Are we headed towards a putsch?

The Watergate fiasco was bad enough, but the current attempt to unseat the duly elected President of the United States is now resembling German politics in the 1930's where both the Communists and the National Socialists were actively engaged in trying to bring down the democratically elected government.

If the President is successfully forced out of office, the (Left Wing) Democrats will have field day of bringing the Executive Branch to its knees while the (Right Wing) Republicans will feel that the Constitution has been unalterably usurped by their opponents. As a result, faith in our democratic processes could evaporate.

In this event, we may well see an attempt to overthrow our government by one side or the other in order to impose their policies and beliefs on the entire nation. We have seen this before.

Um, the republicans are helping the democrats. Republicans can shit this shit down, they aren’t. They are complicit.
The Watergate fiasco was bad enough, but the current attempt to unseat the duly elected President of the United States is now resembling German politics in the 1930's where both the Communists and the National Socialists were actively engaged in trying to bring down the democratically elected government.

If the President is successfully forced out of office, the (Left Wing) Democrats will have field day of bringing the Executive Branch to its knees while the (Right Wing) Republicans will feel that the Constitution has been unalterably usurped by their opponents. As a result, faith in our democratic processes could evaporate.

In this event, we may well see an attempt to overthrow our government by one side or the other in order to impose their policies and beliefs on the entire nation. We have seen this before.
Doubtful. We've had the crazies in both narcissistic parties trying to "impose their policies and beliefs on the entire nation" for a while now. Because there are still some lucid members of both parties, the actual policy changes haven't gone too wacky.

This madness is being driven by the Division Pimps on both ends, those who have a vested professional interest in firing up their tribes. Their fantasies Are. Not. Reality.

In terms of violence, maybe there will some sporadic incidents, but they won't amount to anything.
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This is fun.

You all are great Americans!

And you are something like 20% of the population.

Have at it.

The Revolution was fought by 3% of the population. Just sayin...

Yeah. That's cool. You gonna join the call for a hot war against people like me?

Go ahead. You know you want to.

Oh hell no. It would be one of the worst things to have ever struck this country. Unlike most idiots and fools, such as yourself, I have actually been in a lawless country. It ain't nice. Nope, a new revolution would be a catastrophe, and I sincerely hope that this coup attempt can be brought under control through legal means.


Coup attempt?

That's you asking for violence.

You realize that, don't you?

I'm not the one trying to engineer the coup sweetie. That would be your side. Like I very clearly stated, I want the perps to be dealt with LEGALLY. Namely, indicted, tried, and if found guilty, sent to prison.

And that is exactly what I want. I want those who broke laws and conspired to fuck over this nation to be dealt with according to the law. Nothing more.

Well....being totally honest....I do want Trombies to beg forgiveness for supporting the guy, but that hardly qualifies as a coup.

Sweetie? Have I been wrong about you all along? Are you a woman? Gay? Auditioning for the part of an IHOP waitress?
Another putsch? The one where the two party dictatorship took over happened without a shot. Why would another be different?
The Watergate fiasco was bad enough, but the current attempt to unseat the duly elected President of the United States is now resembling German politics in the 1930's where both the Communists and the National Socialists were actively engaged in trying to bring down the democratically elected government.

If the President is successfully forced out of office, the (Left Wing) Democrats will have field day of bringing the Executive Branch to its knees while the (Right Wing) Republicans will feel that the Constitution has been unalterably usurped by their opponents. As a result, faith in our democratic processes could evaporate.

In this event, we may well see an attempt to overthrow our government by one side or the other in order to impose their policies and beliefs on the entire nation. We have seen this before.

You really are a moron. Holding a President accountable for his actions is not a overthrow. If it is then why did RW Republicans attempt to overthrow Clinton? The fact is that right wing Republicans have sold their values down the river to embrace scum like Trump.
The Watergate fiasco was bad enough, but the current attempt to unseat the duly elected President of the United States is now resembling German politics in the 1930's where both the Communists and the National Socialists were actively engaged in trying to bring down the democratically elected government.

If the President is successfully forced out of office, the (Left Wing) Democrats will have field day of bringing the Executive Branch to its knees while the (Right Wing) Republicans will feel that the Constitution has been unalterably usurped by their opponents. As a result, faith in our democratic processes could evaporate.

In this event, we may well see an attempt to overthrow our government by one side or the other in order to impose their policies and beliefs on the entire nation. We have seen this before.

You really are a moron. Holding a President accountable for his actions is not a overthrow. If it is then why did RW Republicans attempt to overthrow Clinton? The fact is that right wing Republicans have sold their values down the river to embrace scum like Trump.

The whole Clinton/Starr thing was bullshit, total waste. This Trump/Mueller thing is even worse bullshit! They're still eating lunch on the taxpayer's dollar while performing in this circus.
Rosenstein Admits "You Can't Revoke an Election"


Then why in the hell are the DimocRATs so hell bent on voiding the will of the people? Threats of calling the president before a grand jury. Threats to impeach. Continued whining that he didn't win the popular vote (which is a lie because millions of votes were never counted. See references to uncounted absentee ballots.)

Video and story @ Fmr. Lawyer Asks Why 2016 Election Can’t be Rescinded; Rosenstein Responds with a Visual
In their mind there has to be a penalty for denying the White House to the hildabeast. Beyond that Trump is an outsider and they want to make an example of him for the next outsider who tries to run for office

You are such a idiot. Ronald Reagan was a outsider and the Republican Party became the party of Reagan. Trump is a obnoxious child who is totally unfit to be President.
Rosenstein Admits "You Can't Revoke an Election"


Then why in the hell are the DimocRATs so hell bent on voiding the will of the people? Threats of calling the president before a grand jury. Threats to impeach. Continued whining that he didn't win the popular vote (which is a lie because millions of votes were never counted. See references to uncounted absentee ballots.)

Video and story @ Fmr. Lawyer Asks Why 2016 Election Can’t be Rescinded; Rosenstein Responds with a Visual
In their mind there has to be a penalty for denying the White House to the hildabeast. Beyond that Trump is an outsider and they want to make an example of him for the next outsider who tries to run for office

It should be all outsiders and regular folk running for office, dammit!

Like Harry Truman. :04:

That's who I liken Trump to.

You really don't think much of Truman do you? Truman would be insulted to be compared to Trump.
The Revolution was fought by 3% of the population. Just sayin...

Yeah. That's cool. You gonna join the call for a hot war against people like me?

Go ahead. You know you want to.

Oh hell no. It would be one of the worst things to have ever struck this country. Unlike most idiots and fools, such as yourself, I have actually been in a lawless country. It ain't nice. Nope, a new revolution would be a catastrophe, and I sincerely hope that this coup attempt can be brought under control through legal means.


Coup attempt?

That's you asking for violence.

You realize that, don't you?

I'm not the one trying to engineer the coup sweetie. That would be your side. Like I very clearly stated, I want the perps to be dealt with LEGALLY. Namely, indicted, tried, and if found guilty, sent to prison.

And that is exactly what I want. I want those who broke laws and conspired to fuck over this nation to be dealt with according to the law. Nothing more.

Well....being totally honest....I do want Trombies to beg forgiveness for supporting the guy, but that hardly qualifies as a coup.

Sweetie? Have I been wrong about you all along? Are you a woman? Gay? Auditioning for the part of an IHOP waitress?
Nobody broke any laws, you dumbfuck. You and rest of the Dims have been fucking this country over for the last 100 years.
Rosenstein Admits "You Can't Revoke an Election"


Then why in the hell are the DimocRATs so hell bent on voiding the will of the people? Threats of calling the president before a grand jury. Threats to impeach. Continued whining that he didn't win the popular vote (which is a lie because millions of votes were never counted. See references to uncounted absentee ballots.)

Video and story @ Fmr. Lawyer Asks Why 2016 Election Can’t be Rescinded; Rosenstein Responds with a Visual
In their mind there has to be a penalty for denying the White House to the hildabeast. Beyond that Trump is an outsider and they want to make an example of him for the next outsider who tries to run for office

It should be all outsiders and regular folk running for office, dammit!

Like Harry Truman. :04:

That's who I liken Trump to.

You really don't think much of Truman do you? Truman would be insulted to be compared to Trump.
Truman was a traitorous douche who handed over half the world to the communists.
The Watergate fiasco was bad enough, but the current attempt to unseat the duly elected President of the United States is now resembling German politics in the 1930's where both the Communists and the National Socialists were actively engaged in trying to bring down the democratically elected government.

If the President is successfully forced out of office, the (Left Wing) Democrats will have field day of bringing the Executive Branch to its knees while the (Right Wing) Republicans will feel that the Constitution has been unalterably usurped by their opponents. As a result, faith in our democratic processes could evaporate.

In this event, we may well see an attempt to overthrow our government by one side or the other in order to impose their policies and beliefs on the entire nation. We have seen this before.

You really are a moron. Holding a President accountable for his actions is not a overthrow. If it is then why did RW Republicans attempt to overthrow Clinton? The fact is that right wing Republicans have sold their values down the river to embrace scum like Trump.
For what actions, douchebag?
Yeah. That's cool. You gonna join the call for a hot war against people like me?

Go ahead. You know you want to.

Oh hell no. It would be one of the worst things to have ever struck this country. Unlike most idiots and fools, such as yourself, I have actually been in a lawless country. It ain't nice. Nope, a new revolution would be a catastrophe, and I sincerely hope that this coup attempt can be brought under control through legal means.


Coup attempt?

That's you asking for violence.

You realize that, don't you?

I'm not the one trying to engineer the coup sweetie. That would be your side. Like I very clearly stated, I want the perps to be dealt with LEGALLY. Namely, indicted, tried, and if found guilty, sent to prison.

And that is exactly what I want. I want those who broke laws and conspired to fuck over this nation to be dealt with according to the law. Nothing more.

Well....being totally honest....I do want Trombies to beg forgiveness for supporting the guy, but that hardly qualifies as a coup.

Sweetie? Have I been wrong about you all along? Are you a woman? Gay? Auditioning for the part of an IHOP waitress?
Nobody broke any laws, you dumbfuck. You and rest of the Dims have been fucking this country over for the last 100 years.

What's wrong, Bri? Mommy lose your binky?

There is currently a investigation into whether or not MORE laws were broken. It has already been shown that some were broken.

Your guy is trying to call the investigation into question. That should give you pause.

It's Friday. Expect some more fun.
The Watergate fiasco was bad enough, but the current attempt to unseat the duly elected President of the United States is now resembling German politics in the 1930's where both the Communists and the National Socialists were actively engaged in trying to bring down the democratically elected government.

If the President is successfully forced out of office, the (Left Wing) Democrats will have field day of bringing the Executive Branch to its knees while the (Right Wing) Republicans will feel that the Constitution has been unalterably usurped by their opponents. As a result, faith in our democratic processes could evaporate.

In this event, we may well see an attempt to overthrow our government by one side or the other in order to impose their policies and beliefs on the entire nation. We have seen this before.

It'd be Civil War. America is not like other countries.
I'm afraid it will not be like that. There aren't enough true righteous people with the guts to resist.

Those cops or police force we love so much will immediately be enforcing unrighteous law. Check out the FBI right now. Along with other law enforcement agencies.

This has been going on in this country for a long time now. Get ready, the tribulations are here.

Just watch this from a few years ago. Nothing has happened. It has only gotten worse.

I mentioned several times about the method of the marxist revolution. Defined by Mao, it is about doing away with the FOUR OLDS.

Old customs
Old ways
Old ideas
Old habits

Look at what is happening to our culture. Look no further than the Boy Scouts.

All of these things are being torn down. The sheep being led by their go to. Race cards etc. The power of group think aided by power of marxist propagandists like Saul Alinsky.

The double edges sword if Jesus is truly the Lord. That means the tribulations will be happening.

They will be happening. They are happening. Scary times for the true believer. Great times for the damned.
What percentage of the hardcore left (27% if that) are ready and willing to take on over 50% of armed Americans?
From what orifice did you pull "50% of armed americans"? Only a 3rd of -households- have guns and amongst the actual owners I bet a large segment own and carry out of fear. I can't see that type throwing a coup if that's how it went down.

Hey dumbass, only 1/3 of Americans "said" they have a gun in the household, tbh, it's nobody business, get it? Probably not, but that's OK.

I said households, not individuals. If 30% of households have guns then the individual owner rate is even lower. Gun ownership is highly concentrated. They say there's a gun for every American but when you use your head instead of your quivering anus to think, you see that the collections held by retailers, collectors, or even just your average hunter are going to range from 3 to 3000. You can want to believe that everyone lied on the survey about having guns, and I'm sure some paranoid afraid people did, but it doesn't add up that it was the norm.
I said households, not individuals. If 30% of households have guns then the individual owner rate is even lower. Gun ownership is highly concentrated. They say there's a gun for every American but when you use your head instead of your quivering anus to think, you see that the collections held by retailers, collectors, or even just your average hunter are going to range from 3 to 3000. You can want to believe that everyone lied on the survey about having guns, and I'm sure some paranoid afraid people did, but it doesn't add up that it was the norm.

The gun owners I know, including myself, view firearm ownership as a PRIVATE topic, and potential security issue. It is nobody's business who legally owns a gun. These surveys, like most other polls are pure crap.
This is fun.

You all are great Americans!

And you are something like 20% of the population.

Have at it.
20%? Dream on. Real Americans are a majority of the country. Breathe some fresh air every once in awhile outside of that stinky Liberal bubble sphere.

There are more Democrats than Republicans. Get out of the foxegyn bubble and open your eyes.

And the vast majority of you live in cities.
All we'd have to do is blow the bridges and railroads leading to your cesspools and you'd be starving to death inside of a month.
Leftists should be glad Trump got elected, it probably would have gotten violent by now, if not. I don't mean Antifa violence, I mean real stuff.
Given the fact that "antifa violence" is a right wing propaganda masturbation season, I'm not too worried about the rights idea of "real" violence

That's nice, honey. So, what kind of weapons are you proficient with?

Look! We have a nutter who thinks liberals can't shoot. Love that kind.

For some reason the idea of fighting liberals just doesnt strike fear in my heart.....
I said households, not individuals. If 30% of households have guns then the individual owner rate is even lower. Gun ownership is highly concentrated. They say there's a gun for every American but when you use your head instead of your quivering anus to think, you see that the collections held by retailers, collectors, or even just your average hunter are going to range from 3 to 3000. You can want to believe that everyone lied on the survey about having guns, and I'm sure some paranoid afraid people did, but it doesn't add up that it was the norm.

The gun owners I know, including myself, view firearm ownership as a PRIVATE topic, and potential security issue. It is nobody's business who legally owns a gun. These surveys, like most other polls are pure crap.
I understand that you guys want it to be a secret, but choosing not to know is choosing not to understand the micro or macro levels of the related issues at all. You can't understand the issue without a comprehensive study of the demographics and motivations. You are replacing research with anecdotes about the people you know. You should be smarter than thinking that approach will produce an accurate big picture understanding. I'm not making a suggestion for action, just pointing out the flawed perspective.
I said households, not individuals. If 30% of households have guns then the individual owner rate is even lower. Gun ownership is highly concentrated. They say there's a gun for every American but when you use your head instead of your quivering anus to think, you see that the collections held by retailers, collectors, or even just your average hunter are going to range from 3 to 3000. You can want to believe that everyone lied on the survey about having guns, and I'm sure some paranoid afraid people did, but it doesn't add up that it was the norm.

The gun owners I know, including myself, view firearm ownership as a PRIVATE topic, and potential security issue. It is nobody's business who legally owns a gun. These surveys, like most other polls are pure crap.
I understand that you guys want it to be a secret, but choosing not to know is choosing not to understand the micro or macro levels of the related issues at all. You can't understand the issue without a comprehensive study of the demographics and motivations. You are replacing research with anecdotes about the people you know. You should be smarter than thinking that approach will produce an accurate big picture understanding. I'm not making a suggestion for action, just pointing out the flawed perspective.
USMB couldn't survive an hour without stupid stereotypes. It's how things roll around here.

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