Are these anti-Trump Protestors Republicans?

Bunk. The only Republicans who want to stop Trump are the establishment, and they are composed of party officials, elected officials, corporate fat cats and lobbyists. These aren't the kind of people who go to protests.
Er... their pawns do the dirty work...people like EWE!

What "pawns?" You haven't demonstrated that any such people exist.
You certainly aren't a figment of my imagination.... I couldn't be having a cyber nightmare in which you solely exist; could I? heh heh heh!

I'm a "pawn?" ROFL! That's hilarious. What diabolical schemes have I carried out?
Even now you are " at the office" doing the bidding of your rich republican masters...I have never seen a more complete inculcation of any lower tiered "conservative."
ROFL! You are such a pathetic brainwashed drone. Reality is nothing like what you've been led to believe.

I'm not even a conservative.
One factor to consider is that republicans tend to be respectful of ones right to freedom of speech, the left has a long well documented record of fighting to silence opposing view points, which would lead one to conclude the disruptions are planned events sponsored by liberal political organizers.
Stop patting your bigoted friends on the back and trying to make saints of them. We know better. Freedom of speech and every other kind of freedom is deeply ensconced in liberalism. Conservative traditionalists tend to want to squash liberties. Review your history all the way back to the middle ages when Conservatives, falsely using Christianity as a tool, ushered in the Dark Ages!
Er... their pawns do the dirty work...people like EWE!

What "pawns?" You haven't demonstrated that any such people exist.
You certainly aren't a figment of my imagination.... I couldn't be having a cyber nightmare in which you solely exist; could I? heh heh heh!

I'm a "pawn?" ROFL! That's hilarious. What diabolical schemes have I carried out?
Even now you are " at the office" doing the bidding of your rich republican masters...I have never seen a more complete inculcation of any lower tiered "conservative."
ROFL! You are such a pathetic brainwashed drone. Reality is nothing like what you've been led to believe.

I'm not even a conservative.
I know you are not a conservative, That is why I used quotation marks to drive that point home. You are the PAWN of conservatives.
What "pawns?" You haven't demonstrated that any such people exist.
You certainly aren't a figment of my imagination.... I couldn't be having a cyber nightmare in which you solely exist; could I? heh heh heh!

I'm a "pawn?" ROFL! That's hilarious. What diabolical schemes have I carried out?
Even now you are " at the office" doing the bidding of your rich republican masters...I have never seen a more complete inculcation of any lower tiered "conservative."
ROFL! You are such a pathetic brainwashed drone. Reality is nothing like what you've been led to believe.

I'm not even a conservative.
I know you are not a conservative, That is why I used quotation marks to drive that point home. You are the PAWN of conservatives.

How am I a pawn? How are you not a pawn?
You certainly aren't a figment of my imagination.... I couldn't be having a cyber nightmare in which you solely exist; could I? heh heh heh!

I'm a "pawn?" ROFL! That's hilarious. What diabolical schemes have I carried out?
Even now you are " at the office" doing the bidding of your rich republican masters...I have never seen a more complete inculcation of any lower tiered "conservative."
ROFL! You are such a pathetic brainwashed drone. Reality is nothing like what you've been led to believe.

I'm not even a conservative.
I know you are not a conservative, That is why I used quotation marks to drive that point home. You are the PAWN of conservatives.

How am I a pawn? How are you not a pawn?
You are not rich enough to be a republican and not adroit or erudite enough to be a conservative or liberal. Your social ideal meshes with those White males who assemble themselves under the republican banner in name only, just to have some point of reference as to who and what they are. There, behind the social barriers you have erected to preserve your vision of racial hegemony, you plot and conspire to "take your country back" from the "others." Trump is the man you think will bring that vision to fruition. You and the other fools are al being used as pawns.

OTOH, I hired democrats to do my bidding. I persuade people to join me in voting for their own best interests. If the incumbent doesn't do as we wish we fire him or run against him.
Republicans yeah right. as usual the OP still needs a brain transplant. stupid fuckin' moron.


Fools like these, and YOU, have been cajoled into voting for republicans because or racial/gender identification rather than your own self interests; blind fool! It is remarkably easy to provoke these "conservatives" to protest by promising them a keg of beer.

You actually expect us to believe that words some commie photo-shopped onto a pic are true?
If you are brave enough, go to any trailer park and ask.
If they were wearing KKK hoods they weren't liberals, you can go to the BANK on that one.
Based on what? Who are the only radical anti-Trump protestors out there right now, willing to block highways and wear sheets. It was already proven that the 'KKK' sheet-wearers in Vegas were BLACK Liberals...
Trump has called them many things; to include Democrat shills sent by Bernie Sanders to disrupt his campaign. A closer look reveals something entirely different. The latest protestors are a cross section of people coming from all walks of life. I think the word "cosmopolitan" would afford the best description.
Many of them are republicans who think Trump has hijacked the GOP. After all, they have more of an incentive to stop Trump's nomination than Democrats do. So it is not the LEFT out there protesting against Trump as it is those voters who support establishment Republicans

Anti-Trump protesters: patchwork of people and Facebook pages

Here's Who Trump “Protestors” Are

They are professional agitators often receiving funds from organizations financed by George Soros.

According to a profile by the Arizona Daily Star, his name is Bryan Sanders who describes himself as an indepedent "I'm not a republican, I'm not a democrat", and in a video interview after he left the rally he said the crowd was like an angry mob. What he ignored to note is that it was him and his fellow protesters who were doing everything all they could to rile up this "angry mob" and provoke them, ostensibly in hope of being attacked - which is precisely what happened. In other words, this group of Trump protesters which seem to follow him from state to state may be nothing more than a group of provocateurs, who do their best to get beaten up in order to stem up anti-Trump sentiment, something Sanders implicitly admits.

This story @ Meet The "Professional Agitator" Who Was Beaten At Yesterday's Trump Rally: "I Was Protesting Trump’s Fascism" | Zero Hedge with lots of links, is but one of many on the web today. Do a Google and check them out yourself.

Black Cop Exposes Anti-Trump Protesters As "Most Hateful, Evil People Ever" @ Black Cop Exposes Anti-Trump Protesters As "Most Hateful, Evil People Ever" | Zero Hedge
Trump has called them many things; to include Democrat shills sent by Bernie Sanders to disrupt his campaign. A closer look reveals something entirely different. The latest protestors are a cross section of people coming from all walks of life. I think the word "cosmopolitan" would afford the best description.
Many of them are republicans who think Trump has hijacked the GOP. After all, they have more of an incentive to stop Trump's nomination than Democrats do. So it is not the LEFT out there protesting against Trump as it is those voters who support establishment Republicans

Anti-Trump protesters: patchwork of people and Facebook pages

Yeah, because conservatives carry the Mexican and Communist flags.

The protesters are left-wingers. There's no doubt about that.
I didn't see any communist flags but the one or two people holding Mexican flags doesn't make ALL the protestors Mexicans nor does it make them leftists. The protestors are a cross section of people who have been offended by Trump and his divisive rhetoric and that includes some establishment republican middle class shills.

Well, I suppose you didn't see the two Palestine flags?
Trump has called them many things; to include Democrat shills sent by Bernie Sanders to disrupt his campaign. A closer look reveals something entirely different. The latest protestors are a cross section of people coming from all walks of life. I think the word "cosmopolitan" would afford the best description.
Many of them are republicans who think Trump has hijacked the GOP. After all, they have more of an incentive to stop Trump's nomination than Democrats do. So it is not the LEFT out there protesting against Trump as it is those voters who support establishment Republicans

Anti-Trump protesters: patchwork of people and Facebook pages

Here's Who Trump “Protestors” Are

They are professional agitators often receiving funds from organizations financed by George Soros.

According to a profile by the Arizona Daily Star, his name is Bryan Sanders who describes himself as an indepedent "I'm not a republican, I'm not a democrat", and in a video interview after he left the rally he said the crowd was like an angry mob. What he ignored to note is that it was him and his fellow protesters who were doing everything all they could to rile up this "angry mob" and provoke them, ostensibly in hope of being attacked - which is precisely what happened. In other words, this group of Trump protesters which seem to follow him from state to state may be nothing more than a group of provocateurs, who do their best to get beaten up in order to stem up anti-Trump sentiment, something Sanders implicitly admits.

This story @ Meet The "Professional Agitator" Who Was Beaten At Yesterday's Trump Rally: "I Was Protesting Trump’s Fascism" | Zero Hedge with lots of links, is but one of many on the web today. Do a Google and check them out yourself.

Black Cop Exposes Anti-Trump Protesters As "Most Hateful, Evil People Ever" @ Black Cop Exposes Anti-Trump Protesters As "Most Hateful, Evil People Ever" | Zero Hedge
He's a domestic terrorist and should be charged accordingly.
That's exactly what I figured.

It's stupefying that posters on this forum can post and discuss and blast Republican infighting and scheming on how to derail Dullnald Rump ---- and then turn on a dime and go to another thread about Rump's protestors and declare they're "leftists".

Short, short memories.

Because there's anything intelligent in American politics 2016?
Trump has called them many things; to include Democrat shills sent by Bernie Sanders to disrupt his campaign. A closer look reveals something entirely different. The latest protestors are a cross section of people coming from all walks of life. I think the word "cosmopolitan" would afford the best description.
Many of them are republicans who think Trump has hijacked the GOP. After all, they have more of an incentive to stop Trump's nomination than Democrats do. So it is not the LEFT out there protesting against Trump as it is those voters who support establishment Republicans

Anti-Trump protesters: patchwork of people and Facebook pages
Yeah, it is Republicans waving communist, anarchist and foreign flags around....
Well, I haven't seen that. There might be some of those too,But don't try to deny the establishment republican involvement here.
All kinds of people are coming together hinder Trumps nomination. That is a GOP thing, not one the democrats would be too interested in right now!
It is the antifa faggots, blm, la raza etc with a tiny sprinkling of local Republicans who live in very liberal areas.

Stop kidding yourself.
Trump has called them many things; to include Democrat shills sent by Bernie Sanders to disrupt his campaign. A closer look reveals something entirely different. The latest protestors are a cross section of people coming from all walks of life. I think the word "cosmopolitan" would afford the best description.
Many of them are republicans who think Trump has hijacked the GOP. After all, they have more of an incentive to stop Trump's nomination than Democrats do. So it is not the LEFT out there protesting against Trump as it is those voters who support establishment Republicans

Anti-Trump protesters: patchwork of people and Facebook pages
Yeah, it is Republicans waving communist, anarchist and foreign flags around....
Well, I haven't seen that. There might be some of those too,But don't try to deny the establishment republican involvement here.
All kinds of people are coming together hinder Trumps nomination. That is a GOP thing, not one the democrats would be too interested in right now!
It is the antifa faggots, blm, la raza etc with a tiny sprinkling of local Republicans who live in very liberal areas.

Stop kidding yourself.
I don't see how any of the groups you named would profit from disrupting a Trump rally to hinder his nomination. Perhaps there is skullduggery afoot but I doubt if Democrats are behind it. Even Trump could be suspect in masterminding these "passive" protests to gain sympathy. Personally I believe the protestors are a mixture of ethnicities and creeds to include White people who would rather see Cruz as their GOP nominee. A Cruz endorsement by Limbaugh was all it took to send his radio groupies after Trump.
They are reactionary groups, they don't even care about the election itself that much.

The white people in the crowds are mostly Antifa and Anarchist types.
If they were wearing KKK hoods they weren't liberals, you can go to the BANK on that one.
Based on what? Who are the only radical anti-Trump protestors out there right now, willing to block highways and wear sheets. It was already proven that the 'KKK' sheet-wearers in Vegas were BLACK Liberals...

Well, damn it man, get some proof of what you say in here. I haven't seen or heard any of this stuff on the news about Blacks wearing KKK hoods. The whole thing sounds rather unlikely to me.
Trump has called them many things; to include Democrat shills sent by Bernie Sanders to disrupt his campaign. A closer look reveals something entirely different. The latest protestors are a cross section of people coming from all walks of life. I think the word "cosmopolitan" would afford the best description.
Many of them are republicans who think Trump has hijacked the GOP. After all, they have more of an incentive to stop Trump's nomination than Democrats do. So it is not the LEFT out there protesting against Trump as it is those voters who support establishment Republicans

Anti-Trump protesters: patchwork of people and Facebook pages

Here's Who Trump “Protestors” Are

They are professional agitators often receiving funds from organizations financed by George Soros.

According to a profile by the Arizona Daily Star, his name is Bryan Sanders who describes himself as an indepedent "I'm not a republican, I'm not a democrat", and in a video interview after he left the rally he said the crowd was like an angry mob. What he ignored to note is that it was him and his fellow protesters who were doing everything all they could to rile up this "angry mob" and provoke them, ostensibly in hope of being attacked - which is precisely what happened. In other words, this group of Trump protesters which seem to follow him from state to state may be nothing more than a group of provocateurs, who do their best to get beaten up in order to stem up anti-Trump sentiment, something Sanders implicitly admits.

This story @ Meet The "Professional Agitator" Who Was Beaten At Yesterday's Trump Rally: "I Was Protesting Trump’s Fascism" | Zero Hedge with lots of links, is but one of many on the web today. Do a Google and check them out yourself.

Black Cop Exposes Anti-Trump Protesters As "Most Hateful, Evil People Ever" @ Black Cop Exposes Anti-Trump Protesters As "Most Hateful, Evil People Ever" | Zero Hedge

An Independent? Hell, that doesn't say that he is a Liberal now does it. His protest is akin to that of the colonial Tea-Partiers who criminally all that tea into the Boston Harbor so long ago. Were they liberals, too? We overlook the criminality involved with the Boston Tea Party but you decry the protests of today's conservative Independents and try to pigeonhole them as liberals.
Trump has called them many things; to include Democrat shills sent by Bernie Sanders to disrupt his campaign. A closer look reveals something entirely different. The latest protestors are a cross section of people coming from all walks of life. I think the word "cosmopolitan" would afford the best description.
Many of them are republicans who think Trump has hijacked the GOP. After all, they have more of an incentive to stop Trump's nomination than Democrats do. So it is not the LEFT out there protesting against Trump as it is those voters who support establishment Republicans

Anti-Trump protesters: patchwork of people and Facebook pages

Here's Who Trump “Protestors” Are

They are professional agitators often receiving funds from organizations financed by George Soros.

According to a profile by the Arizona Daily Star, his name is Bryan Sanders who describes himself as an indepedent "I'm not a republican, I'm not a democrat", and in a video interview after he left the rally he said the crowd was like an angry mob. What he ignored to note is that it was him and his fellow protesters who were doing everything all they could to rile up this "angry mob" and provoke them, ostensibly in hope of being attacked - which is precisely what happened. In other words, this group of Trump protesters which seem to follow him from state to state may be nothing more than a group of provocateurs, who do their best to get beaten up in order to stem up anti-Trump sentiment, something Sanders implicitly admits.

This story @ Meet The "Professional Agitator" Who Was Beaten At Yesterday's Trump Rally: "I Was Protesting Trump’s Fascism" | Zero Hedge with lots of links, is but one of many on the web today. Do a Google and check them out yourself.

Black Cop Exposes Anti-Trump Protesters As "Most Hateful, Evil People Ever" @ Black Cop Exposes Anti-Trump Protesters As "Most Hateful, Evil People Ever" | Zero Hedge
He's a domestic terrorist and should be charged accordingly.

That is only one guy. The op link indicates the protestors are a cross section of Americans. Don't be swayed by media bias until you have several objective sources where different people are interviewed in different places.
Trump has called them many things; to include Democrat shills sent by Bernie Sanders to disrupt his campaign. A closer look reveals something entirely different. The latest protestors are a cross section of people coming from all walks of life. I think the word "cosmopolitan" would afford the best description.
Many of them are republicans who think Trump has hijacked the GOP. After all, they have more of an incentive to stop Trump's nomination than Democrats do. So it is not the LEFT out there protesting against Trump as it is those voters who support establishment Republicans

Anti-Trump protesters: patchwork of people and Facebook pages

Here's Who Trump “Protestors” Are

They are professional agitators often receiving funds from organizations financed by George Soros.

According to a profile by the Arizona Daily Star, his name is Bryan Sanders who describes himself as an indepedent "I'm not a republican, I'm not a democrat", and in a video interview after he left the rally he said the crowd was like an angry mob. What he ignored to note is that it was him and his fellow protesters who were doing everything all they could to rile up this "angry mob" and provoke them, ostensibly in hope of being attacked - which is precisely what happened. In other words, this group of Trump protesters which seem to follow him from state to state may be nothing more than a group of provocateurs, who do their best to get beaten up in order to stem up anti-Trump sentiment, something Sanders implicitly admits.

This story @ Meet The "Professional Agitator" Who Was Beaten At Yesterday's Trump Rally: "I Was Protesting Trump’s Fascism" | Zero Hedge with lots of links, is but one of many on the web today. Do a Google and check them out yourself.

Black Cop Exposes Anti-Trump Protesters As "Most Hateful, Evil People Ever" @ Black Cop Exposes Anti-Trump Protesters As "Most Hateful, Evil People Ever" | Zero Hedge
He's a domestic terrorist and should be charged accordingly.

That is only one guy. The op link indicates the protestors are a cross section of Americans. Don't be swayed by media bias until you have several objective sources where different people are interviewed in different places.
What's that have to do with my comment? I called him a domestic terrorist. If someone is similar then the label fits just as well.
Trump has called them many things; to include Democrat shills sent by Bernie Sanders to disrupt his campaign. A closer look reveals something entirely different. The latest protestors are a cross section of people coming from all walks of life. I think the word "cosmopolitan" would afford the best description.
Many of them are republicans who think Trump has hijacked the GOP. After all, they have more of an incentive to stop Trump's nomination than Democrats do. So it is not the LEFT out there protesting against Trump as it is those voters who support establishment Republicans

Anti-Trump protesters: patchwork of people and Facebook pages

Here's Who Trump “Protestors” Are

They are professional agitators often receiving funds from organizations financed by George Soros.

According to a profile by the Arizona Daily Star, his name is Bryan Sanders who describes himself as an indepedent "I'm not a republican, I'm not a democrat", and in a video interview after he left the rally he said the crowd was like an angry mob. What he ignored to note is that it was him and his fellow protesters who were doing everything all they could to rile up this "angry mob" and provoke them, ostensibly in hope of being attacked - which is precisely what happened. In other words, this group of Trump protesters which seem to follow him from state to state may be nothing more than a group of provocateurs, who do their best to get beaten up in order to stem up anti-Trump sentiment, something Sanders implicitly admits.

This story @ Meet The "Professional Agitator" Who Was Beaten At Yesterday's Trump Rally: "I Was Protesting Trump’s Fascism" | Zero Hedge with lots of links, is but one of many on the web today. Do a Google and check them out yourself.

Black Cop Exposes Anti-Trump Protesters As "Most Hateful, Evil People Ever" @ Black Cop Exposes Anti-Trump Protesters As "Most Hateful, Evil People Ever" | Zero Hedge
He's a domestic terrorist and should be charged accordingly.

That is only one guy. The op link indicates the protestors are a cross section of Americans. Don't be swayed by media bias until you have several objective sources where different people are interviewed in different places.
What's that have to do with my comment? I called him a domestic terrorist. If someone is similar then the label fits just as well.

Just how far in our history do you want to go back to look for similarities that meet your paradigm? Civil disobedience and protest could be grandfathered by events ranging from The Boston Massacre or the Boston tea Party. The latter has become an inspirational icon for extreme rightists who adopted the name. Knight takes Rookie...your move.
Trump has called them many things; to include Democrat shills sent by Bernie Sanders to disrupt his campaign. A closer look reveals something entirely different. The latest protestors are a cross section of people coming from all walks of life. I think the word "cosmopolitan" would afford the best description.
Many of them are republicans who think Trump has hijacked the GOP. After all, they have more of an incentive to stop Trump's nomination than Democrats do. So it is not the LEFT out there protesting against Trump as it is those voters who support establishment Republicans

Anti-Trump protesters: patchwork of people and Facebook pages

Yeah, because conservatives carry the Mexican and Communist flags.

The protesters are left-wingers. There's no doubt about that.
I didn't see any communist flags but the one or two people holding Mexican flags doesn't make ALL the protestors Mexicans nor does it make them leftists. The protestors are a cross section of people who have been offended by Trump and his divisive rhetoric and that includes some establishment republican middle class shills.

Well, I suppose you didn't see the two Palestine flags?

No, I guess I was looking at a different channel than you were. But are you insinuating that Palestinians don't want Trump to be nominated or that they are leftists? Now you want me to believe that Muslims are liberal? BWHAHAHHAHAHA1
Trump has called them many things; to include Democrat shills sent by Bernie Sanders to disrupt his campaign. A closer look reveals something entirely different. The latest protestors are a cross section of people coming from all walks of life. I think the word "cosmopolitan" would afford the best description.
Many of them are republicans who think Trump has hijacked the GOP. After all, they have more of an incentive to stop Trump's nomination than Democrats do. So it is not the LEFT out there protesting against Trump as it is those voters who support establishment Republicans

Anti-Trump protesters: patchwork of people and Facebook pages

Here's Who Trump “Protestors” Are

They are professional agitators often receiving funds from organizations financed by George Soros.

According to a profile by the Arizona Daily Star, his name is Bryan Sanders who describes himself as an indepedent "I'm not a republican, I'm not a democrat", and in a video interview after he left the rally he said the crowd was like an angry mob. What he ignored to note is that it was him and his fellow protesters who were doing everything all they could to rile up this "angry mob" and provoke them, ostensibly in hope of being attacked - which is precisely what happened. In other words, this group of Trump protesters which seem to follow him from state to state may be nothing more than a group of provocateurs, who do their best to get beaten up in order to stem up anti-Trump sentiment, something Sanders implicitly admits.

This story @ Meet The "Professional Agitator" Who Was Beaten At Yesterday's Trump Rally: "I Was Protesting Trump’s Fascism" | Zero Hedge with lots of links, is but one of many on the web today. Do a Google and check them out yourself.

Black Cop Exposes Anti-Trump Protesters As "Most Hateful, Evil People Ever" @ Black Cop Exposes Anti-Trump Protesters As "Most Hateful, Evil People Ever" | Zero Hedge

An Independent? Hell, that doesn't say that he is a Liberal now does it. His protest is akin to that of the colonial Tea-Partiers who criminally all that tea into the Boston Harbor so long ago. Were they liberals, too? We overlook the criminality involved with the Boston Tea Party but you decry the protests of today's conservative Independents and try to pigeonhole them as liberals.

"independent" is a leftwing euphemism meaning "communist." I've seen dozens of interviews with these thugs, and there's no possible doubt about that fact that they are leftwingers. The question is "what kind of leftwinger are they?" Some of the are open-borders traitors, and some of them are just plain old Marxists. Some are even illegal aliens.
Trump has called them many things; to include Democrat shills sent by Bernie Sanders to disrupt his campaign. A closer look reveals something entirely different. The latest protestors are a cross section of people coming from all walks of life. I think the word "cosmopolitan" would afford the best description.
Many of them are republicans who think Trump has hijacked the GOP. After all, they have more of an incentive to stop Trump's nomination than Democrats do. So it is not the LEFT out there protesting against Trump as it is those voters who support establishment Republicans

Anti-Trump protesters: patchwork of people and Facebook pages

Yeah, because conservatives carry the Mexican and Communist flags.

The protesters are left-wingers. There's no doubt about that.
I didn't see any communist flags but the one or two people holding Mexican flags doesn't make ALL the protestors Mexicans nor does it make them leftists. The protestors are a cross section of people who have been offended by Trump and his divisive rhetoric and that includes some establishment republican middle class shills.

Well, I suppose you didn't see the two Palestine flags?

No, I guess I was looking at a different channel than you were. But are you insinuating that Palestinians don't want Trump to be nominated or that they are leftists? Now you want me to believe that Muslims are liberal? BWHAHAHHAHAHA1

Muslims and liberals are on the same side: they both hate America.

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