Stormy Daniels Changes Her Story AGAIN?

Would you have "gone with" what juries and judges ruled in the deep South during the Civil Rights fight for equal justice? Or would you have seen that the juries were biased and the judges corrupt and spoken out against what was taking place? This is akin to what's happening in New York. You've got a biased jury pool and activist judges that aren't going to arrive at a just decision. That's obvious from the Tish James verdict of almost a half a billion dollars in a case where there were no victims and there was no fraud!
There is no equivalence between this and Civil Rights.
There is no equivalence between this and Civil Rights.
It's the abuse of power, IM2. Blacks in the South were deprived of justice by biased juries and corrupt judges. Donald Trump is being deprived of justice by biased juries and corrupt judges.
When Bill Clinton was sexing an intern we ddn't see all the attempts to justify from the right. And Democrats did not cut Clinton any slack. Clinton lost his ability to practice law over his behavior. So at minimum, Trump should not be able to run for publlic office.
So you think Trump shouldn't be able to run for public office but it was OK for Clinton to have a second term? Care to think about that for a little bit, IM2? That's moronic even for you! :)
It's the abuse of power, IM2. Blacks in the South were deprived of justice by biased juries and corrupt judges. Donald Trump is being deprived of justice by biased juries and corrupt judges.
Wow fuckup

Race is the same as actions then?

Education, education
You need to get your head out of your ass, or Biden's dick out of your mouth and you might make some sense.
Hilarious when your own HEAD is so far up trumps ASS.
Dear Lord.

Trump is in FACT a Life-Long Con Man, and he is FINALLY being brought to trial, after years of delays from the trump camp.

Life-Long Con Man.
Say it with me.
Trump is a Life-Long Con Man.
Wow fuckup

Race is the same as actions then?

Education, education
It's the same abuse of power by those who have it, Otto! It's a dangerous precedent and it's something that I never thought I'd see taking place here in America.
It's the abuse of power, IM2. Blacks in the South were deprived of justice by biased juries and corrupt judges. Donald Trump is being deprived of justice by biased juries and corrupt judges.
I'm black mfer, and I was alive then. Blacks were deprived all over the country and there was not one case where blacks had the evidence against them that Trump has aganst him who were given all the chances that Trump has received. Not one black person could challenge the courts in ways Trump has done and would have lived through it. So do not be trying to compare what that white racist piece of shit Trump is going through to what happened during the Civil Rights Movement.

Donald Trump has not been deprived of jack ----.
Why do I have a feeling that this is the work of the media twisting around these words and taking them out of the original context and putting them into their new made up one?

Q: Did you know about the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels?

Trump: No.

What's the media twisting?
You on the left constantly talk about how you're "defending democracy" when in fact you're all in on a campaign of "lawfare" against the candidate of the opposition party! I'm sorry but YOU are the biggest danger to democracy that this country has ever seen! Far worse than any one day riot on Jan. 6th! You're ripping our justice system to shreds all in a desperate attempt to keep one man from being President!
You on the left constantly talk about how you're "defending democracy" when in fact you're all in on a campaign of "lawfare" against the candidate of the opposition party! I'm sorry but YOU are the biggest danger to democracy that this country has ever seen! Far worse than any one day riot on Jan. 6th! You're ripping our justice system to shreds all in a desperate attempt to keep one man from being President!
There is no lawfare being done to Donald Trump.
There is no abuse of power by the courts against Trump.
Really, IM2? Then would you care to explain why all of these cases are going to be reversed on appeal? You do realize that's going to be happening...right?

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