Are these kids sweatshirts Racist?

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some thieving Nig0ger boy came up said I couldn't force deepthroat his momma in that shack over there before I killed em both the little ****. Cracker, someone whisper, I cry, you decide. You decide please.
Don't know what the fuck you are saying.

But it's still fucking funny.:21::21::21:
The company that makes them has apologized and is groveling for forgiveness in the court of Political Correctness. What's wrong with the sweatshirts? View attachment 234729 View attachment 234730
My view is no in a world socially capable of folks owning and mocking a stereotype.
I mock my own Polish roots.
What's wrong with owning cracker also? Owning a slur weakens it.

Problem and sad thing is that world doesn't exist in today's "wo is me, I am a victim" society.

Are not all children little monkeys regardless of race anyway?
White kid could be a snow monkey.
Cracker isn’t a slur... It was created by whites.
Tiggred will be disappointed.
Uses it all the time.
She’d be real disappointed to learn about the black “crackers” then...
I'm pretty sure they are intended to mock racism more than to promote racist ideology.

The problem is ... the kids don't get the joke and an adult won't wear them because of the potential repercussions.

If you're going to mock racism ... and I believe strongly that it needs to be mocked ... you have to be brave enough to do it based on your convictions and not use children as a proxy to avoid personal confrontation.

I you were not white you would not have the attitude you do about racism.
I'm pretty sure they are intended to mock racism more than to promote racist ideology.

The problem is ... the kids don't get the joke and an adult won't wear them because of the potential repercussions.

If you're going to mock racism ... and I believe strongly that it needs to be mocked ... you have to be brave enough to do it based on your convictions and not use children as a proxy to avoid personal confrontation.

I you were not white you would not have the attitude you do about racism.

You're probably right, perspective changes perception.

Although, I'm frequently informed that I'm not actually White, despite my appalling lack of Melanin.

My people do have a significant history of discrimination, even in places like America.
I'm pretty sure they are intended to mock racism more than to promote racist ideology.

The problem is ... the kids don't get the joke and an adult won't wear them because of the potential repercussions.

If you're going to mock racism ... and I believe strongly that it needs to be mocked ... you have to be brave enough to do it based on your convictions and not use children as a proxy to avoid personal confrontation.

I you were not white you would not have the attitude you do about racism.

You're probably right, perspective changes perception.

Although, I'm frequently informed that I'm not actually White, despite my appalling lack of Melanin.

My people do have a significant history of discrimination, even in places like America.

Your people owned slaves and practice racism. Jew is not a race

african american jews - Yahoo Search Results

You are told you are not white by the whites who believe that pure white means you are a Christian. Their ignorance is apparent since Christianity and the Jeiwsh religion are based on the same teachings. Apparently your Jewishness has not allowed you to feel the real pain that racism presents or you would not be saying the things you do about how it should be mocked. Your attitude is the same as the whites tellig you how you aren't white then when you get called on it you want to play the I am discriminated against just like you card. You are not, and never have been.
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I'm pretty sure they are intended to mock racism more than to promote racist ideology.

The problem is ... the kids don't get the joke and an adult won't wear them because of the potential repercussions.

If you're going to mock racism ... and I believe strongly that it needs to be mocked ... you have to be brave enough to do it based on your convictions and not use children as a proxy to avoid personal confrontation.

I you were not white you would not have the attitude you do about racism.

You're probably right, perspective changes perception.

Although, I'm frequently informed that I'm not actually White, despite my appalling lack of Melanin.

My people do have a significant history of discrimination, even in places like America.

Your people owned slaves and practice racism. Jew is not a race

african american jews - Yahoo Search Results

You are told you are not white by the whites who believe that pure white means you are a Christian. Their ignorance is apparent since Christianity and the Jeiwsh religion are based on the same teachings. Apparently your Jewishness has not allowed you to feel the real pain that racism presents or you would not be saying the things you do about how it should be mocked. Your attitude is the same as the whites tellig you how you aren't white then when you get called on it you want to play the I am discriminated against just like you card. You are not, and never have been.

I don't consider being called non-White as discrimination. Actually, I think it's kind of funny.

I find racist notions hilariously indefensible and those who espouse them to be beyond redemption.

As for owning slaves. I personally never owned a slave, but I used to be married, so I'm familiar with what being a slave would entail.
If the children in the shirts were reversed, judgement might be as well.
No matter the actual intent behind making the shirts, what I object to is the politization of children. Responsible parents realize that children should be allowed to be children instead of turning them into little tools for the cultural war they are waging.
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