Are we obligated to respect Supreme Court decisions we disagree with?

Procrustes Stretched

This place is nothing without the membership.
Dec 1, 2008
Simple question: Are we obligated to respect Supreme Court decisions we disagree with?

Simpler question: Do you? If not, why not? Are we not a nation of laws and not men? Do you read decisions you disagree with or do you mostly get information on them from media/mixed media?

I'm curious because I often find myself agreeing with ideological opponents on issues of law and court decisions.

ex: Citizens United. While I find much of what it allows repugnant, I find much of the decision (absent a few crazy ideas from Kennedy) sound. I ask myself "Don't like it? Why not fight for change?"
You are obligated to follow the law of the land...if not, face the consequences.

Civil disobedience used to mean facing the consequences to highlight an unjust law (think MLK, draft protesters and others), but the progressive protesters today (I was with Occupy) are as numb to this fact as right wingers, tax protesters, and anti-abortion nuts are numb to the consequences of disobeying the laws they do not like.
I will abide by laws, and I will break no laws in my protestations of those with which I vehemently disagree.

Assuming bitch-slaps aren't illegal. :slap:
I will abide by laws, and I will break no laws in my protestations of those with which I vehemently disagree.

Assuming bitch-slaps aren't illegal. :slap:
Are you saying Rosa PArks and MLK ... oh never mind
Like I said, if you are willing to face the consequences in your effort to fight an 'unjust' law...more power to you. Just be willing to accept everything that goes along with your actions.
You are obligated to follow the law of the land...if not, face the consequences.

I will abide by laws, and I will break no laws in my protestations of those with which I vehemently disagree.

Assuming bitch-slaps aren't illegal. :slap:

I thought the question was whether one is obligated to respect the decision. That's a different thing from compliance.
You are obligated to follow the law of the land...if not, face the consequences.

I will abide by laws, and I will break no laws in my protestations of those with which I vehemently disagree.

Assuming bitch-slaps aren't illegal. :slap:

I thought the question was whether one is obligated to respect the decision. That's a different thing from compliance.
IMO, respect is compliance.
You are obligated to follow the law of the land...if not, face the consequences.

I will abide by laws, and I will break no laws in my protestations of those with which I vehemently disagree.

Assuming bitch-slaps aren't illegal. :slap:

I thought the question was whether one is obligated to respect the decision. That's a different thing from compliance.
IMO, respect is compliance.

uh.... no dood, not in my dictionary. You don't have to respect something to comply with it.
You are obligated to follow the law of the land...if not, face the consequences.

I will abide by laws, and I will break no laws in my protestations of those with which I vehemently disagree.

Assuming bitch-slaps aren't illegal. :slap:

I thought the question was whether one is obligated to respect the decision. That's a different thing from compliance.
how so?
You are obligated to follow the law of the land...if not, face the consequences.

I will abide by laws, and I will break no laws in my protestations of those with which I vehemently disagree.

Assuming bitch-slaps aren't illegal. :slap:

I thought the question was whether one is obligated to respect the decision. That's a different thing from compliance.
IMO, respect is compliance.

uh.... no dood, not in my dictionary. You don't have to respect something to comply with it.
gawd, the definition of 'respect'
Obligated? Yes. Given that you are a law abiding citizen. Then work to change it and vote out the idiots that passed it. It's a great system.

Lincoln said it best:

"The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly."
You are obligated to follow the law of the land...if not, face the consequences.

I will abide by laws, and I will break no laws in my protestations of those with which I vehemently disagree.

Assuming bitch-slaps aren't illegal. :slap:

I thought the question was whether one is obligated to respect the decision. That's a different thing from compliance.
To abide is to respect. To respect is to abide, dude.
You are obligated to follow the law of the land...if not, face the consequences.

I will abide by laws, and I will break no laws in my protestations of those with which I vehemently disagree.

Assuming bitch-slaps aren't illegal. :slap:

I thought the question was whether one is obligated to respect the decision. That's a different thing from compliance.
To abide is to respect. To respect is to abide, dude.
So Negroes didn't respect the Jim Crow laws?
You are obligated to follow the law of the land...if not, face the consequences.

I will abide by laws, and I will break no laws in my protestations of those with which I vehemently disagree.

Assuming bitch-slaps aren't illegal. :slap:

I thought the question was whether one is obligated to respect the decision. That's a different thing from compliance.
To abide is to respect. To respect is to abide, dude.
So Negroes didn't respect the Jim Crow laws?
This is 2014. Set your sun dial.
You are obligated to follow the law of the land...if not, face the consequences.

I will abide by laws, and I will break no laws in my protestations of those with which I vehemently disagree.

Assuming bitch-slaps aren't illegal. :slap:

I thought the question was whether one is obligated to respect the decision. That's a different thing from compliance.
IMO, respect is compliance.

uh.... no dood, not in my dictionary. You don't have to respect something to comply with it.
You are obligated to follow the law of the land...if not, face the consequences.

I will abide by laws, and I will break no laws in my protestations of those with which I vehemently disagree.

Assuming bitch-slaps aren't illegal. :slap:

I thought the question was whether one is obligated to respect the decision. That's a different thing from compliance.
To abide is to respect. To respect is to abide, dude.
So Negroes didn't respect the Jim Crow laws?
Only history can tell whether one is on the right side of respecting or disrespecting a law.

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