Are We Ready For The Fall Of Baghdad?- The US Embassy?

New orgs sensationalize first, sell second, inform third.

The neo-cons thought they saw a window but American common sense shut it quickly.
The top US military assessment of the Iraqi army is 26 of the 50 army brigades are capable of standing up to ISIS fighters. This is more than enough ground forces to defeat ISIS.

That is a most relevant stat that must be emphasized. But it was very obvious that it was not the entire Iraqi military that ran when the IS terrorists launched the assault last June. Yet the news media in the US fed the impression that the entire Iraqi army was on the run.
I think there're plenty of Iraqis that are willing to fight but they have to have the leadership, support, and coordination to succeed.
The top US military assessment of the Iraqi army is 26 of the 50 army brigades are capable of standing up to ISIS fighters. This is more than enough ground forces to defeat ISIS.

That is a most relevant stat that must be emphasized. But it was very obvious that it was not the entire Iraqi military that ran when the IS terrorists launched the assault last June. Yet the news media in the US fed the impression that the entire Iraqi army was on the run.
I think there're plenty of Iraqis that are willing to fight but they have to have the leadership, support, and coordination to succeed.
Which Iraqis, Sunni or Shiite, and under whose leadership.

This is a conflict between and among religious, tribal, and ethnic factions, for whom there is no 'Iraq.'
Gonna be amusing to see what happens with online vitriol if by some miracle a Republican wins in 2016 and still can't make everything perfect forever.



I so adore the sweeter ironies. A Leftists crying about perfection, when the history of their Ideology is one catastrophic failure after another.
keys immoral beliefs crumble about him and he laughs as his ship flounders

Boehner doesn't need you guys after today
Here is an update and bump for Jake Starkey.



ISIS urges militants to march to Baghdad

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) urged its fighters to march to Baghdad where it said the battle will “rage.” (Al Arabiya)

By Staff writer | Al Arabiya News
Thursday, 12 June 2014
The al-Qaeda-inspired militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) ordered its fighters on Thursday to start advancing towards the Iraqi capital Baghdad after winning major territories and defeating armed forces in the country's northern regions.

Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, the official spokesman of the Islamic State in Iraq and Sham (ISIS), issued an audio statement posted on YouTube urging ISIS fighters to march for Baghdad.

Black-clad ISIS militants and local armed men have seized Iraq’s second biggest city Mosul and Tikrit, hometown of former dictator Saddam Hussein, as well as other towns and cities north of Baghdad.

Read more: US Military Strategy For Defeating ISIS In Iraq Leaked - Business Insider
re: "Wrong to blame Bush for invading Iraq - Right to blame Obama for ISIS invading Iraq" being debunked

It will be healthy for all Americans to recall when Geaux4it jumped so hastily on the IS terrorists bandwagon:

Geaux 10052108
It has become clear Obama is over matched at every juncture. The man has an impressive resume of failures to weigh him and America down

Geaux started the thread with that and thought he ended it with this:

Geaux 10102374
Here is an update and bump for Jake Starkey.

ISIS urges militants to march to Baghdad

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) urged its fighters to march to Baghdad where it said the battle will “rage.” (Al Arabiya)

By Staff writer | Al Arabiya News Thursday, 12 June 2014 The al-Qaeda-inspired militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) ordered its fighters on Thursday to start advancing towards the Iraqi capital Baghdad after winning major territories and defeating armed forces in the country's northern regions.

Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, the official spokesman of the Islamic State in Iraq and Sham (ISIS), issued an audio statement posted on YouTube urging ISIS fighters to march for Baghdad.

Black-clad ISIS militants and local armed men have seized Iraq’s second biggest city Mosul and Tikrit, hometown of former dictator Saddam Hussein, as well as other towns and cities north of Baghdad.

Read more: US Military Strategy For Defeating ISIS In Iraq Leaked - Business Insider

Not so fast. How are your IS terrorists doing these days? Do you still believe in them enough that you will get to see Baghdad fall in our lifetime?

Here's more from the rightwinger lunacy bin:

CF 10052226
Val Jarrett is holding off the attack until after the November elections. It's going to be bad enough as it is. If her ISIS troops take Baghdad -- well it just totally throws away all the blood and sacrifice and may cost the Dems another Congressional seat or two

Geaux 10052242
Will Obama let ISIS burn the American flag and raise the black flag of death at the US Embassy?

RR 10052463
Yes he will, and secretly cheer while golfing.

So we can see here that you have based your opinion that Obama is a failure on your projections of future events that do not ever come to fruition. That is a serious flaw in your collective rightwinger's relationship with reality or more the lack thereof?
CrusaderFrank and Geaux4it based their world on what they wish it to be, not on what it is. Letting their personal feelings filters further their distortion of reality.
CrusaderFrank and Geaux4it based their world on what they wish it to be, not on what it is. Letting their personal feelings filters further their distortion of reality.

Congratulations on you being right and them being wrong:

JS 10052303
(1) Baghdad is not Saigon and will not fall.
(2) ISIS ISIL is not the NVA.
(3) Geaux4it is not a patriot.

It must really have bothered the IS terrorist's cheerleaders who were trying to aid ISIS recruiting last summer by letting all "would be" Daesh jerks think they could become part of ISIL?ISIS history in the making of taking over Baghdad. I wonder how many joined because of them.

At least you and most of us sane folks were not part of that pro-terror propaganda campaign.

Baghdad will not fall.
Here is an update and bump for Jake Starkey.



ISIS urges militants to march to Baghdad

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) urged its fighters to march to Baghdad where it said the battle will “rage.” (Al Arabiya)

By Staff writer | Al Arabiya News
Thursday, 12 June 2014
The al-Qaeda-inspired militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) ordered its fighters on Thursday to start advancing towards the Iraqi capital Baghdad after winning major territories and defeating armed forces in the country's northern regions.

Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, the official spokesman of the Islamic State in Iraq and Sham (ISIS), issued an audio statement posted on YouTube urging ISIS fighters to march for Baghdad.

Black-clad ISIS militants and local armed men have seized Iraq’s second biggest city Mosul and Tikrit, hometown of former dictator Saddam Hussein, as well as other towns and cities north of Baghdad.

Read more: US Military Strategy For Defeating ISIS In Iraq Leaked - Business Insider
Total misinformation and an effort to deceive. Post #206 was posted on Nov. 4, but the news article was written 12 June. Posted in the current events forum as if it was current.

So what is the point of these last two posts? What are you ladies trying to convey?

That ISIS doesn't exist? That it does exist, but is not a threat? That it's not in Iraq? That it's in Iraq, but not causing any problems and that the OP, which claims that ISIS intends to conquer Iraq is false?

You're not being clear.

Are you gals intending to cheerlead for ISIS or is that palpable reality intrinsic to your posted advocacies merely something that you felt so strongly about that your limited cognitive means was unable to adequately shield it?

Please... make your points clear.

So what is the point of these last two posts? What are you ladies trying to convey?

That ISIS doesn't exist? That it does exist, but is not a threat? That it's not in Iraq? That it's in Iraq, but not causing any problems and that the OP, which claims that ISIS intends to conquer Iraq is false?

You're not being clear.

Are you gals intending to cheerlead for ISIS or is that palpable reality intrinsic to your posted advocacies merely something that you felt so strongly about that your limited cognitive means was unable to adequately shield it?

Please... make your points clear.
Nah, none of that asshole. It just means someone posted misinformation to make it look like over six months after the air campaign was begun the campaign was failing when in fact the campaign was showing great progress and success. The ISIS troops in the article from June were pushed back and rotting in the desert or buried in shallow graves by the time of the November posting. ISIS was running in the opposite direction. They were running away from Baghdad. That means posting it, a June article in November as a current event is a lame attempt at misinformation. Claiming victory for ISIS when it doesn't apply to reality by celebrating former success is cheer leading. Exposing the lie is a kind of bitch slapping.

So what is the point of these last two posts? What are you ladies trying to convey?

That ISIS doesn't exist? That it does exist, but is not a threat? That it's not in Iraq? That it's in Iraq, but not causing any problems and that the OP, which claims that ISIS intends to conquer Iraq is false?

You're not being clear.

Are you gals intending to cheerlead for ISIS or is that palpable reality intrinsic to your posted advocacies merely something that you felt so strongly about that your limited cognitive means was unable to adequately shield it?

Please... make your points clear.
Nah, none of that asshole. It just means someone posted misinformation to make it look like over six months after the air campaign was begun the campaign was failing when in fact the campaign was showing great progress and success. The ISIS troops in the article from June were pushed back and rotting in the desert or buried in shallow graves by the time of the November posting. ISIS was running in the opposite direction. They were running away from Baghdad. That means posting it, a June article in November as a current event is a lame attempt at misinformation. Claiming victory for ISIS when it doesn't apply to reality by celebrating former success is cheer leading. Exposing the lie is a kind of bitch slapping.

So ISIS does not hold large swaths of Iraq? ISIS is not presently murdering Christians throughout Iraq, with impunity? And this because of an Air Campaign?

You're assuring this board that these are truths?

Please... state your affirmation of this in certain terms so that your credibility can finally be 'established'.
Wrmk 10422647
So what is the point of these last two posts? What are you ladies trying to convey?

That ISIS doesn't exist? That it does exist, but is not a threat? That it's not in Iraq? That it's in Iraq, but not causing any problems and that the OP, which claims that ISIS intends to conquer Iraq is false?

No need to put a straw man up LostKeys. It is clear that what we put up is inarguable.

It was known when the IS terrorist assault started last June that an landlocked army with no air power or air defenses could never take over Iraq. That you continue to defend IS terrorists on the declarations of their intent to conquer Iraq shows how foolhardy you are. ISIS cannot take over Baghdad or most of Iraq because the Shiites and Kurds far outnumber Sunnis. Giving credibility to these ruthless terrorists on the basis of their propaganda an what they 'intend' to do not what the have capability to do gives them a false sense of power. You ought to stop doing it. That is the point? Join the real world.
Continues to defend? Are you so psychologically inept that you can't recognize the difference between defend and report?
Wrmk 10422647
So what is the point of these last two posts? What are you ladies trying to convey?

That ISIS doesn't exist? That it does exist, but is not a threat? That it's not in Iraq? That it's in Iraq, but not causing any problems and that the OP, which claims that ISIS intends to conquer Iraq is false?

No need to put a straw man up LostKeys. It is clear that what we put up is inarguable.

It was known when the IS terrorist assault started last June that an landlocked army with no air power or air defenses could never take over Iraq. That you continue to defend IS terrorists on the declarations of their intent to conquer Iraq shows how foolhardy you are. ISIS cannot take over Baghdad or most of Iraq because the Shiites and Kurds far outnumber Sunnis. Giving credibility to these ruthless terrorists on the basis of their propaganda an what they 'intend' to do not what the have capability to do gives them a false sense of power. You ought to stop doing it. That is the point? Join the real world.
Wrmk 10422647
So what is the point of these last two posts? What are you ladies trying to convey?

That ISIS doesn't exist? That it does exist, but is not a threat? That it's not in Iraq? That it's in Iraq, but not causing any problems and that the OP, which claims that ISIS intends to conquer Iraq is false?

No need to put a straw man up LostKeys.

Golly... How cool is it when a would-be logician commits precisely the intellectual flaw they project upon their opposition?

I NEVER get tired of that...

It is clear that what we put up is inarguable.

It was known when the IS terrorist assault started last June that an landlocked army with no air power or air defenses could never take over Iraq.

Yet, there is ISIS taking over Iraq, without air cover. How crazy is THAT?

I mean there you are, claiming that such isn't possible... and yet it happened.

LOL! It's like reality is somehow irrelevant to your feelings. Which would mean that you're a relativist. Which would make you irrelevant to reasonable people.

WOW! That went south for ya QUICK!

The reader should recognize that 'takin' over' does not require that ISIS control the elected government of Iraq, just that it operates throughout Iraq with the government of Iraq impotent to govern ISIS.

Which is a 'problem' that air cover cannot affect.

The reason that ISIS can do so, is that ISIS carries the intrinsic authority of the Religion common to the Iraqi Military. Therefore the Iraqi Military cannot muster the essential MORAL AUTHORITY necessary in defeating ISIS. The Iraqi Military simply does not believe that it represents God. It believes that ISIS represents God. Of course in reality, like ISIS, the Iraqi Military is wrong.
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where r my keys and Listening are the ones cheering for ISIS ISIL.

You yokels were told there was no chance the capitol would fall.


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