Are We Ready For The Fall Of Baghdad?- The US Embassy?

At least Bush left Obama with an Iraq that was Stable. Obama will be leaving the next President with ISIS, a crippled CIA unable to even interrogate a prisoner, a weakened military, and fewer allies who will trust working with us. Yeah I imagine the Democrats would actually be pleased to see a Republican win

Yep... just as Clinton left Bush 9-11.

History repeats itself

Well in fairness to history, the obama cult is just Clinton redux... The difference is that Clinton was an amatue compared to the subversion that the brown clown has laid down.

The 9-11 he is setting us up for will make 01 look like a Barn Raisin'... and keep in mind that 9-11-01 cost US a trillion dollars in lost GDP and 3000 innocent lives.
Republicans trumped al Qaeda. They had over three thousand young and healthy Americans killed in Iraq over nothing, over 40,000 maimed for life and threw away well over three trillion.

It's like al Qaeda said, "Look at what we can do" and Republicans said, "That's nothing, watch this".

Actually, the 13 years of the US defense from Islamic terrorism has cost the US 1.6 trillion... or roughly that which it cost us every year for having allowed the mentally deficient to vote, resulting in the election of obama.

But yeah... we should add the nearly 5000 US military who died defending the US from Islam and the 40,000 (your number) who were injured as a result of 9-11. You bet.
And once again, you show shear stupidity. The cost of Iraq isn't just what we've spent so far, but the total cost over years.

Just to make it clear, Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11. Even Bush admits that. It can't be denied.

So there is the cost of going after the wrong country and leaving al Qaeda alone to rebuild. Which we know for sure happened.

The cost of rebuilding Iraq which we paid for.

The cost to our military.

The cost of paying for medical care for tens of thousands needlessly maimed in Iraq for decades into the future.

If you think all that will be covered over 1 point whatever trillion, you are brain dead.

GOP fuck-ups are massive and damaging for decades into the future.
It has become clear Obama is over matched at every juncture. The man has an impressive resume of failures to weigh him and America down



I recently was in Vietnam and spent some time in prosperous, capitalist Saigon, now called Ho Chi Minh City, and toured the American War Museum. I believe there are a number of parallels between the Vietnam and Iraq War and that history could repeat itself now in Baghdad. Who can forget the former Vietnamese supporters of America being left behind as the last helicopter left the roof of the US embassy?

Hence the ISIS advance in Anbar province to just outside the airport is a direct threat to the Green Zone because their forces will be moving through predominantly Sunni neighborhoods all the way east to the American embassy. They could but surprisingly have not attempted to shut down the airport and here is where the situation gets interesting. Late this week, the Iraq army leadership basically said that unless US forces arrive to help them defend the western approaches to the city, they will throw down their weapons and go home – and I believe they will.

The scenario I see is the first attack will likely be against the most heavily defended target, the US embassy and the Green Zone. The ISIS fighters are not strong enough to take the heavily fortified green zone by direct assault and so it will probably fail.

The US will then attempt to fly in reinforcements to the airport and this will be when ISIS will start mortar fire and attempt to close the Baghdad airport as well as attack any convoys through the Sunni neighborhoods heading to the Green Zone. They will likely be able to shut down the airport, thus forcing reinforcements and embassy staff leaving to use helicopters for transportation to airfields further south in Iraq or maybe even to Kuwait. Closing the airport will be a major public relations victory for ISIS.

A siege of the Green Zone and American embassy will likely then take place and the US will be forced to destroy by air the Sunni neighborhoods surrounding the area from the zone west to the airport at a minimum resulting in heavy Sunni civilian causalities. Once again, more bad PR for the United States.

Eventually, the US may well be forced to close the embassy and withdraw from the Green Zone, which will result in videos that remind the American public of the Saigon collapse back on April 30, 1975. This would be a tremendous PR victory for the extremists, resulting in more fighter recruits.

Finally, if the US is forced to withdraw from their fortified embassy then, of course, ISIS will take over America's largest embassy in the world. Note, this embassy compound can hold 35,000 American personnel and is basically a small city-state within Baghdad that is massively defended.

Are We Ready For The Fall Of Baghdad Zero Hedge

I know you Pootin lovers would love to see Baghdad fall, but is ain't gonna happen. Go change your moist panties and try again.....
Yep... just as Clinton left Bush 9-11.

History repeats itself

Well in fairness to history, the obama cult is just Clinton redux... The difference is that Clinton was an amatue compared to the subversion that the brown clown has laid down.

The 9-11 he is setting us up for will make 01 look like a Barn Raisin'... and keep in mind that 9-11-01 cost US a trillion dollars in lost GDP and 3000 innocent lives.
Republicans trumped al Qaeda. They had over three thousand young and healthy Americans killed in Iraq over nothing, over 40,000 maimed for life and threw away well over three trillion.

It's like al Qaeda said, "Look at what we can do" and Republicans said, "That's nothing, watch this".

Actually, the 13 years of the US defense from Islamic terrorism has cost the US 1.6 trillion... or roughly that which it cost us every year for having allowed the mentally deficient to vote, resulting in the election of obama.

But yeah... we should add the nearly 5000 US military who died defending the US from Islam and the 40,000 (your number) who were injured as a result of 9-11. You bet.
And once again, you show shear stupidity. The cost of Iraq isn't just what we've spent so far, but the total cost over years.

Just to make it clear, Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11. Even Bush admits that. It can't be denied.

So there is the cost of going after the wrong country and leaving al Qaeda alone to rebuild. Which we know for sure happened.

The cost of rebuilding Iraq which we paid for.

The cost to our military.

The cost of paying for medical care for tens of thousands needlessly maimed in Iraq for decades into the future.

If you think all that will be covered over 1 point whatever trillion, you are brain dead.

GOP fuck-ups are massive and damaging for decades into the future.

Simple question for the RW loons....Was al Qaeda or the likes of ISIS in Iraq before W invaded? No, they weren't....It was a secular, yet brutally run country

W thought he could force Democracy on the Iraq people when in reality, there are at least three different religious groups that would never accept such a deal. The country should be petitioned for the Sunnis, the Shi'ite, and the Kurds. There will be battles until this is done.
History repeats itself

Well in fairness to history, the obama cult is just Clinton redux... The difference is that Clinton was an amatue compared to the subversion that the brown clown has laid down.

The 9-11 he is setting us up for will make 01 look like a Barn Raisin'... and keep in mind that 9-11-01 cost US a trillion dollars in lost GDP and 3000 innocent lives.
Republicans trumped al Qaeda. They had over three thousand young and healthy Americans killed in Iraq over nothing, over 40,000 maimed for life and threw away well over three trillion.

It's like al Qaeda said, "Look at what we can do" and Republicans said, "That's nothing, watch this".

Actually, the 13 years of the US defense from Islamic terrorism has cost the US 1.6 trillion... or roughly that which it cost us every year for having allowed the mentally deficient to vote, resulting in the election of obama.

But yeah... we should add the nearly 5000 US military who died defending the US from Islam and the 40,000 (your number) who were injured as a result of 9-11. You bet.
And once again, you show shear stupidity. The cost of Iraq isn't just what we've spent so far, but the total cost over years.

Just to make it clear, Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11. Even Bush admits that. It can't be denied.

So there is the cost of going after the wrong country and leaving al Qaeda alone to rebuild. Which we know for sure happened.

The cost of rebuilding Iraq which we paid for.

The cost to our military.

The cost of paying for medical care for tens of thousands needlessly maimed in Iraq for decades into the future.

If you think all that will be covered over 1 point whatever trillion, you are brain dead.

GOP fuck-ups are massive and damaging for decades into the future.

Simple question for the RW loons....Was al Qaeda or the likes of ISIS in Iraq before W invaded? No, they weren't....It was a secular, yet brutally run country

W thought he could force Democracy on the Iraq people when in reality, there are at least three different religious groups that would never accept such a deal. The country should be petitioned for the Sunnis, the Shi'ite, and the Kurds. There will be battles until this is done.

I was saying all this stuff when i became a member of usm back in 2004. Amuse yourselves by going through the archives to see the vitriol and neg reps poured on me at the time and to see how opinions have see-sawed since then .
I think the archives of this site will prove quite valuable for future sociologists studying the American psyche wrt war.
By the way, if you really want to blame someone other than your own Dubya fool for the catastropy unfolding in 'the Levant', go check out the Sykes Picot Agreement.
You can blame the Brit and French establishment for much of the current mess. A quote from Sykes after studying a map:
I should like to draw a line from the e in Acre to the last k in Kirkuk.

Today we can blame the UN security council members and their obsession with maintaining artificial countries' boundaries for their own selfish reasons.
1)If Baghdad falls it will mean that the US government and military forces are completely incompetent in foreign affairs and military strategy and tactics.
2)Does anybody really think now that times of Saddam were worse than times of democracy?
Geaux 10052242
Will Obama let ISIS burn the American flag and raise the black flag of death at the US Embassy?

Are you saddened that DAIISH terrorist scum have not burned the American flag and raised the black flag of death at the US Embassy in Baghdad?
It has become clear Obama is over matched at every juncture. The man has an impressive resume of failures to weigh him and America down



I recently was in Vietnam and spent some time in prosperous, capitalist Saigon, now called Ho Chi Minh City, and toured the American War Museum. I believe there are a number of parallels between the Vietnam and Iraq War and that history could repeat itself now in Baghdad. Who can forget the former Vietnamese supporters of America being left behind as the last helicopter left the roof of the US embassy?

Hence the ISIS advance in Anbar province to just outside the airport is a direct threat to the Green Zone because their forces will be moving through predominantly Sunni neighborhoods all the way east to the American embassy. They could but surprisingly have not attempted to shut down the airport and here is where the situation gets interesting. Late this week, the Iraq army leadership basically said that unless US forces arrive to help them defend the western approaches to the city, they will throw down their weapons and go home – and I believe they will.

The scenario I see is the first attack will likely be against the most heavily defended target, the US embassy and the Green Zone. The ISIS fighters are not strong enough to take the heavily fortified green zone by direct assault and so it will probably fail.

The US will then attempt to fly in reinforcements to the airport and this will be when ISIS will start mortar fire and attempt to close the Baghdad airport as well as attack any convoys through the Sunni neighborhoods heading to the Green Zone. They will likely be able to shut down the airport, thus forcing reinforcements and embassy staff leaving to use helicopters for transportation to airfields further south in Iraq or maybe even to Kuwait. Closing the airport will be a major public relations victory for ISIS.

A siege of the Green Zone and American embassy will likely then take place and the US will be forced to destroy by air the Sunni neighborhoods surrounding the area from the zone west to the airport at a minimum resulting in heavy Sunni civilian causalities. Once again, more bad PR for the United States.

Eventually, the US may well be forced to close the embassy and withdraw from the Green Zone, which will result in videos that remind the American public of the Saigon collapse back on April 30, 1975. This would be a tremendous PR victory for the extremists, resulting in more fighter recruits.

Finally, if the US is forced to withdraw from their fortified embassy then, of course, ISIS will take over America's largest embassy in the world. Note, this embassy compound can hold 35,000 American personnel and is basically a small city-state within Baghdad that is massively defended.

Are We Ready For The Fall Of Baghdad Zero Hedge

I know you Pootin lovers would love to see Baghdad fall, but is ain't gonna happen. Go change your moist panties and try again.....

Baghdad is nearly encircled; where do they get their food in from once ISIS cuts off all ground routes into Baghdad?


You think it'll just magically fix itself, dumbass?
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Yep... just as Clinton left Bush 9-11.

History repeats itself

Well in fairness to history, the obama cult is just Clinton redux... The difference is that Clinton was an amatue compared to the subversion that the brown clown has laid down.

The 9-11 he is setting us up for will make 01 look like a Barn Raisin'... and keep in mind that 9-11-01 cost US a trillion dollars in lost GDP and 3000 innocent lives.
Republicans trumped al Qaeda. They had over three thousand young and healthy Americans killed in Iraq over nothing, over 40,000 maimed for life and threw away well over three trillion.

It's like al Qaeda said, "Look at what we can do" and Republicans said, "That's nothing, watch this".

Actually, the 13 years of the US defense from Islamic terrorism has cost the US 1.6 trillion... or roughly that which it cost us every year for having allowed the mentally deficient to vote, resulting in the election of obama.

But yeah... we should add the nearly 5000 US military who died defending the US from Islam and the 40,000 (your number) who were injured as a result of 9-11. You bet.
And once again, you show shear stupidity. The cost of Iraq isn't just what we've spent so far, but the total cost over years.

Just to make it clear, Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11. Even Bush admits that. It can't be denied.

So there is the cost of going after the wrong country and leaving al Qaeda alone to rebuild. Which we know for sure happened.

The cost of rebuilding Iraq which we paid for.

The cost to our military.

The cost of paying for medical care for tens of thousands needlessly maimed in Iraq for decades into the future.

If you think all that will be covered over 1 point whatever trillion, you are brain dead.

GOP fuck-ups are massive and damaging for decades into the future.
Iraq was a horrible place under Saddam, and he was a genocidal sociopath. But ISIS and the terrorist groups running amok in Iraq are much worse than Saddam and his sons.

We could have deposed Saddam, when we had defeated and decimated the Iraqi military in Kuwait. But instead we waited at least a decade, till terrorist groups were far stronger and religious tension was at its worst.

In retrospect, whatever good intentions, we would have been better off waiting till Saddam knocked the bucket and Iraq had the opportunity to turn to democracy in its own time. Iraqi's weren't ready for secular western democracy, let alone a unitary federalized state.
Baghdad is nearly encircled; where do they get their food in from once ISIS cuts off all ground routes into Baghdad?

You better start worrying how your ISIS gets it's food and supplies into Mosul.

Report: US, Iraq prepare offensive to retake Mosul

Stars and Stripes
Published: January 23, 2015
Gen. Lloyd Austin, commander of U.S. Central Command attends a strategic studies seminar in Washington, D.C. on Dec. 2, 2014.

The U.S. and Iraq are preparing for an assault by summer to retake Mosul, selecting and training military units and cutting supply lines to Islamic State militants who control Iraq’s second-largest city, the top American commander in the Middle East told the Wall Street Journal.

Gen. Lloyd Austin, head of U.S. Central Command, said the campaign against Islamic State has inflicted significant damage. Opposing forces have reclaimed about 300 square miles of territory in Iraq and killed some 6,000 members of the Sunni radical group, and eliminated about half its leadership.

Shiite Baghdad has the Southern Port routes open - Route Irish to the Baghdad Airport - the Kurds and Turks and all of Europe to the North for trade routes - and all of Iran to the East - and coalition aircraft over head. And you believe ISIS has Baghdad surrounded.

You are quite a joke you should know.
Shiite Baghdad has the Southern Port routes open - Route Irish to the Baghdad Airport - the Kurds and Turks and all of Europe to the North for trade routes - and all of Iran to the East - and coalition aircraft over head. And you believe ISIS has Baghdad surrounded.

For now. When summer comes back lets see whats up. Military forces that rely on maneuver instead of massive numbers tend to hole up for winter historically.

You are quite a joke you should know.

Lol, and you are hilarious and a fool.
JimB 10610404
Lol, and you are hilarious and a fool.

Where did you find that ridiculous map showing DAIISH surrounding Baghdad and your damned fool idea that Iran won't keep Shiite Baghdad alive and well for a long long time.

I found it at FUCK YOU, you shit for brains.

And if you think the USA and other western nations are comfortable at all with Iran filling in for us in pushing back ISIS you are a bigger fool than I thought.
JimB 10612628
And if you think the USA and other western nations are comfortable at all with Iran filling in for us in pushing back ISIS you are a bigger fool than I thought.

Iraq is a sovereign nation. They can take support from whomever they want and western nations can do nothing about it.

What is your problem with Iran assisting the slaughter of DAIISH terrorist scum,
There rightwingnuts cheered for Putin, and then they cheered for ISIS. In both cases, they were and are clearly against the interests of this nation. They want, no matter what it costs the USA, President Obama to fail. And thus far, the President has made these treasonous jerks look like fools.
OR 10613312
There rightwingnuts cheered for Putin, and then they cheered for ISIS. In both cases, they were and are clearly against the interests of this nation. They want, no matter what it costs the USA, President Obama to fail. And thus far, the President has made these treasonous jerks look like fools.

The proof of what you said is that all these treasonous jerks cannot respond to questions relative to the jerky things they say. Such as this recently asked
Question for JimBowie.

NF 10612794.
What is your problem with Iran assisting the slaughter of DAIISH terrorist scum,

Conservatives are taught that human thought comes to them similar to religion - through divine intervention and to be taken on faith that all conservative thought is infallible and does not need to be base on objective reality, fact checking or any desire to understand why and what they think.

Hatred of Obama suffices as a reason for every thought including complaining if some Iranians put their lives on the line to kill some DAIISH killers in Iraq.
JimB 10610404
For now. When summer comes back lets see whats up. Military forces that rely on maneuver instead of massive numbers tend to hole up for winter historically

That may have been true for al Qaeda and the Taliban in years past in Afghanistan, but not so for DAIISH in Iraq. They have what they call an Islamic State to run govern and defend.

There is no hiding out in caves through the winter for defenders of a state or even a city like Mosul.

Your response was once again pure nonsense.
JimB 10610404
For now. When summer comes back lets see whats up. Military forces that rely on maneuver instead of massive numbers tend to hole up for winter historically

That may have been true for al Qaeda and the Taliban in years past in Afghanistan, but not so for DAIISH in Iraq. They have what they call an Islamic State to run govern and defend.

There is no hiding out in caves through the winter for defenders of a state or even a city like Mosul.

Your response was once again pure nonsense.

You are an idiot. 'Holing up' does not require a cave moron, it is simply an expression. Winter across the northern hemisphere hinders maneuver in various ways. Operations tend to be conducted from late spring to early autumn. So they set up defensive perimeters and wait for better weather so they can operate at full capacity. Even the shallowest dilettante knows this. The only major exception was the Soviet Union on the Eastern Front in WW2 and the Chicoms in North Korea in 1950. Both were willing to conduct major winter operations because they were not armies that relied on maneuver but on massive numbers, and so the winter had no serious reduction in their efficiency or maneuverability.

To summarize; don't you have a street go play in, dipshit?

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