Are we living in a science fiction novel?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Does anyone else besides me feel like they are living in a science fiction novel? In just a few short months the most powerful civilization in the history of the human race has been reduced to wearing masks and soon, goggles in their day-to-day lives. No one is asking any questions-they just comply. Ray Bradbury could never have come up with this-it would have been too unbelievable even for his most avid readers.

How the hell did we get here? This is the first question that should be asked because truth is not only stranger than fiction, it is far more dangerous. We know that there are two theories bandied about regarding human interaction: self-destiny by way of free societies (democracy) and planned outcomes via controlled oppression by corporate elites (socialism/communism) and its contemporary soldier of fortune, wokeness.

Democracy is the simpler of the two; it allows for free choices. But democracy has a built-in flaw-winners and losers. Though even losers in a democracy benefit greatly from free choice, sometimes poor choices can introduce a disadvantage. This leaves an opening for the opposing hypothesis stating that free choice cannot be left in the hands of the people because they will make bad choices.

The creeping malcontent of bad choice can be a powerful force to dismantle democracy and it is the preferred tool of authoritarianism. A tiny nucleus of elite controllers can enrich themselves by making choices for the people and bending the gears. It is the end justifying the means. This is the Chinese model.

Traitors is the US government were happily on a timetable to deliver democracy to the dustbin when an upstart former reality show host came along and exposed the betrayal. The people had long suspected treachery in leadership, so they elected the upstart to foster a return to free choice.

Authoritarianism reacted swiftly to take down the upstart even perverting government agencies ostensibly in place to protect the people from exactly what those agencies were doing. But even this was failing because the people were not fooled, and the upstart had a flourishing economy.

Then, in desperation, Chinese authoritarians took matters into their own hands and released a worldwide plague to shatter the upstart’s economy. Now science, medicine and politics are a whirling dervish of the end justifying the means. No science fiction novel can compete with this.
China found a bat virus that we paid them to find, and it got out on them and created a pandemic.
Its a nasty "viral pneumonia" so its nothing to fuck with.

We're living in a bad joke book where America conservatives cried like spoiled little bitches when asked to something minor for the good of the country.

I note the Catholic priests have been preaching against the Democrats of late. You people may be losing yet another constituency.
Who cares what a bunch of pedophiles think? You can have them.
We're living in a bad joke book where America conservatives cried like spoiled little bitches when asked to something minor for the good of the country.

I note the Catholic priests have been preaching against the Democrats of late. You people may be losing yet another constituency.
Who cares what a bunch of pedophiles think? You can have them.

Blanket statement. Broad brush. Votes is votes.

By the way ...

We're living in a bad joke book where America conservatives cried like spoiled little bitches when asked to something minor for the good of the country.

I note the Catholic priests have been preaching against the Democrats of late. You people may be losing yet another constituency.
Who cares what a bunch of pedophiles think? You can have them.

Blanket statement. Broad brush. Votes is votes.

By the way ...

You're trying to deflect from the shameful spoiled behavior of the right during a national crisis. I understand.
I went into the local thrift store yesterday where policy is choice on mask but the one gal in there insisted I put on a mask or I could not be there (I politely told her no thank you. I also left without buying anything). I was there the day before but normal volunteers so no big issue. The little thrift store is somehow connected to the Christian thrift store in the next biggest town over and it does somewhat disappoint me that they are falling into this evil big pharma (sorcerers) trap. In the heat I cannot breath well enough due to the chemical injuries to where a mask. If I was going into a place like the clinic where sick people are I would perhaps put one on but they also keep those clinics pretty cool. There are a lot of people out there that get on power trips and I think it gives them some sort of funky high when they believe in their own minds that they can control some aspect of other peoples lives. Those type people who are so f'd up mentally do not belong in places where they are interacting with other people where they can assert any type of control. There must be a lot of others who feel the same way as the normal busy little thrift shop was pretty empty considering they had a sale going on. Inserted is a picture to give people an idea of how ineffective wearing a mask is against this preplanned virus crap.

I also went into the Dollar General to get some bleach since it was open and appeared to not be crowded (surprisingly not even one car in the parking lot). They had a handmade sign that said "Masks required". I ignored and went back to get what I wanted. No one said anything. The young girl at the counter looked miserable in her mask. I told her she could slip that down and breath a little. She told me if she didn't wear it they would fire her. I told her we do not live in communist China and we are not slaves but the fact is Ray corporates and many lefties have us headed in that direction and they have had that going down for some time now. Our media moguls are assisting these fascist who desire to exert their beliefs that they should have control over everyone else (for our own good, yeah right) and so is a good portion of our government. They've been training people to give up their God given rights slowly but surely and the thing is very few people have called them on it; and those that have probably end up in similar situation as I have here. I refused to sign an employment contract after I was hurt at work. I will not ever sign something that says I am in agreement with something I do not agree with. My signature is mine and mine alone and if I do not agree to wave my right that is totally up to me. These socialist pricks think people should automatically sign off their rights to have a job (that goes for some on the right and those on the left). It is my belief that an employer is merely buying labor and that does not entitle the employer the right to over ride my rights or anyone else that works for them but that bullshit has almost become standard operating procedures (SOPs). An attorney told me to sign their crappy paperwork so I would be compensated for the injuries properly back then (never was fully compensated as law meant nothing here in that place in the spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah). He also told me that their employee contract wasn't legal. Now I've had plenty of lawyers lie to me over the years or they have been ignorant asshats that didn't know any better when they should have; I even had one judge try to tell me to sign a Quit Claim deed for property that I had no right to sign off on. The guy (the judge) got kind of pissy about it all. I told him if "it is no big deal" you sign it. What much of it boils down to is many do not know or understand what their rights are as citizens of the United States; that includes many in our government agencies and people with positions in authority that could make a difference; and many will allow bullies to be bullies without saying a word.

This is for those Maskers that believe they can save themselves by caving in to the control agendas.
Masks vs Virus.PNG
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We're living in a bad joke book where America conservatives cried like spoiled little bitches when asked to something minor for the good of the country.

I note the Catholic priests have been preaching against the Democrats of late. You people may be losing yet another constituency.
Who cares what a bunch of pedophiles think? You can have them.

Blanket statement. Broad brush. Votes is votes.

By the way ...

You're trying to deflect from the shameful spoiled behavior of the right during a national crisis. I understand.

No you don't, or you would realize that voting patterns are shifting in tandem with the shift of the Democratic Party to their weird hybrid of Communism/Fascism. Seems even some American Jews, long a loyal constituency, are beginning to kick the Democrats off their shoes.
We're living in a bad joke book where America conservatives cried like spoiled little bitches when asked to something minor for the good of the country.

I note the Catholic priests have been preaching against the Democrats of late. You people may be losing yet another constituency.
Who cares what a bunch of pedophiles think? You can have them.

Blanket statement. Broad brush. Votes is votes.

By the way ...

You're trying to deflect from the shameful spoiled behavior of the right during a national crisis. I understand.

No you don't, or you would realize that voting patterns are shifting in tandem with the shift of the Democratic Party to their weird hybrid of Communism/Fascism. Seems even some American Jews, long a loyal constituency, are beginning to kick the Democrats off their shoes.
What does any of that bullshit have to do with my original statement that the right has selfishly refused to come to the aid of their country? Some patriots you people turned out to be.
We're living in a bad joke book where America conservatives cried like spoiled little bitches when asked to something minor for the good of the country.

I note the Catholic priests have been preaching against the Democrats of late. You people may be losing yet another constituency.
Who cares what a bunch of pedophiles think? You can have them.

Blanket statement. Broad brush. Votes is votes.

By the way ...

You're trying to deflect from the shameful spoiled behavior of the right during a national crisis. I understand.

No you don't, or you would realize that voting patterns are shifting in tandem with the shift of the Democratic Party to their weird hybrid of Communism/Fascism. Seems even some American Jews, long a loyal constituency, are beginning to kick the Democrats off their shoes.
What does any of that bullshit have to do with my original statement that the right has selfishly refused to come to the aid of their country? Some patriots you people turned out to be.

I went into the local thrift store yesterday where policy is choice on mask but the one gal in there insisted I put on a mask or I could not be there (I politely told her no thank you. I also left without buying anything). I was there the day before but normal volunteers so no big issue. The little thrift store is somehow connected to the Christian thrift store in the next biggest town over and it does somewhat disappoint me that they are falling into this evil big pharma (sorcerers) trap. In the heat I cannot breath well enough due to the chemical injuries to where a mask. If I was going into a place like the clinic where sick people are I would perhaps put one on but they also keep those clinics pretty cool. There are a lot of people out there that get on power trips and I think it gives them some sort of funky high when they believe in their own minds that they can control some aspect of other peoples lives. Those type people who are so f'd up mentally do not belong in places where they are interacting with other people where they can assert any type of control. There must be a lot of others who feel the same way as the normal busy little thrift shop was pretty empty considering they had a sale going on. Inserted is a picture to give people an idea of how ineffective wearing a mask is against this preplanned virus crap.

I also went into the Dollar General to get some bleach since it was open and appeared to not be crowded (surprisingly not even one car in the parking lot). They had a handmade sign that said "Masks required". I ignored and went back to get what I wanted. No one said anything. The young girl at the counter looked miserable in her mask. I told her she could slip that down and breath a little. She told me if she didn't wear it they would fire her. I told her we do not live in communist China and we are not slaves but the fact is Ray corporates and many lefties have us headed in that direction and they have had that going down for some time now. Our media moguls are assisting these fascist who desire to exert their beliefs that they should have control over everyone else (for our own good, yeah right) and so is a good portion of our government. They've been training people to give up their God given rights slowly but surely and the thing is very few people have called them on it; and those that have probably end up in similar situation as I have here. I refused to sign an employment contract after I was hurt at work. I will not ever sign something that says I am in agreement with something I do not agree with. My signature is mine and mine alone and if I do not agree to wave my right that is totally up to me. These socialist pricks think people should automatically sign off their rights to have a job (that goes for some on the right and those on the left). It is my belief that an employer is merely buying labor and that does not entitle the employer the right to over ride my rights or anyone else that works for them but that bullshit has almost become standard operating procedures (SOPs). An attorney told me to sign their crappy paperwork so I would be compensated for the injuries properly back then (never was fully compensated as law meant nothing here in that place in the spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah). He also told me that their employee contract wasn't legal. Now I've had plenty of lawyers lie to me over the years or they have been ignorant asshats that didn't know any better when they should have; I even had one judge try to tell me to sign a Quit Claim deed for property that I had no right to sign off on. The guy (the judge) got kind of pissy about it all. I told him if "it is no big deal" you sign it. What much of it boils down to is many do not know or understand what their rights are as citizens of the United States; that includes many in our government agencies and people with positions in authority that could make a difference; and many will allow bullies to be bullies without saying a word.

This is for those Maskers that believe they can save themselves by caving in to the control agendas.
.View attachment 370184
Note: your attempted photo of a virus is total bullshit. A virus is way smaller than that.
Does anyone else besides me feel like they are living in a science fiction novel? In just a few short months the most powerful civilization in the history of the human race has been reduced to wearing masks and soon, goggles in their day-to-day lives. No one is asking any questions-they just comply. Ray Bradbury could never have come up with this-it would have been too unbelievable even for his most avid readers.

How the hell did we get here? This is the first question that should be asked because truth is not only stranger than fiction, it is far more dangerous. We know that there are two theories bandied about regarding human interaction: self-destiny by way of free societies (democracy) and planned outcomes via controlled oppression by corporate elites (socialism/communism) and its contemporary soldier of fortune, wokeness.

Democracy is the simpler of the two; it allows for free choices. But democracy has a built-in flaw-winners and losers. Though even losers in a democracy benefit greatly from free choice, sometimes poor choices can introduce a disadvantage. This leaves an opening for the opposing hypothesis stating that free choice cannot be left in the hands of the people because they will make bad choices.

The creeping malcontent of bad choice can be a powerful force to dismantle democracy and it is the preferred tool of authoritarianism. A tiny nucleus of elite controllers can enrich themselves by making choices for the people and bending the gears. It is the end justifying the means. This is the Chinese model.

Traitors is the US government were happily on a timetable to deliver democracy to the dustbin when an upstart former reality show host came along and exposed the betrayal. The people had long suspected treachery in leadership, so they elected the upstart to foster a return to free choice.

Authoritarianism reacted swiftly to take down the upstart even perverting government agencies ostensibly in place to protect the people from exactly what those agencies were doing. But even this was failing because the people were not fooled, and the upstart had a flourishing economy.

Then, in desperation, Chinese authoritarians took matters into their own hands and released a worldwide plague to shatter the upstart’s economy. Now science, medicine and politics are a whirling dervish of the end justifying the means. No science fiction novel can compete with this.
There is no pandemic, this is a democratic/communist coup plain and simple
APNEWS is in my Firefox pocket list of articles to read this morning with an article about misinformation on Corona virus. Asshats pushing Big Pharmas agenda are not going to get very far. They will simply lose any shred of credibility they may have had.

Some dear friends pointing this out yesterday. It is all about the cash and it comes back down to the love of money being the root of all evil. That is not having it but loving it so much that you are willing to lie or accept lies to in order to have/get it or keep it.

Ask yourself why are they’re fighting against the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) so fiercely... if there’s an approved treatment, they can’t issue an Emergency Use Authorization for a rushed vaccine

vax cash.PNG
I went into the local thrift store yesterday where policy is choice on mask but the one gal in there insisted I put on a mask or I could not be there (I politely told her no thank you. I also left without buying anything). I was there the day before but normal volunteers so no big issue. The little thrift store is somehow connected to the Christian thrift store in the next biggest town over and it does somewhat disappoint me that they are falling into this evil big pharma (sorcerers) trap. In the heat I cannot breath well enough due to the chemical injuries to where a mask. If I was going into a place like the clinic where sick people are I would perhaps put one on but they also keep those clinics pretty cool. There are a lot of people out there that get on power trips and I think it gives them some sort of funky high when they believe in their own minds that they can control some aspect of other peoples lives. Those type people who are so f'd up mentally do not belong in places where they are interacting with other people where they can assert any type of control. There must be a lot of others who feel the same way as the normal busy little thrift shop was pretty empty considering they had a sale going on. Inserted is a picture to give people an idea of how ineffective wearing a mask is against this preplanned virus crap.

I also went into the Dollar General to get some bleach since it was open and appeared to not be crowded (surprisingly not even one car in the parking lot). They had a handmade sign that said "Masks required". I ignored and went back to get what I wanted. No one said anything. The young girl at the counter looked miserable in her mask. I told her she could slip that down and breath a little. She told me if she didn't wear it they would fire her. I told her we do not live in communist China and we are not slaves but the fact is Ray corporates and many lefties have us headed in that direction and they have had that going down for some time now. Our media moguls are assisting these fascist who desire to exert their beliefs that they should have control over everyone else (for our own good, yeah right) and so is a good portion of our government. They've been training people to give up their God given rights slowly but surely and the thing is very few people have called them on it; and those that have probably end up in similar situation as I have here. I refused to sign an employment contract after I was hurt at work. I will not ever sign something that says I am in agreement with something I do not agree with. My signature is mine and mine alone and if I do not agree to wave my right that is totally up to me. These socialist pricks think people should automatically sign off their rights to have a job (that goes for some on the right and those on the left). It is my belief that an employer is merely buying labor and that does not entitle the employer the right to over ride my rights or anyone else that works for them but that bullshit has almost become standard operating procedures (SOPs). An attorney told me to sign their crappy paperwork so I would be compensated for the injuries properly back then (never was fully compensated as law meant nothing here in that place in the spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah). He also told me that their employee contract wasn't legal. Now I've had plenty of lawyers lie to me over the years or they have been ignorant asshats that didn't know any better when they should have; I even had one judge try to tell me to sign a Quit Claim deed for property that I had no right to sign off on. The guy (the judge) got kind of pissy about it all. I told him if "it is no big deal" you sign it. What much of it boils down to is many do not know or understand what their rights are as citizens of the United States; that includes many in our government agencies and people with positions in authority that could make a difference; and many will allow bullies to be bullies without saying a word.

This is for those Maskers that believe they can save themselves by caving in to the control agendas.
.View attachment 370184
Note: your attempted photo of a virus is total bullshit. A virus is way smaller than that.
Sorry but it done need a visual even if if expanded so they can see something representative of what goes down.
We're living in a bad joke book where America conservatives cried like spoiled little bitches when asked to something minor for the good of the country.

I note the Catholic priests have been preaching against the Democrats of late. You people may be losing yet another constituency.
Who cares what a bunch of pedophiles think? You can have them.

Blanket statement. Broad brush. Votes is votes.

By the way ...

You're trying to deflect from the shameful spoiled behavior of the right during a national crisis. I understand.
/----/ What shameful spoiled behavior of the right? I'm sure you have a detailed list handy.
We're living in a bad joke book where America conservatives cried like spoiled little bitches when asked to something minor for the good of the country.

I note the Catholic priests have been preaching against the Democrats of late. You people may be losing yet another constituency.
Who cares what a bunch of pedophiles think? You can have them.

Blanket statement. Broad brush. Votes is votes.

By the way ...

You're trying to deflect from the shameful spoiled behavior of the right during a national crisis. I understand.

No you don't, or you would realize that voting patterns are shifting in tandem with the shift of the Democratic Party to their weird hybrid of Communism/Fascism. Seems even some American Jews, long a loyal constituency, are beginning to kick the Democrats off their shoes.
What does any of that bullshit have to do with my original statement that the right has selfishly refused to come to the aid of their country? Some patriots you people turned out to be.
It is total ignorance to claim it is selfishness. It is selfish to give into mainstream medias lies for convenience and give away the peoples liberty and the future generations liberties. It is much more difficult to go against the money flow of those agents who have gain a massive amount of control in this country through a stealthy deception.
We're living in a bad joke book where America conservatives cried like spoiled little bitches when asked to something minor for the good of the country.

I note the Catholic priests have been preaching against the Democrats of late. You people may be losing yet another constituency.
Who cares what a bunch of pedophiles think? You can have them.

Blanket statement. Broad brush. Votes is votes.

By the way ...

You're trying to deflect from the shameful spoiled behavior of the right during a national crisis. I understand.

No you don't, or you would realize that voting patterns are shifting in tandem with the shift of the Democratic Party to their weird hybrid of Communism/Fascism. Seems even some American Jews, long a loyal constituency, are beginning to kick the Democrats off their shoes.
What does any of that bullshit have to do with my original statement that the right has selfishly refused to come to the aid of their country? Some patriots you people turned out to be.

Can't imagine living in your world where 150,000 dead Americans is a meaningless statistic not worthy of putting a piece of cloth on your face. If anything causes a major shift in the electorate it is the right's absolute refusal to mourn for the dead.

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