? Kind of a low bar there, huh? But yeah, the number of planets in the goldilocks zone is just too large. When you consider how many stars there are in just our galaxy and then how many galaxies there are, there's no way evolution hasn't worked elsewhere.
That's the thing. Had the meteor not hit wiping out dinosaurs, us humans wouldn't be what we are today. That lucky event wiped out the fittest and allowed us to take over.

Consider this. The dolphin brain has been evolving for millions of years longer than ours. So we might be very rare. Are there smarter? God I hope so.

Rare indeed, but how rare? First, superior intelligence does not have to mean the development of interstellar travel. Second, the fact that we don't know how to do it doesn't mean others haven't. Maybe they've been here before and we don't know it, maybe they even seeded life on this planet. Far fetched? Absolutely. Impossible? No. Do you know how many reports there have been since Roswell of UFOs, and by reputable people too. Cops, airline pilots, military, etc. We ain't talking about wingnuts here.
They may not be wing nuts but what they saw don't cut it. Evidence is what we need. The u stands for what?

But I pretty much agree a dolphin might be way smarter than we know. Their brains are way more developed. Doesn't mean they invent things.

And we were seeded by something. Could've been aliens. I would need proof
Superior to us? Kind of a low bar there, huh? But yeah, the number of planets in the goldilocks zone is just too large. When you consider how many stars there are in just our galaxy and then how many galaxies there are, there's no way evolution hasn't worked elsewhere.
That's the thing. Had the meteor not hit wiping out dinosaurs, us humans wouldn't be what we are today. That lucky event wiped out the fittest and allowed us to take over.

Consider this. The dolphin brain has been evolving for millions of years longer than ours. So we might be very rare. Are there smarter? God I hope so.

Rare indeed, but how rare? First, superior intelligence does not have to mean the development of interstellar travel. Second, the fact that we don't know how to do it doesn't mean others haven't. Maybe they've been here before and we don't know it, maybe they even seeded life on this planet. Far fetched? Absolutely. Impossible? No. Do you know how many reports there have been since Roswell of UFOs, and by reputable people too. Cops, airline pilots, military, etc. We ain't talking about wingnuts here.
They may not be wing nuts but what they saw don't cut it. Evidence is what we need. The u stands for what?

But I pretty much agree a dolphin might be way smarter than we know. Their brains are way more developed. Doesn't mean they invent things.

And we were seeded by something. Could've been aliens. I would need proof

U = Unidentified

Thousands of documented sightings isn't evidence? From all over the world? Hey, I'm with ya, I'd like to see some proof myself. But I am also keeping an open mind.
Superior to us? Kind of a low bar there, huh? But yeah, the number of planets in the goldilocks zone is just too large. When you consider how many stars there are in just our galaxy and then how many galaxies there are, there's no way evolution hasn't worked elsewhere.
That's the thing. Had the meteor not hit wiping out dinosaurs, us humans wouldn't be what we are today. That lucky event wiped out the fittest and allowed us to take over.

Consider this. The dolphin brain has been evolving for millions of years longer than ours. So we might be very rare. Are there smarter? God I hope so.

Rare indeed, but how rare? First, superior intelligence does not have to mean the development of interstellar travel. Second, the fact that we don't know how to do it doesn't mean others haven't. Maybe they've been here before and we don't know it, maybe they even seeded life on this planet. Far fetched? Absolutely. Impossible? No. Do you know how many reports there have been since Roswell of UFOs, and by reputable people too. Cops, airline pilots, military, etc. We ain't talking about wingnuts here.
They may not be wing nuts but what they saw don't cut it. Evidence is what we need. The u stands for what?

But I pretty much agree a dolphin might be way smarter than we know. Their brains are way more developed. Doesn't mean they invent things.

And we were seeded by something. Could've been aliens. I would need proof

U = Unidentified

Thousands of documented sightings isn't evidence? From all over the world? Hey, I'm with ya, I'd like to see some proof myself. But I am also keeping an open mind.
No they are not evidence just like ghost and angel sightings are not evidence. You know that.

I can go either way on this. With the number of stars in our universe it is possible one species has mastered travel and has visited us. But it is also possible that this is impossible. Or if not impossible just not done because nothing anywhere is smart enough yet or ever.
Superior to us? Kind of a low bar there, huh? But yeah, the number of planets in the goldilocks zone is just too large. When you consider how many stars there are in just our galaxy and then how many galaxies there are, there's no way evolution hasn't worked elsewhere.
That's the thing. Had the meteor not hit wiping out dinosaurs, us humans wouldn't be what we are today. That lucky event wiped out the fittest and allowed us to take over.

Consider this. The dolphin brain has been evolving for millions of years longer than ours. So we might be very rare. Are there smarter? God I hope so.

Rare indeed, but how rare? First, superior intelligence does not have to mean the development of interstellar travel. Second, the fact that we don't know how to do it doesn't mean others haven't. Maybe they've been here before and we don't know it, maybe they even seeded life on this planet. Far fetched? Absolutely. Impossible? No. Do you know how many reports there have been since Roswell of UFOs, and by reputable people too. Cops, airline pilots, military, etc. We ain't talking about wingnuts here.
They may not be wing nuts but what they saw don't cut it. Evidence is what we need. The u stands for what?

But I pretty much agree a dolphin might be way smarter than we know. Their brains are way more developed. Doesn't mean they invent things.

And we were seeded by something. Could've been aliens. I would need proof

U = Unidentified

Thousands of documented sightings isn't evidence? From all over the world? Hey, I'm with ya, I'd like to see some proof myself. But I am also keeping an open mind.
No they are not evidence just like ghost and angel sightings are not evidence. You know that.

I can go either way on this. With the number of stars in our universe it is possible one species has mastered travel and has visited us. But it is also possible that this is impossible. Or if not impossible just not done because nothing anywhere is smart enough yet or ever.

Beg to differ about what is evidence and what isn't. Why do you think we have witnesses in a court of law? I saw the defendant do this and this your honor; that is evidence.

There are theoretical physicists who will tell you that wormholes are possible. We sure as hell don't know how to create or use one, but that doesn't mean another more advanced alien civilization that's been around a million years or so more than we have hasn't figured it out. I have no clue as to whether that has actually happened or whether aliens have visited us in the past, personally I haven't seen diddly. BUT, when I hear that thousands of other people have seen UFOs and no reasonable explanation has been given as to what they saw was something else, well I sorta begin to think there might be something to it. Possible that it's not possible? Okay, I didn't fall off the turnip truck last night and little green men and their flying saucers seems to be a stretch. But can I do squat about it? Nope. Interesting to think about though.
Add in that for two intelligent species to have evolved and exist at the same or more advanced technolgy at any one moment is very long odds to say the least. We've had radio communication for maybe 100 years. Before that no signals eminating from Earth out into space. Our sun is estimated to last 10 billion years and we're half way through that period. 100 years is 1/100,000,000 of that time period. And we don't know how long we will last with our technology intact. It could be intelligent civilizations always nuke themselves back to the stone age after 200 years of advancements.

For us and another advanced species to find each other we'd have to coexist with pertinent technology at the same moment of time in billions of years. Also, our signals that go out into space have only been traveling 80 years or so at the speed of light. So if another species out there heard it we could only have gotten a response from solar systems 40 light years away. The tiniest miniscule fraction of the vastness of the universe.

I think with the gigantic number of stars and planets out there that intelligent life would have to be out there somewhere and likely many. It is just the universe is so huge we may not last long enough for them to hear us or us to hear them. Our galaxy alone is 100,000 lights years across and there are billions of galaxies out there.

The universe is beyond enormous.
If the Universe is infinite definitely, if its finite maybe not. There are so many factors involved that makes humans possible that intelligent life may be so rare we never find others or we may be the only one.
Superior to us? Kind of a low bar there, huh? But yeah, the number of planets in the goldilocks zone is just too large. When you consider how many stars there are in just our galaxy and then how many galaxies there are, there's no way evolution hasn't worked elsewhere.
That's the thing. Had the meteor not hit wiping out dinosaurs, us humans wouldn't be what we are today. That lucky event wiped out the fittest and allowed us to take over.

Consider this. The dolphin brain has been evolving for millions of years longer than ours. So we might be very rare. Are there smarter? God I hope so.

Rare indeed, but how rare? First, superior intelligence does not have to mean the development of interstellar travel. Second, the fact that we don't know how to do it doesn't mean others haven't. Maybe they've been here before and we don't know it, maybe they even seeded life on this planet. Far fetched? Absolutely. Impossible? No. Do you know how many reports there have been since Roswell of UFOs, and by reputable people too. Cops, airline pilots, military, etc. We ain't talking about wingnuts here.
They may not be wing nuts but what they saw don't cut it. Evidence is what we need. The u stands for what?

But I pretty much agree a dolphin might be way smarter than we know. Their brains are way more developed. Doesn't mean they invent things.

And we were seeded by something. Could've been aliens. I would need proof

U = Unidentified

Thousands of documented sightings isn't evidence? From all over the world? Hey, I'm with ya, I'd like to see some proof myself. But I am also keeping an open mind.

Why haven't you seen an alien? Because they are tiny.

Tardigrades are one of the most resilient animals known: they can survive extreme conditions that would be rapidly fatal to nearly all other known life forms. They can withstand temperature ranges from 1 K (−458 °F; −272 °C) (close to absolute zero) to about 420 K (300 °F; 150 °C)[11] for several minutes, pressures about six times greater than those found in the deepest ocean trenches, ionizing radiation at doses hundreds of times higher than the lethal dose for a human, and the vacuum of outer space.[12] They can go without food or water for more than 30 years, drying out to the point where they are 3% or less water, only to rehydrate, forage, and reproduce.

Usually, tardigrades are about 0.5 mm (0.02 in) long when they are fully grown.

Now imagine a creature like that who is smarter than man. Able to build a spaceship the size of a mall. But to them it's the size of a city. Load it up with water and greens and they can live forever. They can also withstand deep space much better than us.
that are we to frogs?

Aerospace Executive 'Absolutely Convinced' There Are Aliens On Earth | HuffPost

Logan: “Do you believe in aliens?”

Bigelow: “I’m absolutely convinced. That’s all there is to it.”

Logan: “Do you also believe that UFOs have come to Earth?”

Bigelow: “There has been and is an existing presence, an ET presence. And I spent millions and millions and millions ― I probably spent more as an individual than anybody else in the United States has ever spent on this subject.”

Logan: “Is it risky for you to say in public that you believe in UFOs and aliens?”

Bigelow: “I don’t give a damn. I don’t care.”

Logan: “You don’t worry that some people will say, ‘Did you hear that guy, he sounds like he’s crazy’?”

Bigelow: “I don’t care. It’s not gonna make a difference. It’s not gonna change reality of what I know.”
We may very well be the first intelligent species to even research this question.

Or we're still too primitive.

Either way, it's mathematically probable that we are not "alone" in our galaxy.


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