Are We All Criminals Now?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Are We All Criminals Now?

6 Oct 2024 ~~ By J.B. Shurk

If Western nations replaced their respective fiat currencies with digital versions (as many advocates for individual liberty fear they will soon do), would organized crime disappear?
If the answer is, “No,” why not? Don’t human traffickers and international drug cartels depend upon a supply of paper currency that they can move back and forth across borders and launder through unrelated businesses for future use? If there were no money except for the digital ones and zeroes created and monitored by national governments, surely major criminal organizations would have no way to operate and nowhere to hide.
An immoral law is no law at all — which is to say, whenever governments use the force of law to coerce citizens to do immoral things, moral citizens will choose to become “criminals.” This is more difficult than it sounds.
It is natural for people to overestimate their willingness to stand up to the State in matters of conscience. From the comfort of our armchairs, we often judge too harshly those who yielded to tyrants in the past because we cannot step faithfully into our ancestors’ shoes. We cannot accurately feel what they experienced as the coercive machinery of the State operated in their day.
In other words, there has to be a moment when citizens accept that the State sees them as common criminals. The price for speaking our minds will not stop with censorship. It will not stop with de-banking. It will not stop with professional blacklisting. It will not stop with the J6 political prisoners. It will not stop with all the Republican attorneys who have been disbarred and prosecuted for fighting election fraud. It will not stop with the DOJ’s efforts to imprison President Trump. It will not stop with all the servicemembers whose military careers came to an end because they refused to submit to the government’s experimental “vaccines.” Like a loose thread coming undone, the State will continue to yank at our freedoms until we are left naked. Only we can decide whether to remain so.
Because we have a choice, we don’t really fear that there is nothing that can be done about growing totalitarianism in the West. We are apprehensive about what will be required to thwart it. That’s a fine and prudent feeling to have, but it’s altogether different from the miserable dread of acquiescence. Knowing that a fight is coming and worrying about its costs do not reflect weakness. Nor does it matter whether an immoral government calls moral people, “criminals.” We’ll have to get over that.

The TEA Parties were formed in 2010 inresponse to Obama policies. These were the polite crowds that picked up after themselves. It was a grass roots movement that had no national leaders. The MSM, the Big Deep State, the Democrat Neo-Marxists, and the courts had no one to persecute, demonize, and jail.
Then a volunteer came down the escalator. The statists went to war.
Many have fallen. By observation we now know the full measure of Tolstoy's lament.
Too many of us today do not have the moral training that older generations received; training in biblical morality. Older generations (I am a member) believed that individual rights came from God and this was reinforced in schools when The Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and Constitution of the USA were studied. They were ready to defend those God-given rights when necessary to stop Satanic intrusions.
Today’s students are taught to be aesthetic or agnostic and that the State is all powerful. Without higher powers and Right and Wrong, it becomes a matter of choosing the path of least resistance, of standing for Truth and Justice.
This country has seen millions Americans who were willing to fight for freedom, even if the conflict turned out to be contrived. Do we still have the will to fight, to save our own country and not some far away place?
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The war mongers have brought out the assassins as they flee to the Democratic party which is composed of terrorists, assassins, human traffickers, and now war mongers.



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