Are these anti-Trump Protestors Republicans?

Trump has called them many things; to include Democrat shills sent by Bernie Sanders to disrupt his campaign. A closer look reveals something entirely different. The latest protestors are a cross section of people coming from all walks of life. I think the word "cosmopolitan" would afford the best description.
Many of them are republicans who think Trump has hijacked the GOP. After all, they have more of an incentive to stop Trump's nomination than Democrats do. So it is not the LEFT out there protesting against Trump as it is those voters who support establishment Republicans

Anti-Trump protesters: patchwork of people and Facebook pages

Yeah, because conservatives carry the Mexican and Communist flags.

The protesters are left-wingers. There's no doubt about that.
I didn't see any communist flags but the one or two people holding Mexican flags doesn't make ALL the protestors Mexicans nor does it make them leftists. The protestors are a cross section of people who have been offended by Trump and his divisive rhetoric and that includes some establishment republican middle class shills.

Well, I suppose you didn't see the two Palestine flags?

No, I guess I was looking at a different channel than you were. But are you insinuating that Palestinians don't want Trump to be nominated or that they are leftists? Now you want me to believe that Muslims are liberal? BWHAHAHHAHAHA1

Muslims and liberals are on the same side: they both hate America.
When you say Liberals and Muslims "hate America" you are painting with pretty broad brushes. Do think the RW White male Taliban ensconced within the GOP represents America? That is the group that has alienated everyone and made life miserable for so many. It is You and your kind that have attached the "liberal " moniker to every group you have alienated whether they have anything in common or not. The only thing Muslims and Liberals have in common is a common enemy...RW White males. Not America!
Trump has called them many things; to include Democrat shills sent by Bernie Sanders to disrupt his campaign. A closer look reveals something entirely different. The latest protestors are a cross section of people coming from all walks of life. I think the word "cosmopolitan" would afford the best description.
Many of them are republicans who think Trump has hijacked the GOP. After all, they have more of an incentive to stop Trump's nomination than Democrats do. So it is not the LEFT out there protesting against Trump as it is those voters who support establishment Republicans

Anti-Trump protesters: patchwork of people and Facebook pages

Here's Who Trump “Protestors” Are

They are professional agitators often receiving funds from organizations financed by George Soros.

According to a profile by the Arizona Daily Star, his name is Bryan Sanders who describes himself as an indepedent "I'm not a republican, I'm not a democrat", and in a video interview after he left the rally he said the crowd was like an angry mob. What he ignored to note is that it was him and his fellow protesters who were doing everything all they could to rile up this "angry mob" and provoke them, ostensibly in hope of being attacked - which is precisely what happened. In other words, this group of Trump protesters which seem to follow him from state to state may be nothing more than a group of provocateurs, who do their best to get beaten up in order to stem up anti-Trump sentiment, something Sanders implicitly admits.

This story @ Meet The "Professional Agitator" Who Was Beaten At Yesterday's Trump Rally: "I Was Protesting Trump’s Fascism" | Zero Hedge with lots of links, is but one of many on the web today. Do a Google and check them out yourself.

Black Cop Exposes Anti-Trump Protesters As "Most Hateful, Evil People Ever" @ Black Cop Exposes Anti-Trump Protesters As "Most Hateful, Evil People Ever" | Zero Hedge

An Independent? Hell, that doesn't say that he is a Liberal now does it. His protest is akin to that of the colonial Tea-Partiers who criminally all that tea into the Boston Harbor so long ago. Were they liberals, too? We overlook the criminality involved with the Boston Tea Party but you decry the protests of today's conservative Independents and try to pigeonhole them as liberals.

"independent" is a leftwing euphemism meaning "communist." I've seen dozens of interviews with these thugs, and there's no possible doubt about that fact that they are leftwingers. The question is "what kind of leftwinger are they?" Some of the are open-borders traitors, and some of them are just plain old Marxists. Some are even illegal aliens.

Pardon me but your biased opinion just doesn't cut it. From experience I can testify that right wingers can read something and turn it into what they WISH the author had written.

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