Are We Ready For The Fall Of Baghdad?- The US Embassy?

The military is NOT telling BHO to send in tens of thousands of troops, and we are not sending much more than trainers and supplies.

That is merely the voices in the far right reactionary neo-con bobble heads talking.

If the Iraqis won't do it, we can't do it for them.

YES WE CAN... lol

Again, who is we? How many active duty relatives do you have that would be part of the force sent to Iraqi.

Why you have no need to know

Needless conversation. Tens of thousands of troops are not being sent to Iraq.
Geaux 11562504
You mean like Obama pulling out of Iraq- T

So if you were CinC you would have forced our combat troops to stay in Iraq without immunity and when they were not wanted to be there and were not allowed to do anything without Maliki's approval? We see you don't give a damn about our troops.
Geaux 11562516

Your Dubya couldn't do it with 160,000 troops and spending a trillion over five years. How stupid can you be? Do you want to start the dumb war all over again? Why would Sunni Iraqis fight Daesh, if idiots in the US keep telling them that Americans are going to come back and die for them?

Shiite militias, joined with Sunni fighters on the ground with US air power and training is the only answer.

Bush surrendered in 2008 and agreed to leave before Iraq had a balanced and functional Sunni/Kurd/Shiite military and Air Force.

There was an Army that would have crushed al Qaeda and a future Daesh but Bush destroyed it in 2003.

Even neocon deserter Rumsfeld admits it now. His boss was a total F-up.
Gonna be amusing to see what happens with online vitriol if by some miracle a Republican wins in 2016 and still can't make everything perfect forever.
think about how stupid it was to take Saddam out of Iraq. he controlled all of the shiites when they were 80% of the population and Saddam and his Sunnis were only 20% of the population. think about what sheep those 80 percent were. now don't be surprised why its so easy for Isis to intimidate them and get them to run. we should have never taken saddam out of Iraq
think about what sheep those 80 percent were. now don't be surprised why its so easy for Isis to intimidate them and get them to run.

The Daesh terrorist scum have not intimidated or made any gains in Shiite areas of Iraq. They have only been successful in Sunni areas where they had some public support because of anti-Maliki government rebellion.

Its time to let the Shiite fighters clean Iraq of Daesh even if Iran helps.

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