Are these Jews Christians?

Are they Jews or Christians?

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Yup. You're a loon.

The Politically Correct term is "Troll". They don't like to be called loons any more.
I an neither, you just hate what I have to say. It scares you.

Yes, people like you are creepy and scary. People like you made up the Nazi party.
People like me were at the top, you were at the bottom, waving the flags and thinking how great life was.

I know. Nazi pigs. It was great till the people like you got caught and hung for being the disgusting criminals they were.
I can be anything I want to be, if I choose to be. I choose to be moral, no God tells me I need to be. I choose the free-think, I don't trust what others say. I choose to study all religions, not believe that the faith I was raised in is the One True Religion. In other words, I think, even the unthinkable, and that is what makes you a worm and me a little god and perfectly happy to play god when necessary.
The Politically Correct term is "Troll". They don't like to be called loons any more.
I an neither, you just hate what I have to say. It scares you.

Yes, people like you are creepy and scary. People like you made up the Nazi party.

You normally find them living under bridges, trying to charge people tolls to cross.
It is no shock to me that for you life is a fairy-tale.

How's the view from under the bridge?
My view would makes those on Planet Kolob jealous. I see the Alpha and the Omega, at the very same time. I see, unlike you two, beyond myself, beyond humanity, beyond the end of everything.
The Politically Correct term is "Troll". They don't like to be called loons any more.
I an neither, you just hate what I have to say. It scares you.

Yes, people like you are creepy and scary. People like you made up the Nazi party.
People like me were at the top, you were at the bottom, waving the flags and thinking how great life was.

I know. Nazi pigs. It was great till the people like you got caught and hung for being the disgusting criminals they were.
I can be anything I want to be, if I choose to be. I choose to be moral, no God tells me I need to be. I choose the free-think, I don't trust what others say. I choose to study all religions, not believe that the faith I was raised in is the One True Religion. In other words, I think, even the unthinkable, and that is what makes you a worm and me a little god and perfectly happy to play god when necessary.

Because, naturally, it's all about you.
I an neither, you just hate what I have to say. It scares you.

Yes, people like you are creepy and scary. People like you made up the Nazi party.

You normally find them living under bridges, trying to charge people tolls to cross.
It is no shock to me that for you life is a fairy-tale.

How's the view from under the bridge?
My view would makes those on Planet Kolob jealous. I see the Alpha and the Omega, at the very same time. I see, unlike you two, beyond myself, beyond humanity, beyond the end of everything.

No, you're just a weirdo.

And thankfully, an impotent, fringe extremist with no real power. Which obviously really eats at you, but oh well.
You're obsessed with what others believe...
Yes, I am, because what most people believe, like you, is utter bullshit, and it's utter bullshit that destroys lives and life itself in the end. What you and most other believe is evil, period.

If you try to be a generally nice person most of the time, why would you have to worry about an afterlife? "Oh, no, I stepped on a worm!" If you go out with the intent to kill some out of anger.... well that is problematic.
I'll take my chance that if the balance of my life I tried not to harm others intentionally, then that will be heavier then any little sins someone might think I committed.
If there is a god, I don't believe he is so petty about every hair or toe out of place through a life time.
You're obsessed with what others believe...
Yes, I am, because what most people believe, like you, is utter bullshit, and it's utter bullshit that destroys lives and life itself in the end. What you and most other believe is evil, period.
Why does it matter to you? Are you looking to justify your atheism to yourself?
No, I'm looking at what it takes to get the Children of God to stop slaughtering each other, in the name of their Gods. While humanity is a disease, I would like it not to be that starts with undoing the nonsense they believe to be truth, which is nothing of the kind.
So, you can't answer my question? Fine.
You're obsessed with what others believe...
Yes, I am, because what most people believe, like you, is utter bullshit, and it's utter bullshit that destroys lives and life itself in the end. What you and most other believe is evil, period.

If you try to be a generally nice person most of the time, why would you have to worry about an afterlife? "Oh, no, I stepped on a worm!" If you go out with the intent to kill some out of anger.... well that is problematic.
I'll take my chance that if the balance of my life I tried not to harm others intentionally, then that will be heavier then any little sins someone might think I committed.
If there is a god, I don't believe he is so petty about every hair or toe out of place through a life time.

He's not petty at all. He requires people to be introspective, to be repentant, and to worship Him. Pretty basic requirements, but people have a tough time with them.
You're obsessed with what others believe...
Yes, I am, because what most people believe, like you, is utter bullshit, and it's utter bullshit that destroys lives and life itself in the end. What you and most other believe is evil, period.
Why does it matter to you? Are you looking to justify your atheism to yourself?
No, I'm looking at what it takes to get the Children of God to stop slaughtering each other, in the name of their Gods. While humanity is a disease, I would like it not to be that starts with undoing the nonsense they believe to be truth, which is nothing of the kind.
So, you can't answer my question? Fine.

And further exposes himself as the raving lunatic he is.
I an neither, you just hate what I have to say. It scares you.

Yes, people like you are creepy and scary. People like you made up the Nazi party.
People like me were at the top, you were at the bottom, waving the flags and thinking how great life was.

I know. Nazi pigs. It was great till the people like you got caught and hung for being the disgusting criminals they were.
I can be anything I want to be, if I choose to be. I choose to be moral, no God tells me I need to be. I choose the free-think, I don't trust what others say. I choose to study all religions, not believe that the faith I was raised in is the One True Religion. In other words, I think, even the unthinkable, and that is what makes you a worm and me a little god and perfectly happy to play god when necessary.

Because, naturally, it's all about you.
No, that's the thing, the universe doesn't give a damn about me, or anyone else, or any creature here, or even the planet that we live on. And there is no God that I require to exist so that my life has meaning. Life is life, death is death, that's all there is. It matters only to us and in the end we matter to so few for such a short time that saying we matter, any of us, is a lie. It's not about me, it's not about anything beyond what we make it.

So that said, what makes life valuable here is that this is the only place in the universe that we know it to exist. If could be wiped out in a gamma burst and no one would notice but as long as it's here it matters, at least to us it does. That is what makes humanity evil, it doesn't know that. You have to thinking personally, locally. and globally all at the very same time, in correct historical terms, and damn few people can. I am one of them, and other people hate hate people like me. We kill their dogma just by asking the simplest of questions, which they can't answer.
Yes, people like you are creepy and scary. People like you made up the Nazi party.
People like me were at the top, you were at the bottom, waving the flags and thinking how great life was.

I know. Nazi pigs. It was great till the people like you got caught and hung for being the disgusting criminals they were.
I can be anything I want to be, if I choose to be. I choose to be moral, no God tells me I need to be. I choose the free-think, I don't trust what others say. I choose to study all religions, not believe that the faith I was raised in is the One True Religion. In other words, I think, even the unthinkable, and that is what makes you a worm and me a little god and perfectly happy to play god when necessary.

Because, naturally, it's all about you.
No, that's the thing, the universe doesn't give a damn about me, or anyone else, or any creature here, or even the planet that we live on. And there is no God that I require to exist so that my life has meaning. Life is life, death is death, that's all there is. It matters only to us and in the end we matter to so few for such a short time that saying we matter, any of us, is a lie. It's not about me, it's not about anything beyond what we make it.

So that said, what makes life valuable here is that this is the only place in the universe that we know it to exist. If could be wiped out in a gamma burst and no one would notice but as long as it's here it matters, at least to us it does. That is what makes humanity evil, it doesn't know that. You have to thinking personally, locally. and globally all at the very same time, in correct historical terms, and damn few people can. I am one of them, and other people hate hate people like me. We kill their dogma just by asking the simplest of questions, which they can't answer.

And this, people, is why we encourage people to have faith. If you don't, you end up a weird, sad, petty little weirdo like this dude.
You're obsessed with what others believe...
Yes, I am, because what most people believe, like you, is utter bullshit, and it's utter bullshit that destroys lives and life itself in the end. What you and most other believe is evil, period.

If you try to be a generally nice person most of the time, why would you have to worry about an afterlife? "Oh, no, I stepped on a worm!" If you go out with the intent to kill some out of anger.... well that is problematic.
I'll take my chance that if the balance of my life I tried not to harm others intentionally, then that will be heavier then any little sins someone might think I committed.
If there is a god, I don't believe he is so petty about every hair or toe out of place through a life time.

He's not petty at all. He requires people to be introspective, to be repentant, and to worship Him. Pretty basic requirements, but people have a tough time with them.
No god worthy of anything world require others to worship him. That is nothing but a giant ego at work.
People like me were at the top, you were at the bottom, waving the flags and thinking how great life was.

I know. Nazi pigs. It was great till the people like you got caught and hung for being the disgusting criminals they were.
I can be anything I want to be, if I choose to be. I choose to be moral, no God tells me I need to be. I choose the free-think, I don't trust what others say. I choose to study all religions, not believe that the faith I was raised in is the One True Religion. In other words, I think, even the unthinkable, and that is what makes you a worm and me a little god and perfectly happy to play god when necessary.

Because, naturally, it's all about you.
No, that's the thing, the universe doesn't give a damn about me, or anyone else, or any creature here, or even the planet that we live on. And there is no God that I require to exist so that my life has meaning. Life is life, death is death, that's all there is. It matters only to us and in the end we matter to so few for such a short time that saying we matter, any of us, is a lie. It's not about me, it's not about anything beyond what we make it.

So that said, what makes life valuable here is that this is the only place in the universe that we know it to exist. If could be wiped out in a gamma burst and no one would notice but as long as it's here it matters, at least to us it does. That is what makes humanity evil, it doesn't know that. You have to thinking personally, locally. and globally all at the very same time, in correct historical terms, and damn few people can. I am one of them, and other people hate hate people like me. We kill their dogma just by asking the simplest of questions, which they can't answer.

And this, people, is why we encourage people to have faith. If you don't, you end up a weird, sad, petty little weirdo like this dude.
People of faith end up doing profound evil, while I do not. I certainly could, if I chose to since nothing is stopping me but being a thinking moral being while you are neither.

Faith is nothing more than that which lets men do evil by day, and sleep peacefully at night.
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You're obsessed with what others believe...
Yes, I am, because what most people believe, like you, is utter bullshit, and it's utter bullshit that destroys lives and life itself in the end. What you and most other believe is evil, period.
Why does it matter to you? Are you looking to justify your atheism to yourself?
No, I'm looking at what it takes to get the Children of God to stop slaughtering each other, in the name of their Gods. While humanity is a disease, I would like it not to be that starts with undoing the nonsense they believe to be truth, which is nothing of the kind.
So, you can't answer my question? Fine.
That is the answer...
You're obsessed with what others believe...
Yes, I am, because what most people believe, like you, is utter bullshit, and it's utter bullshit that destroys lives and life itself in the end. What you and most other believe is evil, period.

If you try to be a generally nice person most of the time, why would you have to worry about an afterlife? "Oh, no, I stepped on a worm!" If you go out with the intent to kill some out of anger.... well that is problematic.
I'll take my chance that if the balance of my life I tried not to harm others intentionally, then that will be heavier then any little sins someone might think I committed.
If there is a god, I don't believe he is so petty about every hair or toe out of place through a life time.

He's not petty at all. He requires people to be introspective, to be repentant, and to worship Him. Pretty basic requirements, but people have a tough time with them.

Well there are billions that don't "know or worship" the christian god and they live good lives and are nice loving helpful people. I think it more important how you behave than how your pray or in what direction, if you pray at all.

This life here is what matters. There might be nothing after death and lot of people will be seriously disappointed. If there is a god, I will be pleasantly surprised, without the worry and anguish in life over the question.
You're obsessed with what others believe...
Yes, I am, because what most people believe, like you, is utter bullshit, and it's utter bullshit that destroys lives and life itself in the end. What you and most other believe is evil, period.

If you try to be a generally nice person most of the time, why would you have to worry about an afterlife? "Oh, no, I stepped on a worm!" If you go out with the intent to kill some out of anger.... well that is problematic.
I'll take my chance that if the balance of my life I tried not to harm others intentionally, then that will be heavier then any little sins someone might think I committed.
If there is a god, I don't believe he is so petty about every hair or toe out of place through a life time.

He's not petty at all. He requires people to be introspective, to be repentant, and to worship Him. Pretty basic requirements, but people have a tough time with them.

Well there are billions that don't "know or worship" the christian god and they live good lives and are nice loving helpful people. I think it more important how you behave than how your pray or in what direction, if you pray at all.

This life here is what matters. There might be nothing after death and lot of people will be seriously disappointed. If there is a god, I will be pleasantly surprised, without the worry and anguish in life over the question.

The life here is what matters to YOU.

And if there is a God, and you were to die right would be surprised, but it wouldn't be pleasant, because you will have rejected Him, and he will send you to Hell.
You're obsessed with what others believe...
Yes, I am, because what most people believe, like you, is utter bullshit, and it's utter bullshit that destroys lives and life itself in the end. What you and most other believe is evil, period.
Why does it matter to you? Are you looking to justify your atheism to yourself?
No, I'm looking at what it takes to get the Children of God to stop slaughtering each other, in the name of their Gods. While humanity is a disease, I would like it not to be that starts with undoing the nonsense they believe to be truth, which is nothing of the kind.

Iow you want to tell others how to believe. lol

When I read this thread the first thing that came to mind was Messianic Jews....hard to say for sure. If I really wanted to know, Id discuss it with someone who has lived it.
Iow you want to tell others how to believe. lol
When the Christians believe the Muslims are evil, and the Muslims believe the Christians are evil yes I do, since they both are. Only when you don't truly have faith, when you aren't a True-Believer, can you start on the path away from evil.
You're obsessed with what others believe...
Yes, I am, because what most people believe, like you, is utter bullshit, and it's utter bullshit that destroys lives and life itself in the end. What you and most other believe is evil, period.

If you try to be a generally nice person most of the time, why would you have to worry about an afterlife? "Oh, no, I stepped on a worm!" If you go out with the intent to kill some out of anger.... well that is problematic.
I'll take my chance that if the balance of my life I tried not to harm others intentionally, then that will be heavier then any little sins someone might think I committed.
If there is a god, I don't believe he is so petty about every hair or toe out of place through a life time.

He's not petty at all. He requires people to be introspective, to be repentant, and to worship Him. Pretty basic requirements, but people have a tough time with them.

Well there are billions that don't "know or worship" the christian god and they live good lives and are nice loving helpful people. I think it more important how you behave than how your pray or in what direction, if you pray at all.

This life here is what matters. There might be nothing after death and lot of people will be seriously disappointed. If there is a god, I will be pleasantly surprised, without the worry and anguish in life over the question.

The life here is what matters to YOU.

And if there is a God, and you were to die right would be surprised, but it wouldn't be pleasant, because you will have rejected Him, and he will send you to Hell.
As I said, pure unthinking dogma, but it makes you feel happy and secured, and more blessed than others.

And this is the only life you will ever have. Dead is dead. Enjoy it kiddo, it's all you've got.

And you probably imagine that you will ascend to Heaven when you die but you don't. That happens only when Jesus returns to establish the Kingdom (meaning Reign) of God. You are going to be in the cold hard ground a very long time, until Jesus returns at least or as long as the earth still exist.
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There might be nothing after death and lot of people will be seriously disappointed.
They won't know a thing. It will be as profound a light bulb burning out when you click the switch. Snap, then nothing, for eternity.
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Yes, I am, because what most people believe, like you, is utter bullshit, and it's utter bullshit that destroys lives and life itself in the end. What you and most other believe is evil, period.

If you try to be a generally nice person most of the time, why would you have to worry about an afterlife? "Oh, no, I stepped on a worm!" If you go out with the intent to kill some out of anger.... well that is problematic.
I'll take my chance that if the balance of my life I tried not to harm others intentionally, then that will be heavier then any little sins someone might think I committed.
If there is a god, I don't believe he is so petty about every hair or toe out of place through a life time.

He's not petty at all. He requires people to be introspective, to be repentant, and to worship Him. Pretty basic requirements, but people have a tough time with them.

Well there are billions that don't "know or worship" the christian god and they live good lives and are nice loving helpful people. I think it more important how you behave than how your pray or in what direction, if you pray at all.

This life here is what matters. There might be nothing after death and lot of people will be seriously disappointed. If there is a god, I will be pleasantly surprised, without the worry and anguish in life over the question.

The life here is what matters to YOU.

And if there is a God, and you were to die right would be surprised, but it wouldn't be pleasant, because you will have rejected Him, and he will send you to Hell.
As I said, pure unthinking dogma, but it makes you feel happy and secured, and more blessed than others.

And this is the only life you will ever have. Dead is dead. Enjoy it kiddo, it's all you've got.

What is sad is that you don't understand what thought consists of....or how much thought is involved in faith..or how much work it is to continually look critically at yourself and repent for your sins..and work hard not to repeat them.

You just hate. And that's sad. Also scary, because obviously you aren't quite right in the head.

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