Are We Ready For The Fall Of Baghdad?- The US Embassy?

. We need to slaughter 35K in one month which = a substantial increase in performance

Who's the "we"? How many are you going to kill and how do you intend to do it? Iraq belongs to Iraqis. They would never let a lunatic in with a goal such as that. Too many innocent Iraqis would have to die to get to that number.
Geaux 11551392
Boots on the ground is the answer send in the 101st -Geaux

Sending in the 101st Airborne is not up to you or anyone outside of Iraq's sovereign borders. You are demanding a new invasion against the will of the sovereign government of Iraq as if 4484 dead Americans already are not enough for you.

How many jihad terrorist did we kill?

I can wait

We created more new ones than we killed.
Geaux 11551392
Boots on the ground is the answer send in the 101st -Geaux

Sending in the 101st Airborne is not up to you or anyone outside of Iraq's sovereign borders. You are demanding a new invasion against the will of the sovereign government of Iraq as if 4484 dead Americans already are not enough for you.

How many jihad terrorist did we kill?

I can wait

We created more new ones than we killed.

Then we just have more work to do then. We can slaughter them if we really want to but Obama is a Muslim pussy

The USA is not sending tens of thousand of troops, even if Graham is elected.

The American electorate and the US military will tell him no.
The USA is not sending tens of thousand of troops, even if Graham is elected.

The American electorate and the US military will tell him no.

LMAO- The military is telling Obama YES... But he does not listen because Obama wants to continue the destruction of America.

Not to mention he is a terrorist sympathizer and enabler

Geaux 11551392
Boots on the ground is the answer send in the 101st -Geaux

Sending in the 101st Airborne is not up to you or anyone outside of Iraq's sovereign borders. You are demanding a new invasion against the will of the sovereign government of Iraq as if 4484 dead Americans already are not enough for you.

How many jihad terrorist did we kill?

I can wait

We created more new ones than we killed.

Then we just have more work to do then. We can slaughter them if we really want to but Obama is a Muslim pussy

That is the kind of dumb ass thinking that got us in the difficulties we are in today. Don't play like you know about these things.
Geaux 11551392
Boots on the ground is the answer send in the 101st -Geaux

Sending in the 101st Airborne is not up to you or anyone outside of Iraq's sovereign borders. You are demanding a new invasion against the will of the sovereign government of Iraq as if 4484 dead Americans already are not enough for you.

How many jihad terrorist did we kill?

I can wait

We created more new ones than we killed.

Then we just have more work to do then. We can slaughter them if we really want to but Obama is a Muslim pussy

That is the kind of dumb ass thinking that got us in the difficulties we are in today. Don't play like you know about these things.

You mean like Obama pulling out of Iraq- Then yes... you're correct,

If not then, You are incorrect and part of the LIV crowd

We must send boots to slaughter 35K terrorist.. And do it soon

The military is NOT telling BHO to send in tens of thousands of troops, and we are not sending much more than trainers and supplies.

That is merely the voices in the far right reactionary neo-con bobble heads talking.

If the Iraqis won't do it, we can't do it for them.
What has the GOP led Congress done to authorize troops and a stepped up war for ISIS? Not a damn thing...
The military is NOT telling BHO to send in tens of thousands of troops, and we are not sending much more than trainers and supplies.

That is merely the voices in the far right reactionary neo-con bobble heads talking.

If the Iraqis won't do it, we can't do it for them.

YES WE CAN... lol

The military is NOT telling BHO to send in tens of thousands of troops, and we are not sending much more than trainers and supplies.

That is merely the voices in the far right reactionary neo-con bobble heads talking.

If the Iraqis won't do it, we can't do it for them.

YES WE CAN... lol

Again, who is we? How many active duty relatives do you have that would be part of the force sent to Iraqi.
The military is NOT telling BHO to send in tens of thousands of troops, and we are not sending much more than trainers and supplies.

That is merely the voices in the far right reactionary neo-con bobble heads talking.

If the Iraqis won't do it, we can't do it for them.

YES WE CAN... lol

Again, who is we? How many active duty relatives do you have that would be part of the force sent to Iraqi.
Geaux is simply a neo-con who goes to a metaphorical sword fight online here without a sword. He is just flapping his gums. The fact is that either the Iraqis win this or not on their own.
If obumble has no intention of defending that embassy he should close it and evacuate the Americans. He knows it's being surrounded. He knows it cannot fight off a sustained attack. What's the plan? If the plan is whatever the Iraqis say it is, there is no plan.
The military is NOT telling BHO to send in tens of thousands of troops, and we are not sending much more than trainers and supplies.

That is merely the voices in the far right reactionary neo-con bobble heads talking.

If the Iraqis won't do it, we can't do it for them.

YES WE CAN... lol

Again, who is we? How many active duty relatives do you have that would be part of the force sent to Iraqi.
Geaux is simply a neo-con who goes to a metaphorical sword fight online here without a sword. He is just flapping his gums. The fact is that either the Iraqis win this or not on their own.
It`s a safe bet that geaux is too young to know anything about Vietnam and the ARVN.
Gonna be amusing to see what happens with online vitriol if by some miracle a Republican wins in 2016 and still can't make everything perfect forever.
We can burn that bridge when we come to it.

Meanwhile, our colleague seems to be correct... the Failed Messiah is failing yet again.
Liberals who are so against Americans dying in defense of Baghdad just don't register the 35,000 Americans in Baghdad ready for the slaughter.
Will Obama let ISIS burn the American flag and raise the black flag of death at the US Embassy?

So what if they do?

Why should we fight the Iraqi's battles for them. If Iraqis aren't willing to fight ISIS, why should we?
Seems to me, that if there IS a reason why we should fight ISIS now, it would be...

To avoid fighting them later, once they've acquired enough territory and momentum and treasure to become a nation in their own right, with a powerful military and nuclear weaponry and a burning hatred of all things non-Muslim (and especially Western, and most especially American), because we were too chickenshit to stand our ground and kill that young and poisonous viper before it matured into something that we could not kill, or that would cost us far more to eliminate, later.

I'm not entirely convinced yet that this is the case, but it's sure beginning to look that way.
Liberals who are so against Americans dying in defense of Baghdad just don't register the 35,000 Americans in Baghdad ready for the slaughter.
You just don't know what you are talking about. Camp Buehring is 10 miles from the border in Kuwait. They can be landing air assault troops in the International or Green Zone very quickly, like within hours. That would be followed up by a ABCT that would get their in less than a day. Don't know who is there now, but the 3rd of the 4th was partnering with the 4th of the 1st last year. Also a large Marine force of 2,500 was being maintained.

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